9395 Uppsatser om Business environment - Sida 49 av 627
Barns uppfattningar om fritidshemmet som en lärandemiljö
The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..
Barn och stress : En studie om fritidspedagogers erfarenheter kring stressade barn på fritidshem
The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..
Selånger deltapark : Sundsvalls nya stadspark - en vision
The river Selångersån runs through thenorthern Swedish city of Sundsvall, splittingthe city in two as it winds through thevalley between Södra- and Norra Stadsbergetand out into the Baltic Sea.The river is a national interest of nature conservationbut at the same time in the middleof an urban development string for the city,creating a complex situation of developmentcontra conservation of natural environment.This project attempts to create a strategy oflandscape urbanism for the area surroundingSelånger Bay, four kilometers upstreamalong Selångersån. A sensitive wetland, todayrather forgotten but with great potentialfor introducing wild nature as an active partof the city. Or rather, initiating a processwhere the built environment can infiltrateand enrich the natural environment gradually.A city park in this location to initiate thisprocess could be a joint project of the city?sresidents with the scope to become a projectin constant development.The idea of the project is to offer a large ecologicalpark and meeting place near the citycenter. This will be achieved by clarifyingthe activities and values that already existin the park, such as the largest living deltai the region, football fields and a medievalchurch ruin, and by creating new paths.
Strategier för att erhålla legitimitet i en civilsamhällesorganisation
Non-profit organizations gain increasing attention in society but their legitimacy often decrease by scandals in separate organizations. Doctors without borders (MSF) constitutes an exception and has managed to retain their legitimacy. The aim of this study was to examine how MSF built and retained its legitimacy towards institutional actors in their environment, when the branch in general is suffering from a crisis of confidence. In a case study, this was done by identifying the institutional pressures on MSF and examining which strategies MSF uses to handle the pressures. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews with employees at MSF and actors in their environment.
Distansledarskapets spelregler - en fallstudie av utlokaliserade journalisters upplevelser av distansledarskap och arbetsmotivation
What is e-leadership and how can it be framed in a distance context? How can work motivation be understood as a correlated theme? In prior leadership research and theory it has been taken for granted that leadership occurs in a face-to-face environment, so how to study leadership in a remote context? According to recent research, e-leadership defines this leader-member relation in this new arena, and a central focus of this research has been on communication. Communication is a central theme in the remote setting because it is the only interaction arena which allows leadership to be seen and understood. By conducting a case study in a multi media organization with distance working journalists as focus group this essay aims to bring a deeper understanding of how e-leadership works and how it effects work motivation. The field of media organizations is interesting to study as distance work is not an unusual working environment for journalists, and research has indicated that work motivation needs for these highly specified creative workers are somewhat differentiated from other, for example industrial workers, which implies that motivation theories urges an update.
Kroppsuppfattningen hos kvinnliga och manliga högskolestudenter. -En kvantitativ undersökning.
Introduction:A good work environment and good resources among district nurses? and general nurses? are important in the provision of good nursing care. For patient security it is also very important that resources and time are used in an appropriate way. A lot of time is spent on non-core activity, for example administration takes more and more time, which can result in feelings of stress.Aim:The aim was to describe how district nurses? and nurses? in primary care perceived their work environment, how their worktime content was distributed and if there was some connection between perceived work environment and the distribution of work time.Methods:A mapping of the content of the work was made in two parts.
Det intelligenta beslutet : En kvalitativ studie angående effekter och förmågor av Business Intelligence i den svenska sjukvården
Detta arbete ämnar undersöka området Business Intelligence (BI) inom den svenska sjukvården. BI definieras som en uppsättning verktyg som används för att stödja omvandling av data till information, som sedan kan användas för att fatta beslut. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka och presentera effekter av BI som kan uppstå i verksamheter inom svensk sjukvård. Undersökningen genomfördes kvalitativt med fyra intervjuer. Teori om effekter av BI inom sjukvården och förmågor en sjukvårdsverksamhet kan uppnå av BI har hämtats ur litteratur.
Det tudelade ledarskapet en historisk studie över kommunchefens och kommunstyrelseordförandens arbetsuppgifter
Background: Municipalities are organizations facing a turbulent environment characterized by social, economical and political changes. It is the responsibility of the topleaders of the municipality (the municipal manager and the chairman of the local government board) to manage the situation and to make sure that the organization continuously develops. Purpose: To explain, from a leadership perspective, how the municipal topleaders'duties have developed during the past 25 years. Results: The municipal topleaders have nowadays got more issues to handle. Cooperation, networks and projects have increased, like international issues.
Hantering av viktiga framgångsfaktorer vid utveckling av ett Data Warehouse
Business Intelligence may help organizations in making the right decisions byproviding data for analysis which can be presented to decision makers. DataWarehouse which is a central part of Business Intelligence can be built in severalways but the methods presented by Ralph Kimball and Bill Inmons are considered thetwo main methods. The solution provided by Inmon focuses on integrating the entirebusiness into one large database using relational database development. Kimballhowever proposes dimensional database modeling by creating one or more data martsand integrating these using a data bus. Previous research has shown that the quality ofa Data Warehouse can be measured through critical factors such as data quality andsystem quality.
Behov av managementverktyg i mjölkproduktionen :
For the company to work well, it is necessary with a good economy, a high qualitative production and a well working system concerning the environment: the whole cycle on the farm needs to be working. At the same time, debaters about the environmental impacts are also requiring higher demands for the dairy farmers and therefore also the management programs. Management programs for feed evaluation calculations have been more developed over the years. Big amounts have been invested in the new feeding system with NorFor, but no one seems to have asked the dairy farmers what they themselves want to spend their money on, and what they need help with. For the dairy farmers it is necessary that the whole company is controlled in the right way, and much more than just feed evaluation is included in this.
Biblioteket som en väg in i det svenska samhället ? En textanalys av styrdokument på Malmö, Stockholm och Umeå bibliotek
This thesis is about how the library can help immigrants integrate into theswedish society. By studying leading documents of the libraries in Malmö,Stockholm and Umeå in search for how the relate to work consideringimmigrants and integration I have studied the library as a bridge betweenbeing included and excluded in the society. The thought is that the libraryopens the door to new worlds both for immigrants and born swedes toobtain knowledge about a culture different from their own.In my thesis I reached the conclusion that library on a day to day basisworks with the integrationprocess for immigrants. Although the leadingdocuments should evolve since they show gaps and seem somewhatmisguiding in their presentation of the libraries function. The librariesshould work more with analysis of the environment that they are active in sothat they are more individualized for the people around it.
Effektivisering av destruktionsprocess : En förstudie om hur Fresenius Kabi kan effektivisera befintlig destruktionsprocess
This thesis is a feasibility study into how Fresenius Kabi may rationalize their destruction process in regards to cost, recycling, and work environment. The two main objectives are to identify scrap flows and the possibility to improve or replace the equipment that is now carrying out the physical scrapping. The flow has been visualized by a flow chart of the material and communication. A chart of the problem established to visualize where improvements are necessary. Based on the problems proposals are presented on how to improve the flow thru the plant.During analyze of the physical scrapping equipment it was also necessary to take a deeper look at how they are carrying out there work today, how does the procedure look like, working environment and where are the weaknesses.
Kvalitet i fritidshem : En studie om pedagogers tankar kring kvalitet på en skolas fritidshem
The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..
Delårsrapporter - osäkerheter och bedömningar i praktiken
certain building or environment can get a protection as a notable building if it contains certainvalues. These values are established by a certain category of people from the cultural sector.These people use established criterions to define the cultural value of the object. The objects canbe evaluated differently depending on who has done the evaluation. The people who protect thecultural environment and choose which buildings that are to be defining as notable buildingsoften uses a special model to characterise the different cultural values. This model is produced bya man called Axel Unnerbäck.
Business Intelligence : Omvärldsbevakningsfunktionen i teori och praktik
I en allt starkare och påtagligare konkurrens är det viktigt för organisationer att få tillgång till väsentlig och korrekt information. Således ligger det en stor vikt vid att kunna urskilja sanningshalten i informationen för att de ska kunna ta väl underbyggda beslut. Av den orsaken har allt fler organisationer börjat implementera en enhet som samlar in, analyserar och sprider informationen. Denna enhet brukar betecknas som omvärldsbevakningsfunktion eller Business Intelligencefunktion. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att se i vilken utsträckning konkurrensutsatta organisationer uppfyller kriterierna i vår teoretiska syntes för en väl fungerande omvärldsbevakningsfunktion.