1162 Uppsatser om Capital of scandinavia - Sida 49 av 78
"Förtroende till det läsande folket!" : Folkbiblioteket och folkbildningen under sekelskiftet 1900
The purpous of this master?s thesis is to explore how the swedish public library evolved between 1890-1911, before the state implemented the library reform in 1912. The material used to cunduct the study concists mainly of texts published during the time frame of the thesis in the form of books, booklets and articles from Folkbiblioteksbladet, a journal dedicated to the subject of the swedish public library.Drawing upon Habermas theory of the structural transformation of the public sphere and Bourdieus theories about taste as social distinction and symbolic capital, the thesis seeks to show how the public participated in the evolvement of the public library and which aspects of society that contributed to the public library?s establishment as an institution. The findings are also discussed in relation to previous research of the history of the Swedish public library.
Strategier för skogsägande i svenska skogsföretag :
This final thesis consists of an investigation of how suitable it is to vertically integrate forest in Swedish forest companies. Different strategies to obtain raw materials have been evaluated and the advantages and disadvantages have been weighted against each other.
The investigations contain a number of interviews with represents from companies with different strategies and persons that in different ways have faced the question of issue. An account study of SCA´s forest ownership has also been performed.
The benefits for a forest company to vertical integrate forest consist mainly of safety in delivery, control over the supply chain and company image.
ITS under byggtid - utvärdering med dynameq : Fallstudie: Intunnling av E4/E20 Tomteboda - Haga södra
Essingeleden in Stockholm is the most heavily congested road segment in Scandinavia and it is ofgreat importance for as well traffic within the city as for transit traffic. The capacity of Essingeledenand Norra Länken is not enough to accommodate all traffic. At times it is not moving at all, whichresults in long queues and an augmented risk of accidents. Consequently measures for increasing thecapacity on E4/E20, which will reduce congestion and the risk of accidents, are implemented byTrafikverket. In fall 2012 one lane of three at Pampas will be closed and so will the exit fromEssingeleden to Norra Stationsgatan, called Parkeringsbron.
Vad ska du bli när du blir stor? : Vilka faktorer påverkar gymnasievalet?
Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att kartlägga vilka faktorer som påverkar i gymnasievalet. Frågeställningar som belyses är vilka faktorer som påverkar eleverna och vilka personer som är betydelsefulla. I studien diskuteras också skillnader mellan olika grupper som exempelvis kön. Metoden som valdes var enkätundersökning med elever i årskurs 9 som stod inför sitt gymnasieval. Resultatet visar att intresse och att programmet ska förbereda för högre studier är de faktorer som påverkar mest.
Effekterna av regionförstoring efter infrastrukturprojekt på inkomstskillnader? : En fallstudie av Strängnäs och Värnamo
Denna uppsats visar vilken påverkan infrastrukturprojekt vars mål är regionförstoring har på olika aspekter så som befolkningsmängd, utbildningsnivå, pendling samt inkomstfördelning. Detta genom studerande teorier som Human Capital Theory, Central Place Theory med flera. Men också genom genomförda intervjuer och insamlad statistik. Uppsatsen består av två huvudfrågeställningar, dels vad syftet är med Ostlänken och vad detta bygge kan innebära för Norrköping utifrån faktorer som befolkningsmängd, pendling, utbildningsnivå samt inkomstfördelning? Men också om det blev större inkomstskillnader i Strängnäs efter bygget av Svealandsbanan? Resultaten visar att större infrastrukturprojekt har en påverkan på vissa aspekter, speciellt utbildningsnivån, pendlingen samt inkomstfördelningen.
Piotroski ur ett riskperspektiv : En empirisk studie av 3- samt 4-faktors CAPM
An efficient market implies that the use of fundamental analysis should not result in excess return, and that any return exceeding the market average can be explained by compensation for risk, accord-ing to The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The focus of this study is to test whether the suc-cessful investment strategy developed by Piotroski (2000) generates excess return on American data, after risk adjustment by using Fama & French?s (1993) 3-factor and Carhart?s (1997) 4-factor CAPM. Initially we form stock portfolios based on companies characterized by high book-to-market values, additionally, we divide them into different performance classes by ranking them with Piotroski?s (2000) measure of financial performance, F_SCORE.
Är kämpagravarna på Gotland ett tecken på tidig statsbildning? : ett försök till tolkning av gravfynd, stengrundshus, stensträngar och fornborgar
Jag har gjort en jämförande studie mellan utvecklingen i Danmark och utvecklingen på Gotland under romersk järnålder. Som underlag har jag framförallt använt Lotte Hedeagers avhandling Danmarks jernalder ? Mellem stamme og stat (Hedeager 1992) och Kerstin Cassels redovisning av det arkeologiska källmaterialet från Gotland i hennes avhandling Från grav till gård ? romersk järnålder på Gotland (Cassel 1998). Syftet med studien var att undersöka om Hedeagers slutsats att det etablerades en centralmakt med territoriell kontroll, en tidig stat, i Danmark redan i övergången mellan äldre och yngre romersk järnålder, även skulle gå att dra vad gäller Gotland baserat på det gotländska källmaterialet, och i så fall om detta kunde förklara uppkomsten av stengrundsbebyggelse och fornborgar. Jag har jämfört det arkeologiska källmaterialet från Danmark och Gotland avseende gravfynd och offerfynd, bebyggelseutveckling och landskapsutnyttjande samt vapenoffer och försvarsanläggningar.
Today´s roofing of dwelling houses is a very time consuming procedure, which includes a lot of different steps on the construction site. Not only does it cost a lot of money, but often do problems with rot and mold occur in the attics of houses today. The use of prefabricated modules has seen a great breakthrough in the field of construction of dwelling houses; at least when it comes to foundations and walls, where this type of approach makes the construction process way more efficient. What no one previous has succeeded to develop is a corresponding system for roofs that meets the demands of a dwelling house. Accordingly the goal of PlusTak has been to come up with a proper module system for roofing of dwelling houses, where the roofing is completed to meet the demands of the Scandinavian market. During the project a lot of effort has been put into customer contacts and the usability of the product, as well in the manufacturing process as on the construction site. This development has gone hand in hand with several practical tests and tryouts.
Kan den systematiska riskpremien för ickepublika företag estimeras utifrån redovisningsdata? : Ett test av en modifierad AHP-modell
I publika börsföretag kan kostnad eget kapital estimeras med hjälp av Capital Asset Pricing Model ? CAPM utifrån marknadsdata av dess aktiepriser. Eftersom marknadsdata saknas för ickepublika företag måste estimering av kostnad eget kapital utföras på annat sätt, varpå approximativa metoder utvecklats. Då inga av dessa metoder fungerar tillfredsställande har syftet i denna undersökning varit att utreda om Analytisk Hierarki Process kan användas för att utifrån redovisningsdata estimera den systematiska riskpremien för ickepublika företag. Undersökningen har sin utgångspunkt i Cotner & Fletchers (2000) användande av AHP för estimering av den totala riskpremien.
Folkbibliotek och invandrares första tid i Sverige: En explorativ undersökning
The starting point for this study is the situation for immigrants during the process of integration. This study aims to describe and discuss, with a broad approach, if certain information needs arises when immigrants meet the Swedish labour market and in such a case, do they use the library and how does the public libraries meet those needs. A secondary aim is to help increase the understanding of immigrants and forming a basis for further efforts by the libraries to improve services for immigrants and point at areas where there is a need for further research. - Which expectations and demands meets immigrants on the labour market and which library needs are possibly generated by this? - What services and range of material do the libraries offer immigrants and how are they marketed at the libraries homepages on the Internet? - Do immigrants from outside the western culture use the library and in that case how? Swedish human capital and Swedish social capability are identified as demands that are often held by operators on the labour market.
Telekomspecialisering i Östra Europa - Integrationens betydelse för en produktionsfragmenterad industri
One of the most distinguishing features of contemporary globalisation is production fragmentation, a splitting up of the manufacturing of a good into several different stages. Production fragmentation creates new opportunities through vertical specialization; a country incapable of mastering the entire production process may specialize in the manufacturing of one separate part. The aim of this thesis is to examine to what extent international integration affects a country?s ability to engage in vertical specialization in an industry characterized by production fragmentation. The analysis focuses on the european integration process over the last decade, where countries in eastern Europe with relatively low labour costs have been integrated with more capital abundant western economies.
Uppföljning av system för vägentreprenörer i skogen
Holmen Skog is one of the largest forestry companies in Scandinavia and they depend heavily on a large network of forest roads for production and logistics in connection to their forestry operations. The company recently introduced a new system for planning of road management. The system will also be developed with the intention to facilitate the monitoring of actions performed by road contractors. This report will provide information to support future decisions regarding further development of the system, after its introduction. In addition to a presentation of results from interviews, the report also provides a smaller study of the different subjects associated with roads, process work and process development.
The study is largely based on interviews with road contractors that perform work for Holmen Skog today.
Att identifiera signaler för obestånd i tid
To be able to protect themselves from credit risk, the banks must constantly check the performance of the companies they have lent money to. There are many mathematical models for predicting financial distress. These models use accounting-based ratios, which often are historical and not representative for the present situation. This study describes how the banks do in practice to find signals of insolvency in time and the variables they are observing for doing that.In addition to financial reports which the company sends in to the bank at least once a year, also the relationship between them and information from different information agencies are of great importance to track signals of insolvency. Poor profitability is the primary cause of insolvency.
Nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden : En studie om det sociala nätverkets betydelse för att hitta ett arbete
Our purpose was to research the new reform amendment" Lag om etableringsinsatser för vissa nyanlända invandrare", and whether the establishment of the reform is good and if it was a necessary amendment. For that reason, we have chosen to answer our purpose in these issues with this question formulation; how can the change of the law establishing operations influence the newcomers in the labour market, the problems the law intends to address, how the new change in the law is different from when the municipality "kommun" was responsible, and how the law can be discussed based on theories of social capital and weak ties. The method used in this study is from a adductive approach where the research is based on both empirical evidence and existing theory that interact between these two. The results that emerged in our work was that the newcomers within the labour market has been remote, the way the municipality?s addressed the problem did not work and the result of this was a new reform amendment, where a new participant established.
Identitesskapande med hjälp av externa designers
Outsourcing är ett begrepp som blir allt vanligare i företag. Ett vanligt argument för att man väljer att outsourca vissa delar av verksamheten, är att det ger en möjlighet till att fokusera på kärnverksamheten och därmed uppnå större konkurrenskraft. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur externa designers kan skapa en visuell identitet på produkten, samt vilka faktorer är viktiga då externa designers ersätter en in-house designavdelning. En kvalitativ fallstudie har genomförts på DUKA, Axcent of Scandinavia och Gant. I dessa fall har alla på något sätt kontrakterat ut antingen hela eller delar av sin designverksamhet.