3965 Uppsatser om Candidate understanding - Sida 42 av 265
Enhanced Guided Discovery och Teaching Games for Understanding som arbetsätt i fotboll. : En observationsstudie om tränarbeteenden inom ungdomsfotboll
Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med uppsatsen var att genom systematisk observation undersöka hur en ungdomsfotbollstränare använder sig av beteenden som är överensstämmande med Enhanced Guided Discovery (EGD) och Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) i sin tränarroll under träning. Syftet besvarades med hjälp av följande frågeställningar: Hur ser fördelningen ut för tränaren med instruktionsbeteenden, feedback och frågetekniker? Hur stor del av träningen går åt till aktiviteter i training form respektive playing form?MetodMetoden som användes var en systematisk deltagande observation. Observationen gjordes i realtid och följde en modifierad version av Coach Analysis and Intervention System (CAIS)(Cushion, Harvey, Muir & Nelson 2012, s. 201ff.; Partington & Cushion 2011).
Samtalets helgd. En rekonstruktion av den svenska elitens demokratisyn
Democracy is said to uphold the dearest values and be the most moral system. But it cannot be characterized as a rigid "syste" but a continuously changing political framework, under which aims and values can be fulfilled - and replaced.The increasingly diverse and ever-changing environment of contemporary democracies forces change upon the systems' natural evolution, which makes their future features uncertain and unforeseeable. A powerful change-force doctrine does however claim change is mainly (or merely) caused by the power of ideas; the elite power over ideas can thus provide a natural foundation for the analysis of the direction of development for democracy. This study aims to provide such a foundation by reconstructing empirical and normative descriptions of democracy at two certain points in time, following extensive government studies.As a tool for analysis, this study identifies values of substantial and procedural character central to democracy theory and discourse. It further creates ideal types of democracy based on these values, to which the nature of democracy is measured.
EU:s frihandelavtalsförhandlingar med Mercosur : Implicita orsaker bakom avbrutna och återupptagna förhandlingar
This essay is about the European union freetrade treaty negations with Mercosur. I have in this essay used a qualitative content analysis, to study from the EU perspective the reasons to why, the EU and Mercosur suspended the free trade treaty negations 2004, and after several years resumed the negotiations again in 2010. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding from the EU perspective of why free trade negotiations were suspended and then resumed. In order to achieve a deeper understanding of this event, I have applied neorealism and neoliberalism on the explicit statements and the implied actions, as these theories may provide different explanatory power of implied causes of negotiations.I have come to the conclusion that the theoretical perspectives can indeed explain explicit statements and implicit actions for suspended and resumed negotiations with Mercosur. The implicit reasons for suspended negotiations are among others that the EU has an egoist thinking concerning a free trade treaty.
Geopolitisk dynamik : Ett teoriutvecklande anspråk
In the social sciences, geopolitical theory is used in order to analyze states actions and commitments when it comes to foreign policy. This thesis develops a new understanding of geopolitical theory. Firstly, the development and application of geopolitical theory, from its foundations in the early twentieth century to contemporary geopolitical studies is discussed. Secondly a revised understanding of the variables integrated in the concept and how it can be operationalized as an analytical tool is presented and tested empirically.The critical assessment of the research field of geopolitical theory tells us that six different geopolitical perspectives have been considered the most influential (room, strategy, power projection, identity, affiliation and governance) when it comes to analyzing state action. This model is applied as an analytical tool and thus tested on a single case.
Det berättande spelet : En studie om berättande datorspel och dess filmatiseringar
A paranoid and shameful reading of Inger Christensens novel Azorno.The contagious feelings of paranoia and shame played a vital part in my first reading of the novel Azorno, written by the Danish poet Inger Christensen. In this essay, I?m letting those emotions direct the ?understanding? and analysis of the novel. In earlier research the focus has been to comprehend what the novel ?really is about?, and even though it has been mentioned that the form probably is a way to make the reader a visible constructer of the novel?s ?meaning? the understanding has never been created by the affects that occurs during the reading.
Läromedel i Samhällskunskap - En textanalys ur ett mångkulturellt samt interkulturellt perspektiv
This survey is a text analysis of 4 teaching books during a ten years period in Social studies from a multicultural and intercultural perspective. Taking as a starting point that society and the school in today?s Sweden are multicultural and in need of more intercultural teaching I explore teaching books in social science to se how they relate to Sweden as a multicultural society and their way of relating to intercultural teachings and compare them. The questions asked are: How do the different books describe the multicultural society in Sweden? What kind of intercultural tools are found in the books? And are there any similarities or differences among these books? The theories used as a starting point are reformulated by the author after theories of Von Wright and Lahdenperä to fit in to the context of a text analysis of teaching books and the method used is a content analysis with its purpose of describing how the books are constructed.
En studie i "situationsanpassat följarskap" : att välja att följa en ledare baserat på frivilligt engagemang
Title:A study of ?Situational followership?.Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Lykke SilfwerbrandSupervisor:Jonas KågströmDate:2011 ? JanuaryAim:This study looks at the new concept: ?situational followership?. It discusses howfollowership and leadership are connected and takes the approach of the follower. The studymainly looks into the following questions:·How can situational followership can be described?·What is the most important parameter for a follower?·Does the choice of leader differ according to the situation?·How is situational leadership and situational followership connected?Method:This is a qualitative study with ten respondents.
Husproduktion, kritiska skeden i produktion
As a newly graduated student in construction you rarely have as much knowledge as you wish you had. It is a complicated line of business that requires knowledge and understanding of both technical solutions and interaction between actors. It is impossible to be fully learned and with that much unknown it can be hard to know where to start. This report is one step in the right direction. It contains a planning that contains construction and installations for a one level house in Kiruna with its different choices motivated.
Upplevelser av osäkerhet: En kvalitativ studie av globaliseringens effekter för ungas etablering på arbetsmarknad och familjebildning
Globalization is described as processes of economic, social and political character and a tendency in the field has been to study these aspects of the phenomenon separately. Another common feature of previous studies is to relate to the field at a high abstraction level and talk about the effects and changes in general terms. Such studies of quantitative and statistical nature in which people are constituted as homogeneous groups hides the fact that the relationship between social attributes and context creates unique positions where the effects of globalization are diverse (Sprague, 2005, pp. 16 - 18). The purpose of this bachelor thesis is therefore to break with this entrance to the field and instead focus on a micro level perspective.By conducting a qualitative interview study guided by the globalization theory of the Globalife research team, which shows how structures at the macro level can be understood to affect the micro level, the aim is to reveal potential knowledge gaps within the field.
Cykelparkeringsplatser : Grundläggande principer för planering, lokalisering och utformning
This bachelor thesis is about illustrating the fundamental principles for planning, locatingand designing bicycle parking spaces. The study aims to give an understanding of theneed and demand for bicycle parking spaces today, as well as to determine how these canbe met according to different theories. The study also aims to investigate the issue withincorrectly parked bicycles, which occurs frequently in the cityscape and therefore createsan obstacle in street spaces.An observational study on the new bicycle lots along Götgatan was conducted in orderto analyze how the theories of bicycle parking spaces are applied in practice. Cyclistswere then interviewed in order to obtain a deeper understanding of the cyclists? revealedpreferences.
"Jag kände mig inte okej för att gå hem" - en intervjustudie om äldres upplevelser i relation till täta återinläggningar på sjukhus
Background: Many elderly are feeling lonely and insecure in their homes; it?s difficult for them to cope with their life situation after discharge from hospital. There is therefore a need to get a deeper understanding of their situation and the need for action, thus possibly preventing a new hospital admission. Recent research shows that a better coordination is necessary when elderly are discharged from hospital and that the quality of the discharge is essential for how they cope at home afterwards.Purpose: To get a deeper knowledge of older people´s experiences associated with frequent readmissions to hospital.Method: A qualitative research approach was used trough interviews with open questions. Ten persons with an age of 75 years and older who had a readmission to hospital within one month was interviewed.
We have written this paper about gambling problems with the purpose to give us and all of our readers a sense of understanding. With the term understanding we mean that we all know what type of activity gambling is but not a lot of us know how it feels for individuals that due to their addiction play almost every day and sometimes several times a day. By somehow trying to explain what kind of experiences people who engage in gambling feel, we hope that we somehow can increase our knowledge towards these persons and towards gambling. We are well informed that the content of our particular subject that we?ve chosen is massive and that more research needs to be done about or subject since there are no simple answers that can explain gambling behavior so easily.
Brodéns bryderier rörande Russells paradox
We follow Torsten Brodén through his writings on Russell's Paradox. By comparing his work to that of his fellow colleagues at the time, we acquire an understanding of the context in which he wrote. Brodén is somewhat unique among contemporary mathematicans in his philosophical approach and thorough treatment of the most fundamental logical building blocks of set theory. With this mindset, he considers Russell's Paradox from a new point of view and believes himself to have successfully found a way to rid the world of it..
Tillsammans är inte alltid starkast : palliativ vård är ingenting för primadonnor
My thesis is based on a qualitative study. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the educationalist at an especially chosen school in Stockholm promotes the students multicultural background in the education or not.This is due to the fact that the Swedish school to a considerable degree reflects the multicultural Swedish society. The socio-cultural starting point is when people come together and meet. The language is the tool of the socio-culture and it is the dialogue, discussion and sympathetic understanding that makes people meet.The cultural concept is diffuse and very wide. Everyone has their own definition of it.
Sociala medier. En kvalitativ undersökning om sociala medier i Pr-verksamhet
This thesis was written by order of Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Company, a PR- consultancy firm located in Gothenburg. The assignment was to investigate social media in Pr- activities. The thesis is formed by three main categories:? What is social media?? Who are using social media?? How can you use social media in public relations?The information which is being presented in this thesis is based on academic reports, interviews and research on social media blogs and lectures. It is a qualitative approach since the purpose is to get a deeper understanding for the subject in question.