

3407 Uppsatser om Central venkateter - Sida 20 av 228

De gamla gudar leva än : om Uppsala studentnationers sittningskultur

Uppsalas studentnationer grundades på 1600-talet och har sedan dess blivit en central del i Uppsalasstudentliv. I föreliggande studie undersöks Uppsala studentnationers roll i främjandet avstudenternas välbefinnande och skapande av gemenskap mellan medlemmarna. Särskilt fokus istudien ligger på de så kallade sittningarna ? middagar med mat, dryck, sång och tal. Sittningarna ären del av nationslivet som är särskilt viktig för produktion och reproduktion av gemensammasymboler inom ramen för de ritualer som äger rum på sittningarna.

Växande stadsrum : Koloniområden ? ianspråktagande och skapande av rum i staden

Åldersdiskriminering har under senare tid blivit en alltmer central samhällsfråga. I Sverige och även runt om i världen tycks det finnas en oro för hur utvecklingen sett ut de senaste åren och hur den ser ut i nuläget. Denna studie är en litteraturstudie som sammanställer och redovisar, samt kritiskt granskar och diskuterar den nytillkomna åldersdiskrimineringsgrunden och det som finns dokumenterat om åldersdiskriminering i Sverige. Studien redogör för att ålderdiskriminering förorsakar sämre självförtroende, sämre hälsotillstånd, stress samt psykiska besvär hos individen. Vidare visar studien att diskriminering, oavsett grund, medför stort lidande för den enskilda individen och stängda möjligheter..

Åldersdiskriminering i svensk kontext - med fokus på personer som är 50 år och äldre.

Åldersdiskriminering har under senare tid blivit en alltmer central samhällsfråga. I Sverige och även runt om i världen tycks det finnas en oro för hur utvecklingen sett ut de senaste åren och hur den ser ut i nuläget. Denna studie är en litteraturstudie som sammanställer och redovisar, samt kritiskt granskar och diskuterar den nytillkomna åldersdiskrimineringsgrunden och det som finns dokumenterat om åldersdiskriminering i Sverige. Studien redogör för att ålderdiskriminering förorsakar sämre självförtroende, sämre hälsotillstånd, stress samt psykiska besvär hos individen. Vidare visar studien att diskriminering, oavsett grund, medför stort lidande för den enskilda individen och stängda möjligheter..

En plats att växa på? : Unga konfirmandledare och ledarskapsrollen

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Funktion och upplevelse : faktorer för en god boendemiljö applicerade på en plats i Tierp

This thesis is a study of residential environments and a design concept for a proposed housing area in Tierp. The industrial era created a need for the central planning of housing. The confined environments that arised in cities during the 19th century, together with modernistic and democratic ideas, led to regulations in planning and housing. Though the overall goal has been the same: to create a good standard in living, the ideas of how to achieve that have varied. The starting point for following generations has been to attend to the insufficiencies of the earlier planning periods.

Kära dagbok. Hur går det till när man tar guld? : Innehållsanalys av Spendrups reklamkampanj

This is a case study of the advertising campaign ?Guld till alla? (Gold to Everyone) embarked upon by Spendrups Bryggeri AB in a bid to promote Norrlands Guld, during the period 2004. The approach used by Spendrups will be compared with theories about communication planning, communication strategies, target group definition and how to create effective advertising. The main purpose of the comparison is to find which central elements that made the campaign successful. The method we have chosen to use is an explanative content analysis with influences from the dialogue analyse.?Guld till alla? was suppose to be an massive and coherent campaign which was to be integrated with large sports events, such as the Ice Hockey World Championship, UEFA European Championship and the Summer Olympic Games, that all took place the year 2004.

En utredning av meddelande-orienterade lager för Twingly

Att flera datorer används för att gemensamt lösa problem är inte någonting nytt. Det finns många distribuerade system i bruk och många olika lösningar för hur dessa ska kommunicera med varandra. Vissa använder sig av meddelande-orienterade lager för kommunikation vilket det finns väldigt många implementationer av. RabbitMQ är ett exempel där att kommunikation går genom en (eller ett kluster av) central nod och kommunicerar med hjälp av protokollet Advanced Message Queue Protocol, AMQP. I en helt annan kategori finns ZeroMQ som inte definierar någon central nod för all kommunikation att passera utan peer to peer är istället möjlig vilket innebär snabbare responstider men försvårar hur olika klienter hittar till varandra.Det bloggindexerande företaget Twingly kör idag med ett distribuerat system som använder flera olika kösystem för att koordinera ut arbete till de olika datorerna.

Att kommunicera en innovation : Hur kunskap om självbetjäningen spreds inom ICA 1945-1960

The communication of self-service within the ICA-sphere, 1945-1960, points tothe central role of communication in technological change. The study coversthe communication from ICAAB, ICA-Förbundet, AB Köpmannatjänst, threepurchasing centres (Hakon, Essve and Eol) and their respective councils oftrustees. The councils communicated their reservations early on, while theother actors spread knowledge (both economic and practical) of the innovation tothe retailers, and some also to the consumers. The communication of thepurchasing centres and Köpmannatjänst gave greater opportunity for learning,due to higher levels of interaction..

Utvecklas man som person då man blir chef? : en retrospektiv studie

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Att rekrytera till en skola där alla elever har en funktionsnedsättning

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Paulus lagsyn i Rom 3:21-31

Denna uppsats behandlar Paulus syn pa? lagen vilket a?r ett mycket omdebatterat omra?de inom paulusforskningen. Fra?gan om Paulus lagsyn a?r sa? central fo?r den o?vergripande paulustolkingen att alla som vill fo?rsta? Paulus och hans texter ma?ste bilda sig en uppfattning om detta. Det har skrivits ma?nga hyllmeter och diskussionen verkar la?ngt ifra?n avslutad.

Fiskevård och delning av fiske vid lantmäteriförrättningar : Studie av FBL 3 kap 8 §

AbstractThis bachelor thesis was performed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on behalf of the Land Survey Authority. The thesis is about fish conservation and division of fishing water at official duty. It is the Land Survey Authority that examines division of fisheries, but before a case can be implemented, certain requirements must be achieved such as FBL 3:8, which prevent divisions that are deleterious for fish conservation. The purpose of this thesis is: to obtain a clearer view how FBL 3:8 should be applied in practice, how the application differs between the offices in central Sweden, and how fish care is regulated at both international and national levels.At an international level, in EU the commercial fishery is regulated through the common fisheries policy (CFP). The fisheries policy consists of a reform that will last for 10 years.

Ära och död : Mytens identitetskapande funktion för vikingatidens krigarelit

In this essay I want to investigate how the Viking aristocratic warrior elite in Scandinavia used religious mythology for the construction of their identity. The essay also takes up the concept of honor, which was important for the warriors. Honor was central to all people during Viking age and for the warriors it was absolute. In the religious myths, the aristocratic warriors justify their position in society and legitimate their acts of war. Religion continues to have importance to the warrior elite even after the arrival of Christianity.

Demokratisk innovation eller ett spel för gallerierna? : En demokratiteoretisk utvärdering av Participatory Budgeting i en svensk kommun

The aim of this thesis is to explore the institutional design of Participatory Budgeting (PB) in Sweden and how the design may contribute to realize central democratic goods. The study records the different PB experiences in Sweden and focuses on one particular case, which is the only case that successfully qualifies as a genuine PB-process according to international standards and definitions. To examine this, the following questions are asked: which municipalities in Sweden have implemented Participatory Budgeting? How can the institutional design of Participatory Budgeting be described and to what extent does it enable the realization of central democratic goods? To what extent does the institutional design enable the realization of the democratic goods inclusion, popular control, considered judgment and transparency? To what extent does the institutional design enable the realization of the institutional goods of efficiency and transferability?The study is based on an institutional theory of democracy. The method used is a mixed method ideal type analysis that combines document analysis, surveys and interviews.

Medarbetarsamtal varför, vad och hur? : En analys av handböcker om medarbetarsamtal

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

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