

6193 Uppsatser om Business controller - Sida 25 av 413

Big data : En studie om dess affärsnytta samt dess utmaningar och möjligheter, med fokus på detaljhandeln

Idag skapas och lagras enorma mängder data, samtidigt som endast en liten del av datan analyseras och används. Big data är ett begrepp som cirkulerat i flera år, men på senare år har det fått allt större innebörd. Allt fler företag börjar få upp ögonen för big data, samtidigt som få verkligen vet hur det ska användas. Vissa frågar sig till och med: finns det någon affärsnytta? Med fokus på detaljhandelsbranschen undersöker vi huruvida det finns en affärsnytta med big data, och framförallt vilka utmaningar och möjligheter som finns kopplade till det.

Värdelöst värdeskapande : En studie om co-destruction

The study proceeds from a phenomenom called co-creation. If value can be created, it is logic to asume that it also can be destroyed. This phenomenom has earlier not been applied to long-term relationships such as business to business. In a business relationship it is important to identify factors, that leads to co-destruction, to be able to prevent them from appering. The purpose of this study is to identify which factors leads towards co-destruction.The study have used theories from Echeverri & Skålén (2011) which has designed a model explaning the outcome of co-creation and co-destruction.

Simulation av Xbox Live Indie Games gränssnittet

This thesis was developed as an assignment from Ludosity Interactive where the goal was to develop a copy of the Xbox Live Indie Games-marketplace from the Xbox 360. Ludosity Interactive had a necessity to easily test a game's attractiveness to potential customers using testing people from outside the company in a simulated Xbox Live Indie Games test environment; excluding this developed system there is no other way to do such an analysis without actually releasing the game on the Xbox Live Indie Games marketplace and then analyze the resulting sales from the product.The finished system had to be similar to the original system to the degree that a user could see past the interface itself and use the system just as he/she would have used the real marketplace. It also had to be easy to change and add games to the system so that Ludosity Interactive easily could show the games and the data that they deemed interesting for their tests. The final product was developed using C#, XNA and XML together with an Agileinspired development method in combination with Pivotal Tracker. This report describes how this product was developed..

Är OSSg2 ett lämpligt steg mot Open Source på verksamhetskritiska IT-system?

Sun Microsystems chose its own Open Source path by not following competitors in their commitment toGNU/Linux. Sun instead created its own Open Source project from the source of Solaris under the name ofOpenSolaris. The business model of OpenSolaris belongs to the new and more commercially viable OpenSource, referred to as OSSg2. This survey was based on articles on the adoption of Open Source in organizationsand István Orci?s publication Kritiska IT-System.

Mansklubben inom företagsekonomisk utbildning - En fallstudie om varför så få kvinnor fördjupar sig inom finans

Gender balance within the business administration field at university level is an area that has gained increased attention in the last decade. As gender balance contributes positively to the scientific and educational achievements within all disciplines, many studies have tried to understand the decision-making processes of students when selecting a business specialisation. However, little attention has been devoted to the finance discipline although there is a remaining gender imbalance within the field at higher-level economic studies. This thesis was performed as a qualitative case study and is based on interviews with second-year bachelor students facing their choice of specialisation at the Stockholm School of Economics. Through an application of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), this study aims to examine factors that influence female business students' intentions to choose a specialisation.

Sambandet mellan saldodifferenser och effektivitet : En fallstudie på utomhuslager inom Sandvik Materials Technology

To meet the needs and demands of the costumer, accurate information about how much is available in stock is necessary. When the information in the system does not match the physical inventory, inventory inaccuracy occurs. Inventory inaccuracy is common among companies and may contribute to increased labor cost, excess inventory, production disruptions, waste of time, late deliveries, poor service and lost customers.The purpose of this study is to identify contributing factors to inventory inaccuracy for business with outdoor storage. The study also aims to investigate how efficiency factors can reduce the inventory inaccuracy for business with outdoor storage.A case study was conducted to answer the purpose. A company in the steel industry was chosen to examine inventory inaccuracy on business with outdoor storage.

Utveckling av analysverktyg för testresultat

Scania är en ledande tillverkare av tunga lastbilar, bussar och industri- och marinmotorer. Inom organisationen finns ett ökande behov av att automatisera och underlätta analysfasen vid klimatsystemprovning. Idag utnyttjas en mängd mjukvaror för att analysera diverse data, men ingen är optimalt anpassad för arbetsuppgifterna inom analys av klimatdata. Uppdraget går därför ut på att utveckla en mjukvara som ska effektivisera arbetet i analysfasen.Det har använts en mängd metoder under arbetes gång. Det har bland annat använts intervjuer vid insamling av kravspecifikationen.

Kronunionens återkomst : En empirisk underso?kning av konjunkturscykler, arbetskraftsro?rlighet och handelsintegration fo?r att avgo?ra mo?jligheten att info?ra en gemensam valuta i Norden

This paper is an assessment of whether the Nordic countries constitute an optimum currency area (OCA) or not. Hodrick Prescott-­?filtered data of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and rate of employment are used to investigate the similarity of business cycles between the target countries through a series of correlation analysis with Sweden as the base reference country and also by using a linear regression model. Additionally there is an evaluation of trade volume and labour mobility between the countries. Our results indicate that Iceland had the least similar business cycles within the Nordic countries and that the area should therefore possibly comprise Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. .

Affären Astoria Cinemas: Om en biografkedjas korta levnad

In May 2005 the Swedish cinema chain Astoria Cinemas is founded and in July two years later the company goes bankrupt. In this thesis Astoria Cinemas is used as an example to illustrate the conditions for a culture-producing company in a commercial market. The purpose of the thesis is to discuss the strategies for cultural production that has been used by the actors involved in the Swedish cinema market, and also to discuss the structural environment on that market. It is a qualitative study based on interviews and documentation. A few conclusions are possible to draw from the empirical material, one is that Astoria Cinemas? management did not agree on the company?s business strategy and therefore might have acted strategically inconsistent.

Controllerarbete på Scania : En studie kring controllerns dagliga arbete

Vi studerar controllers dagliga arbete inom FoU-enheten på ett stort svenskt företag. Därtill jämförs det dagliga arbetet i praktiken med controllerns egen samt chefens åsikter om vad tid bör läggas på, samt med den bild av den moderna controllerrollen som presenteras i litteraturen. För att åstadkomma denna jämförelse har intervjuer utförts med tio controllers och enkätsvar har erhållits från fem avdelningschefer. De avdelningar som har studerats är de största konstruerande avdelningarna på Scanias FoU enhet lokaliserad i Södertälje. Studien visar att viss tidsbrist förekommer och att controllers lägger en betydande del av sin arbetstid på rutinartade uppgifter.

Legal restraints when doing Business in Europe? An assessment on Competition Legislation on Vertical Relations in the European Automotive Industry

Purpose: The purpose of the investigation is to give an insight to hot the EU legal environment in the field of vertical relationships influences the competitiveness of the 2nd tier of the automobile industry. Conclusion:It follows that European legislation has succeedded in raising the competitiveness by breaking down the powers of the predominantly more powerful companies that the 2nd tier players do business with and by giving companies sufficient leeway to act. The comment must be made here that serious problems due to a power misbalance might still exist yet are not uncovered. In the course of my research I have found a lack of issues in my subject field. These problems however would have a more structural and economical cause, dealing with these problems would fall outside the boundaries of the competence of European competition legislation.

Företagskluster och närhet i Katutura, Namibia : En studie kring småföretag, närhet och klusterfördelar

In Economic Geography, there has been a strong interest of how different forms of proximity impacts businesses. In addition, there is also a strong interest in business agglomeration, as a result businesses cluster together through physical proximity, networks and knowledge. In the development sector, there is a strong interest on how to best support the creations and growth of small enterprises.This essay emphasises on the business cluster formations in Katutura, a suburb to Windhoek the capital city of Namibia. It oversees the impacts of different types of cluster formations and their effects on the businesses. In addition, this essay will identify the main clusters in Katutura and state what makes them unique from each other and what is a common cluster feature.

Telefonkataloghantering för mobila enheter

The PhonePages of Sweden is a company that develops software for mobile units, especially cell phones. This thesis treats the development of, and contingencies for, a mobile phone directory, using the limited resources found in a mobile unit. The project was implemented and executed at The PhonePages with the intention of creating a product to sell to a third party.By studying different solutions, their benefits and drawbacks, an abstract picture of the product was constructed. Problems covered include compatibility problems caused by todays platform diversity as well as problems with saving, organizing and presenting data.The main goal was to create a phone directory which does not make external information retrievals. The service should contain both company and personal information, with name and phonenumber.

Konsten att fatta ett välgrundat beslut : Den organisatoriska utformningens betydelse för användandet av Business Intelligence

Organisationers intresse fo?r att kunna utvinna information ur data och da?rigenom erha?lla konkurrensfo?rdelar har o?kat under senare a?r. En strategi som mottagit mycket uppma?rksamhet a?r Business Intelligence (BI). Det har emellertid visat sig att fa? organisationer upplever de fo?rva?ntade fo?rdelar som BI a?r ta?nkt att leverera.


Fiscal policy and its consequences have attracted much attention on both academic and societal level, in Sweden and elsewhere. However, the dependence between fiscal policy on municipality level and business cycles has only recently sparked a debate among Swedish economists. Studies point out that a law which came to force in 2000, balanskravet, may have caused municipalities to lower expenditures, alternatively raising taxes, during recessions. This thesis examines how the level of municipality taxes depends on business cycle fluctuations and the impact that balanskravet has had on this correlation. We employ econometric regressions, with annual data covering the period 1980-2014, to enable an analysis of the dependence between taxes and business cycles, both before and after the introduction of balanskravet.

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