

6193 Uppsatser om Business controller - Sida 35 av 413

Marknadsetablering i Indien :

The demand from Swedish companies of new potential markets to enter is increasing. One of these companies is Väderstad-verken which has the vision to grow approximately 15 percentages every year. To make this possible they must find new emerging markets to enter to be able to grow. Together with Väderstad-verken we have chosen India as a case study. Mainly because of its big agricultural sector that hasn?t yet been developed to modern standard.

Personaliserade rådgivare ? en studie om relationer i bankernas Internettjänster

Problem: Den svenska bankmarknaden befinner sig under förändring. Och i takt med att världen med hjälp av tekniska innovationer blir mindre, blir det också lättare för globala storföretag att etablera sig på nya marknader. Konkurrensen tenderar att öka bland Sveriges banker och det kan leda till att det blir enklare för bankkunder att välja en annan bank. Nu är det upp till bankerna själva att erbjuda tjänster och produkter som motsvarar kundernas krav. Syfte: Uppsatsen ska undersöka attityder samt belysa vikten av relationer och förtroende till personliga rådgivare i banker.

Reklam, mat & ko(n)sten att synas : En kvalitativ studie av fyra reklamfilmer från Coop och Lidl

Almost every commercial in television nowadays aim to sell a product or service. This researchpresents two big actors in the grocery chain and their respective commercials. The two actors thatare presented in this research are Lidl and Coop. Both Lidl and Coop are among the largest grocerychains in Sweden. By examine two commercials from each company we aim to find how theircommercials are structured.

Ramverk för Enterprise Architecture på SL

The concept of Enterprise Architecture (EA) has become increasingly common within enterprises today and aims to describe an enterprise?s structure in a standardized way. Implementing EA within an enterprise is a way to describe the how various domains affect each other and by defining uniform procedures and guidelines, particularly in the link between IT-activities and business activities, you can streamline you enterprise. An effective EA is a huge asset for an enterprise since it enables the full usage of the business potential of the IT-domain. However a malfunctioning EA can lead to an enormous drain of valuable organizational resources.

Styrelsearbete över tid - En studie av företagsutvecklingens påverkan på styrelsearbetet i ett onoterat svenskt familjeföretag

In this study we have focused on how board work is affected by companies growth and development. This research has been conducted through a case study of Teleopti AB, a private Swedish family-owned company, together with theory and literature studies. We have studied the development of Teleopti since its founding in 1992 until today and what impact this company's development has had on Teleopti's board work and composition during the same period. Through the study we came to the conclusion that Teleopti's board work has gone from being supportive and advisory to more professional with a higher degree of board involvement. This change has been caused by the reduced information asymmetries, the increased need for board's expertise, the new board dynamics and the CEO change caused by the company's growth..

Kulturkrockar vid internationalisering genom förvärv och fusioner : En fallstudie av det fusionerade bolaget ELISAD AB

The amount of mergers and acquisitions between international and Swedish actors increased due to the Swedish entry in the European Union. In many cases, conflicts between manage-ment and employees made visible the cultural differences between nations and organisations. As a result of these conflicts many companies experience difficulties in operating on the Swedish market and in some cases they have even been forced to leave it.The starting point of this study is analysing how the management at a foreign company in Sweden, that has undergone a merger, has been affected in the meeting with the Swedish business culture. The analyse has got three different perspectives as a base; management, market knowledge and culture.This study is accomplished on the basis of a deductive approach. It is a case study where the empirical foundation derives from five interviews.

Replikering av komplexa kunskapssystem : En fråga om organisatorisk integration

Background: Many authors consider knowledge to be a significant source for competitive advantage. Replicating companies found their competitiveness on an ability to leverage its knowledge base by replicating its business model in new contexts, a process often referred to as the McDonalds approach. Several authors emphasize that an efficient method for knowledge transfer may increase the risk for imitation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine in an explorative manner how strategies for replicating complex knowledge systems are employed and developed. Furthermore, our ambition is to explore the notion of replication strategy.

När strategi blir design : Företags drivkrafter bakom grafiska profilbyten

Graphic profiles are a part of companies? brand expressions. The graphical values reflect the brand values the business wants to convey. They consist of different graphic elements such as logo, company sign, colour schemes, templates, rules, fonts, pictograms, formats and references to how different graphic elements should look, for example, business cards, signs and materials for websites. This thesis aims to examine why firms choose to replace their graphic profiles by studying their underlying motivations.

En komparation i ledarskap mellan ett tjänsteintensivt och ett kunskapsintensivt företag, H&M versus Alfa Laval

Det går att kartlägga små skillnader som finns i ledarskapsutövandet mellan en chef i ett tjänsteintensivt- och kunskapsintensivt företag, men samtidigt tenderar ledarskapet att gå mot en och samma utveckling, det vill säga, ett coachande ledarskap. Skillnaderna i första linjens chefskap i de två olika organisationerna, anser vi bero mer på företagsstrukturerna än att de är verksamma i skilda branscher. It is possible to survey small differences in how to practice leadership between a service intensive and a knowledge intensive company. The leadership tends on the other hand to go towards the same development, towards a coaching leadership. We do believe that the differences in the first line managers, in the two separate companies, depend more on the business structures than that they are active in different branches of trade..

Spåren av framtiden : Näringslivets utmaingar i informationssamhället speglade i politiska intentioner och tre utbildningsföretags uppfattningar

There are numerous of ideas and theories around the present development in our global society, describing an ever changing era based and propelled by information and communication technology (ICT). How influential has this development been on political visions and intentions and on the business worlds views on important competencies? The purpose of this thesis is to describe the national and international visions of important competencies in the ?information society?. Through a case study, focused on how the training and consultancy industry apprehends and answer to this change and development, as they often act as agents for new trends in the business world both as accommodators and originators. The growth and speed of the universally available information demands knowhow in seeking, analyzing and managing information, and this competence is crucial today.

Utveckling av ett skogsbolags kontaktstrategi : en kvalitativ intervjustudie bland större privata virkesleverantörer

The supply of raw materials has always been an important issue in the Swedish Forest industry. Buying timber from local suppliers is important. To ensure raw materials to their industries the forest company must offer good prices and good business deals to their suppliers. The aims with this work are to find out how the contact between private suppliers of raw materials and how the forest company can be developed. To be able to do a complete study of the problems connecting with this subject a quality interview study has been done.

En conjoint analys av förpackningsattribut.

Abstract Title: A conjoint analysis of packaging attributes. How can the attributes of a product?s packaging best look like to attract the consumer? Authors: Linda Granberg & Helena Niklasson Supervisor: Jan Svanberg Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology Course: Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits Purpose: The purpose is to find out how visual and technical attributes on product packaging affects the consumers tendency to want to buy the product. Method: Conjoint analysis and a quantitative survey. Results: When developing a package for a food product we?ve reached the conclusion that it is most important to have clear product information on it. The consumer wants it to be simple and easy to use, the people under time pressure seeks product with new technology which can save them time..

 Den första inblicken i regionala företagarföreningar :  En fallstudie av Örebro Promotion

Many studies have been conducted of different types of business networks in recent years. Despite this, there is a lack of research concerning industry-transcending formal networks which are limited to a specific region. We have conducted a case study of Örebro Promotion, which is an industry-transcending network including over 500 members. Örebro is a medium-sized city in the middle of Sweden. The purpose with our study is to create an understanding of why enterprises choose to be a part of the network and what they feel is the gain of their membership.

Dagens hotellbransch : En studie som belyser hur hotell i Stockholm arbetar för att behålla sina gäster

Because of the large supply of information is today's leisure travelers very enlightened and have firsthand knowledge of what can be demanded on a hotel stay. Along with business travelers, who are not price sensitive, they place higher demands on the standards and service they require. It has become increasingly important to attract the visitors in a unique way.The purpose of this study is to reveal those aspects which hotels focus on in their business in order to keep their guests, despite the strong competition and the new demands of the changing hotel industry. The study has examined more closely if the hotels have specific concepts in their approach, if their servicescapes (the environment where the service is assembled) are designed in a unique way to attract visitors and if the hotels have special relationships with their guests.The study is qualitative and in order to answer the purpose has observations of the selected hotels and interviews with managers and receptionists been made.One of the conclusions that we reached is that the most important aspect in the hotels business is their relationship to the guests. Each respective hotel strives to have a special and unique relationship with its guests conveyed by its staff.

Ändringen av artikel 7 i OECD:s modellavtal : En komparativ studie

States have sovereignty in deciding how to tax business profits. If two states wish to tax the same profit that belongs to the same taxpayer, double taxation will arise. The increasing number of multinational companies gives rise to double taxation problems and the states have to co-operate to find out how to avoid such problems. The OECD Model Tax Convention includes an article in how to determine the rights to tax business profits. This article has been a subject of discussion and a committee of the OECD has been working to develop a new article 7.The work in proposing this new article has had as its aim to reassure that the interpretations of this regulation is made in the same way.

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