

88 Uppsatser om Burnout - Sida 1 av 6

Förekomst av stress och utbrändhet bland röntgensjuksköterskor

Stress and Burnout is a common healthproblem among different workcategories today. The aim of this study was to investigate possible presence of stress and Burnout among radiographers and if there was a connection to number of years in the profession. Maslach Burnout Inventory was used as an instrument to investigate the possible presence of  Burnout, supplemented with questions about stress. The instrument contained a total of 33 questions and was handed out to two hospitals in south of Sweden with a total of 51 respondents. The study showed that the most stressful situations arose due to workload, negative stress, bad working environment and high time pressure.


Burnout, på svenska översatt till utbrändhet, är ett idag välkänt fenomen och är utbrett bland anställda med långa sjukskrivningsperioder som följd. Detta har blivit ett stort problem för arbetsgivare och organisationer i stort. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur man inom organisationer arbetar strategiskt för att förebygga Burnout bland sina anställda. Frågeställningen var; vilka strategier använder sig organisationer av för att förebygga Burnout bland sina anställda? Data samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med chefer inom Stockholms Stad.  Datamaterialet analyserades samt tolkades enligt en induktiv tematisk analys.

Förebyggning av utbrändhet på organisatorisk nivå

The workplace is for many associated with joy and commitment, for others it is associated with fatigue, inadequacy and cynicism that is explained as the three dimensions of Burnout. A general view of Burnout is that it is an individual problem that many companies ignore, because a preventive task does not generate immediate profits. This has been a growing problem for years. Burnout costs not only money but also time and knowledge. Unfortunately, the popular belief is that "If it ain?t broke, don?t fix it." Organizations that think this way are sacrificing future benefits for short-term gains.

Utbrändhet bland svenska alpina tränare, finns det? : Vad ska kunna göras för att förbättra tränares arbetssituation?

Aim: The purpose with this study was to examine if there is Burnout or symptoms of Burnout among Swedish alpine coaches. The study would also investigate if the place of work have any meaning of developing Burnout symptom or to become Burnout. How the coaches think that their working situation could be any better is also going to be lightened.Method: The participants in this study were all full time paid alpine coaches in Sweden. Total amount of participator was 28. 13 of them worked on ski gymnasium, 4 worked on ski collage and 11 worked in SSF (Swedish Ski Federation).

Det talas om utbrändhet : vilken roll spelar maktstrukturen

In this paper we investigate whether power structures in organizations have an influence in the process that leads to Burnout. We analyze if these power structures affect the individual?s health condition toward Burnout in a way that leads to disability and subsequent absence from work. In the study, six persons who all have been unable to work due to Burnout have been studied through qualitative, semi-structured interviews. The material have been coded with three different themes; leadership and hierarchy, responsibility and delegation of responsibility and performance and loyalty.

Förändring och Mening : En studie om copingprocessen och utmattningssyndrom  bland präster i Svenska Kyrkan

Burn out is common among people who work with other people and occurs in both ecclesiastical and non ecclesiastical context. In recent years, the phenomenon has attracted increasing attention in the Church of Sweden and among persons who hold a consecration service as priests.The purpose of this essay is to study the text material from the two authors (Lennart Belfrage 2009 and Martin Petré 2013) and to analyze and describe them. Another goal is to see how the coping theory may be helpful for this group of priests to handle the situation arising in the time of Burnout.I have used the qualitative research and hermeneutics method for categorize and encode the material in order to interpret and understand the underlying causes that could explain Burnout among priests in the Church of SwedenPargaments (1997) coping theory has been important for analysis and explanation of Burnout among a group of priests in the Church of Sweden.In the result, I have found four components that may be useful in the understanding of the cause of Burnout. The analysis shows that Pargaments (1997) coping theory is useful to manage complex situations for example Burnout, among priests in the Church of Sweden..

Vem är ansvarig? : En samhällsvetenskaplig diskussion om utbrändhet

University of ÖrebroDepartment of social SciencesSociology, Contnuation Course, 61-90hp.Essay 15hp. Spring 2008Title: Who is resbonsible? A soceityscientific discussion about Burnout.Author: Emilie FuchsAbstractThe purpose with this essay is to do a critical comparation between two different perspectives, Burnout as an individual problem and Burnout as a social problem. The first perspective states that the individual itself is responsible for her sickness while the second perspective states that the society and foremost the labour market should work in order to prevent people from beeing burned out. With that purpose in mind I want to enlighten and hopefully bring up the topic for discussion.The essay is based upon the following questions:? How can you sociologically understand the labour market of today?? How can you understand Burnout in an individual context?? How can you understand Burnout in a social context?By studying and reading four books, I have presented the two different perspectives of Burnout.

Träningsberoende och dess orsakssamband : En uppsats om orsaker till träningsberoende

Background: Exercise dependence is a behavior where some people get very strong feelings for their training. This dependency becomes a problem when it affects individuals? life in a negative way. Individuals with low self-esteem have been found to have an increased risk for exercise dependence. Self-estem is associated with Self-compassion, which is to have compassion with oneself in pain and difficult periods.


Mental illness is today the leading cause of long-term sick leave and insomnia, anxiety, depression and Burnout are among the most common conditions. The aim of the study was to investigate the stability of these conditions and how this is influenced by gender and age, as well as the extent to which these states are risk factors for each other. The participants were a random sample (n = 2336) from the general population in the age of 18-79 years. The results showed that stable illness was more common among women than men, and that stable illness decreased with aging. The stability itself was not affected by gender or age. Relations between the conditions were bidirectional and they constitute major risk factors for each other (odds ratios, OK = 2.37 to 6.46). The largest risk factor for a condition is, however, previous occurrence of the same problem. Previous Burnout was found to be a significantly larger risk factor for future Burnout than previous insomnia for future insomnia (OK = 9.63 and 5.74, respectively). The results suggest that insomnia, anxiety, depression and Burnout, despite their differences, are similar regarding symptoms and underlying causes. The importance of early interventions to prevent comorbid conditions which are more complicated and more difficult to treat is emphasized..

Utmattningsdepression : En studie om det moderna arbetslivets relation till psykisk ohälsa utifrån fem kvalitativa intervjuer

The purpose of this essay is to try to understand the relationship between the structures of modern working life and the development of Burnout. By using the method of qualitative interviews we wanted to see if the Effort-Reward Imbalance Model could be applied to the data we had collected. Two questions have been highlighted in our research:        ? Is it possible to establish a relationship between the structures of modern working life and the development of Burnout among the subjects interviewed?  ? Is it possible to explain the development of Burnout among our interviewed subjects through the Effort-Reward Imbalance Model?    Our theoretical frames are the general theories of the modern society and the modern working life as developed by Anthony Giddens, Ulrich Beck and Zygmunt Bauman. We have also used Johannes Siegrist?s medical-sociological Effort-Reward Imbalance Model (ERI-Model).

Personer med utmattningssyndrom: : Finns det ett samband mellan subjektiv och objektiv kognition?

Research shows that people with Burnout experience a high degree of impairments in a range of cognitive functions including memory, attention and concentration. The overall aim of the present study is to investigate whether there is a correlation between subjective estimates of cognition and cognitive performance with objective tests in people with Burnout with a focus on working memory and executive functions. Three specific questions were addressed; First, what cognitive problems are described and to what degree? Second, is the performance of executive and working memory tests related to self-reported cognitive problems? Third, are the self-reported cognitive problems related to measures of psychological distress? The study included 77 patients, 65 women and 12 men, with a mean age of 43.48 years. The results show that patients with Burnout perceive themselves as having significantly impaired cognition in everyday life, which is clearly evident on the basis of the self-assessment forms PRMQ and CFQ.

Kvinnors upplevelser och hantering av utbrändhet

The aim of this essay is to investigate what is Burnout and how women who are affected by it manage their condition. Furthermore, we have investigated stigma and whether or not those affected by Burnout are in turn stigmatised.A qualitative approach has been used to achieve our aims with this project. To support our analysis we have interviewed ten women who all have been diagnosed with fatigue syndrome along with studying relevant literature. The main theories used in this investigation are the symbolic interaktionism by G.H Mead, the term stigma by Erving Goffman and different theories on coping.The results show that the majority of women in the study had suffered from Burnout due to work related stress and changes in their working environment. How they coped with and recovered from the condition depended on their own activity and how it related to their own support system.

Min framtids dag är ljus och lång -Musiker och musiklärare berättar om utbrändhet

Title: The future is looking bright - Studies of Burnout among musicians and music teachers. Since late 1970's, the burn-out-syndrome has been researched in several ways, especially among people working in care-oriented employments. The object with this study is to find out the biggest issues about why musicians and music teachers burn themselves out. This is based on musicians and music teachers own stories when they got burned out. The method I have used is qualitative interviews and in the result chapter I will present summaries of the interviews.

Sambandet mellan andlighet och utbrändhet - en jämförande studie av beroendebehandlare i kriminal- och beroendevård

Religiositet och andlighet tycks ha samband med fysisk och psykisk hälsa. I uppsatsen undersöks sambandet mellan andlighet och utbrändhet, två grupper behandlare jämförs och mätegenskaper hos skalorna Spirituality, Religiousness and Personal Beliefs Field-Test Instrument (WHOQOL-SRPB), Spiritual Involvement and Beliefs Scale (SIBS), Maslach Burnout Inventory ? Human Service Survey (MBI-HSS) och Utbrändhet i arbetet (UA) undersöks. Studiedeltagarna var 38 programledare för kriminalvårdens tolvstegsprogram och 39 behandlare i ett psykoterapinätverk inom beroendevården (svarsfrekvens 61,5%). Andlighet korrelerade med personlig prestation (personal accomplishment; r = 0,315, p < 0,05).

Sambandet mellan kontroll i arbetet, psykologisk flexibilitet och välmående

The work organization variable control and the individual characteristic psychological flexibility are two concepts that affect employees? well-being at work.This cross-­sectional study examined the extent to which these variables correlated with Burnout, mental health and job satisfaction among homecare workers in Sweden (N=68). As hypothesized, results showed that both control and psychological flexibility were associated with Burnout and job satisfaction. Findings also showed that psychological flexibility was associated with mental health. Moreover, the results indicated that there is an interaction effect between control and psychological flexibility in relation to these variables.

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