

6193 Uppsatser om Business controller - Sida 50 av 413

Carpe Diem -En studie i användandet av realtids BI

Bakgrund: Information har länge varit en viktig resurs för företagen och Business Intelligence har gjort det möjligt för dem att analysera stora mängder data. En annan resurs som företagen värdesätter är tid och på senare år har tekniken möjliggjort att BI-systemen inte bara kan hantera stor mängder data utan även göra det på kort tid, eller i realtid.Frågeställning: Vad räknas in i begreppet realtids BI?Kan realtids BI användas för att skapa tidsbaserade konkurrensfördelar?Syfte: Kartlägga begreppet Realtids BI samt identifiera möjliga användningsområden för denna inom den tidsbaserade konkurrensteorin.Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod där vi intervjuat konsulter och leverantörer inom Business Intelligence.Resultat och slutsatser: Studien visar att det inte finns någon klar definition av realtids BI, men två huvudspår har identifierats. (1) Realtidsanalys med innebörden att data finns tillgänglig för analys när användaren så kräver, samt (2) att realtidsdata uppdateras i nära realtid, vilket kan variera från några sekunder upp till ett par timmar.Dessa två spår inom realtids BI finner användningsområde inom olika områden av den tidsbaserade konkurrensteorin. Realtidsanalys kan användas för att uppnå den externa tidsprestationen i det att företaget snabbare kan identifiera rådande marknadstrender och har då möjligheten att snabbare uppdatera sitt produktutbud.

Industriellt varumärkesarbete - fluga eller framtid?: - en fallstudie av fyra industriföretag

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate industrial branding, which as a relatively new concept, both for practioners as well as academia, comprises a less explored application of the brand concept. The theoretical background of the study consists of marketing theory concerning the brand concept, and theory concerning industrial marketing. The empirical foundation consists of case studies of four industrial companies, based on interviews with representatives from the companies. All four companies have engaged in activities which they themselves see as industrial branding. Initially, the study sets out to determine the occurence of industrial branding, according to this study?s definition, and continues to tentatively explore the implications of branding in an industrial context.

Hyperkonkurrens - En studie i tillverkningsindustrin

Problemställning: Enligt D'Aveni befinner sig 80 % av branscherna inom USA:s tillverkningsindustri i hyperkonkurrens. Vi ser ingen tendens att hyperkonkurrensens drivkrafter skulle ha mattas av sedan D'Aveni myntade begreppet hyperkonkurrens 1994. Detta till trots finner vi lite forskning inom området i Sverige. Därför vill vi ta reda på om hyperkonkurrensen kan ses i Sverige och hur företagen som är utsatta för den agerar ur ett strategiskt perspektiv. Syfte: Vi vill undersöka hur företag som befinner sig i hyperkonkurrens agerar ur ett strategiskt perspektiv, och söka förklaringar till deras agerande. Metod: Vi har studerat tre olika teorier för konkurrens, monopolistisk-, resursbaserad- och hyperkonkurrens och olika syn på strategier som används inom nämnda konkurrenssituationer. Den empiriska undersökningen har bestått av tre intervjuer med personal på Wilden, Cascades Djupafors och Tarkett.

Kampen mot kedjorna : En kvalitativ studie om hur en enskild, nischad klädesbutik utmärker sig genom sin marknadskommunikation

The purpose of this study has been to create a communication plan to use at the launch of an independent fashion store and give a current storeowner an overall picture concerning which communication aspects to use during his ongoing business. To fulfill our purpose we have targeted one important question, which is:   Which communication fields are the most important to use, when you are about to launch an independent fashion store.  For this study we have used a qualitative approach in which we have conducted eleven personal interviews with people who has a strong understanding in communication regarding to this type of business. Most of our respondents are currently working actively with communication because they are active in retailing.The remaining respondent has a strong experience in the field of communication. In the final chapter we present our conclusions of the study. We have found the main factors in a communication plan, which is most important for a storeowner. Which are the most important communication parts for the owner to focus on before he launches the store? The basic need of knowledge in social mediaDevelop a unique concept to differentiate yourselfUnderstand the nature of networks and relationshipsThe relevance of store layout and sensory marketing which is an important tool when you need renewal and develop your concept.

Is the Black Box Grey or does it have Black Spots?

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Kulturens påverkan på svensk-japanska allianser

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Maktdistansstjärnan : - En studie om hur kulturell maktdistans påverkar affärsrelationen mellan japanska och multinationella företag

ABSTRACT Title: the Power distance star ? A study on how cultural power distance affects the business relation between Japanese and multinational companiesLevel: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor: Therese Elofsson and Anna NyströmSupervisor: Jens Eklinder Frick and Jonas MolinDate: 2015 - JanuaryAim: The purpose of this study is to compile available research regarding the cultural aspect power distance, as it is being displayed and handled in business-relations between Japanese and multicultural business contacts. The culture in Japan differs from the culture in the western world and several companies testify that the Japanese market is difficult to act and expand upon. This study aims to provide explanations to these difficulties from a power distance perspective.Method: This study has compiled the theoretical knowledge and research in a model called ?the Power distance Star? (Figure 1), which is created and designed for this purpose.

Franchising - ett lyckat koncept för Östgöta Brandstodsbolag? : lönsamhetsbedömning av bolagets distributionskanaler

Östgöta Brandstodsbolag started its insurance business in 1841 and is today a part of Länsförsäkringsgruppen, which consists of 24 independent and locally anchored county insurance companies. The local concept is a condition for the county insurance (länsförsäkring) idea, which means that the 24 county insurance companies cooperate freely. Länsförsäkringar is the market leader within property and liability insurances in Sweden and has a market share of 30.5%. The largest, and most well known, insurance companies in Sweden, apart from Länsförsäkringar, are If, Trygg-Hansa and Folksam. This essay treats with Östgöta Brandstodsbolag, which is one of Sweden's largest county insurance companies. The company is active in the county of Östergötland where it has the dominant market shares within home, detached houses, car and farming.

Shuttling Between Cultures: Expatriation in the Context of Sweden

Being a successful global business player depends on firm?s ability to mobilize its resources worldwide. For this reason getting the right people with the right skills, at the right time, at the right place is crucial and makes expatriation one of the most important issues of today?s business world agenda. In terms of expatriation; national culture provides the context for the whole process.

How to source from Russia? - A multiple case study of six companies? experience of purchasing in Russia

Abstract Title: How to source from Russia? - A multiple case study of six companies? experience of purchasing in Russia. Authors: Richard Werthén, Technology ManagementJohan Öhlén, Production Engineering and Management Supervisors: Christer Kedström, Dept of Business Administration Johan Lundin, Dept of Industrial Management and Logistics, Engineering LogisticsRolf Blomgren, Purchasing Manager SR, ScaniaLars Erik Nerback, Purchasing Director SE, Scania Issues: The issues presented are:? What characterise Russia as a supplier market?? Which sourcing experiences have been made by other Swedish companies in Russia?? How can this knowledge be utilised at Scania? Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to find out whether it is worthwhile for Scania to look for new suppliers in Russia, based on other Swedish companies? experiences of purchasing in the country. Method: In order to answer the purpose of our thesis the study of Scania?s purchasing organisation has to be complemented with in-depth studies of other companies? purchasing organisations.

LOCAL ADAPTATION IN EMERGING MARKETS ? in theory and reality : Study of the Swedish subsidiaries in China

Some MNEs encounter frustration or failures when they enter a new market. The main reason is due to a lack of adaptation. There is a lack of theoretical study about the local adaptation phenomenon of Swedish MNEs in China. Most studies are at the level of experience. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the dimensions subject to local adaptation and their degree for the Swedish MNEs in China.

På spaning efter målstyrning : Hur upplevs målstyrning i en svensk kommun?

Bakgrund: Målstyrning är ett styrsätt som används i nittio procent av Sveriges kommuner. Enligt forskare i ämnet målstyrning inom offentliga verksamheter har det emellertid ofta påpekats en rad problem som att mål ofta är vaga och att det råder brist på dialog mellan politiker och tjänstemän. Tidigare undersökningar har främst fokuserat på målformulering och befunnit sig på en övergripande nivå. Detta arbete studerar hur chefer inom bildnings- och socialförvaltning upplever målstyrning inom en svensk kommun. Detta på grund av att det inte har gjorts i samma utsträckning samt för att se hur styrsättet fungerar för de som använder målstyrning i verkligheten.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur målstyrning upplevs som styrmetod av förvaltningschefer och verksamhetschefer inom en svensk kommun.Metod: För att kunna besvara syftet har en deduktiv fallstudie gjorts på två förvaltningar, bildnings- och socialförvaltningen, inom en kommun i Östergötland.

AO modulen

This master thesis has been written in collaboration with Science Park Jönköping and is based on a problem related to corporate innovation. Science Park Jönköping believes that there is an untapped potential in existing industry in the form of ideas that are never commercialized. These theories are also supported in the research in which other authors have perceived that the ideas and inventions which do not belong to the core business risk ending up in drawers. If more of these ideas could be spin-offs or other forms of enterprise instead of staying in the drawers it would lead to growth, both for companies and for the society in large.The purpose of the thesis work is to, based on the case Science Park Jönköping, analyze how science parks and incubators can support the commercialization of ideas that derive from industry, who otherwise had been left lying. The work began with a mapping of the Science Park Jönköping operations and the skills they possess, and then other initiatives that aim to commercialize more ideas from companies were examined.

En kvalitativ studie om kreditbedömning i banker : revisionens betydelse i processen

Today all private corporations are obligated by statutory audit. The government of Sweden appointed an investigation to conclude if the audit should be statutory or not. The investigator presented on the third of April 2008 a report (SOU 2008:32) that suggests abolishment of the statutory audit for approximately 97 % of all private corporations in Sweden. This will result in certain effects on the banks credit rating because of the fact that the banks trust the audited accounts to have been audited by an independent audit.The most important in the banks credit rating are: personal judgement, business concept, business plan and repayment ability. The banks also use the private corporations audited accounts in its credit rating.We conducted a case study by interviewing four bank officials in different banks in Skövde and Tibro.

Begreppet samma eller likartad verksamhet : Sett utifrån ett delägarperspektiv

Through the rulings RÅ 2010 ref. 11, HFD 2011 ref. 75 and HFD 2011 not 88 the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court have extended the concept of same or similar activities which can be found in section 57, clause 4 of the Swedish Income Tax Act. Through the ruling the Court has partly clarified the application area of the regulation but question marks still remains.In the statutory text there is no definition of what shall be regarded as same or similar activity and the preparatory work does not give any further direction on how the concept should be interpreted. Ever since the amendment in 1995 the general view has been that activities can be transferred between different companies without affecting the waiting period in the company of origin.

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