

6193 Uppsatser om Business controller - Sida 38 av 413

Controllerns funktioner - En studie i vad som skiljer organisationsformer åt i användandet av controllern

I dagens platsannonser frågas det ofta efter controllers, men få vet egentligen vad yrket innebär eftersom rollen skiljer sig från arbetsplats till arbetsplats. Vi ville studera detta diffusa begrepp för att få en större klarhet i vad titeln innebär och vilka arbetsuppgifter som är karakteristiska controlleruppgifter. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva vilka arbetsuppgifter som har störst betydelse i olika organisationer. Utifrån tidigare forskning har vi skapat en modell som visar en uppdelning mellan olika organisationsformer och vilken/vilka av controllerns funktioner som blir extra betonad i de olika.Vi har gjort en undersökning omfattande 30 telefonintervjuer med controllers eller personer med motsvarande arbetsuppgifter. Intervjuerna har utgått från en intervjuguide med både öppna och slutna frågor.

Implementation av XCP över Ethernet

Världen blir mer och mer datoriserad, detta gäller inte minst olika typer av fordon. Datorerna i fordonen blir allt mer avancerade. Detta har lett till att de verktyg som används för utveckling av dessa datorer inte längre klarar av att hantera de allt större datamängderna som genereras. För att råda bot på detta valde BAE Systems att implementera ett nytt protokoll för kommunikation med datorerna i fordonen, nämligen XCP (Universal Calibration Protocol). Genom att implementera XCP över Ethernet går det att överföra betydligt större datamängder än tidigare, då man använde CCP (CAN Calibration Protocol), som använder sig av CAN bussen (Controller Calibration Protocol) istället för Ethernet.

Utlänningslagen ur ett barnperspektiv : En analys av fall som prövats i Migrationsöverdomstolen

AbstractThis master thesis is a hermeneutic inspired case study of how the value base regarding the environmental and social responsibility in the Swedish coffee company Löfbergs Lila AB is affecting the company's business. A thesis inspired by hermeneutics means that it is based on two ideas, the one of interaction between entirety and partitions and the one of interpretation (Alvesson & Sköldberg 1994). This cause that the emphasis is on how the reality is interpreted and that it never can be seen as completely objective.The case study was conducted during the spring semester of 2010 at Karlstad's University and consists of both empirical and theoretical material collected during this time. The empirical material in this thesis includes, among other things, interviews with four representatives of Löfbergs Lila AB, written material from the company regarding its work related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), some information about the coffee industry as a whole and different certifications for "ethical? coffee that exists on the Swedish market.The basic idea with CSR as a business strategy is that it can be financially beneficial for companies to take a social and environmental responsibility outside of the company (Vogel 2005).

Utveckling av en provmetod för ett CAN-baserat nätverk

The ability to tackle NP-hard problems has been greatly extended by the introduction of Metaheuristics (see Blum & Roli (2003)) for a summary of most Metaheuristics, general problem-independent optimisation algorithms extending the hill-climbing local search approach to escape local minima. One of these algorithms is Iterated Local Search (ILS) (Lourenco et al., 2002; Stützle, 1999a, p. 25ff), a recent easy to implement but powerful algorithm with results comparable or superior to other state-of-the-art methods for many combinatorial optimisation problems, among them the Traveling Salesman (TSP) and Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). ILS iteratively samples local minima by modifying the current local minimum and restartinga local search porcedure on this modified solution. This thesis will show how ILS can be implemented for MSA.

Budgetens utveckling : en studie bland multinationella industriföretag

Abstract Titel: Budget development ? a study of multinational industrial companies Date: 2011-05-27 Authors: Daniel Claesson & Tobias Kronvall Supervisor: Fredrik Karlsson Examiner: Lars-Göran Aidemark Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to follow up and to do a comparison                of a study of Arwidi & Samuelson (1991) where we describe and explain budget change, from the traditional budget to today´s modern business management, in some of the leading listed Swedish industrial companies. We will also examine which objectives of the budget are highlighted in the companies. Further, we examine the relationship between                         organization, strategies and budgeting and how it affects the company            management. Method: In this study we used a qualitative approach. We used a multiple case                  study to examine corporate approach to budgeting.

Transportförpackningar och värdeskapande i dagligvaruhandeln

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Utvecklingen av revisorsutbildningen i utvecklingsländer.pdf

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Informationssa?kerhetsanalysers verksamhetsnytta : Utva?rdering och fo?rba?ttringsfo?rslag

The importance of good information security and safety grows larger and larger for each day in the information society of today. This concerns citizens, companies and public authorities. At the Swedish Transport Administration, the operation of an information security and safety process has evolved over the years to guarantee that the public authority can be trusted by its citizens, cooperating companies and other public authorities. This responsibility has been assigned to the Information Security and Safety Department (Informationssa?kerhetsavdelningen, ITsa?).In this thesis the aim is to review to what extent ITsa? achieves any business benefits for the Swedish Transport Administration, and to analyze, streamline and come up with solutions to improve their workflow.

E-handel - En studie kring utvecklingen av e-handeln i Sverige med inriktning på möbelbranschen.

Vår slutsats är att det krävs att produkten är standardiserad och att kunderna känner till produkten för att företaget ska ha större chans att kunna sälja sina produkter via Internet. Detta då kunderna inte är lika beroende av den fysiska kontakten. Detta anser vi är anledningen till att endast ett fåtal möbelföretag använder sig av e-handel. Detta då alla möbelföretags produkter inte är standardiserade och kunderna inte känner till dem. Vilket innebär att alla möbelföretags produkter inte lämpar sig för e-handel.

E-handels vara eller inte vara : En kvalitativ studie av svenska företags e-handelsverksamhet.

One of the biggest changes which have affected businesses during the last ten years is the accelerating speed at which Internet technology and e-commerce has developed. If Internet earlier was used in the purpose to entertain it is now accepted as an essential business tool and companies are investing more of its resources in e-commerce activities. Everyone ?has to be on the net? today but that implies a challenge in matching e-solutions to the company?s business goals. It is necessary to have clear goals, carry out research and plan a strategy in order to operate an optimal e-commerce website for the company?s needs.The purpose with this dissertation was to see how well companies adjust to new demands in the rapidly changing e-environment.

Skandinavisk modernism i USA

The Swedish retail business has been characterized by a small number of ruling distributors. These distributors have been affected negatively by the internationalization which has made it possible for international distributors to establish their stores in the Swedish market. These international distributors are focused on low price stores. Their establishment on the Swedish market has led to a decrease in market shares for the Swedish distributors, which has damaged their profitability. Another change that has affected the Swedish distributors is that the behavior and needs of the customers has changed.

Logistik i små företag - En analys av problem och möjligheter för STARKA

In order to suggest improvements for the logistics of STARKA, we felt that we had to analyze all the activities which were related to STARKA's logistic processes. Our primary analysis consisted of a rough but comprehensive description of different functions in the company, and the relationship between them. This was performed by following a typical order through the company to see which functions were affected by the order.Since we needed a more thorough view of the company, we decided to analyze the different products STARKA currently has on the market, focusing on economic data such as turn-over, profit, profit margin, deficiency cost and cost of warehousing. We also analyzed the company's choice of manufacturing processes, organization, warehousing processes, strengths and weaknesses.These analyses gave us a clear understanding of the company and its processes. STARKA is a small, function oriented company with a wide range of products.

Prestationsmätning ur ett kostnadsledarstrategiskt perspektiv : En fallstudie på Gekås Ullared AB

Bachelor thesis, Business Administration and Economics Programme, School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University in Va?xjo?.Spring of 2015 Title: Performance measurement from a cost leadership perspective - A case study on Gekås.Authors: Adrienn Csiszer, Hannah Lundberg & Helena WennerströmTutor: Eva GustavssonExaminer: Karin Jonnergård Keywords: Performance measurement, Performance measurement systems, Generic strategy, Cost leadership strategy, Financial and non-financial measurements. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how a company with a clear cost leadership strategy chooses to work with performance measurements, with a view to comparing a practical example to theorethical approaches. Methodology: The method chosen for this paper is a case study on Gekås AB. The presented data were collected through interviews conducted with four employees on Gekås. Conclusion: The study concludes that for a business with cost leadership strategy the financial measurements are more important than non-financial meausurements. For Gekås it is important to keep the performance measurement simple and understandable for the employees. They only use three measurements (sales, hours and sales per hour) in planning and in evaluation.

I'm going to make you rich! : With a little help of Piotroski

Master thesis in Business Administration, Swedish Business School at ÖrebroUniversity, spring semester 2012Authors: Anders Oskarsson & Christian UhlanderTitle: I?m going to make you rich! -With a little help from PiotroskiResearch objective: This paper examines whether a simple account-based analysis strategy,F_SCORE, can improve returns earned by an investor. The results show that F_SCORE generated a69,7 % annual return between 2001-2010 at the Swedish market, which was better than the furtherdeveloped model A_SCORE. Overall, the evidence suggests that the market does not incorporatehistorical information into prices in a timely manner.Methodology: The foundation for this thesis is based on a quantitative approach and empiricalmaterial is gathered from Thomson Reuters Datastream for the Swedish market..

Prediktioner och förklaringsmodeller för konkurser i aktiebolag - en studie av tre svenska aktiebolag i konkurs

Title: Predictions and explanation models for bankruptcy in stock-companies ? A study of three failed Swedish companies Author: Tim Svanberg Supervisor: Emil Numminen Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of technology Course: Bachelor?s thesis in business administration, 10 credits Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to find explanation for bankruptcy with the help of prediction models. The purpose is also to add explanation by using Behavioral analysis Method: Quantitative research of bankruptcies using financial prediction models and qualitative study of psychological pitfalls. The study is deductive. Results: I found that it is possible to explain the bankruptcies using the prediction models. The behavioural perspective adds further explanation.

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