

6193 Uppsatser om Business controller - Sida 11 av 413

AVELUTION - När framtidsutveckling blir affärsutveckling. Affärsutveckling baserat på de nyttor ett varumärke genererar

Business development is to bring forth the entirecompany and through effective, market renewalprocesses to create sustainable profitability.1 This mightbe difficult, especially for smaller companies who lackthe experience and also tools to make correct forecast.2The purpose of my thesis is to investigate andexplain how a small business can remain flexible andcreate products in new markets by making the brandappealing and credible.In my thesis I have investigated how a company canextract benefit from its brand and identify the benefitswhich are the most unattended in a new market. Bydoing so, the company can systematically developconcepts for new business opportunities. I hopethat my thesis may provide tools and ease businessdevelopment process for smaller businesses.The purpous of my thesis I have studied theories ofbusiness development, brand and brand extension. Inthese theories I have used existing methods and I havecreated my own methods of business development.Through this thesis I have worked with AvelutionAB (a small that produce products for recoveryand comfort). I tested the theory and methods withAvelution which has resulted in a business developmentstrategy as well as two concepts that show howAvelution in the future might develop its business basedon the benefits Avelution and its products create..

Kommunikation inom e-handel : En undersökning ur konsumentperspektiv

AbstractDespite that e-business nowadays is established scepsis against it amongst consumers exists. We, as consumers, suppose that this skepticism is caused by bad communication from the e-business companies. This has lead to our suggestion that some con-sumers refrain from e-business because of bad communication or deficient trust.Our purpose with this paper was to investigate factors of communication between companies and consumers within e-business (B2C) from the consumers? point of view. We thereby have drawn conclusions regarding consumers? choice of e-business company.

Företagsvärdering : ? Värdering av ett företag som verkar inom en turbulent bransch

Business valuation is something that has been more general and discussion around this subject is very common. The discussions often revolve the various principles and procedures that a business appraiser can apply when a valuation of a business should be done. When there are different evaluation methods there are also resulting in an assumption that there are not so easy to create a complete objective business value. The individual evaluator choice of method will determine the result of the business value. The global world for each business has been more uncertain and turbulent/changeable which have tended to exacerbate the work for the evaluator to determine a business value.

Den levande policyn

In today's changing environment, an increasing number of companies are realizing thebenefits of analyzing business information and thereby stay competitive. By making use ofdecision support systems, known as Business Intelligence (BI), organizations are expected tocollect and process business data and thus get more out of their business.Nowadays it is not enough for organizations to have access to corporate data inside officewalls, they must also be able to bring the information "on the go", which has been thefoundation for the progress of mobile BI solutions. As the mobility increases and thecorporate data leaves the office, new risks arise, which is one reason as to why manycompanies hesitate at the idea of introducing mobile BI solutions.In this paper we explore two security aspects in the area of mobile BI solutions. Our researchquestion is as follows: How does security aspects affect a company's decision to acquiremobile BI solutions? The survey was conducted through interviews in cooperation with thefirm Optivasys, exclusively dedicated to the BI solution QlikView.A significant part of the theory we studied describes security as critical; however, ourresearch suggests a solution on how companies can manage the security aspects.

Värdet av lojalitet : Vad är lojalitet egentligen värd för en mediaplaneringsbyrå i Singapore?

Marketing in a business-to-business environment differs from its counterpart in the business-to-consumer market. Where the latter focuses on customer satisfaction, the former is all about value. This value creates loyalty between seller and buyer. Creating loyalty is becoming more and more important in the media planning industry as fierce competition reduces profit margins. Value is created through selling what a client wants at an acceptable price.

Förtroendekriser : en studie av svenska livförsäkringsbolag

Background: The Swedish life-insurance business has been extensively criticised lately due to broken promises to customers as well as due to scandals that some companies within the business have been involved in. The companies within the Swedish life-insurance business find themselves in a so- called crisis of confidence, something that is created in and by media. A company that finds itself in a crisis of confidence somehow have to manage the situation and crises of confidence can also result in different kinds of changes. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse how individual life- insurance companies manage crises of confidence. As a consequence, the aim is also to investigate in what way crises of confidence are initiators to change.

Förtroendekriser : en studie av svenska livförsäkringsbolag

Background: The Swedish life-insurance business has been extensively criticised lately due to broken promises to customers as well as due to scandals that some companies within the business have been involved in. The companies within the Swedish life-insurance business find themselves in a so- called crisis of confidence, something that is created in and by media. A company that finds itself in a crisis of confidence somehow have to manage the situation and crises of confidence can also result in different kinds of changes. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse how individual life- insurance companies manage crises of confidence. As a consequence, the aim is also to investigate in what way crises of confidence are initiators to change.

Analys och förbättring av en order- och faktureringsprocess- en fallstudie med fokus på ledtiden

Syftet med denna uppsats var att genomföra en processanalys av order- och faktureringsprocessen och identifiera eventuella kvalitetsbrister i processens ledtid..

Kvalitetssäkring vid implementering av ERP-system

När företag ska implementera ERP-system är det viktigt att företaget ser till att få kvalitet på implementeringen. Ett ERP-system är ett informationssystem som ska hantera alla funktioner inom ett företag på ett integrerat sätt. För att få kvalitet på implementeringen krävs att budgeten hålls, att implementeringen blir klar i tid, att processerna i företaget optimeras, att kraven tillfredsställs och att integreringen med andra system klaras av på ett bra sätt.Examensarbetet har undersökt om Business Blueprints kan vara en hjälp för företag när det gäller att säkra kvaliteten på implementeringar av ERP-system. Business Blueprints är en modell som guidar företag genom hela systemutvecklingen. Undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av intervjuer och en litteraturstudie.Resultatet av undersökningen som detta arbete omfattar kan sammanfattas med att Business Blueprints är en hjälp för företag när det gäller att kvalitetssäkra implementering av ERP-system..

Evaluation the Supply Chain of Plymovent AB

This Master Thesis is a part of PlymoVent?s business to customer plot, with the aim to investigate how the consumers receive the services that PlymoVent provides. With regard to PlymoVent's business strategy and reference theory, the demands of how to receive and monitor a supply chain for a better customer satisfaction where targeted. The findings refer to poor customer satisfaction due to obscure procedures in problem resolution and discrepancy handling, and vague transportation accuracy..

Diversifiering i lantbruksföretag : en litteraturstudie om hur utvecklingsprocessen ser ut i lantbruksbaserade företag som utvecklar nya verksamhetsgrenar

Today´s debate in farming is being focused on tourism, outdoor life and hobbies in the rural areas. This is of interest also for the general public as a way of counteracting the depopulation of the rural areas. Within the last years, the farming has become more technically advanced and hence efficient. This has led to increased production volumes and wider selection of products with lower margins for the farmer as a consequence. When the profitability is reduced, the farmer is faced with the choice of either increasing efficiency or diversification of the business.

Public WLAN - The interaction between venues and WISPs

Purpose: The purpose is to research different co-operations between venue owners and WISPs, when WLAN is deployed in a public space. The aim is to establish viable business models for the interaction between the two vital actors in the public WLAN industry. In this work, the advantages and disadvantages of revenue and cost sharing will be defined, along with technical and commercial issues that need to be resolved. Methodology: A number of case studies of the current situation have been conducted in the most attractive venues for WLAN, airports. As the public WLAN market had most widespread adoption and is most mature in the USA, case airports were chosen both there and in Scandinavia.

New Business Model for District Heating Firms Stabilizing the National Energy System with a Future Variable Electricity Production

The aim of this thesis is to develop a new business model for district heating and cooling firms which can contribute to a stabilization of the Swedish national energy system. The business model is developed for a district heating and cooling firm and is exemplified with Fortum Heat. The theoretical investigation around the topic creates a rigid base for following qualitative empirical studies. Osterwalder?s canvas for business model generation is used together with a Casual Loop Diagram to identify a number of business opportunities which stabilizes the national energy system.

Hur arbetar idrottsledare och ledare inom närlingslivet för att nå resultat? : Et studie som tittar på begreppen coaching, ledarskap och målsättning

Background: The world of sports possesses a lot of knowledge when it comes to leadarship and coaching. Coaching as a term is relatively new to the business industry and something that is up and coming among alot of companies. Leadership and coaching are two terms that can be combined with each other both in sports and in the business industry.Objectives: This study aims to compare leadership in sports and in the business industry. The purpose is to see if they can learn from each other and how they define the term leadership.Method: Interviews were chosen as a method in this study. Six individual interviews were performed and there were three leaders from the business industry and three leaders from the world of sport participating in the study.

Personliga nätverk: en fallstudie om personliga nätverk inom musikindustrin

The purpose of this thesis was to illustrate the connection between personal networks and entrepreneurial business in the music industry. It also aims to examine how and why entrepreneurs in the music industry use personal networks in their entrepreneurial business activities. In order to explore the extent to which entrepreneurs in the music industry obtain support through personal networks, a case study was conducted based on interviews with entrepreneurs in various areas of the music industry. The study has shown that entrepreneurs in the music industry clearly see distinct advantages through the use of their personal networks, especially in terms of an enhanced supply of resources and through an increased amount of business opportunities. Personal networks have also shown to constitute a considerable amount of moral support for the entrepreneurs in the development process of the entrepreneurial business.

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