

3407 Uppsatser om Central venkateter - Sida 6 av 228

Livscykelanalys: Pelletspanna från kvänum energi

This study will identify the environmental impact in terms of carbon dioxide for a boiler house on behalf of Kvänum energi. The boiler central consists of a main building, which in turn contains multiple components such as boilers, pipes, etc, the boiler central uses pellets fuel. It also includes a silo and an ash container. The total weight of the boiler is about 63 tons. Each boiler has an output of 600 kW; the central includes three boilers with room for a fourth if necessary.

Kan Olikheter ena? En studie om sociala rörelsers potential att skapa dialog

In the process of globalization, identity has become one of the central factors.An understanding of the difference that makes up our society has made thequestion of weather is it possible to envision a society where difference is thecommon ground, one that has been up for contest. To answer this we need to seeif this kind of democracy is possible at all. For this I?m turning to the socialmovments who while they are working close to the reality also can give us somereal answers. Therefore I have looked at how social movements adress identity,difference and conflict and concluded that three things are crucial in organizing ongrounds of difference.

Läs- och skrivlärande : En studie av lärarhandledningar i svenska för årskurs 1

AbstractThe aim of this study is to find out how the central content of the compulsory school curriculum (Lgr11) is handled in three teacher?s manuals for instruction in reading and writing for grade 1, and how these consider interaction and variation in learning how to read and write. Through a qualitative analysis with a hermeneutic approach, the three teacher?s manuals in Swedish for grade 1 were subjected to a close reading. The result shows that parts of the central content of the curriculum are considered, but that it is by studying exercises and texts that these become visible.

Hunden gör som husse, skiter på systemet ? eller...? : Missbrukare, subkultur och stigmatisering

This essay will focus on drug addicts and the world as they see it. The essay is based on intervjues with three men and one woman and participant observation of the three men´s social life in the surroundings of Stockholm. The informants? opinions and experiences are central as well as the observations made of them during an intensive fieldwork. The study which was of an exploring character has revealed a complex relationship between the informants and society.

En analys av centralkylan i Slakthusområdet i Stockholm

In Stockholm, Johanneshov the Slaughterhouse area (Slakthusområdet) can be found. A number of companies have gathered there providing the Stockholmers with meat products. This area has a great need for cooling to supply large cold storages. To facilitate this, a central cooling system has been built, supplying the area with effective and safe cooling.The aim of this master thesis study is to give hints to energy efficient and reliable changes that can be put in place at a low marginal cost depending on the future activities in the area. The suggested changes will be presented to the company Bravida (managing the system), which also desires a deeper understanding of the energy flows through the central cooling system.Firstly visiting the site with proper guidance, we have then tried to understand the function of the system including which machines and media that are used.

Beslutsinstanserna i de svenska storbankerna : Vad prioriterar de i kreditbedömning av företag och varför?

Kreditbedo?mning a?r ett viktigt verktyg fo?r de svenska storbankerna i rollen som kapitalfo?rmedlare fo?r fo?retag. Den kan baseras pa? de 5 C?na och genomfo?ras pa? flera olika beslutsinstanser. Det finns ett praktiskt och ett teoretiskt problem i hur bankerna skall organisera kreditbedo?mningen da? tidigare forskning a?r oense om prioriteringen i kreditbedo?mningen pa? olika beslutsinstanser och vad som fo?rklarar det.

Ledarskap i Globala Virtuella Projekt

 Language is an important indicator of the interdisciplinarity of a certain subject. Therefore this study evaluates the use of central geographical words and concepts, by teachers and students, in seven communal, non-optional subjects in a Swedish upper secondary school. This study provides results after observations of seven subjects on seven occasions, at one upper secondary school. This study shows that by a method of observation, central geographical concepts were used by teachers and students at various extents. Furthermore, the observations provide results of the concept use by over 100 students and 12 teachers.

Höjning av vattennivån i Mälaren : Ett hot mot Stockholms centrala delar vid en framtida klimatförändring?

In today?s World is climate change an important and hot topic. Climate scenarios for Sweden show a warmer climate, especially during the autumn, winter and spring. The same climate scenarios also show that the precipitation will increase during this part of the year, however, during the summer the opposite is expected to occur. The purpose of this essay is to examine how future climate change will affect Stockholm especially the expected increase in precipitation, which may lead to a rising level of the Lake Mälaren. During 2000/2001 was Stockholm hit by a flood. This flood nearly resulted in major consequences and showed that there were significant risks for the city of Stockholm and increasing precipitation will result in even more water in the drainage systems of Lake Mälaren. The results presented here show that it is important to increase the drainage capacity of Lake Mälaren in order to reduce the risks of flooding in the central parts of Stockholm.

Motivation : En studie om behov, mål och motivationsfaktorer

Title: A study about needs, goals and motivational factorsCourse/Subject: Business Administration concentration Leadership, 15 hpAuthors: Ulrika HerolfTutor: Anders BillströmKeywords: Needs, Goals, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivational FactorsBackground and problem Motivation is a large subject and in my investigation on the matter I found that needs, goals, intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors frequently occurred. By that I got interested in research if any of these four key terms was more central for an individual?s motivation within a working team or if all four was as equally central.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which motivational factors that is important to an individual?s motivation. I will do this by investigate the terms needs, goals, intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. I want to investigate this by interviewing a number of employees within a working team, including a manager.  My hope is that my thesis will interest managers in working teams, future managers and co-workers that want to learn more about motivation.Problem statement: What factors are important to individual motivation in a working team?   Methodology: I conducted a qualitative study where I gathered data from five persons.

Tomteboda BO

Projektet innebär en nyprogrammering och ombyggnad av en stor 60-talsbyggnad, belägen framför det nationalromantiska "Kontrollkontoret" i Solna, Tomteboda. Det nya förslaget innebär yteffektiva student och forskarbostäder i mångfald. Från enkilda boendeceller till gemensamma boenden och radhusliknande lägenheter. Detta för att möta den efterfrågan av bostäder som ständigt ökar och för att anpassa den ekonomiska aspekten i att bygga bostäder så nära Stockholms city. En central fråga har varit att anpassa boendet efter buller, då platsen är utsatt för buller från olika håll; järnväg & motorväg.

Den medeltida bebyggelsen i Kungsgårdsområdet i Gamla Uppsala

The intent with this paper is to investigate the medieval habitation in central Old Uppsala. This time-period has over the years been neglected. Therefore I wish to summarize and ana-lyze the medieval habitation to see what can be said about its continuity, and also to investi-gate why it is located in certain areas.Due to the amount of source material I have limited my investigation area to the central Old Uppsala. It is possible that this limitation will affect the result of the research but without the limitations the investigation area would have been too large to handle.The source material has been collected from excavation reports and the summarized. My theory is material culture and material agency.

Skillnaden i central och perifer retinal tjocklek mellan olika ametropier - en OCT-studie

Syfte: Syftet med studien var att, med hja?lp av Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), underso?ka om det finns na?gon skillnad i central och perifer retinal tjocklek mellan olika ametropier.Metod: Studien omfattade 36 fo?rso?kspersoner, som grupperades beroende pa? ametropi i en myop, emmetrop och hyperop grupp. Av de 36 fo?rso?kspersonerna var det 15 myoper, 15 emmetroper och 6 hyperoper. En inledande ma?tning gjordes da?r fo?rso?kspersonernas objektiva refraktion uppma?ttes med autorefraktor och da?refter gjordes en avsta?mning i provba?ge fo?r att sa?kersta?lla refraktionen.

Palliativ vård : Utifrån anhörigas och sjuksköterskors perspektiv

Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva sjuksköterskans rutiner i samband med insättande och omvårdnad av perifera venkatetrar samt att beskriva observationer och åtgärder som sjuksköterskan gör för att undvika komplikationer. Artikelsökningen har skett i databaserna: Elin@Dalarna, Blackwell Synergy, EBSCO-host och Elsevier. De sökord som använts i olika kombinationer var: peripheral, intravenous, catheter/line/cannula, handhygiene, nurse, infections, phlebitis, routine och technique. Artiklarna skulle vara vetenskapligt skrivna på engelska och fick inte vara publicerade före år 1996. Sammanlagt inkluderades 20 artiklar i litteraturstudien varav 16 kvantitativa, 2 kvalitativa och 2 där båda designerna fanns representerade.

Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av smärtlindring av barn i en prehospital kontext - en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Syftet med denna studie är att studera ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att bedöma och vårda barn under tio års ålder med akut smärta i en prehospital kontext. Metod: Studien utfördes som en kvalitativ empirisk intervjustudie baserad på fem öppna frågor. Tio ambulanssjuksköterskor intervjuades och fick beskriva positiva och negativa upplevelser av att omhänderta barn 0-10 år med akut smärta i prehospital kontext. Materialet analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en manifest och latent ansats. Resultat: Upplevelser av det vårdande mötet var en utmaning. Ambulanssjuksköterskan förberedde sig inför smärtbehandling under framkörningen till barnet. En bra smärtlindring var förenad med ett gott omhändertagande men smärtbehandlingen var svår och mångfacetterad.

Väpnade religiösa konflikter - Fundamentalismoch terrorism : En intervjustudie om hur religionslärare och religionslärarstudenteranvänder och resonerar kring begreppen fundamentalism och terrorism iskolundervisningen.

This paper?s main goal is to study how religious studies teachers and religious studies teacherstudents reason concerning armed religious conflicts, with fundamentalism and terrorism ascentral concepts. The study does this with the use of semi-structured interviews. The resultsare analyzed with a phenomenographic analysis with the interviewees? understanding of thecentral concepts being the target of the interviews.

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