

1162 Uppsatser om Capital of scandinavia - Sida 24 av 78

Ha?llbar utveckling ur ett fo?retags perspektiv : En fallstudie om hur Haglo?fs Scandinavia AB integrerar ha?llbar utveckling i sin marknadsfo?ring

Vi lever idag i ett samha?lle fullt av obalanser. Det ga?r att se hur ett konsumtionssamha?lle va?xt fram, grundat i en o?kad tillfredsta?llelse o?ver materiella ting. Ett samha?lle som besitter oha?llbara verktyg och ideal fo?r att skapa va?lsta?nd, och i sin tur har negativ pa?verkan pa? miljo?n.

Kapitalförvaltarnas arbetsmetodik vid förvaltandet av den diskretionära potföljen

Background: The devolopment in the exchange market has attract a large number of investors. The information flow is extensive and it might be hard to follow the dynamic market. Some investors therefore choose to place their capital in a stock portfolio which is manged by a professional firm with no influence from the capital owner, this management is called discretionary managing. Purpose: the purpose of the thesis is to examine the working methods and the rationality regarding the management of the discretionary portfolios. The purpose is also to try to examine whether there is a relation between the selected risk, return and fees.

Förnyelseorganismer i Ystad-Österlenregionen

Studien undersöker de existerande projekt och projektidéer som finns i regionen. Sedan genomförs utifrån teorier om innovativa zoner en utvärdering av projektens potential att sprida förnyelse..

Venture Capital : en studie om venture capitalbolag och dess Exitbeslut

En Venture Capital satsning innebär att en investerare satsar pengar i ett företag för att efter en tid kunna sälja sina andelar. Venture capital-bolagen specialiserar sig på att gå in med aktivt affärsstöd (riskkapital och kompetens) till företag med utvecklingspotential oftast med ett tidsbegränsat engagemang. Investeraren har redan vid begynnelse av investering en målsättning att lämna och sälja sitt innehav, vilket benämns exit. Med exit menas det sätt på vilket ledning och investerare kan likvidera den värdetillväxt som uppkommit.Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka och beskriva de drivkrafterna som ligger bakom olika former av exitstrategier. För att uppnå uppsatsens syften gjorde vi fallstudie med hjälp av kvalitativ undersökningsmetod.De teorier som tillämpades i uppsatsen var till att börja med de första viktiga stegen mot exiten nämligen investeringsbeslutet.

Sociala företag en av flera aktörer i det sociala välfärdsarbetets tjänst

Social enterprises make up one of the groups of participants that provide welfare services financed by public funding. The object of this study is to describe and analyze from a theoretical point of view which conditions, in what fields, by which division of responsibility and finally through what decisions these social enterprises are allocated a place in the market for social welfare services. The company that has been the object of study offers services in the field of social welfare and in employment. In the study a triangulation of qualitative methods has been used: studies of literature on the subject, recurrent interviews and observations and also reviews of documents. The results have been analyzed from theories on the space available on the market for social services, on social economy and on social capital in the form of strong, weak and bridging bonds.

Rörelsekapital och lönsamhet : Finns det ett samband?

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka sambandet mellan rörelsekapital och   lönsamhet för företag i olika storleksklasser på svenska maskintillverkande företag.Metod: Studien baseras på en kvantitativ metod för att undersöka rörelsekapitalets samband med lönsamheten. Datan som användes i studien hämtades från retriever business och uträkningarna gjordes i Microsoft Office Excel. Variablerna storlek på företag, utvecklingsfas och rörelsekapitalspolicy användes för att kategorisera datan i flertalet tester.Teori: Studiens rörelsekapitalsmått var kassacykeln och lönsamhetsmåttet var bruttovinstmarginalen.Resultat: Studiens resultat visade att det inte fanns något samband mellan rörelsekapital och lönsamhet i 13 av de 24 undersökningarna.Slutsats: Studiens slutsats är att sambandet mellan rörelsekapital och lönsamhet skiljer sig åt hos företag i olika storleksklasser på svenska maskintillverkande företag..

Globaliseringens och professionaliseringens effekter på styrelsesammansättningen i svenska börsbolag: En social nätverksanalys baserad på delade styrelseledamöter under perioden 1990 till 2010

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the networks of interlocking directors in the 50 largestSwedish companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005and 2010 and seek explanations for the observed developments.Our findings indicate that the density and concentration of the network has decreased during thefirst ten-year period and stayed constant during the second period. The development of theoverall network is not consistent throughout all corporate groups. Most notablyHandelsbankssfären seems to experience increased density and connectivity whileWallenbergsfären is experiencing the reverse.The changes during the first ten-year period is deemed to come mainly from changes inregulations pertaining to both the opening for international capital investments as well as looserrestrictions on domestic capital investments. These changes have caused decreased concentrationof ownership, as well as the emergence of new owners, which is reflected in the board ofdirectors.During the second ten-year period the changes are more pertaining to the individual boards andboard members, without flowing through into the overall network. Our findings indicate thatthese changes are caused by the increased professionalization of boards and board work, whichhas gained momentum through the creation of the Swedish Corporate Governance Code..

Kapitalstrukturens inverkan på företags lönsamhet och värde : En empirisk studie över svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolag

How capital structure influences corporate performance and value has been in the interest of researchers and scholars for more than half a century, but an answer is yet to be found. The main objective of the present paper is to contribute with data for this cause and hopefully help to clarify this mystery. The method that was used was by analyzing the impact of debt on profitability and market valuation through linear regression. The study examined 17 Swedish property companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Large Mid and Small Cap over a 6 year period (2007-2012). The authors found a slightly negative relationship between debt-to-equity and profitability measured by return on equity (ROE) as well as by return on assets (ROA).

Den nyliberala staden : -Ett Kalmarperspektiv

Abstract Contemporary cities find themselves today in a fierce competition against other cities over company establishment and in -migration. In this competition, the city?s main objective is to become an attractive site of capital accumulation.  As this happens, the pressure on the vulnerable groups in society increases, leading to a social geographic polarization. I have examined how the shift towards neoliberalism has affected a city on the fringe as Kalmar. How is the postindustrial urban space constructed? I found this important to analyze since it put two important questions in the light: For whom, and for which purpose do we build the city today? My questions have been:v  What are Kalmar municipality?s strategies to develop Kalmar?v  What are the results of this strategy in the urban space?v  What are the consequences of this strategy?The research has been a case study of the city of Kalmar with a qualitative deductive approach where David Harvey?s theories about the city in a capitalist system have been the underpinning structure.

The Knowledge City Concept?The Ideal Conditions of a Knowledge City

The purpose of this thesis is to look into the knowledge city concept and the preferences and requirements of companies on such a city. Furthermore, suggestions of ideal conditions in a knowledge city are proposed. The thesis has been conducted through a qualitative approach where a deductive procedure has been implemented. In order to examine knowledge cities, Barcelona has sketchily been looked at as an early example of a knowledge city, whereas a more exhaustive observation of Copenhagen was conducted. Since the concept of knowledge cities is a rather new phenomenon, models from several disciplines constitute the theoretical framework.

Skattekonsekvenser av generationsskiften i fåmansföretag : -En analys av befintliga regler

A change of generations occurs several times during a company?s lifetime. It is a process that requires planning and time. If the current owner wants to keep the company within the family, he has two options; he can either sell the company to a family member, or give the company to the new owner, like a gift. When the owner sells the company, it is common that he accomplishes it to a losing price.

Använder företag noterade på Large och Mid Cap en opportunistisk diskonteringsränta vid nedskrivningsprövning av sin goodwill?

Sedan 2005 är det genom en förordning av Europeiska unionen bestämt att svenska börsnoterade företag ska nedskrivningstesta sin goodwill. Diskonteringsräntan som appliceras vid denna nedskrivningsprövning är av väsentlig betydelse. Vi replikerar delvis en studie av Carlin & Finch (2009) som beräknade teoretiska diskonteringsräntor enligt Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) och jämförde med de diskonteringsräntor som börsnoterade företag i Australien använt i sin redovisning. Carlin & Finch (2009) ansåg att avvikelserna däremellan kunde förklaras genom utövanden som är diskretionära och att opportunistiskt beteende förekommer när företag sätter sin diskonteringsränta. Vi använder ett underlag bestående av Sveriges största börsnoterade företag, de som är noterade på Large Cap- och Mid Cap-listan på Stockholmsbörsen, och studerar hur andelen som redovisat en enligt CAPM avvikande diskonteringsränta förändrats sedan de nya redovisningsreglerna trädde i kraft år 2005 till år 2009.

Elias Fries : Botaniker och troende vetenskapsman

Domestic weekly magazines in Sweden are characterized by an emphasis on practical editorial material such as cooking recipes and knitting patterns, and also contain a comparatively large share of reader material. This makes it possible to study the readers through texts produced by themselves. The aim of this study of columns of readers' tips on domestic work is to analyze how readers embody a specific femininity centered around the woman as responsible for the home, in the sense of everyday maintenance as well as aesthetic development. The author defines this femininity as "home maker". The theoretical framework for the analysis is the sociological theory of Pierre Bourdieu, and Jonathan Potter's and Margaret Wetherell's model of interpretive repertoire is also used where modality is discussed.

"Här lever vi, och här ska vi satsa på vår och våra barns framtid" : -En "framgångsrik" berättelse om romska kvinnors liv i Sverige idag

The purpose of this paper is to find out how a few different women with a Roma heritage sees their to succeed possibilities in Sweden.To illustrate these issues has an hermeneutical approach been used. Materials were collected through interviews with Romani women in a municipality in western Sweden. The material created during the interview sessions is based on the five interviewees' interpretations of how they look at their life and the recognition of Roma people.The interview results show that Roma women have gone through various changes linked to school, language, family, work. Young women and their parents have become more aware that education is an important capital to invest in, in order to later obtain a good job and future. When it comes to school the results show that Roma children have become better at reading but there is still some Roma children who do not attend school, even though there is their native language, Romani, in many schools.

Föreningsengagemang och politiskt deltagande ? en tvetydig historia : En studie av Högsby och Växjö kommunfullmäktige

AbstractThe political parties in Sweden are losing members. This is seen as a problem because the political parties are the base and the recruiting ground for members to decision-making bodies. Social movements are seen as a place where people with a modest background could express their opinions and also learn the political process. These movements have also lost members during the last decades and this could seriously affect the representation of lower social groups among the decision-makers. This essay emanates from Robert D.

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