

6888 Uppsatser om Business to business relationships - Sida 55 av 460

Generation Y:s värderingar och attityder kring framtidens chefsroll

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur Generation Y:s attityd och värderingar förhåller sig mot det ledarskap som bör tillämpas av framtida chefer. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ ansats i form av individuella intervjuer och en fokusgrupp, således har studien baserats på det empiriska material som insamlats från de fyra individuella intervjuerna och vår fokusgrupp som genomfördes. Det empiriska såväl som det teoretiska materialet har sammanställts i sitt respektive kapitel och därefter analyserats med utgångspunkt ur våra frågeställningar. Slutsatser: De senaste åren har det förekommit artiklar i fack- och dagspress om hur individer ur Generation Y ställt sig ovilliga till att acceptera chefsrollen. Vårt resultat visar att det finns ett genuint intresse för civilingenjörs- och civilekonomstudenter att faktiskt acceptera chefsrollen. Det är dock med krav på kontinuerlig feedback, coachning och möjligheten till att arbeta fritt och kreativt som gör att dessa individer är benägna att acceptera chefsrollen i företagen..

informationshantering i börsnoterade företag

En börsnotering och att bli ettbörsnoterat företag innebär en stor omställning för många företag. Företagen hamnar i offentlighetens ljus och granskas av många intressenter i dess omgivning..

Sociala nätverkets betydelse för vägen ur hemlöshet : En narrativ studie

The aim of this study was to use stories from three people who previously lived in homelessness to increase the knowledge of the social network's impact on the process of exiting homelessness. In order to answer our questions, whether the social network facilitated or hindered the way out of homelessness, we have used a narrative method to take advantage of these person's life stories. As a theoretical perspective, we used the ecology of human development, based on the idea that human development occurs in interaction with their environment at different levels. Results showed those interviewees' networks had a significant impact on their path out of homelessness and that these relationships both facilitated and hindered this process. At the same time, these relationships affected our interviewees in different ways and were found in various areas of life, which indicates that there is more than one way out of homelessness.

Bankernas roll i ett hållbart samhälle : om bankers CSR-arbete

Lately it has become more common to question the companies? actions in how they affect their surroundings. Today, the expression ?Corporate Social Responsibility? often is mentioned in this connection. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), is a concept whereby companies voluntarily integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operation.In Sweden there is a big difference between different businesses when it comes to their Corporate Social Responsibility.

Bollnäs GIF Bandy- ett starkt varumärke? : En studie av en bandyförenings varumärke och dess betydelse för det lokala samhället

AimThe aim of this study is to give a picture of how the brand of Bollnäs GIF apprehends according to the sports club, the municipality of Bollnäs, the Swedish Bandy Association and the local business owners. Following questions has been used: How does the brand of Bollnäs GIF apprehend? Which existing soft value has the brand? What does the association contribute for the community, for local business owners and for the local development? How can the association develop the brand best in the future?MethodThe study is based upon ten interviews with persons representing organization that is concerned. These are: Bollnäs GIF, the municipality of Bollnäs, the Swedish Bandy Association and local business owners. I have analyzed the results compared to selected brand theories.ResultsThe existing value of the sports club-brand is the history and tradition that lies within the brand and the communion and the commitment the sports club creates in the Bollnäs.

Mobila enheter som stöd i arbetslivet - En studie i behov och använding av "Mobil Business Intelligence"

På senaste tid har fler och fler företag börjat utrusta sin personal med elektroniska verktyg för beslutsstöd i mobila sammanhang. Laptops (bärbara datorer) har länge dominerat marknaden för det användningsområde som i uppsatsen kallas "mobil business intelligence". I takt med att mobiltelefoner har fått bättre prestanda och utökad funktionalitet har idén om att göra mobiltelefoner touchskärm-baserade gett upphov för begreppet "smartphones". Efter den stora succén med touchskärm-baserade enheter i fockformat har större varianter introducerats och marknadsförts som både pek- och läsplatta (eng. Tablet computer).

Generationsskiften i ägarledda företag : nyckeln till en framgångsrik succession

Background: The development of the Swedish demography is one of the most important social and economic changes ever in Swedish history. Society as well as business is facing an age chock since almost every other company owner is over 50 years old. The complexity of managing a successful succession is pointed out as a major threat to the Swedish economy by the organization Svenskt Näringsliv.Purpose: The purpose with this master thesis is to identify and analyze critical success factors for a successful succession from a going concern perspective.Research method: By using the strong aspects from the quantitative as well as the qualitative method, high level of order and systematic could be reached, without loosing too much details and depth in this particular research. The empirical data was gathered by a digital survey sent to 3000 companies. The quantitative research was complemented by 6 qualitative interviews to increase depth and reliability.Results: The study shows that there is a great incongruence between the expected problems associated to the succession and the actual outcome.

Beslutsstödssystem : Nyckeln till effektivare beslutsprocesser och ett användbart verktyg för att fatta bättre beslut

Ambitionen med vår undersökning har varit att belysa hur beslutsstöd påverkar beslutsprocesser och beslut som fattas i en organisation. Vår studie berör bland annat vilka förutsättningar som krävs för att ett beslutsstöd ska fungera tillfredställande. Vi har även undersökt hur beslut i organisationer med beslutsstöd skiljer sig från rationella modeller för beslutsfattande.Uppsatsen belyser områden som Business Intelligence och Business Performance Management. Den teoretiska referensramen bygger på centrala reflektioner kring beslutsstödsområdet. Författares resonemang kring beslut, beslutprocesser och andra relevanta ämnesområden tas upp för att öka förståelsen kring beslutsstöd och hur de påverkar organisationer.

Ett kognitivt branschperspektiv : Bemanningsbranschen

Background: The way in which corporate managers interpret, reason and evaluate uncertainties and constant changes, and how they take advantage of their experiences and wisdom can make a big difference for the long term survival of their companies. The requirements for efficiency and flexibility have increased in many ways, especially concerning the workforce needed and its degree of competency. In Sweden, employee recruiting industry has grown concurrently with the changes in the Swedish economy. Purpose: The purpose is to better understand the recruiting industry by performing a theoretical evaluation from a cognitive perspective. Delimitation: We intended to study the cognitive characteristics of the Swedish recruitment industry.

Basel II och fastighetsbranschen - en scenariostudie av de nya kapitaltäckningsreglernas konsekvenser för fastighetsbranschen

Banks carry a great responsibility when it comes to the financial systems in our society. Disturbance in the credit system affects both lender and borrower. All financial institutions must therefore carefully estimate their risk exposure. This assessment enables them to cover themselves from losses with appropriate capital buffers as main guardian. In order to prevent bank crises and also to maintain financial stability in general, new regulations concerning analysis and preventive actions were introduced on the 1st of February 2007.

"Vi killar räknas liksom inte..." : 18 vårdnadshavares tankar och erfarenheter kring samverkan mellan hem och förskola

This paper examines women's positions in the music industry. By quantitativelyinvestigate ten major companies on the swedish music market, the authors have beenable to mapp positions that are dominated by women and as well as men. The essaydiscusses several theories of both gender in organizations and gender in society inorder to analyze the quantitative results.The aim of the paper is to highlight the current segregation of careers in the musicindustry as well as to lay a foundation for further research on why it is segregated.Clear graphs shows the gender distribution between women and men in business butalso the distribution of gender in occupations / positions in similar companies. In theanalysis the authors reflects on the results using relevant gender theories. In theconclusion, the authors explain the result generated by the analysis and illustrates theprevailing segregation that exists in the music industry.This paper has concluded that a seemingly even distribution between men andwomen in business organisations can sometimes be misleading.

Säkerhetsutvärdering certifikatserver i stället för aktiva kort

Business and organizations use computer network in a greater extension than ever before, especially for business-critical use. That increase the demand of security for all systems, both against internal and external threats. The demand on the authentication method used today increases. Today they normally uses password or some kind of smart card. I will performa literature study that will investigate the possibility to increase the security in authentication of users without the use of extra hardware.

Konst på internet idag : En retorikanalys av konstverksamma organisationers självpresentationer

This is a qualitative study about Art transformation and commodification in the digital age. The study applies a rhetoric analysis with the aim to understand how art sellers, gallery owners and entrepreneurs take part in this transformation process through their websites? presentation texts ?about us?. The analysis is related to communication theories but it is also inspired by other theories such as Gramsci?s hegemony theory and Bourdieu?s cultural critical theory.

Faktorer som påverkar hyresnvån för butikslokaler

Att försöka identifiera och analysera faktorer som påverkar hyresnivån för butikslokaler i Lunds centum..

Business Potential of Software Defined Radio Technology

The business potential of software defined radio (SDR) technology is studied by evaluating whether or not its characteristics correspond to those particular to a disruptive technology. The maturity of the SDR technology concept is illuminated by analyzing the opinions and perspectives of a selection of representatives for different stakeholders in the wireless communications market. Characteristics as, for example, the degree of consensus about the utility of SDR technology and the awareness of features and limitations are studied by application of the theory of technological frames. This theory helps us understand how and when technology evolution takes place. Finally we describe the value network structures of some potentially viable application areas for SDR and suggest some possible business opportunities based on SDR technology.This thesis is carried out as a case study and the research data is obtained from secondary sources, such as literature and Internet publications as well as interviews with people well experienced in the field of wireless communications.

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