

2032 Uppsatser om Burial language - Sida 8 av 136

Flerspråkighet i förskolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om pedagogernas arbetssätt när det gäller språkligt heterogena grupper i förskolan

The purpose of my study was to visualize how teachers works with multilingual children in pre-school, the methods used to stimulate and develop primary and secondary language and how teachers does see second languages development with the help of the primary language. The study consists of qualitative methods in form of interviews which are made with four teachers who work within the pre-school. The findings during the collection of data (interviews) are going to be connected to the relevant literature on the subject I have chosen.The result showed that the concrete materials are used to stimulate and develop primary- as the secondary language and that the teachers have different opinions on secondary languages development with the help of primary language even if the primary language seems to be an important asset of all teachers that I interviewed..

Ibland känns det nästan som ett övergrepp - en studie om språkets betydelse i omsorgen för invandrare med demens som bor på särskilt boende

Purpose/aim: My purpose is to illustrate the significance of the language in communication with immigrants having a different native language, who suffers from dementia. The three main questions have been:How important is the native language in the communication with immigrant who suffers from dementia?What consequences can happen for the immigrant who does not understand Swedish? How can we use the salutogenesis point of view to create satisfactory care for immigrants who has difficulties to make them self understood in the Swedish language? Material/method: I made qualitative interviews with staff working in nursing homes with dementia care. I also searched scientific articles and other findings in this area of science. Main results: The best care for immigrants with dementia is nursing homes where the staff speaks the immigrant?s native language.

AFK : chatt- och SMS-språk på väg in i klassrummet?

The new technology brings new opportunities for the language. The language, which is used when chatting or messaging, is full of linguistic devices, which facilitates writing and saves time and space. The purpose of my investigation is to find out if the chat- and- messaging- language is affecting the students' way of writing in school.To find out about this I have examined 79 essays written by students in grade 9 during the national test 2006. I have also to found out if the occurrence of these features differed between boys and girls. In addition, I have let the same students who have written the essays answer questions regarding their chatting- and messaging- habits.The conclusions I have attained through my investigation shows that 58 % of the students are using features which are typical in chat and messaging language.

Språkets roll för integration : en studie om de diskurser som riksdagspartierna och forskare konstituerar

The purpose of this essay was to examine the role of the acquisition of the Swedish language for integration of adult immigrants given by the seven parties currently in the parliament and other players on the field. The questions were meant to bring light upon the arguments used by the different players concerning the role of the Swedish language, to enlighten which discourses that are constructed, and the contradictions that exist between these. We parted from a postmodern position and used social constructionism to back up our method and theory of analysis; discourse theory. The results revealed three different discourses concerning the role of the Swedish language in the integration process; the liberal discourse, the discrimination discourse and the social democratic discourse. The liberal discourse claims that immigrants have a responsibility to learn Swedish to be able to achieve employment and to provide for themselves.

Översättning och utvärdering av det bildbaserade förståelsetestet TACL-3 - en pilotstudie

Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language -3 is an American picturebasedtest developed to examine children?s auditory comprehension of language.The aim of the study was to create a translation and to examine if the test wouldcontribute to the information about a child´s language comprehension received bysimilar tests that are used today. In the present study the test items were translatedinto Swedish. The translation was evaluated with 32 children in three different agegroups at a school in central Gothenburg. A linguistic examination of thetranslation and a list of the grammatical structures that are tested were made.

Pedagogiskt samarbete mellan bibliotek och förskola i syfte att främja barns språkutveckling.

The present thesis is about how preschool children develop their language skills. The purpose is also to discuss how library and preschool can collaborate and in different ways together help the children to achieve different skills and to use their first and second language in a more appropriate way. The main problem identified from literature and own observations is why library and preschool dont collaborate to help young children to develop their language skills? Which reasons are behind a lacking collaboration? What can be done to increase collaboration between the library and the preschool? How can librarians and preschool teachers use their different professional skills in the best manner to be able to help the children to develop their skills in language acquisition? Is it possible to measure childrens language skills and how can one decide what characterizes a good collaboration? We started with a literature review and continued with collecting qualitative data by means of interviews with people who worked as librarians and preschool teachers, who were supposed to collaborate in a language oriented project. We have chosen different language theories by well-known scientists and we have only picked a few of them, which we considered relevant for the chosen topic.

Kundnöjdhet och produktutveckling av gravskötsel

Små skyltar, ofta i plåt med texten ?Vårdas av kyrkogårdsförvaltningen? finns på var ochvarannan kyrkogård runt om i landet. De visar att gravrättsinnehavaren till denna gravplatsvalt att betala för att få hjälp med skötseln. Denna studie syftar till att finna faktorer till enförståelse för vad det är som gör dessa kunder nöjda och hur tjänsten gravskötsel ska kunnautvecklas i framtiden.Undersökningen består av personliga intervjuer med personal vid kyrkogårdsförvaltningen iLandskrona och Malmö och en säljare vid Mäster Grön, en genomgång av sexkyrkogårdsförvaltningars hemsidor samt telefonintervjuer med 14 gravrättsinnehavare.Resultatet visar att graven ska vara välskött, de gravrättsinnehavare som mötts av ogräs är intenöjda med tjänsten. Personalens bemötande betyder också en del för hur nöjda kunderna ärliksom att majoriteten anser att priset är rimligt för tjänsten.Intresset för utvecklingen av gravskötsel och dess miljöpåverkan verkar mest ligga hospersonalen på kyrkogårdsförvaltningen och leverantörer av växter.

Språkutveckling i särskolan : En studie över hur en särskolas pedagoger arbetar språkutvecklande utifrån barnens förutsättningar och behov.

All human beings need and have the right to a language. How a language is learned and used depends on the individual conditions. This study considers the work to development the language done by pedagogues in a special school for mentally retarded children. How do pedagogues work to develop the language in children who are so different and have so different conditions and needs? That is the central aim of this study.

En klasslärares och en svenska som andraspråkslärares kommunikationsstrategier i ett flerspråkigt klassrum : En jämförande studie

The purpose of this essay is to illuminate two teachers? communication strategies when dealing with pupils with another first language than Swedish. One of the teachers teaches Swedish as a second language and the other teacher educates one class in most of the subjects such as mathematic, Swedish and social studies. I make an ethnographic study where I make non-participating observations and shorter interviews with the teachers. The observations lie in focus of my study and were made at eight occasions, four lessons with each teacher.My result shows that they have a lot of communication strategies in common, but not all.

Minoritetsspråkliga elevers undervisning : En jämförelse mellan svenska och norska styrdokument

Many students in the Swedish and Norwegian compulsory school do not have quali­fi­cation to search for further education. There is a large part of those pupils who have a different native language than the country?s majority language. These students? possi­bi­lities to a fair and equal education is regulated in national laws and regulations of school activity, the so-called governing documents. The purpose of this study is to compare Norwegian and Swedish governing docu­ments regarding education for pupils with another native language.

En BokNalle, vad är det? Att uppmuntra barn och föräldrar till språkstimulerande aktiviteter.

This thesis is about a language-stimulating activity, called the Book Teddy, which take placein Markaryd, a small municipality in southern Sweden. The activity is described and someexamples given of the Book Teddy's visits to the homes of parents and their preschool children.Similar activities in Värnamo, Kumla and Borås, which have been inspired by the BookTeddy are also described.Facts about children's psychology, language development and child language illustrate theimportance of stimulating language acquisition in the early years. An important example is"The Bristol Study", a longitudinal study of preschool children.A questionnaire was sent to 93 parents, whose children were bom in 1991. 53 parents or57% answered. The analysis was made out of these 53 questionnaires.

Språksvårigheter: en definitionsfråga : En diskursiv studie om förskolans förhållningssätt, värderingar och synsätt i förhållande till barn med språksvårigheter

After having worked within the preschool and it?s system for a number of years, we have often reflected over the fact that many educators tend to look at children with language difficulties in several different ways, and many of them being conflicting. Something that might contribute to this problem is the fact that the term itself, language difficulties, is defined differently between individuals, who in turn affects the way educators and preschools deal with the problem.The aim of this study is to create an understanding of the problems related to language difficulties, and how it is being dealt with within the preschool environment. To achieve this we have chosen to work within a qualitative research approach, alongside a discourse analysis. The selection of informants we have chosen consists of ten, qualified educators.

Language Manager Version 2.0

This report describes an examination project made for the IT consultingcompany Sogeti. The purpose of the project was to develop and modify the translation tool Language Manager (LM) built by Sogeti to be used for translating applications. Employees at Sogeti considered some disadvantages with Language Manager, version 1.0 which among others was that language files for projects were saved at two locations. Partly in resource maps among with the source code of the applications and partly in a database. This was dual work for employees at Sogeti and it also caused redundancy inthe system.

Biblioteket som en språkplanerande institution: En studie av språkplanering på färöiska bibliotek.

This thesis is about language planning in Faeroese libraries as seen from the countrys specific situation, with Faeroese as a mothers tongue, but with great dominance of the Danish language within media. The purpose of my thesis is to examine language planning activities within the library, and the consequences this planning has for the system. Different theories about language planning provides a framework for my model of the library as a linguistic eco-system with actors performing status planning, represented by the government with its influence in cultural politics, the librarian with his or her library tasks and the user with his or her needs. The thesis has a qualitative attempt, and the empirical material consists of different documents about the country and materials from interviews made with seven qualified librarians, employed within general libraries in the Faeroe Islands. The analysis shows that the librarian in different ways promotes the Faeroese language within library activities, and because of the attention paid to the user in the public library he/she influences the librarians planning.

"Man måste verkligen möta varje barn" : - En undersökning om ämnet svenska som andraspråk sett ur ett lärarperspektiv

AbstractThe purpose with this examination is to contribute with knowledge about teaching in Swedish as second language from teachers? point of view and which materials the teachers? choose to use while teaching. To reach the purpose, I have formulated questions that I have tried to answer through a qualitative study. The questions are: How do teachers? describe their teaching in Swedish as second language? Which material do teachers? feel that they use while teaching and is there any difference in teaching at schools that has many pupils needing second language teaching compared to schools with fewer pupils who needs second language teaching?I have interviewed three teachers? in three different districts, who all work with second language teaching.

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