4543 Uppsatser om Bullying and treatment plan - Sida 16 av 303
Från plan till volym
Detta arbete har sin utgångspunkt i min fascination av ögats förmåga att läsa av ochtolka 3-dimensionella former. Hur plan och yta blir till volym med hjälp av luftrummetmellan dessa. Hur ser det ut och hur går det till egentligen?Jag vill använda mig av denna fascination för att påverka betraktaren och därigenomhela uppfattningen av rummet..
En studie av samrådsredogörelsen
Enligt Plan- och bygglagen är samrådet en obligatorisk del i en planprocess.
Efter att ett samråd har hållits ska de inkomna synpunkterna sammanställas i en
samrådsredogörelse. Samrådsredogörelsen blir då en del av planhandlingarna för
det aktuella planområdet. I det här kandidatabetet granskas och undersöks hur
en samrådsredogörelse skrivs. Det tar sin utgångspunkt i Plan- och bygglagen, i
både den nuvarande och i regeringens proposition till en ny Plan- och bygglag.
?Fra?gor som avgo?rs med va?ld a?r aldrig avgjorda? / James Joyce : En intervjustudie med ma?n som uto?var va?ld; om pa?verkande processer till inga?ngen av behandling mot ko?nsrelaterat va?ld
The purpose of the following essay has been to identify four men?s momentums of their volunteer access to treatment for their disruptive gender-based violence. The questions that have been asked in the entrance of this field have been divided into the following questions: (i) is it possible to identify the processes of change that leads to turning points into the interviewed men's treatment of violence, (ii) how do the interviewed men, themselves, reflect on their turning points into treatment, and (iii) are there other, implicit, interpretations and analyzes of men's access into treatment that I can discern in their stories? As a point of departure of the analysis one theoretical perspective has been used to explain and analyze men?s access to treatment, the sociological life course perspective, focusing on the concept of turning points.The method to approach this field has been qualitative interviews with a life story oriented approach which means that, focus has been to let the four interviewed men describe their lives from early childhood to their adulthood and from their histories identify contingent processes to their access of treatment. The study resulted in a division of two parts, one part consisting the processes that have been identified by the men?s stories of present tense of violent outbursts.
Behandlingsvåtmarkers reningseffekt på aktiva läkemedelssubstanser under vinterförhållanden : En studie av fyra svenska våtmarker för avloppsrening
Pharmaceuticals that are found in marine ecosystems are a threatening environmental concern, which is known to harm both animal and plant life. One of the reasons for this problem is that the waste water treatment techniques are not optimized to clear waste water from its pharmaceuticals contain. In this master thesis four Swedish treatment wetlands were studied, and their ability to reduce numerous pharmaceuticals in waste water. The four treatment wetlands that were studied were those in Oxelösund, Trosa, Nynäshamn and Eskilstuna. Two ecotoxicological tests and chemical analysis were used.
Socialisationen av kvinnlig sexualitet på behandlingshem för unga kvinnor : ett symbolisk interaktionistiskt perspektiv
Using a symbolic interactionistic analytical approach, this essay aims to study the socialisation of young women?s sexuality in treatment institutions for young women. Through qualitative interviews with staff members at said institutions, concerning their views on young female sexuality, and how they discuss sexuality with the young women in the institutions, my aim was to identify the socialisation of young women?s sexuality. I have also investigated how the staff experiences their own sex as an important factor in conversations about sexuality with young women, as well as the possible effect sexually mixed or sexually segregated institutions exert upon conversations about sexuality.
"Det ska inte vara lätt att knarka" : En studie om sprututbyte och svensk narkotikapolitik.
The drug treatment staff attitude towards needle exchange is what investigates in this study. The aim of this study is to see what?s affecting the standpoints in the needle exchange issue and also to investigate if the needle exchange is compatible with Swedish drug policy. The study has a qualitative approach and it?s based on eight semi-structured interviews with drug treatment staff.
Utvärdering av en behandlingsperiod i varmt klimat för personer med pelvospondylit
Purpose: To evaluate how a treatment period on four weeks in a warm climate influences physical function, condition and the patient's experience of the climate effect of patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Method: 10 persons with a diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis went through four weeks of treatment on Centro Forestal Sueco, Marbella. The treatment consisted of both physical and theoretic lessons given of a rehabilitation team. All patients were examinated measured for physical function and condition before treatment, after two weeks and at the end of the treatment. To measure physical function, Timed-Stands Test, Timed Get Up and Go, The Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index, Index of muscle function and functionestimitation of shoulder/arm were used.
Behandling av hypertyreoidism hos katt med radioaktivt jod : en uppföljning av 46 fall
Hyperthyroidism has become the most commonly diagnosed endocrine disorder in
cats. The recommended treatment of choice in the literature is administration of
radioactive iodine. This treatment has been available at a few veterinary clinics in
Sweden since 1999. Forty-six cats treated with a standard dose (80 MBq) of
radioactive iodine (131I) at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in the
period 2000-2004 were followed for a median of 13 months (range 3-42 months)
by means of a retrospective cohort study design. Tables predicting time of survival
after treatment were made.
At final follow-up thirty-nine cats (85%) were euthyroid, six cats (13%) remained
hyperthyroid and one cat (2%) was hypothyroid.
Bemötande vid gynekologisk undersökning : Sett ur unga patienters perspektiv
The aim of this study was to describe young women's experiences of midwives/ gynaecologists treatment in connection to gynaecological examination. A further aim was to achieve a better understanding of the factors that can form the basis of the experience of treatment. A qualitative study was performed in which the participants (N=10) was Swedish-speaking women aged 18-25 years, with experience of at least one gynaecological examination. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, using an interview guide. The material was analyzed according to Graneheim and Lundman´s (2004) method for qualitative content analysis.
The purpose of this essay is to explore the significance for former drug addicts who, during their treatment against drug abuse, have had a therapist with a drug addiction in his or her past. A qualitative case study has been used as method in which four former drug users have been interviewed. We have compiled the results based on five key themes in order to get a comprehensive picture of the relevance of common experiences regarding drug abuse, based on former addicts? experiences.
This has been done in connection with a review of different theoretical perspectives that we have found relevant to the investigation. Our findings have then been compared with previous research in the field.
A Capital Idea - Developing an IC-based model for Market value plans
We waned to present a possible solution or new template for business plan called Market value plan..
?Mer mys, än inte mys, vilket är viktigt för mig.? - En etnologisk undersökning av ungdomars narrativ om hem
Detta arbete behandlar platsidentitet i relation med ny exploatering. Jag börjar med att beskriva plan exploatering. Jag börjar med att beskriva plan och bygglagen samt medborgardialogen som är ett planverktyg för att engagera människor i planprocessen. Jag går sedan in på detaljplanen över Gasklockorna 3 och 4 i Hjorthagen, en stadsdel i norra Stockholm..
Tätortsnära skogsbruksplan i Borås stad
This report is part of an Bachelor of Science work in forestry, conducted for the community of Borås, Sweden. In order to create a forest management plan for the area of Hestra, a survey was conducted. People living in the area were given the opportunity to reply to the survey. The questions in the survey are both personal and forestry-related. The aim is to reach out to the different categories of people when it comes to age, living and the different aspects of visiting the woods.
Behandling av myofasciella triggerpunkter med ?dry needling? hos personer med impingement i axelleden : En prospektiv randomiserad interventionsstudie
AbstractAim: The aim of this study was to investigate if treatment with ?dry needling? in myofascial triggerpoints (MTrPs) in the rotatorcuff muscles may affect impingement symptoms such as pain during provocative tests, shoulder mobility, and function. The research questions were: Does the value of pain change on the Visual Analog Pain Scale (VAS) between before and after treatment? Do the positive provocative tests for impingement change between before and after treatment? Does the active shoulder mobility change between before and after treatment? Does the self-rated function change between before and after treatment?Method: The study was a prospective randomized intervention study and 19 persons with impingement symptoms (mean ± standard deviation; 58 ± 18 years, and shoulder pain duration 3.9 ± 1.6 months) were randomized into two groups. The groups were tested before, directly after and 3 weeks after treatment.
Stamningsbehandling enligt Lidcombeprogrammet : En långtidsuppföljning av svensktalande förskolebarn
The aim of this paper is to study the long-term effects of stuttering treatment according to the Lidcombe Program in Sweden and to answer questions whether underlying factors may have affected the treatment results. Participants were seven children, one girl and six boys aged 7:10-14:2, who all completed Stage 1 of the program approximately 2-7 years ago.The children were video recorded during a conversation with one of the authors and while reading aloud. Before the recording, their parents estimated the level of stuttering according to a Severity Range (SR) Scale. The evaluations were used as reference for determining whether the recordings were representative for the children´s current speech fluency. Proportions of stuttered syllables (%SS) were calculated from the video recorded material and compared with the proportions of stuttered syllables (%SS) at the time when the first stage of the program was initiated.The results showed that the Lidcombe Program had a significant (z=-2.37, p=0.02) long term effect on stuttering treatment for the participants in this study.