

4543 Uppsatser om Bullying and treatment plan - Sida 63 av 303

"Just as one cannot plan his life, neither can he plan music.": att realisera ett nyskrivet verk för gitarr i samarbete med tonsättaren

Syftet med arbetet var att vid realiserandet av ett nyskrivet verk för sologitarr, kunna beskriva vilka förändringar som gjorts i förhållande till manuskriptet och vad som motiverat förändringen.I samarbete med kompositören Jörgen Häll har ett verk för sologitarr skapats. Processen inleddes med att jag tagit fram material till Jörgen i syfte att inspirera till komponerandet, utan att uppmuntra till att komponera idiomatiskt. Så snart Jörgen hade komponerat någonting gick vi igenom det tillsammans och jag spelade in det. Den konstnärliga processen började med att Jörgen komponerade ett antal korta utkast med olika karaktär för att få en uppfattning om hur instrumentet svarar till musiken då jag spelar den. Efter det komponerade han det slutgiltiga gitarrverket.Realiserandet av musiken visade sig till stor del handla om att hitta rätt fingersättning utifrån önskad interpretation av verket, snarare än ren omkomponering/tonförändring.Resultatet av arbetet blev musik av Jörgen Häll för gitarr, där jag i uppsatsen presenterat och motiverat de fingersättningar och förändringar vi kommit överens om, samt inspelningar av allt komponerat material..

Prefabrikation - En studie av byggmetodens lönsamhet

This Bachelor?s thesis consists of two parts; one with prefabrication (prefab) in focus and thesecond part includes detail design of a house project. These parts are linked together by designingsome parts of the house project as prefabricated.The focus section investigates how prefabrication can act time-, costs- and environmentallyeffective to a building project. This is investigated by combining literary sources with sourcesbased on reality in the shape of interviews. The result of the investigation is that prefabcould acteffectively on previously mentioned factors,if this way of building is used in a proper way.The detail design of the house started in a residential area with a new local plan in Huddinge,named Sjöängen II.

Att upptäcka och stimulera särbegåvade elever i grundskolan : Tre pedagogers erfarenheter och arbete med särbegåvade elever

En vetenskaplig text. Hoppas att denna text blir till nytta för kommande studenter och blivande lärare..

Hur ser skolsköterskor på sin roll i arbetet mot mobbning och kränkningar?

Bakgrund: Barns och ungas psykiska hälsa har försämrats sedan 1990-talet. Förekomsten av mobbning ligger på samma nivå sedan samma tid. Mobbning och kränkningar har negativa effekter på barns psykiska hälsa. Skolsköterskor har en central roll vad gäller att främja skolbarns hälsa.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur skolsköterskor ser på sin roll i arbetet mot mobbning och kränkningar i skolan. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats. Elva  e-postintervjuer har analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fyra teman.

Morgondagens reklambyrå : en studie om hur reklambyråer har påverkats av dagens förändrade mediebild

The purpose with this final paper was to examine how the collaboration between parents and teachers can manifest itself. With collaboration, we mean the dialogue that has to exist between parents and teachers in regards to e.g. how well informed the parents are about the regulated principles on which the education plan is built on, and in which way they can take part in and influence the system. This is to empathize on the fact that a good collaboration between parents and teachers help create a good foundation for the pupil?s ability to learn.The method that we have used are questionnaires given to parents and teachers along with studies of literature both as means of furthering our studies as well as a basis for the design of the questionnaires.

Lågdosprotokoll vid datortomografiundersökningar av misstänkt njursten : en litteraturstudie

Type 2 diabetes is a growing disease in the population which includes that older people are a risk group. With the disease grows even cost?s. A lifestyle change is a major part of the treatment for type 2 diabetes. There are several factors that suggest positive effects on prevention among the elderly where, among other things, economic and health benefits are presented.

Inkludering och autismspektrumtillstånd : En studie där personer med diagnos berättar om sina egna upplevelser av skolan

AbstractThis study examines factors in school that could contribute to or counteract the experience of inclusion of persons who have been diagnosed in the field of autism spectrum disorder. The information was gathered through qualitative interviews and processed to be presented in the results.The results show that respondents found it difficult to concentrate when in school because of the environment. They experienced no coherence in learning situations, they may not get answer as to why information should be carried out and saw no point to have breaks. Furthermore, they experienced no problems to orientate in school or to follow the schedule. The results also revealed that the respondents had at least one teacher with whom they felt that the relationship was positive.

Skolrelaterad nätmobbning : Vem har ansvar? Vem tar ansvar?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa ökad förståelse för ansvarstagande i relation till nätmobbning på högstadiet. Jag har studerat förväntningar på hur ansvaret för nätmobbning hanteras enligt den statliga nivån, det vill säga: skollagen, diskrimineringslagen, värdegrunden i Lgr11 och Skolinspektionens text ?Skolors arbete med plan mot kränkande behandling?. Hur ansvaret för nätmobbning ska hanteras enligt den lokala nivån, det vill säga: tre skolors ?Plan mot kränkande behandling? eller ?Likabehandlingsplan?? Och hur ansvaret för nätmobbning ska hanteras enligt den individuella nivån, det vill säga: vad har elever och lärare för erfarenheter och åsikter om ansvar för nätmobbning? För att undersöka detta har jag genomfört enkätundersökningar med lärare och elever, analyserat de ovan nämnda dokumenten och bearbetat resultaten i en kvalitativ analys med teoretisk förankring i vad som är ansvar och vad som är mobbning.

ESC-analys och studering av knack på en "Diesel Dual Fuel"-motor

A one-cylinder research engine has been used for studies with a Diesel Dual Fuel concept (DDF). DDF is a concept that utilizes a pilot diesel injection to ignite a homogenous natural gas/air mixture. Emissions and engine efficiency have been analyzed in an emission cycle called European Stationary Cycle (ESC) and the knock/pre-ignition problems with this type of engine have been investigated.At low and mid torque levels, an early diesel injection around 60 crank angles degrees (CAD) before top dead center (TDC) was used. At these loads raw NOxemissions was below EURO 6 level (0.2 g/kWh). NOxwas at EURO 5 level over the complete ESC without after treatment and with SCR at high loads it should be possible to reach EURO 6.One issue with DDF is the high HC emission levels.

Män, förlossningsrädsla och Auroraverksamhet

Research has shown fear of childbirth to be as common among men as women, but the phenomenon has not been as studied among men. Some men have trouble talking about their fear and therefore don?t get the support that they need. Where to go to get help is not so obvious for these men. The name mostly used for this clinic is Aurora.

Bevisvärdering ur ett rättsäkerhetsperspektiv : Om vilken metod som bör föredras i skatteprocessen med hänsyn till den allmänna domstolsprocessen

ABSTRACT Title: Salesmen & Compensations - A qualitative study regarding salespeoplesexperiences with different compensation plans. Authors: Milenko Bijelic & Robin Heimberger Supervisor: Lars-Johan A?ge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder Frick Date: 2014 - JuneAim: The aim of this study is to examine how salespeople respond to a fixed compensation plan versus a compensation plan based on a variable pay and how the implementation of these compensation plans can affect sales peoples? emotions and motivation.Method: For this study, a qualitative method has been used. Data for the study has been collected through semi-structured interviews and the empirical data has been presented and analyzed using the well-grounded theory.Result & the contribution of the thesis: The result of this study shows that there are differences in how the compensation plans tend to affect salespeople regarding an number of different factors. The study contributes with a greater understanding about how compensation plans affect salespeople.Suggestions for future research: For future research we suggest a quantitative study with the same aim as we have used for this study so that a generalizable understanding about sales peoples? experiences with different compensation plans can be conducted.Key words: Compensation plans, motivation, stress, variable pay, fixed pay .

Sjuksköterskestudenters förväntningar på och karriärmål inom sjuksköterskeyrket ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to examine female and male nursing students expectations and goals referring to the nursing profession from a gender perspective and examining the students reasons to apply for nursing school. A descriptive study with qualitative design was implemented. Data acquisition was made through interviewing ten nurse students, five male and five female. The interview material were analysed in accordance with Kvale?s method of analyzing.

Säljare och kompensationer : En kvalitativ studie anga?ende sa?ljares upplevelser av olika kompensationsplaner

ABSTRACT Title: Salesmen & Compensations - A qualitative study regarding salespeoplesexperiences with different compensation plans. Authors: Milenko Bijelic & Robin Heimberger Supervisor: Lars-Johan A?ge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder Frick Date: 2014 - JuneAim: The aim of this study is to examine how salespeople respond to a fixed compensation plan versus a compensation plan based on a variable pay and how the implementation of these compensation plans can affect sales peoples? emotions and motivation.Method: For this study, a qualitative method has been used. Data for the study has been collected through semi-structured interviews and the empirical data has been presented and analyzed using the well-grounded theory.Result & the contribution of the thesis: The result of this study shows that there are differences in how the compensation plans tend to affect salespeople regarding an number of different factors. The study contributes with a greater understanding about how compensation plans affect salespeople.Suggestions for future research: For future research we suggest a quantitative study with the same aim as we have used for this study so that a generalizable understanding about sales peoples? experiences with different compensation plans can be conducted.Key words: Compensation plans, motivation, stress, variable pay, fixed pay .

Varför sviktar elevers intresse för matematiki de högre åldrarna? : Vilka faktorer ger elever motivationoch lust att lära matematik?

Drinking water is produced from raw water and is either from groundwater or surface water. This thesis aims to find out if the cleaning process of raw water is sufficiently effective. This is important because consumers are otherwise at risk of waterborne infection caused by pathogens. There are three groups of pathogens; bacteria, virus and parasite. These have different characteristics which mean that they require different water treatment to be separated.

Hjälpsam och sammarbetsvillig : Elevers delaktighet i åtgärdsprogram

The Swedish school law says that students who need special education should have all the support they need to reach the qualification that is set up. The arrangements have to be written down in an Individual education plan (IEP). Before the IEP is set up there has to be an investigation about what kind of support and measures the student needs to reach the qualification that is set up. The aim of this study is to examine student?s participation in school and in the progress with their own IEP.I have accomplished a qualitative study by interviewing eight students during the letter part in the nine-year school.

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