

3500 Uppsatser om Change after psychotherapy - Sida 4 av 234

?Införandet av ett nytt ledningssystem : En undersökning över vilka faktorer som kan ha betydelse vid förändringar

AbstractThe dynamic environment means that organizations always faces new challenges. There are various factors which could affect the process of change thus the purpose of this investigation is to research into the key values of organizational changes. We have done an in-depth research about a planned and ongoing process of change in the organization HEM. The aim is to investigate how knowledge and learning are spread among the staff in the company before and during changes. Also further investigation has been made to study the communication between management and employees through the changes. This report includes seven individuals with different working positions within the organization.

En förändring : Nordeas anpassning och påverkan av Basel II

Problem: How has Nordea been adapted and influenced by the change of Basel II and how have the employees reacted on the new change?Purpose: This essay has a purpose to study how Basel II has influenced the credit rating at Nordea. We also want to study how the employees have reacted to the new change.Method: To receive the information that was necessary for this study interviews were performed with the employees at Nordea. The interviews were an effective way to start a discussion and by that we received important information.Basel II is new capital cover rules that the Swedish banks have introduced. These new rules mean that it will become more important with safety when it comes to risk management and credit giving.

Mot mer makt? - En studie om utvecklingsländers maktsituation i Världshandelsorganisationen WTO

This thesis examines the power of developing countries within the World Trade Organization (WTO). The research question is if there is a change in the power relations between developing countries and developed countries from the establishment of the WTO in 1995 and until mid 2006, and if so, why this change is taking place? The thesis has its theoretical starting-point within regime theory and views it from a critical theoretical perspective. A multidimensional why of dealing with the concept of power is being used to answer if there is a change in the power relations? The conclusion is that there is a small change in the power relations and that the developing countries are gaining more, but limited power.

Metodfokus på Affekt; Hur känns det?

Evidence-based psychotherapeutic methods compete with each other, while meta-analysis have shown that variability due to different methods related to outcome is remarkably low. In this qualitative study six former patients were interviewed about experiences of method and technique in Affect-focused therapy, with a slight overweight towards unsatisfactory experiences. Responses were analysed and categorised in emergent themes. Methodological focus on affect showed to be a much appreciated, as well as insufficient, element. Alongside positive experiences or summaries of therapy, methodological frames were felt to be at times restrictive, even invalidating, as far as not allowing focus on what was felt to be the more predominant need.

Förändring inom Polisen ? : en fallstudie ur ett medarbetarperspektiv

Background: The Swedish Police authorities have accomplished several changes the last years. We have studied one of these changes, the co-ordination of two supporting functions, economy and staffadministration at the Police authorities in Östergötland, Jönköping, Södermanland and SKL (Swedish crime technical laboratory). The initiative to this change was taken in 2002 and in 2003 a decision was made to create a joint servicecenter.Purpose: The purpose of this rapport is, in a collaborator perspective, to study the employees´ experiences of the change process.Method: The empirical material was collected throw interviews with the employees who have taken part in the change process. Even the leader of the project has been interviewed.Results: We have distinguished five central aspects in the change process. These are information/communication and understanding, the project leader, teamwork, timeaspect/reflexion and the leadership.

Organisationskultur i förändring ? Subkulturers inverkan och respons på förändring

AbstractBackground: The company that this report addresses is, at time for investigation, in the midst ofa change in organizational culture, where two departments with different core competencies arebrought together into one. The purpose of this study is to review the potential problems that mayoccur in the change process when one or more subcultures come into conflict with organizationalgoals.Purpose and methodology: The reason for performing this study and the objectives are toexamine how subcultures influence and respond to organizational changes. The survey isconducted with a bottom-up approach in which participation in daily activities with thesubgroups is the foundation. The management's perspective has been omitted in consideration ofpast literature in the field where focus most often has been on their thoughts and views on theprocess of organizational change. The method used is participant observation and interviews.Results and Conclusion: Subcultures exist and they do affect an organizational change.

Begreppet Acceptans som beskrivning av förändring i psykodynamisk psykoterapi

Det debatteras inom psykoterapiforskningen om hur förändring går till. Accep-tans beskrivs av två relationella teoretiker, Safran och Muran (2000), som hjärtat i psykoterapi. Acceptans tycks inte ha studerats som common factor inom psykoterapiforskningen. Frågeställningarna är: Hur kan förändringsproce-ssen beskrivas i psykodynamisk psykoterapi med hjälp av begreppet acceptans? Har patienterna nått en ökad acceptans, vilken slags acceptans ar de uppnått och hur hänger det samman med förändring? Framträder acceptans i intervjuer-na på ett sådant sätt så att man kan se det som en common factor av betydelse?  Arbetet har en kvalitativ ansats där intervjuer med sex vuxna som genomgått långtids psykoanalys eller psykodynamisk terapi analyserades med tematisk analys.

Organisationsförändring ? hot eller utmaning

Working life changes, just like the rest of today?s society, at an accelerated pace. It is through changes and challenges that human beings develop, personally and professionally. Changes are often met by resistance. The purpose of this study is to see how different factors influence individuals? experiences of change.

Förändring som styrmedel  : En studie av implementering av nya rutiner på IKEA Örebro

This paper aims to study the Armenakis´ theory of readiness, "are they ready?", which consists of five key components affecting the outcome of an organizational change. In this case study, the intention is to investigate if any component is important; alternatively if it is possible to discern a pattern between components, i.e. how they correspond to each other. During the past 30 years have a research group lead by Armenakis has studied organizational change and how resistance to change can be avoided by preparing employees in the introductory phase of change. The main object for Armenakis is the question "what determines whether the employees (change recipients) adopt and support, or reject and resist a change".

Sportswear of Sweden - I strävan efter autenticitet : Ett företags strävan att repositionera sig autentiskt

This paper aims to study the Armenakis´ theory of readiness, "are they ready?", which consists of five key components affecting the outcome of an organizational change. In this case study, the intention is to investigate if any component is important; alternatively if it is possible to discern a pattern between components, i.e. how they correspond to each other. During the past 30 years have a research group lead by Armenakis has studied organizational change and how resistance to change can be avoided by preparing employees in the introductory phase of change. The main object for Armenakis is the question "what determines whether the employees (change recipients) adopt and support, or reject and resist a change".

Den främsta förändringen i vardagsarbetet: en studie av bibliotekariers syn på förändring och stabilitet i arbetet

The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what librarians in seven public libraries experience as major change in their work tasks. We are also interested in exploring how these changes influence librarians? ways of working. In addition to this we want to explore if librarians have experienced change in relation to user?s expectations and demands and if so, how they are met.

Den humoristiska livsvärlden. Humorn och skrattets mening i den psykoterapeutiska relationen.

Inledning: Humor, glädje och skratt har varit lika framträdande i det mänskliga livet som i litteraturen, teatern och konsten sedan civilisationens begynnelse, precis som sorgen och det tragiska. Detsamma kan dock inte sägas om psykoterapin. Uppmärksamheten på humorns funktion i terapeutisk behandling har varit ytterst begränsad.Frågeställningar: Vilken betydelse har humor när den uttrycks i den psykoterapeutiska kontexten och processen?Metod: Studie är kvalitativ. Fem psykoterapeuter intervjuades med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan analyserades och tolkats utifrån en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk ansats.Resultat: Humor i terapi kan öppna upp tillvaron, ge en känsla av gemenskap, erbjuda förhållningssätt till döden samt skänka insikt.

Outsourcing- vilka faktorer påverkar intressenternas förväntningar? En studie om ett förändringsarbete mellan flera intressenter i ett outsourcing sammanhang

The complex, ever growing and changing environment, requires that today's organizations are dynamic and willing to change in order to stand competitive.This awareness has made change number one priority in almost all organizations' agenda.We live in a world that is constantly changing, yet many organizations fail to change successfully. When a change occurs in complex environments with multiple stakeholders, it immediately increases the complexity and the challenges of the change process.A complex situation may arise when, for example, partial outsourcing of the corporate information system infrastructure. Two of the most difficult challenges that organizations face today is to conduct a successful change process and managing the effect of a change, such as arising expectations. It is very common for change in an organization not to achieve the desired result or that they even fail. There may be a lot of reasons for these failures.

Motstånd till förändring

The aim of this study is to compare attitudes to change among innovation and economics students and teachers at one of the universities in Sweden.Data about students? and teachers? attitudes to change was gathered using a survey.Keeping in mind that knowledge can lower ones resistance this study is based on a hypothesis that individuals from the innovations program have a lower resistance to change. The study is also based on earlier research in regards to comparisons between students and teachers.The results of the study show that teachers have less resistance to change than students. Individuals in the innovation program are however less resistant to change than individuals in the economics program.One can discuss whether or not results of the study show that the hypothesis is correct.The difference between individuals in the economics- and the innovation program are statistically significant and has moderate effects in reality. The differences between teachers and students are statistically significant but only have a small effect.It is however a starting-point for future studies that will possibly explore the subject more profoundly..

Inramning av klimatförändringar : I svensk dagspress 2012 och bland unga vuxna

Something that all people have come across and more or less experienced is climate change. Climate change in itself is a very complex problem since there are no borders between countries that can stop the problem. The link between science and the public is largely in the hands of the media, since the media play an important role in defining environmental issues and to inform the public about research findings. In recent years, reports from the media showed a slightly skeptical and uncertain picture of this problem. This is despite the largely prevailing consensus among climate scientists that there is an anthropogenic climate change.

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