

6193 Uppsatser om Business controller - Sida 33 av 413

Analys av webbservertrafik

ABSTRACT This essay is about traffic analysis of Web servers. The purpose is to investigate if companies analyse the traffic on the Web server and if they use this information to create more than simple statistic reports. The questions that we will answer are the following: ? How common is traffic analysis on the Web server among companies? ? Is the Web administrator limited in analysing the Web traffic, if the company has the website on a Web hotel? ? Does the company uses the results they get from analysing the traffic on the Web server for updates and changes on the Web page? To answer these questions we made a questionnaire investigation by telephone interviewing the companies? webmasters. The extent of the investigation was 20 companies in Blekinge. The information we gathered from the investigation showed that it is becoming more common that companies analyse the traffic on the Web page and that they uses the information to more than statistic reports, for example updates and changes of the Web page.

En utvärdering av kundtidningen Medley - läsarnas uppfattning om innehåll & layout

Datum: 2008-06-03Ämne: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hpFörfattare: Magdalena Ekman, Emma RonvallHandledare: Carl G. ThunmanTitel: En utvärdering av kundtidningen Medley ? läsarnas uppfattning om innehåll & layoutProblem: Medtronic AB önskar öka kännedomen om företagets produkter hos svenska läkare, sjuksköterskor, medicintekniker och andraopinionsbildare. Ett sätt att uppnå det på är genom kundtidningenMedley som skickas direktadresserad till personal på sjukhus ochkliniker i Sverige. Det är viktigt att kundtidningen har ett innehåll och en layout som tilltalar läsarkretsen.Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva hur kundtidningen Medleys innehåll och layout uppfattas av läsarna samt vilka arbetsområden läsarna är verksamma inom.

Ska jag, ska jag inte?: - En studie av hur intentionen till eget företagande i Norrbotten påverkas av strukturfonderna samt Ikeas etablering i länet

Title: Shall I, shall I not? ? A study of how the intention to engage in entrepreneurial behaviour in Norrbotten is influenced by the financial support from the Structural Funds and the establishment of Ikea in the city of Haparanda. Author: Erica Carlson Tutor: Professor Carin Holmquist/ Docent Monica Lindgren Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is to study what aspects that cause the intention to start a company. Therefore this thesis will look at two different situations, the Structural Funds and the establishment of Ikea in Norrbotten, to try to find out if and how these two situations affect the intention among potential entrepreneurs to engage in entrepreneurial behaviour. Method: A qualitative method is used, since this thesis aims at getting an understanding of a specific phenomena; the intention to entrepreneurial behaviour.

Hantering av verksamhetskrav : Utredning av hur hantering av verksamhetskrav från kunder kan förbättras på Saab Aerosystems

Saab Aerosystems have had one dominating product, JAS 39 Gripen, and one dominating customer, FMV, for a long time. The operations management system at Aerosystems is adjusted for development of Gripen and as the business unit is trying to enter new markets with other products and customer the operations needs to be adjusted to fit the development and manufacturing of these products as well.The purpose of the master thesis has been to investigate how Aerosystems is managing requirements on operations from external customers and how to make improvements within this area. The aim has been to carry out a situation analysis to identify where improvements are possible and then produce proposals for improvements through studies of literature and other business units. The thesis also include a study of knowledge transfer within the business unit to investigate how this can be applied to improve the managing of requirement on the operations.An extensive interview study has been carried out in which interviews mainly have been conducted with employees at Aerosystems, but also at Saab Avitronics and Saab Aerostructures. The reason why these business units have been examined is because they have carried out a large number of successful businesses with external customers, which also are potential customers for Aerosystems in the future.The interviews have been analysed to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with the present way of working.

Oregistrerad gemenskapsformgivning - Svaret på problemen med formskydd för modeprodukter?

In the year of 2002 a new council regulation on community designs was implemented. In the beginning of the essay the legal situtation before the implementation is investigated and part of the purpose is to evaluate if it constitutes a solution to the problems with protection of fashion designs that existed then. Because fashion designs more or less were excluded from protection during the period before the implementation the fashion business developed a habit of unauthorized reproduction. This attitude among the market players is a central point of the essay. The essay starts off with a review of the earlier lack of possibilities regarding the protection of fashion designs.

Assessment of food retail business sustainability : the case of Konsum Värmland

Public concern and the need of responsible way of doing business have brought forward the issue of sustainability at the forefront of discussion in the last decade. Even though, food retailers are playing an important role in the economy, they are exposed for criticism by media and consumers for any socially and environmentally irresponsible business practices because, the potential environmental and social impacts from their operations are significant. These impacts need to be recognized and properly addressed. The main objective of this study was to assess the sustainable business management of a cooperative food retail business in Sweden, known as Konsum Värmland (KV). The necessary data and information on history and status of KV, and its practical activities concerning the implementation of sustainable development programs as well as the motivation and challenges encountered by KV during the implementation were gathered via reviewing different documents, research papers and press releases; interviewing decision makers and other personnel in KV and other researchers from Swedish University of Agricultural University who have investigated KV.

Car-Pi ? Analys och guidning för bra bilkörning

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att skapa ett serverprogram i en enkortsdator som arbetar i realtid för att kunna hjälpa människor att köra mer ekonomiskt och miljövänligt i deras vardag.Detta var ett av målen ställda av produktbeställaren Ziggy Creative Colony. Ett mer långsiktigt mål från beställaren är att datorn skall installeras i en bil och kopplas till bilens on-board diagnostic-II (OBD-II)-uttag. Datorn ska sedan, via OBD-II, kunna samla information som till exempel hastighet, acceleration och bränsleflöde från bilens engine control unit (ECU). Serverprogrammet ska bearbeta denna information som sedan kommuniceras och visualiseras till bilföraren via en native mobilapplikation.Serverprogrammet byggdes i en linuxbaserad dator: Raspberry Pi och döptes av oss till Car-Pi. Car-Pi designades enligt arkitekturmönstret Model-View-Controller (MVC) som gör det lätt att underhålla, vidare-utveckla och implementera programmet av produktägaren, Ziggy Creative Colony, i framtiden.


Every year, thousands tons of edible food are discarded by the grocery stores. This is food that could have gone to people that?s in need of it. In many countries, so called food banks are established in order to supply welfare organizations with this kind of food. Today there is no equivalent system existing in Sweden.

Ett vittert fruntimmer. En studie av boktryckaränkor och speciellt fru Fougt

The purpose of this Masters thesis was to examine women printers conditions in Sweden from 1483 to 1883. Women printers usually inherited their printing businesses from their husbands. We wanted to examine the circumstances surrounding women printers, how they managed to keep their companies and for how long. Of these 108 women we also wanted to focus on one in particular, Mrs Fougt. Mrs Fougts ownership of Kongl.

?Vi försöker servera ett smörgåsbord? En studie om att attrahera utländska direktinvesteringar till Göteborgsregionen

Globalization allows companies to expand and establish themselves in other markets, which can have unexpected consequences for those who are not aware of the controversy or sacrifices that are required, and Gothenburg, Sweden is not an exception. The study has focused on two institutional theories that can explain whathappens when a foreign direct investment takes place, Institutional work and Institutional duality. The study was conducted at Business Region Gothenburg and the interviews took place at department of establishment and investment. The result shows that to overcome institutional barriers they use networking, relations, and marketing of the region of Gothenburg as examples. The paper also argues that by performing some sort of institutional work, institutional duality occurs..

Integration in the Supply Chain - use of Real Options to mitigate the costs of the Bullwhip Effect

Purpose: During the last years Real Options have been established in many areas of the day-to-day business. Recent literature also tries to address Supply Chain problems with option theory, since an efficient Supply Chain increasingly gains in importance as a significant competitive advantage. This thesis tries to answer the question, if Real Options can mitigate the costs induced by the Bullwhip Effect as one of the major problems in Supply Chains. Methodology: The authors of the thesis used a deductive approach. Based on a theoretical model utilizing Real Option contracts and under the usage of a randomly created dataset the influence of the Bullwhip Effect on the company?s business and financial structure is examined and subsequently analyzed.

"Klyschor som funkar" Göra rätt saker eller göra saker rätt : En studie om service recovery i hotellbranschen

Every business is subject to service failures. The process of correcting these failures and turning disappointed customers back into happy ones is called service recovery. This is particularly important in the hotel business, where there are many moments of truth where customers may become dissatisfied. To further complicate things, service recovery is a process where you may have to correct errors of others - people beyond your control. The research field is relatively new and there are no turn-key solutions as to how to systematically work with service recovery.

En utvärdering av kundtidningen Medley - läsarnas uppfattning om innehåll & layout

Datum: 2008-06-03Ämne: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hpFörfattare: Magdalena Ekman, Emma RonvallHandledare: Carl G. ThunmanTitel: En utvärdering av kundtidningen Medley ? läsarnas uppfattning om innehåll & layoutProblem: Medtronic AB önskar öka kännedomen om företagets produkter hos svenska läkare, sjuksköterskor, medicintekniker och andraopinionsbildare. Ett sätt att uppnå det på är genom kundtidningenMedley som skickas direktadresserad till personal på sjukhus ochkliniker i Sverige. Det är viktigt att kundtidningen har ett innehåll och en layout som tilltalar läsarkretsen.Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva hur kundtidningen Medleys innehåll och layout uppfattas av läsarna samt vilka arbetsområden läsarna är verksamma inom.

Kommunikation och Prestation : Aspekter på förhållandet mellan teamkommunikations innehåll, frekvens och problem, och teamresultat, studerat i en militär flygsimulator för grupper

A study of communication content, frequency and problems was performed at the Swedish Air Force Air Combat Simulation Centre, FLSC. The purpose was to investigate the connection between team communication and performance variables, to study communication problems during air combat and to employ and develop the PILOT method of communication problem analysis. Ten fighter pilots and four fighter controllers engaged in simulated air combat beyond visual range in teams on two sides, Blue and Red, with four pilots and one fighter controller each. Eight such training runs lasting 15 to 25 minutes were analyzed with regard to the Blue team?s communication during launch situations, i.e.

Systemutveckling i praktiken : konsten att tillmötesgå den okända användarens krav

ABSTRACT System development has become more and more concentrated on development for the Web and this has resulted in larger target groups. It will most surely continue to be so considering that the Web will be the infrastructure of business and services in the future. A big target group involves that the owner of a system can earn a lot of money from the paying users, but that assumes that the system can meet user needs. If a system on the Web does not satisfy the user?s demands then they will use the competitor?s system instead because it is only a mouse-click away.

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