1162 Uppsatser om Capital of scandinavia - Sida 44 av 78
Installation av grundvattenrör för användning inom undervisning
Den dokumenterade nyttan med att undervisa på ett varierat vis har gjort att Uppsala universitet vill ge sina hydrologistudenter möjlighet till mera fältarbete. Detta skall göras genom att installera grundvattenrör i vilka grundvattnets nivå samt kemiska sammansättning kommer att undersökas. Detta ställer krav på att området där rören installeras har en sådan geologi och topografi så att fältarbetet blir givande. Därför eftersöks områden med egenskaper som ger variationer mellan rören. Variationer i grundvattennivå förväntas främst uppkomma av olika lagerföljder eller en lutande markyta.
Malmös digitala klyfta
Differences between groups or individuals in a society with regards to access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) are known as the digital divide. The digital divide pertains to differences in physical access to computers and the Internet as well as knowledgein using technology. Important factors affecting the digital divide are disabilities, age, gender, socioeconomical background, ethnicity and geography. The digital divide appears on several levels: internationally, nationally, regionally and locally. Individuals who, for some reason, have limited or no access to information and communication technologies risk, among other things, to experience social exclusion.
Torkad eller gastät lagrad spannmål till värphöns : en fallstudie
The purpose with this study is to compare different systems of grain storage from a
financial point of view. Grain that is supposed to be fed to laying hens.
The systems that were compared were different airtight storage of grain and a system of
conventional storage.
To make this case study I choose to compare four different systems. In the case study
there was one system with bin drying of the grain, two systems with airtight storage of
the grain and one system where you buy dried grain during the season.
I made several of capital investment appraisal where I found the cost of each system,
then I took the cost and divided it with the total grain use and calculated the cost for
each kilogram of grain, and also the cost of the feed.
Then I compared the cost from my case study with the cost of buying feed.
All the systems except for one, gave a lower cost for the hen feed than buying feed from
a dealer The best system, witch were bin drying lower the cost with about 80 000:- SEK.
Jakten på den optimala arbetsformen. En studie om suboptimala dilemman.
Labour and its conditions is a subject constantly in focus. Therefore this study aims to shed some light on different factors which constitutes the basis for the definition of optimal labour conditions, as well as creating a need for change of labour conditions. In this case these factors are changes in society and cultures. The study describes how different levels of society - government, employer and employee ? are affected by, or wishes to affect the labor conditions in terms of location, working hours and leisure.
Värdet av företagsrating
Background: Increasingly, companies choose to finance their business with corporate bonds which has resulted in an increased demand on credit ratings. As such the rating agencies have a very important role in the financial markets. Examining the value of a credit-rating can be very interesting for both issuer and investor. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify and define the value of rating. Execution: The study is built upon nine interviews with rated and non-rated firms and investors.
Access to the market - a question of collaboration?
When contemplating entering an alliance the rationale behind the decision should differdepending on the size of the companies involved as well as on other important factors. The importantfactors influencing the decision are related to the resource pooling potential of the alliance,the power structure along with the business network the companies are a part of. Theanalysis has shown proof of a need for cooperation if one wish to succeed in the telecommunicationindustry and it has also determined which resources that are deemed to be most important toget in touch with, for our study object, to facilitate its access to the market. Those resources aredefined as a direct channel to the customer, funds/capital and the access to relevant businessnetworks. To get in touch with these lacking resources, three alternative approaches has beenproposed; all of them involving a strategic alliance decision.
A First Effort to Visualize Knowledge of a Region? A visualization of Öresund & Shenzhen in the perspective of Knowledge Innovation Zone
We have through our theoretical framework been able to create a simplified measuring tool for a KIZ; the S-TKL. We have found that the S-TKL is possible to implement on the Öresund Region but with some flaws. Even though the Öresund Region has implemented the mindset of a KIZ, accurate statistics are in some areas hard to find. We can also through our empirical findings say that it is difficult to use the S-TKL on Shenzhen. The data we have found gives a good indication of both of the regions.
Managering av kompetenser vid IS/IT-outsourcing
Outsourcing in IS/IT offers organizations the possibility to use external resources, maximize flexibility and focus on core business, this prompts many organizations today to be less keen on developing IS/IT-services in-house. Sourcing IS/IT is however a complex activity in itself thus requiring competencies in many areas of expertise and lots of organizations has experienced the challenge of managing the necessary competencies to ensure successful Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO). A literature review in the field of outsourcing revealed the lack of a comprehensive competency management framework with the ability to guide competency resource planning in ITO projects. In order to highlight the problem area, an extensive and thorough literature review and an empirical case study which investigated the skills and assets in ITO projects at ten major Swedish organizations was conducted. The study found that it is possible for organizations through structured analysis of their intellectual capital, using the competency framework developed within the study, to plan sourcing processes and prepare the necessary changes to ensure the ITO projects can be implemented with the desired effect..
Affärsmetoder, ett undantag ifrån patenterbarhet? -En komparativ studie av USA, Europa och Sverige
There is no commonly accepted definition of a business method. It ought to consist of a method or a process of doing business. Business methods constitutes a broad category of patents, it is hard to tell exactly what can be interpreted in to the term. Most of the world's legal systems have made an exception from patentability for business methods. In the USA the exception was abolished in a case 1998.
Private Equity : Portföljbolagsstudie
Private equity-investeringar innebär kapitalsatsningar i onoterade företag med ett aktivt och tidsbegränsat ägarengagemang. Detta kan indelas beroende på tidpunkten och kapitalbehovet för investeringen och benämns: affärsänglar, venture capital och buyout. Det finns en allmän uppfattning att dessa bolag agerar som affärspirater, vilka suger ut tillgångarna i företag för att sedan sälja av det utan att tänka på konsekvenserna. Det finns en ovetskap om vad som egentligen tillför värde och på vilket sätt detta sker. På uppdrag av Svenska Riskkapitalföreningen skrivs därför denna uppsats.
Att göra eller inte göra : Hur kontroll och nyfikenhet påverkar regelverket på Facebook
This paper is a literature study on search engine optimization (SEO) considering the leader of the search engine market: Google. There´s an introductory background description of Google and its methods of crawling the Internet and indexing the web pages, along with a brief review of the famous PageRank algorithm. The purpose of this paper is to describe the major important methods for improved rankings on Google´s result lists. These methods could be categorized as on-page methods tied to the website to be optimized or off-page methods that are external to the website such as link development. Furthermore the most common unethical methods are described, known as ?black hat?, which is the secondary purpose of the text.
Analytikers arbetssätt och val avaktievärderingsmodeller : -Exemplet Svenska Handelsbanken
Under den sista tidens turbulenta börsklimat har förtroende för börsanalytiker ifrågasatts.Röster har höjts och påståenden att anställda inom finanssektorn missköter sitt arbete har duggat tätt i medier. Detta faktum har väckt ett intresse från vår sida att undersöka hur detta arbete verkligen går till; är arbetssättet detsamma som vi lärt oss på universitetet eller har man andra arbetsmetoder än de som man inte kan läsa om i litteraturen?Syftet med denna uppsats är att, utifrån en kvalitativ undersökning, relevanspröva de aktievärderingsmodeller vi har kommit i kontakt med på universitetet. De modeller vi valt att undersöka är:- Capital asset pricing model/CAPM- Kassaflödesbaserad värdering- P/E-talsvärdering- Utdelningsbaserad värdering- Substansvärdering- Teknisk analysFör att genomföra detta har vi undersökt hur man arbetar med frågor kring aktievärdering på Handelsbanken och då främst på deras investmentbank Handelsbanken Capital Markets. Vi har även valt att inkludera en annan svensk storbank för att möjligen kunna generalisera de slutsatser vi kommer fram till.
Spelmarknaden - ett test av effektiviteten på den svenska spelmarknaden
Every year the Swedish government invests capital in different projects. In recent years the Swedish government has chosen to invest in design. The reason for this is that the government wants industry to use design as a competitive source. Two organizations, Svensk Form and Stiftelsen Svensk Indistridesign, have been assigned to improve industry and society?s under¬standing of design.
Ultraljudssvetsning: ett komplement eller ersättning till symaskinen?
AbstractThis bachelor thesis has been assigned by the company ACG Nyström, Borås. ACG Nyström is working in cooperation with a Swiss company named Jentschmann AG. Jentschmann is a manufacturer of ultra sonic welding machines which ACG Nyström is marketing in Scandinavia and the Baltic States. On behalf of Jentschmann AG the company has the aim to introduce the ultra sonic welding technique to new companies.The aim of this thesis is to compare traditional sewing machines with ultra sonic welding machines within two textile areas, protective clothing and outdoor living.Two investigative questions have been formulated for this purpose: what are the differences between a sewing machine and an ultra sonic welding machine? Is it possible to replace the sewing technology with ultra sonic welding? These stand as guidance for this paper.To gather knowledge interviews, literature studies, and tests on two different ultra sonic welding machines were performed.
Är läraryrket en bortglömd profession? : En kvalitativ studie av styrreformernas påverkan på läraryrket
The study takes place in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm. It focuses on how the past reforms since the 90s have changed the teachers? occupation as a profession.The study is partially based on analysis of prior research and documents related to the thesis. The cornerstone of it is based on four immerse interviews carried out in three different schools. Two of which were private schools and the third is a municipal school.