

4445 Uppsatser om Case manager - Sida 24 av 297

Första linjechefers förutsättningar för att utöva ett hållbart och hälsofrämjande ledarskap

Background: First Line Managers are expected to create a health promoting work environment. Research has shown that the prerequisites for accomplishing a health promoting leadership are not always the best. Aim: The aim was to elucidate the prerequisites for a health promoting leadership as First Line Manager at a University hospital in Sweden based on competence, role, support structures and own durability. Results: First Line Managers at the chosen hospital seems to have rather good conditions for conducting a health promoting leadership. All respondents did have a university degree and most thought that their competence corresponded well with the role.

Spelets regler Europeisering genom interaktion mellan Europeiska unionen och klubbfotboll

This thesis examines the interaction between European football and the European Union and if it can generate Europeanization. By using theories of Johan P Olsen and Claudo M Radaelli a theoretical framework was constructed in which Europeanization is seen as an interaction between the European level and the domestic level. The Europeanization is regarded as a two way process with elements of top-down and bottom-up pressures. The study focus on the changes and the actors in the Europeanization process and how the European Union as a top-level and European football as a bottom-level influence each other to European changes. The theoretical framework is used to analyze the Bosman case and the Cotonou agreement's implementation in a Swedish football context.

Kommunikativt miljöhus : Nya lösningar för soprummet

Value stream mapping is a tool that is frequently used by many different companies. It is a great tool used to achieve the work that follows the theories of lean production. The tool is used, however, only frequent on the factory floor and the method is also designed based on this type of use.An interest of applying the method on administrative parts of the company has occurred lately. Administrative parts of the company refers to the part that does all the planning such as purchasing, receiving orders, customer contact, contact with factory floor and other work that is made around the actual manufacturing. But the knowledge about applying value stream mapping on the planning part of the company is lacking because the method is relatively new.In this work, a comparison is made between the introduction of value stream analysis on production and planning.

Exponering för rörelser och emotioner - : En DBT-inspirerad exponeringsbehandling för människor med långvarig ländryggssmärta.

SammanfattningLångvarig smärta orsakar stort lidande för individen och belastar samhället ekonomiskt. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka om en exponering in vivo-behandling inspirerad av Dialektisk beteendeterapi (DBT) för människor med långvarig ländryggssmärta var görbar samt om behandlingen gav effekt på smärtrelaterad problematik. Designen var en single case experimental design vilket är en beprövad design för att testa nya terapimetoder. Studien bestod av sex deltagare, alla med hög grad av smärtrelaterade katastroftankar, något som litteraturen visat predicera sämre behandlingsutfall. Behandlingen var DBT-inspirerad och indelad i tre faser; en första valideringsfas, en andra färdighetsfas och en tredje exponeringsfas.

Arenainvesteringar i Stockholm : En studie av sex arenor.

The modern arena as we know it today has its origins from about 100 years ago. Since then a lot of aspects have been changed and developed. Arenas built in the same age tend to have the same features and configurations and can therefore be categorized into different generations. Stockholm is represented in each generation but the fourth that constitutes arenas of the early 21st century. Besides that there has been several arena constructions built through the entire 20th century and now most recently in 2010s.The overall motive behind arena investments can be categorized into two types.

Musik på Internet: en undersökning av bundling

The market of electronic commerce is under constant growth and change. New technology makes it possible for the consumer to obtain digital products in a quick and easy manner. Record companies adjust more and more to this ever changing environment. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate how Swedish retailers of MP3 work with bundling strategies. A case study was conducted on two Swedish retailers, CDON and Homedownloads.

Man är som en hamburgare: man har stora krav både uppe- och nerifrån. : En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers upplevelser av sin roll som mellanchef i olika former av människobehandlande organisationer i offentlig sektor.

The aim of this study was to explore and gain understanding of the situation between managers in different forms of human service organizations. I chose to use a qualitative method and conducted semi-structured interviews with five professional middle managers in the public sector. To accomplish my purpose, I worked on the basis of several questions. The questions dealt with the role of middle management and what it involves, how it is perceived and what the middle managers think of the specific requirements for them and their leadership in organizations that provide services relating to people.  As a result of the analysis I have used the theory of social roles that describes the meaning of the different roles and role conflicts that arise in connection with various and conflicting expectations. The review of the results shows that middle managers in human service organizations experience to have to deal with a complex leadership role.

10-åring spårlöst borta : En studie om hur försvunna barn konstrueras i svensk press

The purpose of our study was to examine how missing children are portrayed in media. We wanted to see if there are any recurring story patterns and characters in the texts. We also wanted to examine how the relationship between children and adults are framed and which comprehensive view of children is mediated in journalistic texts.Our questions were: how do Swedish newspapers write about missing children? Which narrative pattern are there in the texts? How are children and adults represented in the texts? What relationship between children and adults are made visible in the texts? What a comprehensive approach to children is constructed in the texts?For this study, we used the media discourse, theories of representation, stereotypes and characters. And theories of narrative, dramatic turns and opposites.We chose to make three case studies in which children suddenly disappeared, the case of Bobby Äikiä, the case of Engla Höglund and the case of Sebastian Hedman.

Betydelsefulla parametrar och uppkomna styreffekter: en koncerns val av internprissättningsmodell

Prissättningen av de interna transaktionerna mellan dotterbolag inom koncerner är alltid ett aktuellt ämne för interna diskussioner. Hur koncernens mätning och styrning av dotterbolagens interna transaktioner sker, kan medföra styreffekter med utgångspunkt från valet av internprissättningsmodell. Denna undersökning har tagit utgångspunkt i att undersöka vilka styreffekter som valet av internprissättningsmodell kan medföra inom dotterbolagen, samt att undersöka vilka parametrar som kan aktualiseras för koncernen vid förändringar av prissättningen på interna transaktioner. Syftet i undersökningen avser att visa på vilka styreffekter en implementerad interprissättningsmodell kan ge i ett dotterbolag, samt tydliggöra de parametrar som är av betydelse för en koncerns val av interprissättningsmodell. Den empiriska undersökningen skedde genom att ledande personer inom ett antal dotterbolag intervjuades där ett antal fiktiva case presenterades, som de fick ta ställning till.

Det vikingatida bågskyttet i Birka : Ett exempel på en framstående stridskonst med främmande inslag

This paper deals with archery in the Viking Age settlement of Birka and in particular the presence of Euro Asiatic, steppe nomadic archery equipment at the Birka Garrison and one Birka grave. The equipment contains for example closed quivers and a bow case. This paper also contains a discussion of archery battle techniques and tactics in Viking Age Birka and the implications of the above mentioned equipment to this discussion. The analysis insinuates the importance and status of archery in 10th century Birka..

"Alla Ryssars Putin?" : En studie om nationalism, ideologi och pragmatism i Putins retorik.

This essay seeks, by applying to theories of nationalism, to explain the reasoning behind the Russian annexation of Crimea and to understand the ideology and nationalistic influences in Russian foreign policy in the case of the Ukraine crisis and the annexation of Crimea. The argumental analysis exemplifies the nationalistic tendencies of Vladimir Vladimirovitj Putin and the Russian foreign actions and attempts to specify a nationalistic motif in the case of Crimea and in Russian foreign policy. The study seeks to illustrate tendencies in Russian foreign policy and to show what can be expected of Russia in the near future..

Vi sitter tillsammans : Upplevelser av samhörighet och ledarskap i ett traditionellt kontorslandskap.

The office is the working environment in which an increasing proportion of the population spends their days . One type of office are open plan offices which are characterized by several people sitting together in the same room without spatial boundaries . The general discourse of this kind of offices is that they constitute an advantageous design that allows organizational changes without the need for redevelopment . From a work perspective, this office design is both criticized and acclaimed . Problems with noise is frequently reported in research which can lead to ill health.

Användningsfallsmetodikens tillräcklighet i kravhanteringen

Denna uppsats behandlar frågan huruvida användningsfallsmetoden klarar av att fånga upp alla de krav som behöver tas fram under ett systemutvecklingsprojekt. Rapporten undersöker också vilka metoder som en utvecklare eventuellt behöver använda för att få med samtliga krav, tillsammans med bakomliggande motiv. Undersökningen utfördes gentemot tre större systemutvecklingsföretag. Rapporten konstaterar att användningsfallsmetoden är väl lämpad för att fånga funktionella krav, men den fungerar sämre när det gäller hanterandet av icke-funktionella krav. För att lösa detta dilemma har företagen valt att utveckla egna metoder i denna del av kravfångsten, men betonar att kravfångarens erfarenhet och praktiska kunskap är en ovärderlig tillgång under kravfångsarbetet.

Beskattning av löneförmåner : förutsebarheten av vissa löneförmåners skatteplikt alternativt dess skattefrihet

Not all payments that an employee receives are cash salary, but may also be salary benefits. It should not matter in which form an employee receives payment, taxation shall be equal despite the form of salary. Cash salary as well as salary in benefits are covered by a general rule in the Swedish Tax Law and shall therefore be taxed when they have a connection to the work performed. There are exemptions to the general rule as some benefits are tax free. In general, taxation shall be easy to foresee.   The legal rules that are treated in this thesis have a general meaning.

Från plats till resmål : Etableringsprocessen

In this thesis we have examined why the establishment process of travel destination is essential for the tour operators and how the process can be influenced by different conditions. The thesis is written from the perspective of the tour operators and with the tour operator Ving as our case study, we have been able to create a picture of how the establishment process of travel destination may look like.We have chosen to deal with some different areas in this thesis that all are important for the creation of a holistic picture of the process. The overall segments listed in this thesis are the process itself, the tourist, marketing, the product creation and demand. By connecting our theoretical framework to the collected empirical data from our case study, we have analyzed the establishment process and drawn our conclusions..

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