

138 Uppsatser om Certification - Sida 4 av 10

Skötsel av torvmarksskogar - vad vet egentligen Västerbottens skogsbolag?

About a quarter of the Swedish land area is covered with shallow or thick peat. There is a potential to increase forest production in Sweden with almost 2 million m3/year in selected peatlands with low conservation values. This increase can be accomplished by drainage, complementary drainage, ditch maintenance operations and fertilization. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge regarding the management of forests on peatlands and was restricted to selected forest companies in Västerbotten County, with offices in Umeå. Three companies were chosen, SCA, Holmen and Norra Skogsägarna.

En enkätstudie av privata småskogsbrukares inställning till skogsbrukets certifiering

Moelven Skog AB is currently working actively to increase the number of certified forest owners in private small-scale forestry. This study was conducted in collaboration with Moelven Skog AB and seeks to learn why private small scale forest owners not yet have certified their forestry and what should be done to increase the number of certified forest owners. The study was conducted through a questionnaire study. The result of the study shows that information needs of forest Certification to private small scale forest owners is great. Many non-certified forest owners have not even heard of either PEFC or FSC. The majority of respondents also have no education in forestry.

Miljöcertifieringssystemet Miljöbyggnad : Inverkan på utformningen av ett kontor

The use and attention given to the Certification system ?Miljöbyggnad? has increasedin recent years. The system is completely Swedish and was initiated in 2005 by theBygga-Bo-Dialogen. Miljöbyggnad aims to create a healthy indoor environment, reduceenergy consumption and discourage the use of hazardous chemical substances. Thegrades that can be obtained are Classified, Brons, Silver and finally Gold.The work has been to examine three different models and conclude how the designof the models affect the grades in the Certification system Miljöbyggnad.

Vägen till ett lyckat kvalitetsarbete med ISO 9001 : en studie av kritiska framgångsfaktorer för mindre företag ur ett globalt perspektiv

More than 90 % of all business activity in the world market consists of small and midsized companies today. Recent studies have shown that there has been an increase in small companies? Certification to ISO's management standards. Smaller organizations tend to have more limited amounts of resources at their disposal than larger ones. This can result in difficulties during the implementation process of ISO 9001.

Kundcentrerade miljöåtgärder - En studie av Pan Nordic Logistics kunders krav på miljövänliga transporter : Customer centered environmental measures - A study of Pan Nordic Logistics customers demand for environment-friendly transport

Traditional product features such as price, quality and supply service have been extended and nowadays includes environmental aspects as well. It raises new and increasing demands on haulier companies. The transport sector is responsible for a large part of the pollutants causing today?s environmental problems. The business is being closely monitored and to operate environmental friendly is seen as one of the most important elements for the industry?s future development.

Naturhänsyn vid föryngringsavverkningar : En jämförelse mellan certifierade och o-certifierade hyggen

A growing number of Swedish forest owners are choosing to certify their forestry. However, there appears to be a lack of field surveys which describe differences between certified and non-certified forests concerning the degree of completed environmental considerations. In order to know to what extent certified forests contribute towards improved environmental consideration, we need studies on how large the difference is in relation to non-certified forests.Differences between certified and non-certified forest clearings were quantified through an inventory of the number of retention trees, dead trees and snags. The result showed that the retained number of the investigated parameters varied greatly between individual clearings, regardless of Certification status. However, the results suggested that the certified clearings had an average higher incidence ofthe investigated parameters.

LEED - Hur har projekt Gruset 1 påverkats av en miljöcertifiering enligt LEED, "New Construction and Major Renovations"

Innan årsskiftet 2011-2012 blev Sveriges första lager som är miljöcertifierat enligt LEED färdigställt. LEED står för Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design och är en miljöcertifiering som har funnits sedan år 2000. LEED finns i fyra olika nivåer - certified, silver, gold och platinum. Vilken nivå som projektet når baseras på ett poängsystem som bedömer byggnaden i sju kategorier och projektet som avser vår fallstudie är certifierad i nivå gold. LEED växer ständigt och är idag en internationellt väletablerad miljöcertifiering.

Om utformning av ett verksamhetssystem : En utvärdering av nuläge, tillgänglighet och erfarenheter

These days most companies conduct some form of work for the external environment, quality and safety. In connection with this work, some companies have chosen to get management systems certified by any applicable standard for one or more of the fields while other companies have chosen other ways that are not associated with Certification.In light of the fact that the individual systems are becoming unmanageable an increasing number of these companies are faced with the decision whether to integrate and coordinate these different systems or not. In order to study the possibilities of a company?s system coordination an assessment of elements particularly interesting for the company was performed. The key elements and focuses in the evaluation were staff access to information, experiences from other companies and environmental work status for some of the organization's companies.

Naturvårdshänsyn i boreal bruksskog : En studie om avverkningar och avverkare i skogarna runt Saxdalen i södra Dalarna

As the past century?s technological development has progressed the Swedish boreal forests have transformed into dense, highly productive, homogenous and coniferous forests. The area around Saxdalen in Ludvika municipality has long been dominated forests which have been heavily worked since the 18th century. There are in Ludvika 119 000 hectares of productive forest land. Around 70 percent are owned by forest companies and 20 by private forest owners.

Svanenmärkning av småhus : Kan Faluhus uppnå en Svanencertifiering?

Eco Certification of small housesTo construct an environmental friendly building and show that as a company you care for the environment, is presently very attractive in the Swedish real estate market.This degree thesis covers the environmental Certification called ?Svanenmärkning? the Swan, witch is the Swedish equivalent to the European standard ?the EU Flower?. It is concentrated on the Certification process in small houses that the Swedish institute of standard, SIS, has presented. We have worked together with the company Faluhus witch is a Swedish producer of small family houses.Faluhus is located in the town of Borlänge, Dalarna and has produced family houses since the 1950:s. They have a great heritage born in the old Swedish mining culture, with great wooden mansions and country homes.

Förutsättning och fördelar att införa kvalitetsledningssystem enligt ISO 9001

The ISO 9000-series is a set of quality standards created by the International Organization for Standardization. The series is intended to provide guidance to companies in the process of deploying an effective quality management system. The series includes the requirements standard ISO 9001. This standard contains requirements on how a quality management system should be designed and how companies generally must work with quality issues. When a quality management system is introduced, if wanted, a quality Certification can be implemented.

Skogsbruksplanen och dess inverkan på den skogliga aktiviteten hos enskilda skogsägare i norra Sverige

Detta examensarbete är utfört på uppdrag av skogsägarföreningen Norra Skogsägarna (Norra) för att undersöka om innehavet av en uppdaterad skogsbruksplan har något samband med hur stor andel av den produktiva skogsarealen där avverkning och skogsvård årligen sker hos enskilda skogsägare i norra Sverige. Analyserna baserades på enkätsvar, data från skogbruksplaner, uppgifter om utförda avverkningar enligt Norra skogsägarnas verksamhetssystem NOVA, samt offentlig statistik från Skogsstyrelsen och data från Riksskogstaxeringen. Examensarbetet söker besvara sju frågeställningar, tre handlar om den skogliga aktiviteten på privata enskilda fastigheter. och fyra syftar till att analysera Norras skogsbruksplaner med avseende på hur väl de följs och hur virkesförrådet förväntas utvecklas. Data analyserades med hjälp av olika t-test där insamlade data jämfördes med data från Skogsstyrelsens offentliga statistik och data från riksskogstaxeringen. Resultaten visar att skogsägare som investerat i en skogsbruksplan (SBP) utför avverkning/skogsvårdsåtgärder på större andel av sin produktiva areal än de som saknar plan. Den åtgärdade andelen ökar från perioden före till perioden efter att skogsbruksplanen tas emot.

Den nya marknaden i Japan : En fallstudie av svenska cleantechföretags möjligheter på den japanska markanden

The purpose of this study is to facilitate sustainable building by the use of BIM. The goal is to determine which aspects of sustainable building, which can be analyzed mainly with BIM tools, but also other aids.The study is based on literature studies and interviews. The literature review examines aspects important for sustainable building by studying environmental Certification systems applicable in Sweden, as well as the BIM tools available on the market to analyze these aspects. The literature also includes the concepts of BIM and sustainability in order to provide a clearer view of its meaning. The interviews have brought the study's overall understanding of the industry and guidance on the subject.The results are presented in a table, where the aspects relevant to sustainable building are listed.

Ett dedikert sportprodukt till klatring for mennesker med amputert arm

The purpose of this study is to facilitate sustainable building by the use of BIM. The goal is to determine which aspects of sustainable building, which can be analyzed mainly with BIM tools, but also other aids.The study is based on literature studies and interviews. The literature review examines aspects important for sustainable building by studying environmental Certification systems applicable in Sweden, as well as the BIM tools available on the market to analyze these aspects. The literature also includes the concepts of BIM and sustainability in order to provide a clearer view of its meaning. The interviews have brought the study's overall understanding of the industry and guidance on the subject.The results are presented in a table, where the aspects relevant to sustainable building are listed.

BIM för Hållbart Byggande

The purpose of this study is to facilitate sustainable building by the use of BIM. The goal is to determine which aspects of sustainable building, which can be analyzed mainly with BIM tools, but also other aids.The study is based on literature studies and interviews. The literature review examines aspects important for sustainable building by studying environmental Certification systems applicable in Sweden, as well as the BIM tools available on the market to analyze these aspects. The literature also includes the concepts of BIM and sustainability in order to provide a clearer view of its meaning. The interviews have brought the study's overall understanding of the industry and guidance on the subject.The results are presented in a table, where the aspects relevant to sustainable building are listed.

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