113 Uppsatser om Canine atopic dermatitis - Sida 2 av 8
Atopiskt eksem hos barn: Faktorer som påverkar familjens livssituation
Allergier ökar i västvärlden. Påverkan på livssituationen hos barn med atopiskt eksem (AE) och deras familjer är jämförbar med andra kroniska sjukdomar hos barn och deras familjer. Förebyggande behandling genom utbildning anses viktigt då det inte finns något botemedel mot AE. Det behövs ökad kunskap inom området för att kunna ge bra stöd och utbildning till dessa familjer i förhoppning om att skapa en bättre livssituation. Syftet med studien var att beskriva faktorer som påverkar familjens livssituation när barnet har AE.
Kvantitativ RT-PCR-analys för detektion av pigmentrelaterade transkript i hårrötter från hund :
Malignant melanoma represents 4-7% of all canine neoplasms and they are the most common malignant tumors of the oral cavity and digits. These tumors are often aggressive and metastasize quickly. To date there is no effective treatment and survival times are short. Most dogs are euthanized due to complications caused by metastases. Melanin pigment is a hallmark of melanomas and is usually present in large amounts in these tumors.
Genetisk och immunologisk bakgrund till atopisk dermatit hos hund
Atopisk dermatit är en sjukdom som drabbar ungefär en tiondel av världens hundar. Sjukdomen ger som följd av allergenexponering symptom såsom klåda, hudlesioner och otitis externa. Patogenesen för atopisk dermatit är komplex och multifaktoriell. Målet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka hur genetiska och immunologiska faktorer bidrar till sjukdomens patogenes. En obalans i T-hjälpar-(Th)-svaret vid atopisk dermatit är allmänt accepterad.
Hematologiska analysinstrument för mindre djurkliniker : en utvärdering av QBC-V och Scil Vet abc för analys av prover från hund och katt
Two haematological instruments intended for small animal clinic use were
evaluated at the Department of Clinical Chemistry, Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden. The QBC-V and Vet abc were
compared to a reference instrument, the Cell-Dyn 3500. Fresh blood samples were
obtained from canine and feline patients from the University Veterinary Hospital,
SLU. The QBC-V was used for 111 canine samples and 78 canine blood samples
were analysed with Vet abc. From cats, 23 samples were analysed with both
Canine herpes virus 1 : faktorer som påverkar seroprevalensen
Canine herpes virus 1 (CHV-1) är en vitt utbredd smittsam patogen. Viruset tycks verka enzootiskt i hundpopulationer och ger upphov till en livslång latens hos infekterade djur. CHV-1 kan sedan reaktiveras vid exempelvis stress, som vid dräktighet. Hos vuxna hundar får infektionen ofta ett subkliniskt uttryck, men kan också ge upphov till respiratoriska symtom samt genitala blåsor och ögoninfektioner. Dräktiga tikar kan drabbas av fertilitetsproblem, med mumifikation, resorption, dödfödsel samt abort av foster.
Review of the litterature and an attempt to evaluate intake levels of iodine and selenium in dogs with and without lymphocytic thyroiditis
The prime aim of this thesis was to investigate whether high or low iodine intake during certain periods of life was, or was not a strong risk factor for the development of canine lymphocytic thyroiditis (CLT). And secondly, if a high or low selenium intake in a combination with high or low iodine intake also may have an influence on that risk factor. To investigate this, a dietary questionnaire was sent out to dog owners. The dogs were selected from an ongoing genetic study of CLT. The questions investigated brand and type of feed during different life stages (puppy, junior and adult) and also if there were any use of dietary supplements.
Evaluation of the retinal ON- and OFF-responses in the dog ERG
The aim of the study was to examine the retinal ON- and OFF-pathways of the canine electroretinogram (ERG). The ON- and OFF-pathways are used to distinguish objects from
their backgrounds. A dark object is discernible from a lighter background using the OFFpathway and the ON-pathway is used to descry a light object upon a darker background.
This study shows that the dog ERG has both ON- and OFF-responses and that these responses can be separated by prolonging the flash duration over 50 ms. The dog OFF-response waveform was more similar to the cat OFF-response than the human OFF-response
(Frishman, 2006; Zrenner and Gouras, 1979).
In this study six female three-year-old Beagle dogs were included. Both background and flash stimuli were provided by LEDs (light emitting diodes) with a wavelength of 470 nm, a wavelength that is absorbed almost as effectively by the canine M/L-cones as by the S-cones.
These stimuli gave ERGs with both ON- and OFF-responses.
Klövhälsa hos får : ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv
Lameness causes suffering and poor performance in sheep, as in other species. The cause of lameness often originates in problems of the claws. Many claw diseases of sheep are described in British and Australian research, but this field has previously not been of special concern in Sweden.
This graduate thesis contains the first claw health survey made on Swedish sheep. The chief objective was to give an overview of sheep claw diseases and to assess claw health in adult sheep.
The significance of oxytocin in canine mammary tumours
Oxytocin is a hormone which plays a crucial role in many reproductive and behavioural functions. It affects many organs and the classical peripheral targets are the mammary glands during lactation and uterus during labour. Oxytocin receptors have recently been described in a variety of normal tissues and primary cell cultures, but also in neoplastic tissues and established neoplastic cell lines, as breast cancer cell lines. The signalling pathways and biological effects of the oxytocin/oxytocin receptor system seem to depend on species, type of tissue, physiological versus neoplastic state and receptor location within the cell membrane.The aim of this project was to find out if the cell proliferation in the canine mammary carcinoma cell line CMT-U27 was affected upon stimulation of oxytocin, and to investigate the presence of oxytocin receptors in these cells. The cell proliferation was examined by using an ELISA-kit, where the absorbance measured is relative to the amount of living cells.
Patellar luxation - a genetic study
Visas inte innan 1 juni 2015..
Wool loss in sheep
The idea behind this project came from a feed study executed two years during the lambing season. Both years wool loss was experienced. Low temperature in combination with shearing was believed to cause the wool loss the first year, while protein deficiency was believed to be the cause the second year. In the literature many causes of wool loss are described; mechanical wear, telogen effluvium, bacterial dermatitis, external parasites, wool break, scrapie, genetic causes and nutritional deficiencies are some examples. The aim of this thesis was to study causes for wool loss and how common wool loss is in Swedish sheep herds.
Samband mellan hög incidens ämnesomsättningssjukdomar och klövhälsa hos svenska mjölkkobesättningar :
Metabolic diseases in dairy cows are considered to increase the risk for claw lesions, most of all laminitis, sole haemorrhages and sole ulcers, but also to increase the risk for environmental claw lesions. The aim of this study was to compare claw health in 27 Swedish dairy farms, 18 with high incidence of metabolic diseases and 9 with low incidence. Data on claw health status was retrieved from recordings at routine claw trimmings and analysed on herd level regarding the prevalence of: any lesion, interdigital dermatitis, heel-horn erosion, sole haemorrhages, sole ulcer, lameness, abnormal claw shape, and other diseases (abscess in the white line, limb disorders, double sole, laminitic groove, white line disease, interdigital phlegmon, interdigital hyperplasia, toe abscess and verucose dermatitis). Mean prevalence of any lesion for herds with low incidence of metabolic diseases was 48 % and in herds with high incidence 41 %, and there was no statistical difference between the two groups. Mean prevalence for interdigital dermatitis was 2,0 % and 6.4 % in the low and high incidence groups, respectively (p.
Metodutveckling för analys av serglycinuttrycket i blodet hos hundar :
The development of quantitative, real-time PCR (qPCR) combined with the mapping of the canine genome opens new possibilities in veterinary medicine. This method provides a quick and accurate quantification of the expression of a specific gene at a given point in time and thereby also information of how the gene expression for a certain protein is influenced by various conditions and diseases. One possible area of application is identifying bio markers for cancer. Recently the protein serglycin (the core protein of an intracellular proteoglycan) was found to act as a selective marker for the disease acute myeloid leukemia in humans (Niemann et al, 2007). Serglycin is produced by most hematopoietic cells, although mast cells account for the largest amount of serglycin.
Canine S- and M/L- cone electroretinograms
Full-field flash electroretinography is an electrodiagnostic method used to examine the function of retinal cells. Light stimulation of the eye elicits electrical potentials in the retina. By aid of a corneal electrode and a reference electrode close to the back of the eye, the electrical potentials can be recorded and presented as an electroretinogram (ERG). ERGs driven by mainly one type of cones can be used to examine the function of a single cone class. In human beings, studies have shown the cone class sensitive to light of short wavelengths, the S-cones, to be more vulnerable to acquired damage than the other cone classes (Daley et al., 1987; Gouras et al., 1993; Greenstein et al., 1989).
Dogs have two cone classes, S-cones, and M/L-cones (most sensitive to medium to long wavelengths).
Incidence of facet joint osteoarthritis in dogs : a retrospective radiographical study
Visas inte på grund av strikt läsningsembargo, fram till 15 december 2014..