2828 Uppsatser om Caring relationship - Sida 48 av 189
Customer Relationship Management : På vilket sa?tt arbetar svenska foöretag med CRM och finns det goda förutsättningar för att bedriva ett framgångsrikt arbete?
Sedan bo?rjan pa? 90-talet och informationsteknikens inta?gande kan vi nu snabbare a?n na?gonsin ha?mta information fra?n va?rldens alla ho?rn. Detta go?r att spelplanen fo?r fo?retag har fo?ra?ndrats radikalt och fo?retag ma?ste anpassa sig till kunden pa? ett helt annat sa?tt a?n tidigare. Denna utveckling har tvingat fo?retag att fo?rsta? vikten av att se kundens relation till fo?retaget som en va?rdeskapande process som syftar till att utveckla la?ngvariga relationer parterna emellan.Detta kombinerat med utvecklingen av informationstekniken (IT) och hanteringen av datalagring under 1990-talet har tillsammans skapat begreppet Customer Relationship Management, fo?rkortat CRM.
CRM implementering ? Vilka förutsättningar krävs för att lyckas
I modern tid är den så kallade transaktionsmarknadsföringen det paradigm som till största del präglat marknadsföringen. Utvecklingen och globaliseringen har bidragit till att marknaden blivit mer transparant, kunderna ställer högre krav och det räcker inte längre med att endast erbjuda en produkt/tjänst. Företagen måste för att kunna konkurrera, bygga relationer och erbjuda bästa möjliga service, sätta kunden i fokus. Ett sätt för att lyckas är enligt forskningen att implementera Customer Relationship Management (CRM) i organisationen, något som visat sig vara problematiskt och svårt. Ett av problemen är att CRM ofta likställs med teknologi och därför utelämnas flera viktiga delar i implementeringsprocessen.
Väntan på en somatisk akutmottagning : utifrån sjuksköterskans perspektiv
Background: To wait on an emergency department is a reflected and well-documented problem. Thou it´s mainly due to a patient perspective should also nurses' perspectives be significant to obtain a faceted perception of the phenomenon.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how nurses perceive the phenomenon of anticipation of a somatic emergency department.Method: The analysis was performed using a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted in a medium-sized hospital in southern Sweden, during the latter part of 2005, and had a qualitative approach based on a lifeworld perspective. Data collection consisted of written stories from twelve nurses.Results: The results indicated that the waiting was the scene of the expectations. These expectations led to dilemmas, powerlessness and frustration, the more the phenomenon was allowed to stand.
Sälformen släpar skinnet : Om naturen i Aase Bergs tidiga diktning
The aim of this study is to describe how nature is portrayed in swedish poet and critic Aase Berg?s two earliest poetry collections, Hos rådjur (1997) and Mörk materia (1999), and how it relates to notions of humanity, culture and civilisation. The concept of ?nature? is problematized in a short survey of how it has been used by and critizised in ecocritical literary theory, which is used as the main theoretical framework for this survey, with an emphasis on selected theoretical concepts by Donna Haraway. As a methodological starting point, ?nature? is tentatively defined as ?that which does not let itself be subsumed under the human, culture or civilisation?, and this definition is contrasted with how the concepts are handled in the texts.The investigation shows that the relationship of nature to the human is a fundamental theme that provides a structure for both poetry collections.
Sambandet mellan redovisning och beskattning : Koppling eller frikoppling
Since January 1st 2005, public companies within the European Union shall prepare their consolidated accounts in conformity with the international accounting standards. The adopted accounting standards are IASB?s IAS/IFRS completed with interpretations. Furthermore, member states may permit or require public companies to prepare their annual accounts according to IAS/IFRS. Sweden has not yet given companies the ability to use IAS/IFRS in the annual accounts due to taxation difficulties the strong relationship between accounting and taxation brings.
Energieffektivisering ? vilken åtgärd är mest lönsam? : En studie om energieffektiviserande åtgärder på Maratonvägen i Halmstad
In recent years, awareness of the climate change has increased around the world. Environmental issues have been taking into consideration, both by individuals and companies. Therefore the demands for new environmental friendly technology have increased, also known as cleantech. To further establish and develop cleantech it requires capital. Venture capitalists have as well seen the potential.To increase the number of Venture capital investments in cleantech, it is important the investments generate good returns.
Omvårdnad vid blodprovstagning och venpunktion på fåglar
Blood sampling is one of the most important diagnostic tools in veterinary medicine, and this is also true for avian medicine. A properly collected and handled venous sample can be used for serology, biochemistry and electrolyte analysis, as well as for blood smears, packed cell volume and cell differentiation. Caring for sick birds is a challenge for all veterinary staff. Many birds are easily stressed individuals, and to a very ill bird a big increase in stress level can even be fatal. Avian patients who are presented in a veterinary clinic are often in a poor condition, and blood sampling is an invasive procedure that can cause stress to the patient.
The Value of Relationships in a Chinese-Western Business-to-Business Context: An Investigation on Relationship Bonds, Adaptation, Trust and Commitment
The purpose of this study is to improve the understanding of the dynamics behind Chinese-Western buyer-supplier relationships. The study takes on a partially inductive approach by commencing with exploratory in-depth interviews. The main body of the study consists of a cross-sectional survey. Data has been collected through an on-line questionnaire. The theoretical review consists of industrial relationships with specific accounts on the role of adaptation, trust and commitment; a stream of literature in cross-cultural relationships deriving from Hofstede?s culturalist legacy with specific reference to Chinese-Western relationships, including studies on relationship bonding, and the role of guanxi.
Investigating the bond between research dogs and a familiar person and validation of the Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure (ASSP)
In the dog-human relationship humans are the ones who provide the dog with safety and comfort. Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure (ASSP), which was originally developed in humans to study the relationship between mothers and infants, has been modified to investigate the emotional bond research dogs have to a familiar person. Twelve research dogs were tested to investigate whether the dogs performed any behaviours indicating a secure-base effect, such as more exploration and play in the presence of a familiar person and proximity-seeking behaviours when this person is or has been absent. In the ASSP the dog enters a room with a familiar person, is introduced to a stranger, is left alone for a short period of time and experiences moments of separation and reunion. A second variation of the ASSP was added where the familiar person was replaced by another, to the dog, unfamiliar person.
Kundsupport : en studie om tillämpningen av IT för supporthantering
Effektiv kundsupport har blivit allt viktigare och studier visar på att de kunder som lämnar företag gör det till följd av dålig service. Anledningen till att uppsatsgruppen valt Customer Relationship Management (CRM) som ämnesområde är på grund av egna erfarenheter och upplevelser av dålig och opersonlig kundsupport. På grund av detta finner uppsatsgruppen att det är intressant att undersöka hur företag hanterar kundsupport och hur informationsteknik (IT) kan stödja denna verksamhet. Uppsatsen är skriven ur ett deduktivt angreppssätt som kännetecknas av att empirisk data testas mot befintlig teori. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom att intervjua fem företag som bedriver support med stöd av IT.
Bloggares inflytande på varumärkens image
The purpose of our study is to examine the bloggers? influence on the brand?s image to see whether and if so in what way the blogging trend affects the brands. We also want to analyze how companies use bloggers in their marketing. This is a subject that has attracted our interest and that experience has not been touched in a higher extent. Our purpose has led us to the following research questions;Which relationships occur in collaborations between businesses and bloggers from a marketing perspective? In what way in terms of reciprocity can relations be described? To what extent can the credibility through blogs be affected in terms of how brands are presented in the blog? In this study we have used a qualitative method with an abductive nature to create a deeper understanding of our chosen subject.
En STARK specialtidskrift : Arbetet med att ta fram en grafisk mall till en specialtidskrift från STARK Magasin, samt en diskussion om hur båda tidskrifterna kan göras om till e-format
The goal with this project was to develop a graphic template for a new magazine about running, STARK Löpning. Besides the looks of the graphic elements, sections in the magazine would be developed. Finally, a discussion is made about how the magazine can be remade into an electronic format.Content analyses has been made regarding magazines with both a main and a specific orientation, to review the graphic relationship between them. A content analysis regarding a competing magazine about running was also made.An unstructured interview was done with Art Director Petrus Iggström, to find out his way of working when he creates new graphic templates for magazines.The discussion concerning the electronic format was done based on previous research in the subject.The graphic relationship between main and specific magazines turned out to not be significant, they had few similarities. It was often showed that elements regarding the magazine s?identity had been changed, for example text fonts.
Att ta humor på allvar : om humor i ett vårdande perspektiv
Shivering är ett fenomen som uppstår hos patienterna postoperativt. Det innebär att patienten har okontrollerbara muskelskälvningar som gör att patienten darrar, skälver eller huttrar i mer än 15 sekunder. Shivering påverkar kroppen negativt, men är också obehagligt och ett onödigt lidande för patienten. I takt med den tekniska utvecklingen utarbetas nya operationstekniker och idag utförs flera operationer med laparoskopisk teknik. Pilotstudiens syfte var att undersöka före-komsten av postoperativ shivering hos patienter som opererats med laparoskopisk teknik.
Besökshundens påverkan på arbetssituationen inom den särskilda omsorgen
This essay is about dogs that visit is used, whitin care of elderly. The dogs found caretakers once a week and one hour at a time. The focus has been placed on the dogs that go to the municipality's special accommodation and the research was done in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. The focus of the narrowing of the work was done to the work situation for care staff to assess the impact of the visits the dogs presence. It was distributed questionnaires answered by care staff in which it concluded their visit to the dog's presence felt and how it impacted the situation.
Människans inverkan på hundar ? och hur det kan påverka arbetet inom djursjukvården
The aim of this study was to describe how body language of humans affects the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) and how it can be implanted in the stressed situation that occur at an animal hospital. The subject is brought to notice because the author has experienced that dogs can get more stressed when a stressed and nervous owner is attending. Humans affect each other through posture, facial expression, voice and movement, and are often driven by their emotions, which can differentiate the verbal communication from the non-verbal communication. This occurs both consciously and unconsciously. Every human uses body language but not everyone knows how it is used or how to understand it.