

6888 Uppsatser om Business to business relationships - Sida 10 av 460

Riktlinjer för implementationen av Business Intelligence inom sjukvården : En explorativ studie av sjukvården i Region Halland

Business Intelligence är en samling verktyg för att utvinna och analysera information ur rådata inom en organisation samt ge bättre beslutsstöd grundat på denna. Det har traditionellt använts inom industrisektorn, men på senare tid har även sjukvårdssek- torn upptäckt fördelarna med ett välimplementerat system för Business Intelligence. Implementationen är emellertid en komplex process där mycket kan gå fel, och på grund av att sjukvårdssektorn relativt nyligen började använda sig utav Business Intel- ligence finns luckor i forskningen på området. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur sjukvården i Region Halland samt involverade konsulter arbetar med implemen- tationen, och ta fram riktlinjer för hur detta bör ske. Uppsatsen baserades på en kvali- tativ ansats och använde sig av en explorativ studie med djupintervjuer där totalt fem personer från Region Halland samt två personer från ett IT-konsultbolag bidrog till uppsatsens resultat.

Kandidatuppsats om bibehållande av kunder genom lojalitetsskapande aktiviteter

Companies of today are facing a development where it is more significant to focus on existing customers since the approach constitute a more cost reducing way, compared to finding new customers. During the last decades the marketing has therefore moved towards a relationship based marketing. Companies emphasize creating long-term relationships with customers, instead of consider the sale as a non-recurrent phenomenon. To engender customer loyalty has been an essential objective in the creation of long-term relationships.In this essay the authors have chosen to do a study which enlighten how companies in the ready-made apparel business produce added value to their brand and through this generate customer loyalty. Through a case study we analyze how Filippa K, Tiger of Sweden and Gant do to maintain value in their brand, in both a business- and customer perspective.

Effektiv projektledning med standardverktyg, Går det? : MBA-uppsats med inriktning elektroniska affärer

AimThis paper has come about because of the author's own experience as a project manager at FMV. In various projects, I have wondered if there is a link between the programs and processes that I have to use in my daily work. Are these programs effective for managing projects and follow-up.MethodIn order to examine whether it is efficiently using standard software, I have asked a number of projects manager at FMV to respond to a questionnaire, the method is qualitative.AbstractEfficient project management will require a set of tools for planning, monitoring and evaluating. Often there is a demand for a comprehensive range of enterprise software applications and business solutions combined to one business solution. A relevant question is if it is possible to use standard software, i.e.

Industrialiserat byggande

The industrialization of construction is increasing in Sweden which leads to higher demands of prefabricated components and cells. But what does the business of construction think of the industrialized business and what can be done in order to decrease faults and errors with these products? Today we have many manufacturers who have different technical solutions which might lead to difficulties when assembling components and cells at the building site. But by trying to make a more opened market, with possibly standardized connections details and improving the communication between the different participants, the prefabricated components and cells can be made and assembled with less errors. This is something that needs to be done in order to establish a more secure business, and especially when working with new companies and methods, when using industrialized products..

A Capital Idea - Developing an IC-based model for Market value plans

We waned to present a possible solution or new template for business plan called Market value plan..

Effektivare workflow i en myndighet. En fallstudie om hanteringen av medborgarnas ärenden

The goal with this essay is to investigate problems in processes of a government agency andthereby determine whether a Business Process Reengineering can create a more effectiveworkflow. The foundation of this essay lies in how customers perceive its business processesas reported from Internet forums. By adopting a qualitative approach, this is supplemented bythe statements and reports from the public business. The qualitative method that has been usedin this study is a content analysis of the threads from two major Internet forums that highlightthe problems associated with the examination of firearms licensing and the routine that exists.The method also gave us the opportunity to study the public business own view of theirprocesses. This was done by exploring their statements in media and their own reports aboutthis area.This essay is the result of a case-based study and during the course of the study we haveidentified five themes related to; time, management, communication, competence, andregulations.

Morgondagens arbetsledare

There is a lot going on in the construction business right now. It feels like everywhere you turn there is a building sight. Furthermore the business is heading a generation change and the need of recruiting new construction engineers is huge. How is the business going to handle the transition that they are facing? The question has been in progress for at while and I wanted to find out what the current students feel about taking the step into the working life and replace the veterans.A research is made about student?s opinion about their education and future work life.

Skandinavisk modernism i USA

The Swedish retail business has been characterized by a small number of ruling distributors. These distributors have been affected negatively by the internationalization which has made it possible for international distributors to establish their stores in the Swedish market. These international distributors are focused on low price stores. Their establishment on the Swedish market has led to a decrease in market shares for the Swedish distributors, which has damaged their profitability. Another change that has affected the Swedish distributors is that the behavior and needs of the customers has changed.

Allmänna bestämmelser Avtal 90 version 2004; En undersökning av enskilda villkor och skapandet av ett tilläggsavtal

Abstract The IT- business is a fast growing business trade. This expansive line of business continuously demands flexibility both economically and legally. It is, today, of great importance to have knowledge about your own trade especially when it comes to new agreements. Laws and regulations are seldom flexible and adaptable tools, this is due to the fact it takes time to create new laws and, above all, it takes time to create laws with the right effect. This is where standard agreements enter the scene.

Kreditbedömningen av mikroföretag : Kreditbedömningens faktorer och påföljden av den slopade revisionsplikten

Introduction: 1 November 2010  came the amendment about the audit requirement into force. The amendment concerned only micro-enterprises. The most common form offinancing for micro-enterprises are bank loans, therefore the banks play a major role in the business and wellness of micro-enterprises.Purpose: Purpose of this paper is to examine if the credit assessment has been affected by the removal of the audit requirement for micro-enterprises.Method: This study will be conducted by a qualitative study in the form of interviews. Five interviews were conducted, with four respondents from the large banks and    one respondent from Almi Företagspartner.Conclusion: All respondents agreed that the audit is seen as a mark of quality, some lenders will continue to request it from the micro-enterprise while other lenders look at other factors such as ownership, relationship or business concept..

Guanxi och familjeföretag : En uppsats kring förutsättningar för entreprenörskap i Taiwan

This thesis aims to examine the conditions for entrepreneurship in Taiwan by the occurrence of cultural phenomenon guanxi. Based on the concept of familiness and guanxi, the family is central in this study of family business. Traditional descriptions of the Asian culture claim that guanxi is vital in the business context. Though, recent studies indicate that significance of guanxi seems to be changing. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to create an understanding of the importance and relevance of guanxi in the context of Taiwanese family business.By travelling to Kaohsiung, Taiwan to interview six managers of Taiwanese family firms this study?s empirical material was gathered for further processing based on a qualitative approach.

Förslaget Business Combinations fas II : Underlättar förslaget intressenternas användande av företags finansiella rapporter?

Samarbetet mellan IASB och FASB med att ta fram en enhetlig redovisningsstandard för företagsförvärv har pågått några år. Den andra fasen av samarbetet har resulterat i förslaget Business Combinations fas II. I denna undersökning tas fasta på de mest omdiskuterade förändringarna som förslaget medför jämfört med nuvarande IFRS 3 Business Combinations. Studien belyser förändringarnas påverkan på balans- och resultatrapporten och huruvida de finansiella rapporterna kommer att ge bättre information till intressenterna tack vare förslaget. En av de mest diskuterade förändringarna i förslaget är tillämpningen av full goodwillredovisning, som blir resultatet av att ett striktare enhetsperspektiv anläggs.

Prissättning Ekologiska livsmedel

The Swedish retail business has been characterized by a small number of ruling distributors. These distributors have been affected negatively by the internationalization which has made it possible for international distributors to establish their stores in the Swedish market. These international distributors are focused on low price stores. Their establishment on the Swedish market has led to a decrease in market shares for the Swedish distributors, which has damaged their profitability. Another change that has affected the Swedish distributors is that the behavior and needs of the customers has changed.

Framgångsfaktorer med Business Intelligence- verktyget Qlikview inom offentlig verksamhet : Tillämpas teorin för att nå målen?

Introduction:Corporate limits becoming more diffuse due to the globalization taking place and requirements for analytical strategies are becoming more fundamental parts of organizations. Business Intelligence systems are hot and not without reason, today's world is spinning faster and with a flow of information that is constantly increasing Business Intelligence promises to introduce a support that will render a better decision-making, something that everyone wants.Problem Discussion:The local government business has today demands from the Swedish School-inspection to analyze and create adequate target images to the school and students meet curriculum goals and guidelines. Therefore, local government activities has increasingly begun to implement Business Intelligence tools, with the purpose to facilitate strategic and operational decisions were the result plays an increasing role in today's society.Purpose:This study evaluates how the analysis tool Qlikview fulfills the function of monitoring and controlling the improved student achievement in public schools.Method:The evaluation has been conducted qualitative interviews with staffs that have leadership positions in each municipality and management and possess a deep knowledge of the analysis tool and its processes.Conclusion:The evaluation has shown positive effects on the monitoring and control of student performance through better control of school operations..

Varje mynt har två sidor : en undersökning om hur den kommande generationsväxlingen påverkar turismföretag

A central discussion within society and businesses today, is the change of generations in the business market which occurs within the upcoming years. A change of generations is unavoidable and a natural step in business. The challenge of the forthcoming reform is the large number of people leaving the labour market and the grand entrance of new labour; Generation Y. The characteristics of Generation Y differ from the older generation which enhances the challenges for the businesses to attract a new workforce. It may also be necessary for the organisations to adapt to the younger generation.

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