

3729 Uppsatser om Care of the disabled - Sida 6 av 249

Organisering av demensvården: differentiering kontra kvarboendeprincipen

The objective of this thesis was to examine and analyse how various directors within old-age care, the resident-coordinator, nursing-staff, and the dementia-team apprehend the organisation of dementia nursing homes in the municipality. Our questions were the following:How important is it that the care-receivers are examined and diagnosed?Do the respondents experience difficulties with non-differentiated dementia nursing homes?Which are the advantages and disadvantages for care receivers/patients and nursing-staff if dementia care homes are differentiated according to the care-receivers dementia diagnosis and phase of illness?Are there alternative solutions to the way the municipality organise the residence for carereceivers today that might improve the situation for care-receivers/patients and nursing-staff?How does cooperation or the lack of it mint the conditions for care in dementia nursing homes?Which goals does the municipality have for the organisation of dementia care?Our approach was a qualitative method consisting of interviews to answer the objective of this thesis and our questions. Our findings are supported by a sociological analysis of organisations. Our findings show that there is a conflict of interest between the principle of permanent residence which imply that the care-receiver should not have to move against her or his will and between the use of differentiated dementia nursing homes.

Mitt och Ditt Sverige : Att vara invandrare i Samhall

The theme of this bachelor thesis in sociology has been developed through the perspective of ?grounded theory?, where the writers starting point touched the subject of integration in the organization Samhall in Sweden, an organization that hires disabled individuals that do not have enough working abilities to be hired any place else. From there, the methodology moved into a qualitative research through interviews with first generation immigrants hired at Samhall, where the result presented clear patterns of integration problems such as identification with an organization that does not have a normal way of working, the feelings of security which led to an unwillingness to leave the organization (which actually is the main goal of Samhall) and the stigmatized presumptions of the organization as such that makes it even harder to get a regular job on the open work market. These patterns were then put together with theories of stigma, cultural sociology and organizational identification, which three were the theoretical framework of this thesis. This study has contributed with an enlightenment of how it is to be an immigrant in a state governed organization and the consequences that follow when integrating an immigrant in a work disabled working environment. .

"Allt ska dokumenteras" : - en kvalitativ studie av den ökande dokumentationen inom svensk sjukvård

The main purpose of this essay is to study the role of documentation in Swedish health care today and the consequences of the augmentations in paper work that have taken place during the last couple of decades. The method used in this study is interviews with health care personnel.The following questions are treated:-       What kind of documentation has increased in Swedish health care?-       How is the patient/health care professionals affected?-       How is the work of the health care professionals affected?The conclusion of the essay is that the increasing amount of time spent on documentation that for much part has never been performed before, (such as risk analyses, statistics and writing much more thorough charts), has consequently left very little time for actual patient care. The research also showed that faith in health care professionals has significantly decreased and that one of the major reasons for increased documenting is the anticipation of and therefore protection against potential complaints. Finally there seems to be a greater focus on being service-minded rather than on providing quality health care..

Argument för och emot privat sjukvård

Title: Argument in favour of and against private health care ? A scenario for a future health care with a possibly new Government Authors: Jessica Andersson, Nina Gunnarsson Supervisor: Thomas Danborg Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology Course: Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits Purpose: To describe the problem with privatizing of the health care by analyse the arguments in favour of and against private health care and describe a scenario about a future health care with a possibly new Government. Method: Qualitative Grounded theory method, categorizing secondary facts in order to get the complete picture. Results: The market for private health care will increase by a possibly new Government.

Motpolerna möts i resursfördelningssystemet : En jämförelse mellan tre olika skolor i Karlskoga

The aim of this thesis was to study elderly people?s experiences of and approach to their usage of home care services with tax deduction. The aim was also to describe how elderly people reason about their underlying motives of using home care service with tax deduction. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with people between the ages of 65 and 80, living in Nacka, Sweden. This thesis is a collaboration with Stiftelsen Stockholms la?ns A?ldrecentrum/ Stockholm Gerontology Center and part of their follow up study concerning simplified administration for elderly people applying for home care services in Nacka.

Akka. Ett skrivbord för hemmet anpassat för rullstolsburna.

A woman is dying of cancer, she refuses to use her walking aid. Because she is embarrassed. This means she can?t leave her house, and her last days become very limited.Why do we act like this?Can the view we have of products adapted for disabled be changed by working with colour, texture, form and materials?There are many products adapted for disabled, the products often have a good function and well developed ergonomic aspects but the visual aspect leaves a lot to wish for. There is neither effort nor money put in to the exterior design of most of these products.A lot of the solutions that are invented for adapted products can be used in design of ?regular? products.Why should we then divide products in to adapted and non-adapted.

Att agera "spjutspets" : - en analys av en funktion knuten till en kompetensutveckling inom äldreomsorgen

The purpose of my study was to examine a competence-development in care of older people in which some of the personnel have been ?spjutspetsar?. More specifically my aim was to investigate how the personnel managed to supervise others in the organization. My main research questions were: How do the care-managers and the care-workers persecute their functions as ?spjutspetsar?? What form has the internal meeting between the competence-development and the organization ideology taken? What possibilities and obstacles have the care-managers and care-workers been confronted? In my study my research method is based on eight qualitative interviews.

En beskrivande studie av patienter som sjukvårdsrådgivningen rekommenderat att söka akutmottagning : - Hör de alla hemma där?

 Aim. To describe patients who have got a recommendation by a telenurse to visit the emergency department and how many of these patients could have received care in the primary health care instead. Further on, the aim was to describe if there are patients not following the recommendations.Methods. Quantitative, descriptive study, with an examination of medical records of the patients, which the telenurses recommended to visit the emergency department, during one week. Assessments whether the patient could seek medical care at the primary health care was made, firstly based on the telenurses documentation and secondly on both the telenurses and the emergency department´s documentation.Results.

Sjuksköterskors uppfattningar om att vårda barn med palliativt vårdbehov och att växla mellan att vårda barn med palliativt och kurativt vårdbehov : - En kvalitativ studie

Caring for children at hospital with palliative care needs arouses different reactions in nurses and depends on what prior knowledge and experience nurses have. To besides shift focus from to care children palliative to care curative is further a strain and an emotional changeover. The aim of this study was to illuminate nurse?sperceptions about caring for children at hospital with palliative care needs, and how they shift focus of care between children with palliative care needs and children with curative care needs. The study has a qualitative approach and data were collected with interviews from two focus groups.

Mjuk massage för personer med demens : personal och patienters perspektiv

The aim with the literature study was to describe how persons with dementia and health care workers in the geriatric care experiences soft massage and to describe the derived effects for persons with dementia. Scientific articles were sampled from the databases: Medline (Pub Med), Cinahl and Psyc INFO. The main results of the study are presented in three parts: how persons with dementia experiences soft massage, health care workers experiences of giving soft massage and the health care workers descriptions on derived effects on persons with dementia. The results showed that persons with dementia experienced a positive reaction to soft massage and the health care workers did no longer feel helpless in their care service towards persons with dementia. The studies showed that soft massage decreased agitation, wandering, pain and sleeplessness.

Vården av äldre med delirium kan förbättras- en litteraturstudie i omvårdnad/ The care for elder with delirium can be improved- a literature review in nursing science

Background: Delirium is a serious condition that often affects hospitalized elder. The condition can be described as an overstrain of the brain which results in a disturbed consciousness. Elder people are particularly vulnerable since many of the risk factors develops with old age. The treatment aims to find and treat the underlying cause. Purpose: The purpose of this literature review was to illuminate factors beneficial for the nursing care of hospitalized elder with delirium.

"Sätt syrgasmasken på din egen mun innan du hjälper andra" : En studie i tolvstegsprogrammets beaktande av anhörigas situation.

The purpose of this study was to understand what the care recipients considering as care quality in their long-term eldercare. Our intention has been to contribute a bit to the development of the care work. Previous studies show that user surveys are carried out regularly but there is very few studies that are based on care recipients own opinions and experiences. The main questions in the study have been to examine what is considered as good elder care from a user perspective. Even to understand the characteristics of a good meeting with the care staff and also examine how the elder care in Nybro municipality can improve.

Biståndsbedömning inom äldreomsorgen : En studie av genusperspektivet inom biståndsbedömning gällande hemtjänst

Our purpose was to study how care managers in practice evaluate needs in eldercare. A specific focus was set on elderly persons' sex, an area where former research show that decisions vary considerably. Were the care managers influenced in their decision making by the elderly person's sex? If so, in what ways? Were there variations in the definition of eldercare needs between the four chosen municipalities. And, finally, how did the care managers handle set criteria and priorities in their evaluation of such needs?The study was based on literature as well as interviews with eight care managers, chosen from four Scanian municipalities.We arrived at the conclusion that there is no specific difference in how the care managers evaluate eldercare needs in relation to sex..

Patienters och närståendes upplevelser av Äldrevårdsenheten i landstinget Uppsala län

Background: Home health care means that patients receive care in their home. Äldrevårdsenheten in Uppsala County treats people, over 65 years, in the patient's home and because of the fact that the quality of care from the patient´s perspective not have been studied previously, this study as part of the quality control of the business.Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how patients, and family members, who receive care within the Äldrevårdsenheten in Uppsala County experiencing the care provided in the home.Method: Interview study with qualitative analysis.Results: Patients who are cared for within the Elderly Care Unit in Uppsala County Council has a positive experience of home care. Being cared for in the home creates a sense of security and calm in the patients rather than the stress and fear of long waits in the emergency department and planning advice from medical appointments . In contrast, perceived lack of physicians in home care and accessibility to health care staff.Conclusion: In general, patients in the Elderly Care Unit in Uppsala County Council very pleased with the opportunity to the treatment they received at home. However, there are some weaknesses that need improvement. .

Vårdpersonalens uppfattningar om fibromyalgi

Aim Our aim is to highlight perceptions of fibromyalgia among health care personell.MethodsA systematic literature review conducted with a deductive approach.FindingsHealth care personell felt insecure because of a lack of understanding which lead to avoiding contact with these patients. Many felt that the fibromyalgia patient was categorised and that they would have been better served with another name of their disease. There was a great distrust against the diagnosis and its aetiology. The patient was perceived as troublesome, illness-fixated and draining the personell of energy. The paradox that the patient is looking so healthy but bearing so much pain was confusing for the health care personell.Conclusions Communication and an empathic encounter was identified as important elements for patient care.

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