

6193 Uppsatser om Business controller - Sida 5 av 413

Resande i tjänsten och dess effekter på arbetstagaren

Due to a globalised world business travel is flourishing. This paper examines how middle level executives, travelling a lot in their work at a multi-national company, feel about their travel. It looks for links between business travel and work satisfaction among them. A short presentation of the patterns of business travel and relevant motivational and stress theories is given. Data for the paper is collected using a survey (78 participants) and interviews.

Ekonomens roll i IT-projekt

Problem: Ekonomer i IT-projekt är ett väldigt outforskat område. Frågan är om ekonomens kompetens utnyttjas och dras nytta av i projekten. Vi vill se vad ekonomen kan ha för roll i IT-projekt och om de kan tillföra något för att förbättra projekten. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att föreslå roller och arbetsuppgifter som kan passa en ekonom i IT-projekt. Metod: För att kunna nå vårt syfte har vi använt oss av kvalitativ metod. Undersökningen har genomförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med en professor i programvaruteknik, företag och PT-studenter som arbetat med ekonomstudenter i IT-projekt under studietiden.

Projekt Pet Shop

This essay presents a business plan for the idea of a Pet Shop in Stockholm. The initial purpose of the essay was to investigate weather the company would be financially profitable or not. During the process we encountered problems and pitfalls that we felt contributed to the fact that our business idea is yet not realized. Therefore the second purpose of describing the process that an entrepreneur goes through when starting a new business came about. Besides the business plan for Pet Shop we present a selection of the theories that we found relevant for our situation, among others behaviour of entrepreneurial teams, network theory and execution.

Samspel mellan IT-avdelningen och affärsverksamheten : En studie av attityder

IT has become more evident in most organisations and has grown to be a part of the infrastructure rather than a tool for competitiveness. Therefore focus should now lie on how IT is adjusted to the business rather than on the usage of IT. To make the best use of IT in the business the CIO needs to start think more business-oriented instead of as before, technology-oriented. To develop the IT-department in that direction the IT-staff need to start cooperate with the business and gain knowledge about stakeholders, markets and the way of working for other staff members in the business.With this as a basis, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate attitudes regarding cooperation between the IT-department and the business and if there is any difference if the CIO has business related background or not.To fulfil the purpose a quantitative investigation with the help of surveys was conducted. The sample consisted of 18 companies with 100-200 employees in the area of Jönköping.

Hur är controllerfunktionen organiserad? - om hur fyra controllers blev tio

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera hur controllerfunktionen är fördelad inom en organisation, samt att diskutera orsakerna till detta. En kvalitativ tolkningsmetod har använts där delvis ostrukturerade intervjuer har varit största datainsamlingsmetoden. Uppsatsen har en induktiv ansats. Tre teoretiska perspektiv presenteras i uppsatsen. Först en teoretisk genomgång om vad controllerfunktionen är, därefter en genomgång av Gummessons modell för ansvarsfördelning och sist Byrne & Pierce modell för controllerns roll.

Strategier för Business-2-Business-kommunikation i en turbulent konjunkturbild

Hur kan B2B-byråer anpassa sina tjänster efter konjunkturläget, utan att kompromissa med kvalitet och genomslag?Vi har genom intervjuer med elva Business-2-Business företag i Skåne, och tre B2B-byråer samlat information till undersök-ningen. Detta i ett försök att kartlägga företagens och byråer-nas arbetssätt. Denna information har sedan legat till grund för den analys som gjorts av den generella bild vi skapat oss av företagens och byråernas arbetssätt, för att utifrån den kunna föreslå ett mer tillfredsställande arbetssätt för alla parter..

En studie om artikelhantering i material- och produktionsstyrningssystem på System Andersson AB

This thesis aims to develop a control system for measuring electromagnetic compability (EMC). This has meant that a controller designed around an ATmega8 microcontroller has been manufactured and programmed. It has also meant the development of a comprehensive control software in the program MATLAB. The control system has been tested with satisfactory results and can now, monitor and control measurements of the EMC-type..

Om värld och bevakning : en studie av en företagslednings omvärldsbild och dess samband med omvärldsbevakningen

Background: Increasing globalization makes companies more influenced than before by actors and factors in their environment. For some this has lead to a more dynamic and complicated business context. Therefore it is of strategic importance to understand what is currently going on as well as to have a general idea of what the future brings. Purpose: To contribute to a deeper understanding of how a corporate management can perceive its business environment and how it affects he gathering of business information from a strategic perspective. Realisation: In-depth interviews were conducted with all four members of the management in the studied company, Volvo Competence Center in Skovde, Sweden.

Är det värt att tävla: En studie av affärsplanstävlingens roll för den tidiga entreprenören

Business plan competitions have long been used as a mean for entrepreneurial organizations and Universities to educate students in entrepreneurship. But what's in it for the entrepreneur This thesis aim is to understand what utility business plan competitions have for the participating entrepreneurs. It consists of interviews with Swedish entrepreneurs at various stages in the entrepreneurial process, who has participated in business plan competitions to get ahead. The conclusions of the study are that business plan competitions are good for the entrepreneur from a motivational and developmental perspective but not from a financial perspective..

Varumärket som positioneringsinstrument : en studie inom business-to-business

Bakgrund: Vår utgångspunkt i uppsatsen är att produktskillnaderna blir allt mindre och det emotionella värdets betydelse blir allt större. I och med detta får varumärket en allt större betydelse även inom business-to-business. Syfte: Vi avser att undersöka ICA Menyföretagens identitet samt vad dess varumärke står för. Dessutom vill se hur användbara de modeller vi använt är i business-to-business-relationer samt utforma en egen modell som förklarar hur märkeslojalitet uppnås i en sådan relation. Avgränsningar: Vi kommer endast att beröra så kallad business-to-business samt varumärkets emotionella värde.

Revisor eller inte? ? redovisningsekonomens karriärval

Syftet med den här undersökningen var att förklara vad som styr redovisningsekonomer i deras val av karriär. Redovisningsekonomer kan välja ett flertal olika karriärer efter examen. För de personer som har läst ekonomi med inriktning mot revision, redovisning och controller kan valet vara att arbeta som revisor. Forskning inom området karriärval visar att det är olika faktorer som påverkar individen. Dessa faktorer kan vara ålder, kön, familjeliv, social klass och sociala kontakter.

Nyckeltal : En översyn av vilka nyckeltal som används i praktiken

Aim: A business ratio is a measuring instrument that companies use in their financial report to show profit and progress. As it is today, there are no standards to follow that shows which business ratio to present in a companies annual report. Our aim with this report is to see if there are any trends in the use of business ratios by looking into how thirty growth companies are applying them.Method: To see what business ratios are used in practice, we have collected information from the thirty companies? annual reports. With help from the literature, we have created an understanding about the most frequently used business ratios.

E-faktura : Relationernas förändring mellan småföretag och storföretag vid införandet av EDI

This essay describes some factors that may effect small business survival in relation to becoming a supplier for bigger companies that may implement the use of EDI for electronic invoicing.The purpose of this study is to analyse and evaluate what impact may occur during the introduction of EDI between small and big business.Following on from the introduction of methods used in this study there will be a complete analysis made detailing results.From our research we have found that most small business have developed a professional working relationship between themselves and their clients.The adoption of EDI by big business has revolutionised the day to day dealings between both supplier and consumer in that EDI has empowered both chains to collaborate data in real time.In conclusion our research illustrates that in order for small business to survive the must implement EDI. The results of our study have shown that the introduction of EDI to both small and big business has had a positive outcome..

Balanserat styrkort : Att förmedla vision och strategier inom divisionen för flygtrafiktjänst vid svenska Luftfartsverket

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how well vision and strategies communicates from division level to underlying business unit levels with focus on the Balanced Scorecard Concept. The investigation was carried out within the ANS division and two of its underlying business units at the LFV Group (Swedish Airports and Air Navigation Services). ANS is responsible for the air navigation services in Sweden and the production of the services is carried out of the business units AER (En Route) and ATA (Tower and Approach). With Air Navigation Services means supervision and conducting air traffic mainly within national air space. The purpose of the services is to insure that air traffic could be carried out in a safe way.The Balanced Scorecard was introduced for the first time in the beginning of the 1990´s.

Affärsmetoder, ett undantag ifrån patenterbarhet? -En komparativ studie av USA, Europa och Sverige

There is no commonly accepted definition of a business method. It ought to consist of a method or a process of doing business. Business methods constitutes a broad category of patents, it is hard to tell exactly what can be interpreted in to the term. Most of the world's legal systems have made an exception from patentability for business methods. In the USA the exception was abolished in a case 1998.

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