

6193 Uppsatser om Business controller - Sida 61 av 413

Den Nöjda Expatriaten - De viktigaste komponenterna inom ett kompensationspaket och hur de bidrar till lojalitet samt motivation hos expatriaten

A global world and international business induces not only opportunities for organizations such as increased possibilities to reach new markets but also challenges to maintain a coherent business. To meet these challenges, organizations need to harbor a global workforce where employees are sent abroad. These employees are called expatriates and receive very lucrative compensation packages to cover their increased expenses. Compensation packages are not only expensive but represent in their totality also a complex strategic challenge for both the organization and the expatriate. The purpose of this paper is to investigate which components of a compensation package that are important for different segments of expatriates.

Ekonomistyrning i svensk elitfotboll, En fallstudie av Malmö FF

Vi har valt att analysera och arbeta fram förslag till förändringar för ekonomistyrningen inom Malmö FF. En mer utföjlig sammanfattning kommer.

Investera i dina kunder med hjälp av Key Account Management

Titel: Investera i dina kunder med hjälp av Key Account ManagementBakgrund: För företag på dagens högt konkurrerande och ständigt föränderliga marknad krävs en väl strukturerad planläggning och nya metoder för långsiktig överlevnad. Den traditionella marknadsföringen flyttar fokus och introducerar Key Account Management utifrån det faktum att kundfokus och relationsmarknadsföring blivit allt viktigare, inte minst på den industriella marknaden. Key Account Management utgör leverantörsföretagets aktiviteter för att identifiera och analysera deras nyckelkunder, välja lämpliga strategier och utveckla operationell förmåga att bygga, vidareutveckla och underhålla lönsamma och långsiktiga relationer med dem. Konceptet handlar om att utveckla relationer, skapa förtroende och kunskap om kunden och att använda kunskapen för att leverera värde.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att genom en operationalisering av teori utforma en analysmodell vilken genom test-analyser hos valda fallföretag ämnar besvara vilket värde, uppdelat i för- och nackdelar, som skapas för det säljande företaget till följd av Key Account Management.Genomförande: Denna studies syfte och frågeställningar kommer att besvaras genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod bestående av intervjuer hos de tre valda fallföretagen; Gunnar Dafgård AB, Findus Sverige AB och Orkla Foods Sverige AB. Studien kommer att belysa värdeskapande till följd av Key Account Management med fokus på det säljande företaget.Slutsats: Det värde som, enligt litteraturen och intervjuer med de tre fallföretagen, skapas för det säljande företaget till följd av Key Account Management har redovisats utifrån de för- och nackdelar det kan medföra.

Internationalisering av innovationer : innovationsföretags möjligheter under en internationaliseringsprocess

The purpose of this study is to identify a successful way of expanding a business on a global market, focusing on innovation products. An analysis was also made to see how internationalization theories are useful in businesses with innovation products. Four companies have been interviewed where two of them have innovation products (Proline AB and Q-Med AB) and the others are widely successful in exporting to a global market (Safegate Group and Weda Poolcleaners AB). Furthermore four interviews have been made with support organizations that have great experience in helping companies in this area (Svenska Uppfinnareföreningen, Almi Företagspartner AB, Exportrådet and The Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce).One of the results that can be identified is the diverse view and will to expand the business. The inventor often has a born global strategy in mind whereas the helping organizations rather expand step by step and only to one country at a time.

Lantbruksföretagets tillväxtstrategi och finansiella sökbeteende : en empirisk studie av sex lantbruksföretag med tillväxtambitioner

The structural rationalization of the agricultural sector in Sweden has led to many expansive, professional companies orientated towards growth. The agricultural sector is a very capital-intense sector and is characterized by the need for large sums of capital in form of buildings, inventory and arable land. The capital need is especially large for companies who have an ambition of growth and development of the company in the near future. The study is built upon six cases that all can be categorized as large agricultural farms with a turnover exceeding 20 million Swedish crowns. The companies are located in the middle and in the south of Sweden and are in the sector of primary production with focus on dairy-, pork-, egg-, chicken-, beef-, vegetables- and grain production as well as in the business of refining milk towards consumers. The study aims to identify the motives and driving forces that lies behind the growth of a farm-based company. The agricultural companies' motive for growth is studied based on which factors that influence the ambition to grow and to what extent these factors accord to the picture given by earlier research of small companies outside the agricultural sector.

Utveckling av tjänster för ett mobilt medium

The mobile revolution is here to stay, and today most people have (at least) one cell phone at home. Some even a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)as a complement for the simpler tasks at the office, e.g sending e-mail, word processing, browsing the Internet etc. Many business have also given the employees the opportunity to do some of the business tasks inbetweeen customer visits with the help from a cell phone or PDA.Despite all this, the so called Internet connected mobile revolution is often mentioned as a big failure. Maybe because the people in general tended not to use the new technology as much as the companies predicted. This could be because they still haven't learned how it works, or just don't seem to have the need for services provided.After a couple of failures in the development process, almost every cell phone has support for mobile Internet today.

Webbplatsen - Vad spelar den för roll?: En studie av webbplatsens betydelse för traditionella tjänsteföretag.

Abstract: The purpose of this thesis is to study the importance of having a website for traditional service companies as well as the factors that might influence its importance. This is done by answering three research questions that all contribute to the answer of the main purpose. A qualitative study has been performed including eight interviews with respondents from eight different service companies presenting four different types of businesses. The empirical findings of the study are analyzed with the help of the theoretical frame of references in order to identify the most interesting conclusions. The results of the thesis state that the main purpose of the website among the studied companies is to rationalize and save costs.

Business Intelligence : En kvalitativ studie för att beskriva utmaningar ur ett ledningsperspektiv ? med exempel från praktiken

Business Intelligence (BI) är ett ämne som ständigt är aktuellt och i takt med en ständigt växande informationsmängd finns det allt fler verksamheter som upplever ett behov av att analysera informationen. Vid Karlstads kommuns Kontaktcenter (KC) finns ett behov av att rapportera om vilka medborgarfrågor som kommer in och registreras samt i vilken mängd frågor inom olika områden kommer in. Ett alternativ som KC har börjat undersöka är att använda sig av BI för att genomföra rapportering och analysering av insamlad information. För att informera KC om vilka utmaningar som finns inom BI tillsammans med verksamhetsstyrning har kandidatuppsatsen arbetats fram. Utmaningarna som beskrivs har hämtats från teori samt intervjuer vid KC och vid Karlstads universitet (KAU) där ett arbete inom BI har pågått i flera år.

En studie av utmärkande ledarskapsutmaningar för unga småföretag

Uppsatsen baseras på en fallstudie av högteknologiföretaget Scalado AB, där vi utifrån organisationslivscykelteorier har studerat de ledarskaps- och managementutmaningar som uppkommer vid ett företags uppstart och under dess liv..

Slaget om Guadalcanal : En studie över hur Slaget om Guadalcanal 1942-43 skildras i amerikanska filmer och dagböcker.

 Background and aim: Media development and digitalization has expanded the PR industry's working area. More participants are on the media market and it is becoming more and more difficult to define what PR really is and what the PR agencies/departments really do. Is PR marketing, information, event marketing or maybe propaganda? We believe that the complexity to define the term PR can lead to a loss of critical approach to the business, especially among young people. Has the PR industry managed to eliminate their negative image among students in upper secondary school and what do they associate with PR today? The aim of this essay is to examine what a selection of students associate with the term PR and if they are critical to the PR industry or not.Method/Material: The method is a quantitative survey.

Brytningstid i Internkommunikationen? : vilken roll har Intranät och e-post i organisationers kommunikation?

Having a functioning internal communication is necessary for the survival and existence of every company. Traditional communication channels are for example meetings, noteboards and personnel newspapers. During the last ten years we have witnessed an explosion of new channels, who are based on information technology. IT is a natural part in new IT-companies, like Framfab and Icon Medialab, but what role does IT have in a large, manufacturing company with a long history? The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how IT has influenced the internal communication in a company.

Metodikmodell för styrning vid inköp

The work with this report has been focused on developing a methodology model for control at purchase. The methodology model covers parts classification, dispatching systems, batch shaping and more. The aim with the methodology model is that it will be used as an aid for a cost effective material planning to increase the value for customer.The work covers also a description of the present situation and the purchase process at Company X. Six parts have been applied, two from each class (A, B and C), in the methodology/model. The parts that have been applied are included in the flow between Company X and their supplier Company Y.Data have been collected trough literature studies, interviews and the company?s business system.

Mekanismen i generationsskiftet. Strategisk planering vid generationsskiften i familjef?retag: en kvalitativ unders?kning av processen

This study investigates the succession process in family businesses and aims to enhance the understanding of the process as a whole, as well as how family businesses strategically plan for succession. The research is based on a case study of a family corporate group undergoing a transition from the fourth to the fifth generation. A qualitative research approach was employed, involving interviews with individuals from both the fourth and fifth generations, as well as external stakeholders who have influenced the process. The results show that the planning and implementation of succession are complex and that there is a certain lack of existing theory. Empirical evidence indicates that contracts and documentation are crucial for advancing the process. Inclusion of external parties is also important, not only for their expertise but also to provide an objective perspective.

Red Bull : En studie om hur word of mouth och buzzmarknadsföring påverkar konsumenters attityder.

Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to examine how word of mouth and buzz marketing affects Uppsala´s businessstudents attitudes towards Red Bull. To solve this purpose we intend to answer some underlying questions.Theory: We have used relevant theories within word of mouth, buzz marketing and consumer behaviour. Our thesis will bring up the essential parts within these three different theories that we believe are relevant to our purpose.Method: In this thesis we have used both quantitative and qualitative methods such as interviews and questionnaires. The questionnaires will be handed out at Economicum at Uppsala University.Empirical study: This part is based on our questionnaires handed out to business students at Economicum, but also on our interviews made with employees working for Red Bull.Conclusion: Our empirical study has given us a clear picture of how Red Bull works and use marketing tools to promote their product. Through our questionnaires we have also found out what attitudes consumers has against the brand and the product.

Yrkesbakgrundens inverkan på medarbetarnas förståelse för arbetet - konsekvenser av en omorganisation

Uppsatsen behandlar en på statliga Lantmäteriverket genomförd fallstudie där medarbetarnas förståelse för arbetet undersöks med fokus på deras tidigare yrkesbakgrund..

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