313 Uppsatser om Catholic Church - Sida 16 av 21
Om dopet lära de, att det är nödvändigt till saligheten... : Tros- och livsåskådningsvetenskap, D-uppsats
En undersökning och diskussion av motiv för att döpa barn, med fokus på Svenska kyrkan. Motiven studeras från tre olika aktörers perspektiv: 1) Traditionen, framförallt den lutherska reformatoriska traditionen, 2) Svenska kyrkans nutida lära och reflektion, samt 3) De föräldrar som valt att låta döpa sina barn. En stor spänning blir synlig i skillnaden mellan dopföräldrarnas syn på dopet och de övriga två aktörernas dopsyn. Men även mellan traditionen och Svenska kyrkans nutida lära finns avgörande skillnader, framförallt vad gäller synen på människan och på dopets eventuella nödvändighet. Två möjliga vägar framåt diskuteras; dels vad det skulle innebära att tydligare lyfta fram berättelserna om Jesu dop som modell för det kristna dopet, dels hur liturgin i gudstjänsten kan ses som ett kommunikativt växelspel..
Erfarenhet, föränderlighet och arv Gottfrid Adlerz. Om människans ursprung och striden om kulturvärdena
The purpose with this essay is to analyze Adlerz writing within the context of the fiery debate in the 1880?s between the liberal so called ?cultural radical? members of the student organization called Verdandi, and the conservative, uniform oskarian culture named after the Swedish king of the period. I have applied a version of Quentin Skinner?s method, which focuses on the context of a specific writing in order to find out the authors intention, the effect the author hoped to achieve. My questions regard certain themes I discovered in the text and, more importantly, the relationship between these themes and the surrounding debate.
En ständigt pågående debatt : Religionsämnet i skolan från 1919 till 2013
The subject of religion in Swedish schools is the single most talked about topic in the curriculum. One explanation could be that it is the oldest subject in Swedish schools and the topic has undergone the biggest change through time. This process of change has been anything but undebated. The subject of religion within schools has met debates through almost its entire history, partly from the state and from the church, but also from the teachers and the students. Debates concerning the existence of Christianity in Swedish schools as well as the Swedish traditions constantly reoccur in today?s government debates and various media but in different versions.
Fria skolval och lärarfacken : En jämförelse mellan svensk och fransk skoldebatt
This essay compares the public debate in Sweden 1992 caused by the reforms introduced by the then government giving parents a free choice of schools for their children with the current debate in France about proposals for a similar law there. The study concentrates on the positions taken by the teachers trade unions, in Sweden Lärarförbundet and Lärarnas Riksförbund (LR) and in France SGEN-CFDT. To do so it is necessary also to study the arguments given for and against the proposals by the political parties.Some of the differences between the debates can be attributed to different circumstances. The Swedish reform was related to the opening up of possibilities to run private schools, which previously had been rare in Sweden. The French debate has no such connections.
"När som en krigsman i hans här ...": en queerläsning av tidig svensk pingströrelse
The aim of this essay is to do a queer reading of the early Swedish pentecostal movement, with a special focus on the women within the movement. The main empirical material is Gustaf Emil Söderholms Den svenska pingstväckelsens historia part I and II, published 1927 and 1928, in addition to this a selection of articles from the Swedish pentecostal magazine Evangelii Härold has been used. The theoretical framework consists of Judith Butler's concepts of heterosexual matrix and performativity, as well as interpellation, and of Adrienne Rich's concept of a lesbian continuum. The analysis shows that the evangelist role, as well as the charismatic practices of the movement, made it possible for women to take the position as leader and teacher of congregations, and thereby take up a male subject position. The role as evangelist also made possible a life outside of the heterosexual norm, within the lesbian continuum..
Församlingshem, Bankeryd
This report presents a thesis project at the School of Engineering, Jo?nko?pingUniversity, where the task has been to develop a proposal for a parish communitycentre for the Swedish church?s parish community in Bankeryd.Background1 st of November in 2004 the parish in Bankeryd appointed a special commissionof inquiry called Framtidsgruppen (Future Group), to analyse the parishcommunity?s different activities during the past 5 years and analyse the futureactivities and needs for the upcoming 5-10 years. This analysis would underlie theneeds of building a new centre for the parish community.Implementation, results and conclusionThe main focal points which this report is concentrated on has been to develop abuilding that is well suited for the activities, well adjusted for disabled persons andthe building shall be appealing in an architectural point of view.Based on the information provided from the parish community, studies ofliterature, reference objects and discussions with the contact person at the parishcommunity and the instructor of this project, the programming has beendeveloped. The building?s programming has been the source for the continuedwork with floor plans and the building design..
Traditioners roll i grundskoleundervisningen : En studie om hur religiösa traditioner framställs i grundskolans klassrum
This study is about which opinion active teachers are having when it comes to integrate religious traditions and ceremonies in their teaching. The aim is to study the religious traditional ceremonies part and how they are being defined in the Swedish classrooms in primary school. Together with literature, research and the discussion in this study, I came up to a few conclusions of how religious ceremonies will be integrated and how it looks like in Swedish classrooms. In this study of literature and research overview, the literatures are intended to provide an insight about how the Swedish school system went from a Christian education to a school that was separate from the church. In the chapter called Literature and research overview the literatures are written by scientists and therefore this chapter is based on research.
Uppror : En begreppshistorisk undersökning av ordet uppror och dess uppkomst i Sverige mellan åren 1525 och 1543
AbstractHannes Sundkvist: Uppror. En begreppshistorisk undersökning av ordet uppror och dess uppkomst i Sverige mellan åren 1525 och 1543, Uppsala universitet: Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria, C-uppsats, Vårterminen, 2013. The following thesis is a conceptual historical study of the Swedish word uppror (rebellion) between the years 1525 and 1543. During this period, there occured five conflicts that in modern time have been named as rebellions. In my study I problematize the concept of rebellions and show that it is not possible to apply a contemporary definition to conflicts that erupted in the early 16th centrury. My purpose is to display how the word actually was defined during the time of the five conflicts.
Svenska kyrkan och sekularisering : en studie över prästers olika uppfattningar
Tidigare studier visar att sekulariseringen inneburit stora förändringar på det religiösa området. Studiens syfte var att beskriva hur präster inom Svenska kyrkan i Gävle uppfattade sekulariseringens påverkan. Fokus låg på att beskriva de kvalitativt olika uppfattningar som fanns, då dessa förhoppningsvis skulle ge en ökad och fördjupad vetskap kring sekulariseringens olika verkningar. Det empiriska materialet samlades in via kvalitativa intervjuer där åtta präster gav uttryck för sina uppfattningar. Studien visar på att kvalitativt olika uppfattningar fanns.
Medmänniska och vän - en guldkant på tillvaron : frivillig besökstjänst i Trollhättan
The essay deals with questions concerning the reasons, difficulties and subjects for rejoicing which various people experience when visiting "voluntarily" old, lonely people in the congregation of Trollhättan. What knowledge is developed and which values are formed? How is aging and solitude experienced? The visits are co-ordinated by two lay workers employed by the Swedish Church. The study is built on oral interviews in April and May 2003 from a questionaire using open questions. The research group consists of six women between 65-80 of age with 1-30 years´ experience.Inner reasons, contact with other people in similar situations, positive responses to visits, and meetings in the visiting service group seem to be the principal driving forces.
Ett svenskt landskap i Australien : svenska kyrkan i Melbourne
As a Swedish landscape architecture student living in Australia for five
years, I have often wondered if my memories and my associations
with the landscape and the nature in Sweden, are the same as other
Swedish people living in Melbourne.
Most of the Swedish people who live here in Melbourne remember
and associate Sweden?s nature and landscape with where they grew
up or where they used to live.
The plants that most of the Swedish people I asked missed from
Sweden were associated to special feelings or activities. The general
type of landscape people remember from Sweden is that of a
landscape covered in forests, which you can walk freely through.
With these memories as a foundation and with inspiration from the
Swedish landscape architect Thorbjörn Anderson?s way of creating
places, by letting a few strong changes play against the existing
elements,2 but also with consideration of the climate and the severe
shortage of water that is current in Melbourne, will I create a design
concept for the garden surrounding the Swedish Church in Melbourne.
A design concept that will generate memories and associations to
Swedish landscapes..
Modig som ett lejon och listig som en räv : historieskrivningen kring Monaldescos avrättning sett ur Machiavellis fursteteori
Queen Kristina of Sweden (1626-1689) is a person who has been widely studied during the years. She is known as the monarch who left the Swedish throne and the protestant faith in favour of the catholic Rome. Even though Kristina left her powerful position as queen of Sweden she never gave up her dignity as a sovereign. My purpose with this study is to analyse historians and other scholars different research concerning Kristina?s notorious execution of Monaldesco in 1657.
Religionskunskap - Ett ämne i tiden? : En studie av kristendomens roll i ämnet religionskunskap
Before the autumn term 2011 the Swedish compulsory school adopted new syllabuses in relation to, inter alia, religion. Changes within the religion topic have historically been a heavily debated issue among decision-makers, interest groups and the church, where the role of the Christianity has been particularly controversial.The main purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how the Swedish compulsory school?s teaching of Christianity has changed over the years. I have in order to conduct this study applied a descriptive method as well as a content analysis. The Swedish compulsory school?s current and historical syllabuses in religion have served as basis for this study.The outcome of this study clearly shows that the Christianity has received less influence to the benefit of other topics.
En gång Dalit, alltid dalit : En ?kastlös? mans väg till prästtjänst i Church of South India
I denna uppsats har en undersökning av boken Myggor och tigrar gjorts där dels vad som är utmärkande för en självbiografi och ett självporträtt jämfört med andra typer av genrer, dels vad metafiktion är, belysts. Myggor och tigrar har drag av självbiografi, men även fiktion ? i denna uppsats benämnd som självporträtt. Ytterligare en sak som har undersökts är hur författaren, Maja Lundgren, gång på gång kommenterar Myggor och tigrar, med avseende på genre.De självbiografiska avsnitten i Myggor och tigrar har gått att verifiera, likaså har de självporträtterande aspekterna utforskats. Det senare i form av exempelvis fokalisering som legat utanför författaren tillika berättaren Lundgrens synfält samt att Lundgren säger sig höra röster.
Stadsmisson eller stadsvision En uppsats om Stadsmissionens roll i välfärdssamhället
Homelessness has always been and will always be a problem in every society. How should we organize the work and care for these people? There are three different types of welfare states, the liberal, the conservative and the social democratic. In the liberal welfare state the market is the supplier of the public good. In the conservative state the family and church and in the social democratic the state is the supplier of the public welfare.The Swedish welfare state has been the archetype of social democratic welfare with de principal of ?Folkhemmet? in focus.