

601 Uppsatser om CORE-OM - Sida 17 av 41

Lekens Betydelse : Barn och pedagogers tankar om styrd lek

How do we match our education with the needs of the construction line of business and the requirementsof the Swedish National Agency for education? Is there something that we have to change?In this study I have asked our former students about their opinion of our education and I have also asked them to give me their view on what a good teacher is like. I have been able to benefit a lot from their answers in my efforts to be that good teacher. This survey took place at Facebook.The answers showed that we carry on a piece of solid workmanship. But you can always improve, try harder.

Lärares skrivdiskurser i teori och praktik. : En fallstudie av lärare i årskurs 6.

The purpose of this discourse-analytical study is to investigate teachers? beliefs about writ-ing and writing instruction and how their beliefs and writing instruction can be understood in relation to the Lgr11 syllabus in Swedish. The study included five teachers who teach in grade 6 of primary school, where I applied Roz Ivani??s theories of written discourses, based partly on interviews with teachers and classroom observations of teaching, partly on the Swedish curriculum for grades 4?6. The result shows that teachers move within creativi-ty, process, genre and social practice discourse, while the skills of discourse and the socio-political discourse lack matching.

Att låta tusen blommor blomma. - Lärares syn på relationens betydelse för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter.

The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to investigate how teachers view the way they build their relationships towards students, both in general and, more specifically, towards those students with some type of attention deficits. The focus of this thesis has been on how great an importance teachers place on this relationship. Especially when it comes to working with students with attention deficits. We also want to know to which extent this relational perspective is rooted in teachers' practice. The theoretical basis of this study is the relational perspective formulated by Aspelin and Persson (2011).

Projektstyrningurettaffärsekosystemperspektiv En fallstudie om projektstyrning inom bankgemensamma projekt

Based on last years events that have taken place, events on the school Lundbergs and the police values of work, has the meaning of having a set of values been questioned. This study aimed to investigate and answer the fundamental values based on the common value basis for the government employees within an organization and how it perceived by employees. The new institutional theory was the framework for this qualitative study conducted with semi-structured interviews. Respondents were employees within the organization. Ethnographic qualitative methodology was the basis for our methodology and we used a thematic model of theme interpretation, communication and knowledge in our analysis.

LEED i Sverige och i byggprojektet Borgarfjord 3.

This thesis provides a good introduction to the American environmental certification system LEED, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, and trough compar-isons between Sweden and the United States an explanation to the systems design is given. The work is closely linked to a LEED Core & Shell project in Stockholm, Swe-den, where the goal is to reach the second highest rating in LEED - Gold.This thesis gives a broad description of the LEED system and a more profound study of the energy sector, Energy and Atmosphere. Here, for example, an analysis has been made of how the energy consumption of an imaginary building designed according to the requirements of the BBR (Swedish building code) performs in comparison to the Baseline building in LEED.The existing model of Borgarfjord 3, which served as a case study in this work, has al-so been modified to investigate the energy savings that could have been achieved by adding extra insulation to the building. A description of the problems, regarding how the Swedish district heating system (DES) is treated in LEED, is given as well as the suggested modifications. This is an issue that will be pursued during the process of shaping a new, international, version of LEED due to be launched 2012..

Cementstabilisering av Biltemas andra lagerbyggnad i Halmstad

This is a technical report about cement stabilization in general and the stabilizationprocess during the construction of a warehouse in Halmstad, Sweden in particular and iswritten at the section for economy and technology at Halmstad University incollaboration with NCC Anläggning.NCC encountered variations in compression strength in the stabilized material on the firstwarehouse that they constructed for the company Biltema. In our report we used thestabilization process of the second warehouse for the same company as a reference todetermine what could be done to get a more homogeneous result for future projects.We also looked in to what testing method is the most suitable to determine the result ofthe stabilization.After interviews with people involved in the process and visits on the work site we havecome to the conclusion that the most probable cause to the variations in compressionstrength is segregation in the ballast material. This segregation can occur in severaldifferent occasions in the process such as during the production, transportation andhandling on the work site.Other causes for the variation can be improper compaction, overlapping stabilization insome places and different duration of hardening of the samples that are tested.The best way to do in situ test of the stabilized material is to do seismic investigations asthose are non-destructive tests in comparison to taking core samples and you can discoverany cracks or air bubbles in the material..

Inverkan av stora mängder halm som underlag i grisningsboxen på den nyfödda smågrisens temperaturreglering :

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of large amounts of straw in the farrowing pen on thermal regulation of the newborn piglet in different weight classes. 20 sows were given 15 kg of straw in the farrowing pen 2 days prior to until 7 days after parturition. A control group of 18 sows had no straw in the pen. 6 litters from each treatment were observed. Measurements of piglet body temperature were made at 0h, 2h, 4h, 8h and 24h after parturition. At ?8h? the body temperature of the piglets in the Straw group were significantly higher (P=0,0149) than the piglets in the Control group.

Electrolux och patenten. En studie av Electrolux patentstrategiska agerande 1950-1970.

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is a genre of computerized systems which allows system development corporations to efficiently and more easily manage, maintain and handle the applications lifecycle. These ALM systems have a wide variety of tools which can be integrated to enable and support collaborative work, while they act at the core of the organisation. Todays ALM systems support flexible system development methods throughout the entire development process. This paper focuses on a case-study of a Swedish business- and technology corporation and their use of two ALM systems with an aim to unravel the differences between these systems and their functionality to serve as a basis for decision making regarding their utilization of best practice with their ALM-Systems. Meanwhile we studied their approach to ALM systems to see if they were using them according to the initial idea of ALM systems.

Välfärdsstad i förändring-Idéburna organisationers roll i dagens socialpolitik

The Swedish society and welfare model are under constant changes anddevelopment. One of the core areas in this welfare model is the social policy. By analysing the changing role of the organizations in the civil society on a local level with a theoretical typology changes in the roles can be noted. These changes can with a model for ideal types raice questions about bigger changes concerning issues of legitimacy and accountablility. I uses qualitative method including interviews with actors on the local level, earlier reseach in the field and public documents.

Solokvist eller ensamvarg : Socialt samspel hos personer med psykosproblematik

Background: People diagnosed with psychosis are often described as introvert, isolated and with little or no ability to create and maintain social relationships. While every angle of a phenomena is valid and important, we believe that the first-person perspective provides the only direct access to the diagnosed persons? feelings and experiences.Aims: The aim of this study is to explore how a few people diagnosed with psychosis describe their experiences of social interaction.Method: This study is conducted in a Grounded Theory manner. An analysis has been performed on interviews made with five individuals, all diagnosed with a psychosis diagnosis.Results: The main result of this study is that the self-image is a core factor in the individuals experiences of, and initiative to, social interaction. The social interactions are linked to the individuals own relation to their diagnosis in a dynamic process where all components affect each other in the creating of the self-image.Conclusion: This study concludes that people diagnosed with psychosis is no different than other people when it comes to dreaming and longing for functional social relationships, but that they have some difficulties in actually finding them due to both social stigma and a poor self-image..

Implementation av offline-läge i mobila applikationen GreatRate

Även om de flesta av oss i dagsläget vet att våra mobila enheter kan tappa sina nätverksanslutningar lite då och då har det mer eller mindre blivit en självklarhet att i alla lägen ändå kunna använda våra favoritapplikationer som vanligt. Denna rapport syftade till att hitta en lösning på problemet med nätverksberoende applikationer genom att implementera ett offline-läge som kringgick detta beroende i GreatRate, en iOS-applikation för kundundersökningar i butik. Med hjälp av en databas för att mellanlagra data under tillfällen då en duglig nätverksanslutning inte fanns tillgänglig samt synkronisering av nämnda data när anslutningen åter blivit funktionell förväntades problemet kringgås. Resultatet blev som väntat en applikation som gav användaren en förhöjd användarupplevelse helt oberoende av nätverksanslutningens status. Några av slutsatserna som drogs var dock att flera olika lösningar finns för detta problem och att problemet högst troligt har olika utseenden för olika applikationer..

Utveckling av ett svensk-engelskt lexikon inom tåg- och transportdomänen

This paper describes the process of building a machine translation lexicon for use in the train and transport domain with the machine translation system MATS. The lexicon will consist of a Swedish part, an English part and links between them and is derived from a Tradostranslation memory which is split into a training(90%) part and a testing(10%) part. The task is carried out mainly by using existing word linking software and recycling previous machine translation lexicons from other domains. In order to do this, a method is developed where focus lies on automation by means of both existing and self developed software, in combination with manual interaction. The domain specific lexicon is then extended with a domain neutral core lexicon and a less domain neutral general lexicon.

Stadskampen om kunderna ? En studie om värdeskapande i handelsplatser

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to investigate how value creation influences consumers´ choice of market place. We have chosen to focus on how inner city centers can compete with external shopping malls by examining what values consumers find essential in shopping areas. The development within the retail market with more external malls outside cities has resulted in impoverished city centers; therefore, new strategies towards more attractive servicescapes in the inner city are crucial. The study is based on a qualitative approach due to deeper understanding and closeness to the subject, where Kalmar city is chosen as a case. We have completed a focus group study where respondents from each target group where represented.

Graffiti i Karlstad : En konstform som väcker starka reaktioner

Ship formed monuments from the Late Bronze Age on the island of O?land, southeast Sweden, have never been thoroughly dealt with in previous research, despite the fact that the region is suggested to have had a key-role in maritime trade networks. This thesis aims to address the ship formed monuments on O?land in relationship to the monuments in northern Sma?land and the island of Gotland. My goal is to discuss how the ship symbolism was practised during the Late Bronze Age in Scandinavia from a new perspective.


The construction industry depends on functioning logistics; if the logistics isn?tworking the construction site will risk to be interrupted due to material shortages orproblems with deliveries. Despite this, the construction industry is battling logisticproblems daily. This problem is very time consuming and costly for the companies.These theses are written for Peab Bostadsproduktion and investigate if it is possibleto focus on logistics earlier in the building planning process to reduce the problemsthat occur. Peab has partnerships with three companies that could be helpful for themin the work of reducing logistic problems.

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