

6888 Uppsatser om Business to business relationships - Sida 54 av 460

Gränslös kommunikation. Kommunikation i ett globalt företag under förändring

TitelGränslös kommunikation Kommunikationen i ett globalt företag under förändringFörfattareÅsa BorgKursExamensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap avancerad nivåHandledareAnnika BergströmTerminVT 2011SyfteAtt undersöka hur kommunikationen fungerat i ett globalt företag under förändring.Metod och materialKvantitativ enkätundersökning på ett totalurval av 138 mellanchefer på Volvo Business Services. 83 personer svarade vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 60 procentHuvudresultatMed hjälp av en webbenkät har jag undersökt hur kommunikationen fungerat i det globala företaget Volvo Business Services under en förändring. Resultaten visade att en stor del av mellancheferna i företaget ansåg att informationen varit tillräcklig men att en betydande del ändå inte var nöjd med kommunikationen som gått ut. De upplevde då svårigheter att svara på frågor från anställda. Det visade sig även att mellancheferna föredrog att få informationen genom andra kanaler än de kanaler de fick.

Stockholm - The Capital of Scandinavia : Uppbyggnaden av en stads varumärke

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur ett varumärke påverkar en stad och dess image. Avsikten med studien är att granska hur varumärket Stockholm - The Capital of Scandinavia har bemötts av utländska turister och om varumärket är så pass exklusivt att det kommer att bestå även i framtiden.En lockande och attraktiv image är en stor betydande faktor för en destination som försöker marknadsföra sig gentemot turister. En image kan exempelvis skapas genom ett varumärke, vilket presenterar och definierar en destination på ett sätt som är lockande för potentiella besökare. Stockholms nya varumärke riktar sig både mot utländska turister och företag i Stockholmregionens näringsliv. Vi har dessutom undersökt hur varumärket marknadsförs och om privatpersoner bosatta i Stockholm på något vis kan hjälpa till att stärka varumärket.Fallstudien handlar om Stockholm Visitors Board, Stockholm Business Region och deras varumärke Stockholm ? The Capital of Scandinavia.

Business Performance Management utifrån ett kvalitetssynsätt

Under 1990-talet kom Kaplan och Norton fram med styrningsfilosofin balanserat styrkort som innebär att managers uppmanas att inte enbart ta hänsyn till finansiella mått utan bör använda sig av både finansiella och icke-finansiella mått för att kunna styra företag. Det här konceptet med balanserat styrkort har sedan det togs fram utvecklas och i början av 2000-talet finns den tredje versionen av balanserat styrkort som tillsammans med avancerad teknologi bildar konceptet business performance management. Det innebär att den information som ligger till grund för de rapporter som består av finansiella och icke-finansiella mått hämtas från en central databas i det verksamhetsöverskridande business performance management systemet. En anledning till det är att business performance management knyter samman balanserat styrkort med avancerad teknologi som möjliggör att managers därmed har möjlighet att få tillgång till en gemensam version av verkligheten, det vill säga en gemensam mental bild hur företaget presterar. Dessutom möjliggör den avancerade teknologin att managers oavsett om beslut tas som är strategiska, taktiska eller operativa att de har tillgång till den information som beslutsunderlagen baseras på i rätt tid.Den information som beslutsunderlagen baseras på måste bestå av en tillfredställande god kvalitet för att möjliggöra att managers tar korrekta och optimala beslut.

Handelsbranschers användning av Augmented reality : En studie om dess möjligheter, utveckling och användning

Augmented reality is an interesting technology which has increased in popularity the last couple of years. Even though we see more and more of this technology the use of it doesn?t match up to its true potential. This paper aims to investigate the possibilities of this technology and illustrate how companies can use it in their business to reach out to customers in a new and exciting way. The study consists of three parts.

Co-branding ur ett konsumentperspektiv

Med denna uppsats har vi utifrån ettkonsumentperspektiv, jämfört eventuellalojalitetsöverföringseffekter hos co-branding vid en högoch en låg engagemangsnivå..

Gryning i den svarta lådan. Hur man utifrån rationella metoder och ett beskrivande angreppssätt kan öka förståelsen för kompetens

Competence is a complex concept that encompasses many facets. This study aims fora better understanding of the concept. Many branches of business administration science would benefit from a better understanding of competence and, through that understanding, find solutions where competence is one of many variables. By combining a positivistic and phenomenological approach, this study has created a broader understanding of the concept of competence.The study combines systematic study of the relevant literature with in-depth interviewswith people representing both the employer and the union within the staffing company world.The results show that quantifying competence is a complex and next to impossible task, as it would involve including the whole concept of competence in the calculations. When this is done, the phenomenon itself becomes so complex that it loses its validity.This is why theorists who want to perform this type of calculations put most of the competence complexity in ?the black box?.

?På andra sidan planket? : en kvalitativ studie om hur det sociala stödet från nätverken påverkar återhämtningsprocessen från ett drogmissbruk

Research about social support and social networks has mostly concerned the impact on a person?s wellbeing and health. However an aspect largely neglected is how social support within the social networks can affect the process of giving up a drug abuse. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of what role the social support within different relationships can have on the process of giving up drug abuse. Furthermore the aim is to examine how a self-help group can provide social support in the transitional period after leaving a drug abuse.

Generisk Affärsmodell för E-tjänster

Intresset för e-tjänster och affärsmodeller har ökat det senaste decenniet, med anledning av Internets snabba utspridning och att allt mer webbaserade organisationer vuxit fram. Det råder dock viss missuppfattning över koncepten, vilket kan härledas från de många olika definitioner som finns för både affärsmodeller och e-tjänster. I detta arbete ses e-tjänster som webbaserade tjänster som erbjuds genom användningen av Internet. För affärsmodeller finns två inriktningar: (traditionella) affärsmodeller och e-affärsmodeller. Många blandar ihop dessa och gör därmed ingen skillnad på begreppen.

Företagare på (o)känd mark

This thesis emphasizes the importance of understanding the employees? attitude and motivation towards their workplace at a company that works in the advertising business. An example company; thcommunication agency PS Communication in Stockholm, was used for the empirical part to investigate the purpose. The topic is interesting since the company works in a fast changing environment with new techniques,tools and professionals and the company is also going through an expansion that include many new recruitments.The purpose in this thesis is as follows: ?the purpose of this study is to elucidate the fate of attitude and motivation of employees in relation to the workplace during business expansion, if performance is reduced and competition increases.?The analysis and results shows that attitudes andmotivation among the employees in the workplace has deteriorated, the employees agree that it is due to expansion the company is undergoing.

Hållbarhetsredovisning i svenska företag: - utveckling, trender och drivkrafter

This study aims to investigate development and reasons behind sustainability reporting in large Swedish companies. By examining 15 companies? environmental and sustainability reports between the years 2000 and 2008, data was collected on matters such as frequency, scope and design. Identified trends were to a large extent in line with previous studies on international development; sustainability reporting is growing in several aspects. The authors have found one major reason for this development to be increasing requirements and expectations from stakeholders and a need for companies to legitimize their actions.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Nongovernmental Organizations

Background: Corporations are established and organized in order to create economic values for their owners and the main aim of every business enterprise is to be profitable and satisfy the financial expectations of their shareholders. However, corporate social responsibility focuses on the ethical aspects of corporate business in order to achieve the balance between the profitability and social responsibility. Nongovernmental organizations through their activities promote the respect for human rights and environmental care within the corporate world. Purpose and Scope: To make an in-depth study about the role of nongovernmental organizations regarding corporate social responsibility in order to increase the understanding of corporate social responsibility. Methodology: We used literature research for our thesis and we analysed the secondary data related to the corporate social responsibility.

The Toyota Production System (TPS) : ett verktyg för att skapa effektiv och lönsam produktion

Many companies are currently working to optimize and streamline their processes and production lines to achieve higher profitability. In increasingly competitive markets, companies are working to find solutions to increase the value of their production with such a small use of resources as possible. A tool used to accomplish this is the Lean management system. Lean comes from the production system that Toyota has been developing since the early 1900's, The Toyota Production System (TPS). The Lean philosophy helps companies, by working towards continuous improvement in its operations, to achieve higher customer satisfaction, more efficient production and ultimately higher profitability. Many companies are working to implement Lean in their organization. But there are many who fail to implement a complete change towards Lean.

Framtidens lagefterlevnadsverktyg hos små och medelstora företag : en behovsanalys

This thesis aims to investigate what requirements companies have in order to achieve a successful legislative compliance control. The implementation of an environmental management system can help the company to structure their business and succeed with their environmental legislative compliance.Both small and medium sized businesses perceive that it is difficult and time consuming because the legislation can be difficult to interpret if you do not have the required knowledge. There are many companies that hire help in the form of consultants who audit their compliance, but this leads to a risk that the company will be exposed when the knowledge does not remain in the company if the consultant would cancel the cooperation. There are not so many tools today for businesses to obtain good legal compliance. The methods used are usually checklists included in the control program, and it costs a lot of resources to do everything needed.This study strives to deliver the expressed needs of the businesses.

Skanska and their strategic Polish suppliers: Analysis of the buyer- supplier relationship against the interplay of pricing strategy, supply chain policies and culture

Researchers and practitioners have recognized the need for ?transforming? every policy of the company into a competitive advantage tool. Thus, both the pricing approach and the supply chain practices of the firm have emerged as an important determinant of success. In this study, however, we are not only interested in these two aspects, but also in a third one-namely cultural conflicts as an obstacle and challenge. The interaction of the tree factors is extensively presented against the backdrop of Skanska and four of their closest Polish suppliers.

Mötesanläggningarnas framgångsfaktorer : En fallstudie av Stockholmsmässan och Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre

The aim of this essay is to examine how important marketing and networking is for the meeting industry in Stockholm. The meeting industry is one of the most profitable areas of the tourism industry today and a major contributor to economic growth in Sweden. The meeting industry has grown rapidly in Sweden and Stockholm has during the last five years been one of the ten most popular congress cities in the world. This has resulted in that the city has become a strong competitor to other European cities.Stockholm International fairs are for example the largest trade fair organizer in Scandinavia and Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre is the new arena of opportunity.However the marketing and a broad network is necessary for meeting facilities if their aim is to be successful. Marketing contributes to the meeting facilities establishment and makes it well known for the potential market, while the collaborations and relationships is important for facilitating their work.

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