

667 Uppsatser om Cash Conversion Cycle - Sida 44 av 45

Gruppering av sinkor i stora besättningar

The dry period is usually 6-8 weeks and in this period the basis of the performance in the following lactation is settled. In an average herd about 15% of the cows are dry (Marcussen & Krog Laursen, 2008). In many herd the dry cows are set aside, that means setting aside 15% of your herd, at the time when they are preparing for their next lactation. The recommendation for number of groups differs depending on country traditions or reasons for grouping. If you look at recommendation for feeding, some companies selling feeding equipment advocates one group throughout the dry period, but the number differs from one to three.

Utvärdering av liggbåsinredningar för bättre välfärd och hygien hos mjölkkor

The dry period is usually 6-8 weeks and in this period the basis of the performance in the following lactation is settled. In an average herd about 15% of the cows are dry (Marcussen & Krog Laursen, 2008). In many herd the dry cows are set aside, that means setting aside 15% of your herd, at the time when they are preparing for their next lactation. The recommendation for number of groups differs depending on country traditions or reasons for grouping. If you look at recommendation for feeding, some companies selling feeding equipment advocates one group throughout the dry period, but the number differs from one to three.

Snabbt, säkert eller skönt? : Cyklisters preferenser i trafiken

Since the late 50th century, the automobile has been normative in the Swedish society (Lundin 2008). This has led to an urban environment deeply characterized by the motor vehicle and its necessities, while other means of transportation, such as train and bicycle, have been ignored and put aside. However, over the past decades, a new trend has been seen in urban planning as a consequence of the increasing knowledge of the negative qualities caused by the car. As a result, the bicycle is seen as a conceivable transport mode.This thesis examines cycling on four issues:- Why is there a need of more cyclists? - How can the total number of cyclists as well as the number of satisfied cyclists increase? - Which factors affect the choice of transport mode? - Which factors affect the choice of route?The first two questions are discussed from a literature study that was conducted at the beginning of the thesis.

Opportunities for improved environmental sustainability of a wine producer in South Africa : natural resource management and climate change adaptation and mitigation

South Africa has been among the top ten wine producing countries for at least 20 years. Even though the land under grapevines is decreasing globally it is still increasing in Africa. The awareness of environment has strengthen the last years and South African producers experience a high demand of environmentally friendly produced wine, especially from the European market. This demand was the driving force behind the development of the world unique sustainability certification, Integrated Production of Wine (IPW), which is inscribed in the South African legislation. What makes this certification unique is that consumers can trace their product all the way back to the farming practices owing to the identity number specified on the IPW Integrity & Sustainability seal on certified products.

Hur påverkar kontantlösa banker relationen till kunderna?

Titel: Hur påverkar kontantlösa banker relationen till kunderna?Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomiFörfattare: Sofia Ågren och Nanette BrorénHandledare: Per-Arne WikströmDatum: Juni 2013 Syfte: Syftet är att belysa hur förändringen med bankernas kontanthantering i Sverige påverkar relationen med deras kunder med anseende på kundernas syn till de nya bankkanalerna. Metod: Denna uppsats har genomförts med en kvalitativ metodansats, detta på grund av att vi ville få en djupare förklaring och förståelse till det fenomen som vi studerade. Vi valde att utföra sju intervjuer med personer på sju olika bankkontor. För att samla information till empirin använde vi oss i denna studie av semi-strukturerade intervjuer, där frågorna som vi ställde till respondenterna var ganska öppna. Detta valde vi eftersom att vi ville att respondenterna skulle få mer rum för att fritt kunna framföra det som de ville ha sagt, att vi då inte skulle styra dem särskilt mycket i deras svar.

Restriktioner av växthusgasemissioner : hur påverkas lantbruksföretagens ekonomi och produktionsinriktning?

The agricultural sector accounts for about 13 percent of the total load of greenhouse gas emissions from Sweden (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, 2007). The Swedish objective to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions with 40 percentage units to the year of 2020, based upon the year of 1990, might imply stricter regulations for Swedish farmers. A regulation or other forms of economic incentives is probably necessary to reduce the emissions originating from the agricultural sector. This study aims to investigate the economic and managerial impact on two agricultural firms with differing production system given that a constraint on green house gas emissions is introduced. Gases included in this study are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.

Från känsla till handling : Empatins betydelse för frivilligas engagemang

Since the late 50th century, the automobile has been normative in the Swedish society (Lundin 2008). This has led to an urban environment deeply characterized by the motor vehicle and its necessities, while other means of transportation, such as train and bicycle, have been ignored and put aside. However, over the past decades, a new trend has been seen in urban planning as a consequence of the increasing knowledge of the negative qualities caused by the car. As a result, the bicycle is seen as a conceivable transport mode.This thesis examines cycling on four issues:- Why is there a need of more cyclists? - How can the total number of cyclists as well as the number of satisfied cyclists increase? - Which factors affect the choice of transport mode? - Which factors affect the choice of route?The first two questions are discussed from a literature study that was conducted at the beginning of the thesis.

Assessment methods for corporateresponsibility on the fashion scene : a case study of Hennes & Mauritz, Lindex, Kappahl and MQ

Assessing the outcome of corporate responsibility is often argued to be complicated due to long-term effects and qualitative aspects. Epstein (2008, p.261) establishes that: ?Though many think that sustainability is too difficult to measure, companies have found that unless the impacts are measured, they are commonly ignored in the resource allocation process?. Corporate responsibility is often referred to as a business case, i.e., that social and environmental concern add value to the business (Heikkurinen, 2010; Porter & van der Linde, 1995). Hence, for corporate responsibility to be a business case a strategy, corporate structure and systems, programmes and actions linked to performance measures need to be in place to assess the outcome; environmental, social as well as financial.

Vedrötor i stadsträd : biologi, detektionsmetoder och förebyggande åtgärder

Urban trees have very little in common with trees on natural sites, such as forests or pastures. Trees in urban environments are often planted in packed soil and in small volumes. This can lead to decreased availability of water and oxygen, as well as deteriorated ability for the soil to store nutritional elements. Also above ground the tree usually have limited space in cities. Regulations on free height over roads and cycle tracks demands high stems at an early stage of their development.

Val av liggplats och väderskydd hos dikor vid utedrift vintertid

If you keep cattle in a herd outside all year round on big varying grounds, their possibilityto perform their natural behaviour increases. This way of keeping cattle requires that youprovide them with their other needs, like shelter and a dry and clean resting place.According to the animal welfare authority´s regulations on livestock farming, only animalsthat are suited to stay outside during the cold season are allowed to be kept outside. Theyshould also have access to a shelter or another building that gives them protection from theweather and wind and provides a dry and clean resting place.Research has shown that as long as cattle do not get exposed to precipitation and wind theywill manage low temperature well. Some of the things that will affect how well the animalshandle different climates are the isolation ability of the fur, the animals´ body size and thefeed intake. A dry lying place that is both insulating and moisture absorbent is also of greatimportance.

Kisel som växtstärkande medel : en litteraturstudie

Sammanfattning Kisel (Si) är det näst vanligaste ämnet (drygt 25 %) i berggrunden. Bara en del av detta är tillgängligt som monokiselsyra, den form i vilken kisel är upptagbart för växter. Jordens kiselinnehåll är beroende av bergets vittring. Mycket höga halter av kisel återfinns i naturen i vulkaniska substrat (pimpsten innehåller drygt 66 % Si och scoria närmare 47 % Si), i diatomit (ett mineral bestående av resterna från encelliga kiselhaltiga alger, s.k. diatoméer) innehållande 66 % Si, scoria approximatly 47% Si), in diatomite (a mineral consisting of the remainings of single celled algae, diatoms containing < 40 % Si) and in some clays (30-60% Si).

Etablering i främmande kulturer : En fallstudie över små svenska tekoföretags etablering i Spanien

This bachelor of economics paper discuss that the increasing globalization has put the small companies in the Swedish textile and clothing industry in a situation where internationalization has become a necessity. Furthermore has the European Union lead to that this type of companies has to seek growth on foreign markets with great socio cultural distance from the home country, Sweden. Nowadays there?s no time to internationalize in the same course of action like before. Before, the Swedish companies begun their operations abroad in fairly nearby countries and only gradually penetrated more far-flung markets.

Drivning av bandtransportörer: Ett förarbete till en standardisering

På LKAB finns ett stort antal transportörer som har till uppgift att förflytta material i förädlingsarbetet av järnmalmen. Själva drivningen av transportörerna sköts i regel av en elmotor som får en drivtrumma att rotera via en växellåda. Dessa växellådor finns i flera fabrikat som i sin tur finns i flera olika storlekar och utföranden. Antalet varianter har ökat med tiden och LKAB vill nu göra något åt denna utveckling. Kostnaderna för lagerhållning har blivit höga och det kan vara bekymmersamt med många olika varianter av drivningar vid eventuellt haveri.

Wetland development in the context of ecotourism : a conceptual design proposal for a wetland site in Lake Victoria, Kenya

The travelling sector is expanding worldwide, which puts all destinations under pressure to have a functioning social system and good resources to manage the problems and take advantage of the opportunities that the tourism sector can offer a community. The area around Kisumu in Kenya, like much of Africa, tourism can simultaneously ensure a stable financial future while it removes, as a result of a growing population, more and more of the scenery that many tourists want to experience. Responsible travel to natural areas that promotes conservation of the environment and improves the welfare of local people is what defines ecotourism. A concept that implies a closed cycle, where visitor?s needs are met in balance with what can be given back, without risking creating imbalances in society. Along the coast of Lake Victoria, valuable papyrus wetlands provide Kisumu vital ecosystem services such as water purification, climate adaptation while it also serves as a reservoir for biodiversity.

Framtidens Finanser : En studie om svenska individers attityder till finansiellt risktagande

SammanfattningDen finansiella marknaden har under de senaste decennierna till stor del präglats av både stark ekonomisk tillväxt och stora kriser, detta har lett till att risken relaterad till sparande och investeringar har blivit allt viktigare att kontrollera och undersöka. Samtidigt visar statistik från SCB att de svenska hushållen investerar allt mindre i aktier vilket kan skapa problem, både för den finansiella branschen i sig och det framtida välståndet. Dagens pensionssystem riskerar att inte klara framtidens ökande utbetalningsnivåer som krävs för att underhålla en allt större, äldre befolkning, som även lever allt längre. Detta är ett problem som gäller för hela EU och därför blir det allt viktigare med ett privat sparande, och därigenom att investera rätt.För att hjälpa privatpersoner att investera rätt, genom att utnyttja sin nivå av risktolerans, samtidigt som man gör det lättare för kreditgivare och rådgivare att kunna erbjuda korrekta produkter och investeringsstrategier, syftar denna studie huvudsakligen till att undersöka om det finns samband mellan olika demografiska och socioekonomiska variabler och nivåer av risktolerans. Med hjälp av tidigare studier valdes följande variabler att undersökas: kön, ålder, utbildningsnivå, relationsstatus, sysselsättning och inkomstnivå.

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