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Prissättning av IPO:s på den svenska aktiemarknaden
Title: Pricing of IPO:s on the Swedish stock market
Authors: Mikael Gustavsson
Martin Kvist
Henrik Wannberg
Tutor: Anders Hederstierna
Problem: There are certain sets of problems for underwriters when they are
pricing potential stock-exchange companies. The problem partly consists of
estimating the demand at an IPO and also to accurately value the business in
comparison to the market.
To set the price per share is problematic, since the company carrying out the
public offering wants to optimise the amount of capital at the same time as
they want the share to be subscribed in full. If the IPO would not be carried
out, it could cause harm to the position of the underwriters.
Purpose: To investigate whether underpricing exists associated with IPO:s on
the Swedish market during the period 1995-1999.
Method: The collection of data has been achieved by means of: Internet, E-mail
and telephone calls.
Conclusions: We have reached the conclusion that oversubscribing in comparison
to the return at an IPO has an average growth of 3.3 per cent the first day, on
every occasion of oversubscribing.
For the studied population, including 138 initial public offerings, the average
market value rise is 15 per cent the first day. When we made our calculations,
adjustments have been made for the general index of Affärsvärlden (AFGX).
ALTERNATIV INDEXERING : En studie över alternativa viktningsmetoder av OMXS30 under tidsperioden 2004-2010
I denna uppsats undersöks hur alternativa viktningsmetoder av OMXS30 har presterat mellan 2004-2010. Studien har sin utgångspunkt i teorierna kring Capital Asset Pricing Model och Effektiva Marknadshypotesen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida ett kapitalviktat index är effektivt i enlighet med dessa teorier. I studien konstrueras fem stycken index, ett kapitalviktat, två fundamentalviktade, ett riskviktat och ett kombinationsviktat index. För att avgöra indexens historiska prestation analyseras de utifrån utvärderingsmått som mäter riskjusterad avkastning.
Metodik för fastställande av bärförmåga på befintliga betongkonstruktioner
Many buildings are now nearing the end of their service life. This applies to both the older houses from the 40's and 50's to the million project houses that did not prove to be as sustainable in the long run. Often there is a desire to extend the service lifetime, but to do that you need to make detailed inspections. The Folkets hus in Gävle is one of those buildings that is in need of renovation and to fulfill the new requirements that must be met in today's buildings. It is desired to make the buildings rentable space more attractive and to extend the building with two more floors.
Ro iland RO : En studie om användandet av reala optioner i Sverige
Bakgrund: Länge har paybackmetoden, nettonuvärdesmetoden och andra diskonteringsmetoder haft en ledande ställning när företag gör sina investeringsbedömningar. Metoderna har fått kritik för att inte ta hänsyn till beslutsfattarnas flexibilitet och på så sätt underskatta värdet av en investering.Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda i vilken utsträckning svenska företag använder sig av reala optioner och förklara varför metoden inte används i större utsträckning. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att förklara varför användningen skiljer sig mellan USA och Sverige. Ytterligare ett syfte är att undersöka vilka kapitalbudgeteringsmetoder som används i Sverige idag .Metod: I uppsatsen har främst en kvantitativ metod använts i form av en enkätundersökning. Metoden kompletterades senare med den kvalitativa metoden, då i form av en intervju med en användare av reala optioner.Slutsatser: Payback- och DCF-metoden dominerar fortfarande bland de svenska företagen.
Baklava och baguette : En studie av handelsutvecklingen mellan Turkiet och EU
In this study we examine trade patterns between Turkey and 13 member states of the European Union and how these have developed over the time period of 1983 ? 2006. To represent the industrial and agricultural goods included in the study we look at the United Nations Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). Following, we investigate internal differences in the EU by selecting four countries each to represent the Northern and Southern countries of the EU. Internal differences were studied in relation to the amount of trade occurring between Turkey and the Northern and Southern countries.
Hihi puss ;* : En studie av SMS-språket hos svenska högstadieungdomar
This study is about language use in text messaging. In this study there are 338 text messages: 206 of them written by girls and 132 written by boys. The informants in the study are 16 years old and they live in the countryside on the outskirts of a small town in southern Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristic linguistic features in the messages, in order to determine what significant meaning an emoticon such as a smiley brings to a text and further, to explore what speech acts smileys occur in.The results show that the language in the messages is a mix of spoken and written language. The characteristic features that were found in the messages were short sentences, onomatopoetic expressions, words written in capital letters, English expressions and use of smileys.
Nobel och August på biblioteket ? Bibliotekariers attityder och förhållningssätt gentemot litterära priser
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine attitudes and standpoints amongst librarians at the Swedish public library towards literary awards and awarded literature. The questions posed in the study are: What attitudes are expressed amongst these librarians towards the Nobel Prize in literature, the August Prize and literary awards and awarded literature in general? What significance do the Nobel Prize in literature, the August Prize and other literary awards have concerning purchase and display at these public libraries? How is awarded literature perceived and how do they talk about it concerning quality and are questions of quality significant? Qualitative interviews with seven librarians at four different public libraries have been done. Theories regarding J?rgen Habermas the bourgeois public sphere and Pierre Bourdieu?s terms habitus, field and capital have been used as to explain the library as a public sphere.
Rekryteringsprocessen vid Svenska Spel
In the constantly changing working life of today, where emphasis on human capital grows stronger, the importance of recruiting and retaining good staff increases. Successful recruitment requires a first-rate recruitment process. In literature on recruitment recommendations for successful recruitment are presented. The aim of this study is to describe similarities and differences between these recommendations and Svenska Spel?s recruitment practice on the basis of a description of the recruitment process at AB Svenska Spel, and also to identify possible reasons for differences between theory and practice. To meet the purpose of this study literature and scientific reports have been studied. Interviews with five HR-specialists and four managers have also been conducted. The recruitment process is therefore described out of the employer?s point of view.
Pensionärspooler : Pensionär med fortsatt anställning efter ett yrkesverksamt liv
A qualitative survey has been carried out in a manning company whose business concept was to employ pensioners. Six pensioners have been interviewed regarding their views on resumed employment. The results of these interviews have been analysed supported by analytic induc-tion. Areas investigated cover: promotion of better health through work, motivation factors, groupings and control, experience and learning, work and spare time and finally strategies that appeal to an older workforce.The purpose of the survey was to investigate whether the manning company utilizes pension-ers? experience and work skills from their former working life.
Fostran till frihet
Before the choice of upper secondary school in the ninth grade, young people need to
have knowledge of themselves and the world. In this tough choice, the parents are the
main support. The supporting role, which are their thoughts on how much they
influence in their children?s choice of study? Based on these issues, we seek the answer
to the question; which vision have the parents on their involvement in their children's
choice of upper secondary school? Which visions have the parents on the impact on
their children's upper secondary school? Do the parents think that the children's
upbringing has influenced their choices?
Young people's career decisions take place in interaction with their parents and with
very different cultural, economic, social and symbolic capital. The concepts are Pierre
Bourdieu's theory that intends to be our toolbox for this thesis.
?Tärningen är kastad?: Rollspelslitteratur i samhället och på bibliotek
The role-playing game attracts a growing number of practisers. The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine role-playing literature as phenomenon in libraries through librarians´ attitudes. The paper is based on qualitative interviews with eight librarians: one personal interview with two librarians and six e-mail interviews with six librarians at different libraries. The paper starts with a definition of the term ?role-playing game?, its different categories and genres and a description of its background.
?Ärligt talat så har det [tradingen] blivit en skitaffär? : En fallstudie av HQ Bank
The global financial crisis hit hard on banking operations worldwide and the sector fell under considerable scrutiny, with particular criticism directed against the banks' own trading practices. A bank owned by the Swedish financial corporation HQ seemed to go without serious financial damage duringthe crisis.In 2008 Finansinspektionen began a review of HQ's activities and a number of shortcomings were identified. Among other things, HQ's risk management was questioned by Finansinspektionen and further how this potentially affected the valuation of complex financial products.In our paper we have chosen to highlight both national and international laws and guidelines that HQ used for their operations and study if HQ followed those laws and guidelines. We also want topresent the theoretical model used by HQ for the valuation of its European options and how HQ calculated their capital requirements ratio. Our purpose is to show how the valuation affected the capitalrequirement ratio and whether HQ followed the necessary laws and guidelines for the valuation of complex financial products.We have chosen to carry out a case study from a deductive approach.
Solenergisystem i Kista Galleria
Solar energy is the one most talked about among energy sources due to its huge potential amongst renewable energy technologies. A greater use of the solar energy may be the solution to today's climate threats. Normally there are two different types of solar technologies, solar cells and solar thermal collectors. Solar cells convert solar energy in to electricity whilst solar thermal collectors convert solar energy into heat, which can be used to heat hot water for households. This goal of this study has been to investigate the possibility of implementing solar energy into the energy system of Kista Galleria, one of Sweden's foremost venues.
Finansiella Nyckeltal som Prediktor f?r Oms?ttningstillv?xt. Regressionsanalys av finansiella nyckeltal som prediktor f?r oms?ttningstillv?xt hos svenska serief?rv?rvare
Studiens syfte var att utv?rdera om det finns l?mpliga finansiella nyckeltal som kan anv?ndas
f?r att f?rutsp? framtida tillv?xt f?r hos bolag som blivit uppk?pta av svenska serief?rv?rvare.
Hypotesformuleringen ledde till att EBITDA-marginal, kapitaloms?ttningshastighet och
skulds?ttningsgrad identifierades som l?mpliga oberoende variabler att utv?rdera.
Syftet har besvarats med en kvantitativ metod, d?r information om de uppk?pta bolagen
samlats in via Capital IQ. De statistiska sambanden mellan de oberoende variablerna och
oms?ttningstillv?xt utv?rderades med hj?lp av regressionsanalyser och F-tester.
Resultatet visar att det inte finns n?got signifikant samband mellan de oberoende variablerna
och oms?ttningstillv?xt i den studerade datam?ngden. Detta inneb?r att personer som arbetar
med serief?rv?rvande bolag i st?llet b?r prioritera andra m?tv?rden och mjuka v?rden f?r att
v?lja vilka bolag de b?r k?pa.
Studien har ut?kat f?rst?elsen f?r prediktorer till oms?ttningstillv?xt.
Mer än bara en leksak : En kvalitativ studie om surfplattan som ett verktyg för att stödja barns språkutveckling och sociala samspel
The purpose with the examination is to examine a preschool head and three teachers experiences and opinions of whether the tablet can be used to support childrens linguistic development and social interactions in preschool. To answer the purpose we will use these questions of issue:What is the purpose with tablets and how are they used in preschool activity?What pros and cons do the teachers see with tablets?How do the teachers resonate about the use of tablets to develop childrens language skill and social interactions?What type of social interaction occurs when children use the tablet?We have used interviews and observations as our methods. We interviewed three teachers and one preschool head in the capital city of Sweden. They all have a positive attitude towards the use of tablets in preschool.