2828 Uppsatser om Caring relationship - Sida 40 av 189
Stödsamtal hos skolkuratorn i gymnasieskolan : En studie ur elevperspektiv
This qualitative study is about the individual supportive conversation with the school welfare officer in upper secondary school. The main aim of the study was to find out what the pupils get out of a series of conversations with the school welfare officer and what it means for the pupils that the welfare officer belongs to the school organization. Six qualitative interviews were held with pupils who had conversation contact with the school welfare officer during their time at upper secondary school.I found that these pupils and welfare officers were oriented towards change and solutions. I found that the most important thing for the pupils was to achieve a good and trusting relationship with the welfare officer. After this the pupil starts a process of change in cooperation with the welfare officer, with the aim that the pupil should be happy and satisfied with the current life situation.
Stöd när minnet sviker : Stöd för person med demenssjukdom
Problemställning: Forskningen om stöd till personer som erhållit den medicinska diagnosen demenssjukdom är bristfällig. Även hur olika vårdteam med sjuksköterskor kan använda stödet, ordinera oberoende och få ordinerat beroende omvårdnadsåtgärder behöver kartläggas och vidareutvecklas. Vad erbjuds för stöd direkt till och hur kan sjuksköterskan stödja personer med demensdiagnos. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa stöd för personer med demenssjukdom.Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt och baserades på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar. Dessa granskades, analyserades och kategoriserades för att finna stöd för personer med demenssjukdom.
Faktorer som bidrar till sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt gentemot patienter med HIV/AIDS : en litteraturstudie
HIV/AIDS is a chronic disease that has increased and will continue to increase. Most health care workers will one way or another come into contact with it. The purpose of this literature review was to describe factors contributing to nurses' attitudes towards patients with HIV/AIDS. Sixteen articles were analyzed and quality assessed. The results revealed gaps in knowledge among nurses.
Samband mellan testosteron, DHEAS, kroppskomposition och fysiska kapaciteter hos unga kvinnliga fotbollsspelare
Testosterone is a steroid and anabolic hormone found in all mammals. Previous research indicates that testosterone levels correlates with physical capacities related to physical performance. However, these studies refers only to men and boys. The aim of present study was therefore to investigate the potential relationship between body composition, strength, power and endurance capabilities in relation to blood levels of testosterone and DHEAS in young female football players. Seventeen female elite football (age: 15,4 ± 0,6, body mass: 57,2 ± 7,4kg, height 1,65 ±0,04m) players volunteered for the study.
E-marketing - ett modernt kommunikationsverktyg : En studie som presenterar alternativa marknadsföringsåtgärder
Background: The use of digital marketing channels during the last years has increased significantly, especially the use of marketing on the Internet. Hence the communication chart of marketing has been redrawn. The technological development has had a major impact on the marketing discipline. The integration of information technology and marketing has resulted in the emergence of a new field, namely e-marketing. Hence the need for further research is desirable.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine alternative marketing procedures that a company can apply to increase the digital awareness and manage their customer relationships.Theoretical framework: Theories regarding digital marketing cycle, SEO and customer relationship.Method: This research is based on data collected through a primary semi-structured interview with a company active in the corporate information industry which also provides a RFQ service.
Med skrivandet som vapen: Strategier för motstånd i Buchi Emechetas författarskap
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine the relationship between fiction and resistance from a postcolonial and feminist perspective. More specifically, the study is an examination of this relationship in ten novels by the Nigerian writer Buchi Emecheta. The resistance is studied by examining the way it is depicted in the texts, as well as whether the texts can be seen as a form of opposition. Both the resistance and its context are studied.
Inom sjukvården ställs sjuksköterskor inför situationer där vård i livets slutskede
krävs. Som sjuksköterska är en av de svåraste uppgifterna i yrket att möta döende
patienter och deras närstående. Syftet med litteraturstudien är att undersöka
allmänsjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede,
utanför specialiserade palliativa vårdenheter som till exempel hospice. Resultatet
delas in i sju kategorier: Sjuksköterskors känslor i mötet med palliativ vård,
Tidsbrist och stress, Resurser för att hantera påfrestande situationer, Vikten av
erfarenhet, Betydelsen av kommunikation, Anhörigas roll i vården samt Positiva
erfarenheter av vård i livets slutskede som speglar sjuksköterskors upplevelser.
Denna litteraturstudie visar att det är komplext att vårda patienter i livets slut men
med stöd och erfarenhet kan de negativa upplevelserna vändas till en personlig
utveckling i yrkesprofessionen för allmänsjuksköterskan..
?Den svåraste gruppen att nå?: Folkbiblioteks marknadsföring till pojkar i högstadieåldern
The object of this bachelor thesis is to examine how publiclibraries are working to reach out to boys in their early teens,and from a relationship marketing perspective see howlibraries are using marketing as a tool in creating long-termrelationships with this user group. The following questionsare asked: How do public libraries market themselves toboys in their early teens? How are children?s and youthlibrarians working to create long-term relationships with thisuser group? How do children?s and youth librarians viewmarketing as a way to create long-term relationships with theuser group? The theoretical framework of the study is EvertGummesson?s model of relationship marketing. Interviewswith five children?s and youth librarians make up theempirical data.
POSITIV PSYKOLOGI PÅ ARBETET : -Karaktärsstyrkors samband med psykologiskt välbefinnande, arbetstillfredsställelse, harmonisk- respektive tvångsmässig passion och stress
Over a long time psychology was focusing on human frailties and mental diseases. In 1998, positive psychology was introduced - the scientific study of strengths, well-being and optimal functioning. Theory and research in the area has identified 24 character strengths, in which each individual owns and celebrates a number of top strengths, signature strengths. These strengths have been shown to be important in achieving happiness and well-being. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between character strength and psychological well-being, job satisfaction, harmonious- and obsessive passion and stress.
I berättarens grepp : En narratologisk studie av feministiskt medvetandehöjande romaner från 1970-talet
This thesis concerns the feminist consciousness-raising novel of the 1970s. The aim of the thesis is to examine narrative strategies which, according to the consciousness-raising practice, are adapted to enlighten the political aspects of the personal. The focus is both on strategies that address the protagonist and on those that address the reader. I also examine in which way the use of these strategies is dependent upon ideas of class and gender.I find that the narrative situation, in this case the relationship between the protagonist and the narrator, is central to the use of the consciousness-raising narrative strategies. In Anna-Lisa Bäckmans Fia i folkhemmet och Fia med manifestet, the protagonist Fia is positioned as an oppressed working-class woman, which results in a narrative situation that gives the protagonist a limited space of action and that gives the narrator the power to interpret the experiences of the protagonist.
Mobilbetalning : en studie om konsumenters förmåga att acceptera nya betalningsformer
Aim: Banks? settlement of handling cash and the technological developments of our payment services, leaves us guessing at the outlooks of consumers? payment systems. One of the new payment options arising from this development is mobile payment. With access to internet, mobile payment can take over the role as the primary method of payment, as it can be used on any occasion. Questions are raised about which factors that are affecting the future users? attitude to use mobile payment, and if the service can be a threat to the traditional card payments.Method: This study is based on a quantitative method by the means of a survey design.
Motiverande faktorer i det dagliga arbetet hos undersköterskor
AbstractThe aim of the present study was to investigate what kind of factors contributed to motivate a group of nurses at a nursing home in western Sweden to to perform their work. Furthermore, the authors wanted to investigate whether the staff nurses felt that the leader helped to increase or reduce the perceived motivation to perform such work, and the way in which staff nurses perceived their relationship to the leader. The study is based on Herzberg's (1959) two-factor theory, Hackman and Oldham's (1980) work designs theory and Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, and those theories are the basis of the study's structure. The study was of a qualitative property, interviews were conducted with seven nurses and was structured, the questions concerned their subjective experience of motivating factors in their everyday work. The results of this study demonstrated that respondents experienced confirmation, the meaningfulness of the work, work colleagues, beneficiaries of care and residents' families as contributing factors to motivate them in their daily work.
The Disney Cliché : Relationsdynamik i Disneys animerade filmer från 2000-talet ur ett genusperspektiv
Disney is one of the largest media companies in the world. They have been critizied for portrayting men, women and love relationships with stereotypical behaviours and attributes. This may lead to negative effects on childrens and adolescents perception of reality. The purpose of this study was to investigate how Disney portrays the dynamic between the characters within the love relationship in their movies launched in the 21st century. This study has examined four movies released in the 21st century containing a love relationship between a man and a woman.
Att vara i en intensivvårdsmiljö - patientens perspektiv
The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a special unit for patients who is in the need
for emergency life-sustaining measures and every patient has complex medical-
technical equipment. The experiences of a critical illness and the needs of
critical care are experienced in different ways. The purpose of this study was
to describe the experiences from patients in the ICU and how this experience
has an influence on the patients. The method was a study of literature with a
qualitative inception based on eight scientific articles and the analysis of
content has been inspired by Graneheim and Lundman (2003). The result of the
study is presented by four categories: to loose the ability to make themselves
understood, to be forced to adjust to the environment of caring, to have the
lack of connection with reality and to be in an intensive care environment, The
results showed that patients in the ICU are affected by the attitude from the
staff, the equipment around them as well as the sounds and lights in the
environment there.
Att stärka familjen: En studie av hur föräldrastöd kan stärka föräldrar i sitt föräldraskap
In Gällivare municipality there is a drogpolitical plan which goal is to provide parentsupport for the municipalities parents, make sure the children get a schooling that is evolving and to provide a vide variety of activities for the children?s free time. There should be a possibility for children to have healthy second natures. There should also exist environments that are free from alcohol. At those restaurants that serve alcohol a responsible serving of alcohol should be performed.