3803 Uppsatser om Change in progress - Sida 43 av 254
Kulturpolitik i den svenska välfärdsstaten: en idéanalys av två propositioner
This essay is about Swedish government cultural policy.The premise is that cultural policy is a form of welfarepolicy. The welfare state has changed and this affects theconditions for the cultural policy. Welfare is funded andorganized in different parts of society, in three spheres thatcan be said to represent society as a whole. These spheresare the public sphere, the market and the civil society. Theaim is to analyze how the national cultural policy appearedin the 1970s, compared to how it appears today.
Att byta grupp : En studie om elevers och studenters perspektiv på icke självvalda grupper
The purpose of this research is to investigate the group constellation that is, what thoughts, feelings and sensations that arise when students and pupils change groups. The study will also affect students and pupils knowledge of why they should work in groups. Their perceived security will also be something that this study is looking for.The main questions of this study are:How does students and pupils experience the phenomenon of "group replacement"?What is considered to work or not work in the new group formations?The method that is used in this study is based on six qualitative interviews with students and pupils from three different levels of education. The target groups are college and high school students.
Den fysiska resebyråns framtid : En studie om de fysiska resebyråernas förändrade betydelse på resemarknaden
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is that from the physical travel agencies perspective try to see how they perceive their future, knowing that the booking on Internet has increased.Problem: What are the prospects for future development of the physical travel agency? Has the technological development affected the physical travel agency and forced it to change its role and meaning?Method: This paper has a qualitative approach. Interviews have been made with employees on physical travel agencies to try to reach a deeper understanding and thereafter be able to give us an understanding of our problem.Conclusion: The physical travel agency has been given a new role as the employees are no longer seen as sellers but more regarded to as consultants. The travel agency has become more of an information bank than just a shop where travels are being sold. Despite this change, we believe that customers will continue to visit the physical travel agents because of the unique knowledge and services they can provide that Internet not yet can offer.
Ledarskap i klassrummet : En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra lärare förhåller sig till pedagogiskt ledarskap
The purpose of this study is to analyse the attitude of four teachers to leadership in the classroom. The main research questions asked were:What are the teachers` views on leadership in the classroom?What does good versus bad leadership mean to the teachers? What factors influence the teachers' leadership in the classroom, according to themselves?The method used is the qualitative method and interviews, which is my empirical material, I relate to different theories and previous research of leadership.The curriculum for the compulsory school system, the pre-school class and the leisure-time centre, Lpo 94, says a lot about how both the school and the teacher must pursue a democratic activity; the teacher must have a democratic leadership in the classroom (Lpo 94, s. 5). At school, the pupils should be met with respect, they should feel safe and be motivated to learn.
Artificiell insemination av får
AbstractThe purpose of this bachelor thesis is to describe the use of artificial insemination (AI) in sheep and discuss the possibilities for AI in Sweden. Male and female fertility, heat detection, semen handling and insemination techniques in sheep are described. Advantages and disadvantages of AI are discussed. In order to achieve genetic progress it is important with well planned and implemented breeding programs. The Swedish Sheep Recording Scheme and computer software from Elitlamm are the basis for sheep breeding in Sweden.
Reklambyråers anpassning till en föränderlig omvärld : En fallstudie om vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att reklambyråer ska överleva på den alltmer konkurrenskraftiga och överetablerade marknaden
Background: Change factors have appeared in advertising and customer understanding has grown among companies, which have led to important competitive advantages. Advertising agencies are not the only ones benefiting from this expertise anymore, but companies are starting to thus take clients from advertising agencies. They are also taking intermediaries, such as production, over more and more jobs from advertising agencies. This has led to an even tougher competition in the market and that advertising agencies are losing their jobs. The increased competition in the market, has also led many companies choosing to change its advertising agency, to think in new and changing strategies in the enterprise.
VEMS SÄKERHET? VILKA RÄTTIGHETER? : Om diskursförändringen i svensk migrationspolitisk riksdagsdebatt 1975-2002
Human rights and solidarity, as well as moral and legal responsibilities to protect people in need of refuge, seem to be principles of secondary importance within international migratory policies today. Instead, the predominant view seems to focus more and more on the protection of territorial borders, the welfare state and national identity. This international change in discourse can also be seen in the political trends of individual states. There are reasons to believe that this is a development that is also perceptible in the political rhetoric that is used in parliamentary debates, which constitute the main focus of this thesis. The aim of this study has therefore been to increase the understanding of this change in migratory policies by analyzing Swedish parliamentary debates between 1975 and 2002, using a theoretical framework focused on two different perspectives on security: First, the Copenhagen School and securitization of migration, and second, human security and human rights.
Demokrati och diskurs. En normativ analys av diskursiv påverkan på de demokratiska värdena öppenhet, ansvarsutkrävande och inflytande
The idea that I put forward in this thesis concerns the democratic system and the threat from discoursive impact on its core values. I focus my normative analysis on three of these democratic values: transparency, accountability and influence ? and what democratic problems the discoursive impact causes in conflict with them. I have used a critical discourse theory to define discourse and discoursive impact, by focusing on the process of discourse, rather than its nature. I deal with the political structure where I claim that the essential relation between citizen and politician is disrupted, due to lack of information and the imminent problems of the existing network society.
Klimatförändringars påverkan på kulturmiljöer i Uppsala stad ur ett geovetenskapligt perspektiv
Cultural heritages are environments created by humans that are considered to have a conservation value for the posterity. They can be seen as one of society's non renewable resources. It is important to have knowledge of how cultural heritages are affected by future climate changes.The water flow in Uppsala is estimated to increase during winter and decrease during spring and summer. Precipitation will gradually increase as well as the intense short period precipitation. The average temperature is estimated to increase as well.
En studie av zero knowledge-identifikationsprotokoll för smarta kort
Zero knowledge protocols is a lesser known type of protocol that can be used for identification. These protocols are especially designed not to reveal any information during an identification process that can be misused later on, neither by the one who should be convinced of the identity of the user, nor by anyone else that is eavesdropping. Many of these protocols are also especially designed for implementation in smart cards. The more common type of card with a magnetic stripe has during the last few years become more susceptible to attacks since they are easily copied. Smart cards combined with a secure identification protocol has been predicted to be the solution to this problem.
Den sjunkande läsförmågans pedagogiska konsekvenser. En fallstudie
SyfteEtt av syftena med beskriven studie är att undersöka om och hur läsförmågan på en skola sjunkit. Ett annat syfte är att undersöka vad detta fått och har haft för pedagogiska konsekvenser. Uppsatsen fokuserar på de pedagogiska konsekvenserna. TeoriUppsatsens undersökning utgår ifrån det sociokulturella perspektivet, och tar stöd av Säljös och Vygotskijs teorier om lärande, det vill säga lärande i det inlärningsklimat elever skapar tillsammans i klassrummet. Om elevers läsförmåga förändras, förändras också den sociala miljö som karaktäriserar inlärningsklimatet.
Skogsbruksplanens betydelse för aktiviteten hos privata skogsägare i Älvdalen :
The purpose of Älvdalens besparingsskog is to develop the district and most of all the forestry in Älvdalen. It's owned by about 2 300 private forest owners who's landed properties are located in Älvdalen. Every year the besparingsskogen gives out a lot of its profit in form different types of subsidies for agriculture and forestry. The owners can apply for subsidies for several of the costs that occur in forestry. During the period 2000-2003 the owners are offered forest management plans and pcSKOG-gård at no cost for their private forest properties.
The purpose of this master's thesis was to find out if the activity in the forestry changed when the forest owners got new forest management plans and the computer program pcSKOG-gård.
Implementering av CRM
Background: The fierce competetivness that characterize todays market force the companies to differentiate their offerings to a greater extent. The customers do no longer choose their supplier on the attributes of the products alone. Their purchase decisions also depend on the relationship the customers have with their supplier. With new customer channels like the Internet and advanced computer systems companies can increase the value for their customers through a better understanding of the customers needs and preferences. In this way companies can create longterm relationships with their customers.
En förändrad värld, en omdanad säkerhet? - En studie om klimatförändringars effekt på svensk säkerhetspolitik
The concept of national security has been a matter for debate during recent years, especially in academic fields. Criticism has surfaced since the end of the cold war, directed towards the traditional perspective's dogmatic focus on armed threats and interstate war. Questions concerning an oncoming paradigm shift have been raised, regarding a widening of the security agenda among national states to also include alternative threats, such as environmental hazards. In this thesis, the focus lies on the effects that climate changes have caused in the Swedish national security agenda during the last 15 years. Swedish policy documents show that there have been some major changes, not only the widening of the security agenda but the entire security domain seems to have changed.
Ungdomsbegreppet i examensarbeten ? en diskursanalys av texter skrivna på Bibliotekshögskolan 1972 - 2002
This Master?s thesis aims to study how the concept ?youth? is understood and used in papers and publications about public libraries, written at The Swedish School of Library and Information Science from 1972 to 2002. It does this by answering three questions: Firstly, how is the concept ?youth? formulated in papers and publications at SSLIS from 1972 - 2002? Secondly, has the concept ?youth? changed in the analysed texts during the chosen time and, if that is the case, what constitutes this change? And, finally, what types of consequences for the understanding of the users can this have for the writers and readers of these texts? Discourse analysis is used to analyze how this concept is constituted, transformed and understood. Among the things studied in the discourse analysis is the interdiscursivity and intertextuality of the texts, as well as the meaning of the word, the wordings and modality of the analysed texts.