4543 Uppsatser om Bullying and treatment plan - Sida 62 av 303
En undersökning av lärarnas genusmedvetenhet : En enkät och intervjuundersökning om lärarens föreställningar och uppfattningar om genus och om det påverkar deras genusmedvetenhet
The law of 2006 about Equal treatment, has been put in place to stop discrimination of students, example based on their gender. The law has an important function to increase the equality of opportunity between girls and boys in school. Therefore the teacher has an imported roll for raising the equality of opportunity between girls and boys in school. That?s why it?s imported to work gender awareness.
Smärta vid adjuvant cytostatikabehandling : Uppfattningar och inverkan på dagligt liv hoskvinnor diagnostiserade med bröstcancer
Featured adjuvant chemotherapy treatment in women with breast cancer can lead to pain. The aim of this study was to explore, the variety of perceptions and impact of adjuvantchemotherapy-induced pain in daily life, of some women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.Inclusion criteria were participating in an ongoing stress management projectand chemotherapy of (anthracycline/taxan) in doses of 75mg² or more. Exclusioncriteria were inability to understand and communicate in Swedish and mentalillness. After ethical approval of the sub study in September 2010, women wereconsecutively included through oral and written request. Phenomenologicalapproach was used in the eight interviews and data analysis.
Offentlighet och sekretess i upphandlingar enligt LOU
The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers work with Autism pupils in two different schoolforms: a traditional elementary school and a language school. The study was based on three questions: 1. How do teachers in elementary school prepare, plan and implement reading and writing instruction to Autism pupils? 2. How do teachers in the language unit prepare, plan and implement their reading and writing instruction to Autism pupils? 3.
?Folkbibliotekets funktioner i det lokala samhället? ? En idéanalytisk studie av fyra biblioteksplaner
The aim of this master thesis is to investigate the ideas about functions that public libraries have in the local society. We have used the method idea analysis on four municipal library plans, to find out which ideas about library functions that frequented each plan, and what similarities and differences there were between the ideas about functions in each plan. As a theoretic base, we have used a theory about three dynamic spheres in modern society: the state market and civil society, and examined how these three spheres influence and control the library functions. We have extracted six different ideas about library functions: educational, social, economical, entertaining, serving and democratic functions. The most dominating ideas in this study are ideas that the public library should be an educating and formative institution.
Medborgardeltagande - demokrati i planprocessen?
Syftet med kandidatarbetet är att undersöka medborgar-
deltagandet i den kommunala planprocessen. I arbetet tas upp vilka
dialogverktyg som finns för att få ett bra medborgar-
deltagande i planprocessen, hur de kan användas och hur de har använts vid
planeringen av ett nytt område. Arbetet försöker att med hjälp av
demokratimodeller och planeringsteorier förklara och förstå den typ av
medborgardeltagande vi har idag vid
planeringen av den fysiska miljön.
Medborgardeltagande i planprocessen är obligatoriskt enligt Plan- och
Bygglagen. Undersökningar som Boverket (1998) gjorde har visat att ju mer
medborgarna får vara med i planprocessen från början, desto större och bättre
beslutsunderlag vilket ofta leder till färre överklaganden.
Lenagården HVB : En utvärdering av behandlingen via kvalitativa intervjuer
Syftet med studien var att utvärdera vad tidigare klienter på Lenagården HVB, ett behandlingshem för vuxna med psykiska problem, upplevde som värdefullt, respektive vad de upplevde som negativt eller saknade i sin behandling. Utvärderingsfrågorna utgick från Lenagårdens programteori samt aspekter som tidigare forskning kring institutionsbehandling pekat ut som viktiga för framgångsrik behandling. Data samlades in via kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra tidigare klienter. Systemteorin har använts som utgångspunkt för resultaatanalysen.Utvärderingen visar bland annat att gott bemötande i termer av vänlighet och respekt samt personalens kompetens ansågs vara värdefulla faktorer i behandlingen. Själva terapin och behandlingsmetoden ansågs av samtliga intervjupersoner vara givande.
En vampyr i sitt liv : En studie om elevers syn på gymnasieskolans arbete mot diskriminering, trakasserier och kränkning
The representative democracy has become weakened during the last decades. At the same time the United Nations declared at the Rio de Janeiro meeting in 1992 that environmental problems can best be solved by involvement of all concerned citizens in decision-making. The main purpose of this study has been to examine if citizens panels is a possible way to involve citizens in environmental decision-making and what the outcomes can be. Furthermore the study has investigated what the participation has contributed to environmental politics and how representative the results have been. This has been carried out by investigating the Piteåpanel in the municipality of Piteå by conducting interviews.The result of the study shows that the involvement of the citizens in the decision-making influenced the environmental politics of the municipality.
Frihet och jord : En studie av frihetens gränser för bönder, jordfattiga och trälar i landskapslagarnas samhälle
The aim of this study is to analyze how problems are represented within SOU 2008:27. Further more, the aim is to analyze how the new subject plan for history can bee seen as a product of this document. The method used, and the theoretical frame of the study, is based on Carol Lee Bacchi?s ?what´s the problem represented to be?? approach, which basic principle is that policies are filled with representations of problems and that these representations need to be examined. These problem representations are then themselves subject for scrutiny, the second step being an analysis of the texts presumptions and assumptions concerning view of man and perception of knowledge. The results show, among other things, that a problem representations can be found in the SOU; the school system is too vague and unclear.
Trådlöst nätverk : En förstudie vid Campus Norrköping
Syftet med denna rapport är att göra en förstudie vid campus Norrköping rörande trådlöst nätverk. Det finns många olika standarder och tekniker. Vi har valt att rikta in oss på 802.11b då det är den som används mest. Trådlösa nätverk är ett bra komplement till vanliga kabelburna nätverk då det är flexibelt, relativt billigt och lätt att installera. Användningsområden för denna typ av nätverk är bland annat företag, hemmamiljö och allmänna platser såsom hotell och flygplatser, där människor kan förvandla improduktiv väntetid till effektiv arbetstid.
Förslag till plan för nyplantering och vård av stadsträd : en förstudie inför kommande plan i Västerås
Syftet med detta arbete är att lägga fram ett underlag för Västerås stad, som avser att förnya sin trädplan. Arbetet är skrivet på en generell nivå och går även att använda för andra städer.Ett antal städer i Sverige har studerats, för att se skillnader i strukturen och för att få en verklighetsanknuten bild av hur arbetet ser ut idag. Målet var att få fram ett underlag för hur strukturen kan se ut i dessa planer och hur man på ett effektivt sätt kan implementera planen i det praktiska arbetet.
Studien berör även den roll som organisationen har i förvaltningen. En
viktig del med tanke på att en trädpolicy eller trädplan kan ligga till grund för politiska beslut.
Utbyggnadsplan för laddinfrastruktur inom Uppsalahem AB:s bostadsområden
The electric car has existed for over a century and producers has tried to commercialize it earlier but has not succeeded. In recent years, however, a change occurred that may be significant for the electric car and it is now to commercialize in the market of passenger cars. The technology has in recent years elaborated as more car manufacturers have started to invest in development in the subject field. This thesis aims to compile an action plan for the development of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in Uppsalahem ABs residential areas. It is based on a survey of different residential areas and a survey of charging infrastructure.
Modellstudie av föroreningsretention i Bäckaslövs våtmark : Tillämpning av modellverktygen MIKE SHE WET och MIKE 21
During the nineties, ecological handling of urban storm water became very popular in Sweden. Together with Chalmers University of Technology and two Swedish communities, DHI Water and Environment has been doing research of storm water ponds and constructed wetlands. This thesis work is a part of that research project. The work has been applied at the Bäckaslöv storm water treatment plant in Växjö, Sweden. The plant consists of one storm water pond and a downstream constructed wetland.
En jämförelse avseende beståndsgående-och stickvägsgående gallringsmaskiner
The purpose of this report is to investigate and compare the difference between stand-thinning machines and strip-road thinning machines, and how they affect the stand on behalf of future growth, theoretical economic result, wind impact, snow pressure and density of stand.
The investigation is regarding the first commercial thinning of pine stands, after pre-commercial thinning that was well conducted.
The investigation area was located near Katrineholm, Sweden. The measurements that were measured were strength of thinning and amounts of wind throws, snow-breaks and hauling damages.
The results that emerged, was that thinning with strip-road machines had a significantly higher strength of thinning over all, as compared with the stand- thinning machines (45 percent versus 30 percent).
Comparisons between wind-throws, snow-breaks and hauling damages of the stand could not establish any significant differences between the two methods that were investigated.
Conclusions, over all, were that if forest owners want to have more timber volume left for second thinning and final cut of the stand, the forest owners should choose the method with stand-thinning machines. From the point of view of gentle treatment of the stand and ground damages the choice should be the same.
However, the method with strip-road thinning machines is the most common and accessible method in Sweden. Most likely it is the most economical way to manage the stand for forest owners in present time.
If the method with stand-thinning machines is becoming more common in Sweden, it is suggested for forest owners to consider the stand-thinning method as a candidate for treatment due to economic aspects..
Specifika läs- och skrivsvårigheter i svenskämnet - Hur man bemöter dyslexi i klassrummet
This essay contains explanations of what dyslexia is. It has concreate suggestions of how to plan and how to work with students with dysfunction. The focus on previous studies in the field of dyslexia is narrowed down to generally Swedish studies..
Conclusion:Medical treatment may have a role in platelet count after transfusion. Since the TACSI platelets passed the quality requirements, and the vast majority of patients platelet count increased after TACSI platelet transfusion, the TACSI platelets will replace the old method to produce platelets at the Uppsala University hospital. Methods: A new approach that pools 8 buffy coats (TACSI platelets) that were separated into 2 units instead of 4-6 buffy coats pooled to 1 unit was investigated in this study. After the platelets were extracted from the buffy coats their quality was controlled and subsequently the platelet product was evaluated in 96 patients. Results: The results showed that 80 % of the platelet units passed the European quality requirements. Further, the platelet count was increased in most patients that received TACSI platelets. Conclusion: Medical treatment may have a role in platelet count after transfusion.