656 Uppsatser om Budget - Sida 12 av 44
Sorbet : Socker och sötningsmedlens inverkan på smak, konsistens och volym
AimThe aim of this study has been to examine how health enhancement teachers in Montana, USA, view the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.In what way does the health enhancement teacher think the importance of physical activity from a lifelong perspective could be presented?What resources are available for teachers to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective?MethodThe issue has been answered through qualitative interviews consisting of six health enhancement teachers, four women and two men, in Montana, USA. One of the teachers worked at an elementary school (for 30 years), three teachers worked at middle schools (20, 10 and 8 years of work experience) and two of the teachers interviewed worked at a high school (30 and 3 years). ResultsThe majority of teachers feel that a wide variety of activities, adapted to an individual level, and the understanding of a healthy lifestyle are important in order for the teacher to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.The teachers felt they had sufficient material in order to present the value of physical activity, where the school Budget provided the teachers with materials every year. In addition to the Budget, all the teachers had 12 hours of professional development every year where they could attend conferences or their own choice of professional development.ConclusionWith the help in forms of professional development offered by the school, conferences, meeting with other teachers, and their own choice of development, the teachers instruction techniques could increase which could help the teachers to find the pupils? interest for different kinds of physical activities.KeywordsPhysical education and health, physical activity, SOC, sense of coherence..
Vinet smakar krita ? en studie i uppfattning och användandet av mineralitet i vin
AimThe aim of this study has been to examine how health enhancement teachers in Montana, USA, view the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.In what way does the health enhancement teacher think the importance of physical activity from a lifelong perspective could be presented?What resources are available for teachers to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective?MethodThe issue has been answered through qualitative interviews consisting of six health enhancement teachers, four women and two men, in Montana, USA. One of the teachers worked at an elementary school (for 30 years), three teachers worked at middle schools (20, 10 and 8 years of work experience) and two of the teachers interviewed worked at a high school (30 and 3 years). ResultsThe majority of teachers feel that a wide variety of activities, adapted to an individual level, and the understanding of a healthy lifestyle are important in order for the teacher to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.The teachers felt they had sufficient material in order to present the value of physical activity, where the school Budget provided the teachers with materials every year. In addition to the Budget, all the teachers had 12 hours of professional development every year where they could attend conferences or their own choice of professional development.ConclusionWith the help in forms of professional development offered by the school, conferences, meeting with other teachers, and their own choice of development, the teachers instruction techniques could increase which could help the teachers to find the pupils? interest for different kinds of physical activities.KeywordsPhysical education and health, physical activity, SOC, sense of coherence..
Kostnadsstyrning i Byggprojekt : Med analys av riskhantering
Föreliggande rapport är ett examensarbete vid högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i byggteknik och design vid Kungliga tekniska högskolan i Haninge och gjordes på uppdrag av Siljeströms AB. Rapporten har till syfte att ge en översiktlig bild beträffande kostnadsstyrning i byggprojekt, med en tyngdpunkt i projekteringens riskhantering. Att kostnadsstyra är något som är viktigt att göra, desto tidigare i projektet det görs ju bättre resultat har detta för projektets totalkostnad. Kostnadsstyrningen har sin grund i tre viktiga parametrar: tid, kostnad och kvalitet, de måste styras på rätt sätt och tillsammans för att inte skapa obalans i projektBudgeten. En annan faktor som också påverkar kostnadsstyrningen är entreprenadform. Denna rapport kommer att bygga på totalentreprenad, generalentreprenad och delad utförandeentreprenad. Fördelar och nackdelar tas upp med respektive metod. Produktionskostnad är också något som påverkar den totala projektkostnaden trots att den största kostnadsstyrningen görs i början av ett projekt.
Valet av champagne ? Konsumenters gillande av varumärket och till smakegenskaperna i en köpsituation
AimThe aim of this study has been to examine how health enhancement teachers in Montana, USA, view the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.In what way does the health enhancement teacher think the importance of physical activity from a lifelong perspective could be presented?What resources are available for teachers to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective?MethodThe issue has been answered through qualitative interviews consisting of six health enhancement teachers, four women and two men, in Montana, USA. One of the teachers worked at an elementary school (for 30 years), three teachers worked at middle schools (20, 10 and 8 years of work experience) and two of the teachers interviewed worked at a high school (30 and 3 years). ResultsThe majority of teachers feel that a wide variety of activities, adapted to an individual level, and the understanding of a healthy lifestyle are important in order for the teacher to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.The teachers felt they had sufficient material in order to present the value of physical activity, where the school Budget provided the teachers with materials every year. In addition to the Budget, all the teachers had 12 hours of professional development every year where they could attend conferences or their own choice of professional development.ConclusionWith the help in forms of professional development offered by the school, conferences, meeting with other teachers, and their own choice of development, the teachers instruction techniques could increase which could help the teachers to find the pupils? interest for different kinds of physical activities.KeywordsPhysical education and health, physical activity, SOC, sense of coherence..
Kommunikation inom hotell och restaurang ? Gästönskemålets väg mellan reception och matsal
AimThe aim of this study has been to examine how health enhancement teachers in Montana, USA, view the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.In what way does the health enhancement teacher think the importance of physical activity from a lifelong perspective could be presented?What resources are available for teachers to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective?MethodThe issue has been answered through qualitative interviews consisting of six health enhancement teachers, four women and two men, in Montana, USA. One of the teachers worked at an elementary school (for 30 years), three teachers worked at middle schools (20, 10 and 8 years of work experience) and two of the teachers interviewed worked at a high school (30 and 3 years). ResultsThe majority of teachers feel that a wide variety of activities, adapted to an individual level, and the understanding of a healthy lifestyle are important in order for the teacher to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.The teachers felt they had sufficient material in order to present the value of physical activity, where the school Budget provided the teachers with materials every year. In addition to the Budget, all the teachers had 12 hours of professional development every year where they could attend conferences or their own choice of professional development.ConclusionWith the help in forms of professional development offered by the school, conferences, meeting with other teachers, and their own choice of development, the teachers instruction techniques could increase which could help the teachers to find the pupils? interest for different kinds of physical activities.KeywordsPhysical education and health, physical activity, SOC, sense of coherence..
Att äta eller inte äta kött. En studie om unga människors olika förhållningssätt
AimThe aim of this study has been to examine how health enhancement teachers in Montana, USA, view the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.In what way does the health enhancement teacher think the importance of physical activity from a lifelong perspective could be presented?What resources are available for teachers to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective?MethodThe issue has been answered through qualitative interviews consisting of six health enhancement teachers, four women and two men, in Montana, USA. One of the teachers worked at an elementary school (for 30 years), three teachers worked at middle schools (20, 10 and 8 years of work experience) and two of the teachers interviewed worked at a high school (30 and 3 years). ResultsThe majority of teachers feel that a wide variety of activities, adapted to an individual level, and the understanding of a healthy lifestyle are important in order for the teacher to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.The teachers felt they had sufficient material in order to present the value of physical activity, where the school Budget provided the teachers with materials every year. In addition to the Budget, all the teachers had 12 hours of professional development every year where they could attend conferences or their own choice of professional development.ConclusionWith the help in forms of professional development offered by the school, conferences, meeting with other teachers, and their own choice of development, the teachers instruction techniques could increase which could help the teachers to find the pupils? interest for different kinds of physical activities.KeywordsPhysical education and health, physical activity, SOC, sense of coherence..
Att öka turism med hjälp av sociala medier. Att locka besökare till Örebro via facebook
AimThe aim of this study has been to examine how health enhancement teachers in Montana, USA, view the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.In what way does the health enhancement teacher think the importance of physical activity from a lifelong perspective could be presented?What resources are available for teachers to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective?MethodThe issue has been answered through qualitative interviews consisting of six health enhancement teachers, four women and two men, in Montana, USA. One of the teachers worked at an elementary school (for 30 years), three teachers worked at middle schools (20, 10 and 8 years of work experience) and two of the teachers interviewed worked at a high school (30 and 3 years). ResultsThe majority of teachers feel that a wide variety of activities, adapted to an individual level, and the understanding of a healthy lifestyle are important in order for the teacher to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.The teachers felt they had sufficient material in order to present the value of physical activity, where the school Budget provided the teachers with materials every year. In addition to the Budget, all the teachers had 12 hours of professional development every year where they could attend conferences or their own choice of professional development.ConclusionWith the help in forms of professional development offered by the school, conferences, meeting with other teachers, and their own choice of development, the teachers instruction techniques could increase which could help the teachers to find the pupils? interest for different kinds of physical activities.KeywordsPhysical education and health, physical activity, SOC, sense of coherence..
Värdefulla förmåner i lojalitetsprogram för hotell. Kombination av mjuka och hårda förmåner
AimThe aim of this study has been to examine how health enhancement teachers in Montana, USA, view the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.In what way does the health enhancement teacher think the importance of physical activity from a lifelong perspective could be presented?What resources are available for teachers to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective?MethodThe issue has been answered through qualitative interviews consisting of six health enhancement teachers, four women and two men, in Montana, USA. One of the teachers worked at an elementary school (for 30 years), three teachers worked at middle schools (20, 10 and 8 years of work experience) and two of the teachers interviewed worked at a high school (30 and 3 years). ResultsThe majority of teachers feel that a wide variety of activities, adapted to an individual level, and the understanding of a healthy lifestyle are important in order for the teacher to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.The teachers felt they had sufficient material in order to present the value of physical activity, where the school Budget provided the teachers with materials every year. In addition to the Budget, all the teachers had 12 hours of professional development every year where they could attend conferences or their own choice of professional development.ConclusionWith the help in forms of professional development offered by the school, conferences, meeting with other teachers, and their own choice of development, the teachers instruction techniques could increase which could help the teachers to find the pupils? interest for different kinds of physical activities.KeywordsPhysical education and health, physical activity, SOC, sense of coherence..
Kunskap på olika nivåer. Kunskapsförmedlingen mellan kockstudent och lärare på olika utbildningsnivåer
AimThe aim of this study has been to examine how health enhancement teachers in Montana, USA, view the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.In what way does the health enhancement teacher think the importance of physical activity from a lifelong perspective could be presented?What resources are available for teachers to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective?MethodThe issue has been answered through qualitative interviews consisting of six health enhancement teachers, four women and two men, in Montana, USA. One of the teachers worked at an elementary school (for 30 years), three teachers worked at middle schools (20, 10 and 8 years of work experience) and two of the teachers interviewed worked at a high school (30 and 3 years). ResultsThe majority of teachers feel that a wide variety of activities, adapted to an individual level, and the understanding of a healthy lifestyle are important in order for the teacher to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.The teachers felt they had sufficient material in order to present the value of physical activity, where the school Budget provided the teachers with materials every year. In addition to the Budget, all the teachers had 12 hours of professional development every year where they could attend conferences or their own choice of professional development.ConclusionWith the help in forms of professional development offered by the school, conferences, meeting with other teachers, and their own choice of development, the teachers instruction techniques could increase which could help the teachers to find the pupils? interest for different kinds of physical activities.KeywordsPhysical education and health, physical activity, SOC, sense of coherence..
Balanced Scorecard och strategin - en fallstudie om användningen av Balanced Scorecard och dess relation till företagens strategi och operationella styrning
Syfte: Syftet är att i tre fallföretag beskriva och analysera användningen av Balanced Scorecard, med tonvikt på vilken roll det har i relationen mellan företagens strategi och operationella styrning. Metod: Kvalitativ metod ligger till grund för uppsatsen. Uppsatsen baseras på en fallstudie av tre företag vilka använder sig av Balanced Scorecard och Budget på skilda sätt. Primärdata har samlats in genom öppna riktade intervjuer med anställda i de tre företagen. Slutsatser: Vi har genom vårt val av metod genomfört undersökningen och fått svar på våra frågor.
Generation Y - En kvalitativ stduie om hur generation Y hittar och bokar hotell med fokus på Sociala medier
AimThe aim of this study has been to examine how health enhancement teachers in Montana, USA, view the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.In what way does the health enhancement teacher think the importance of physical activity from a lifelong perspective could be presented?What resources are available for teachers to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective?MethodThe issue has been answered through qualitative interviews consisting of six health enhancement teachers, four women and two men, in Montana, USA. One of the teachers worked at an elementary school (for 30 years), three teachers worked at middle schools (20, 10 and 8 years of work experience) and two of the teachers interviewed worked at a high school (30 and 3 years). ResultsThe majority of teachers feel that a wide variety of activities, adapted to an individual level, and the understanding of a healthy lifestyle are important in order for the teacher to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.The teachers felt they had sufficient material in order to present the value of physical activity, where the school Budget provided the teachers with materials every year. In addition to the Budget, all the teachers had 12 hours of professional development every year where they could attend conferences or their own choice of professional development.ConclusionWith the help in forms of professional development offered by the school, conferences, meeting with other teachers, and their own choice of development, the teachers instruction techniques could increase which could help the teachers to find the pupils? interest for different kinds of physical activities.KeywordsPhysical education and health, physical activity, SOC, sense of coherence..
Budget och budgetprocessens förändringar under en ekonomisk kris - En fallstudie av Scandic Rubinen och Spar Hotel
Bakgrund och problem: Den pågående finansiella krisen och lågkonjunkturen drabbar idag de flesta länder och branscher. En bransch som drabbas när företag och privatpersoner blir alltmer kostnadsmedvetna är hotellbranschen. Företag inom hotellbranschen har i stort sett sedan lågkonjunkturen i början av 1990-talet haft en positiv utveckling. När sämre tider stundar kan det antas att ekonomistyrningen förändras i de olika företagen. Författarna intresserar sig hur hotellen tacklar de problem som den rådande finansiella krisen för med sig och vilka anpassningar och förändringar som måste göras av Budget och Budgetprocessen.
Portföljoptimering med courtageavgifter
Ever since it was first introduced in an article in the Journal of Finance 1952, Harry Markowitz? mean - variance model for portfolio selection has become one of the best known models in finance. The model was one of the first in the world to deal with portfolio optimization mathematically and have directly or indirectly inspired the rest of the world to develop new portfolio optimization methods. Although the model is one of the greatest contributions to modern portfolio theory, critics claim that it may have practical difficulties. Partly because the Markowitz model is based on various assumptions which do not necessarily coincide with the reality.
Effektiv ekonomistyrning inom den offentliga sjukvården : en studie av Habiliterings- och rehabiliteringskliniken på Blekingesjukhuset
The purpose with our study is to investigate in which way a public field of action has succeeded to make the economic management more effective and also find out which factors/activities that have contributed to get the result of the Budget in balance. We also want to find out in which degree the balanced scorecard (BSC) has contributed to the positive result of the Budget. Method: We had started out from the qualitative method theory which is based on the hermeneutic theory, because we will interpret and understand. With this starting point we have chosen to use a case study with semi-standardised interviews supplemented with information from different documents, and to get the theoretic connection we have studied literature in the subject field. The analyse and even the theoretic connection have then started from, for this study, a special analyse model.
Balanced Scorecard - Hur Frigoscandia Distribution AB kan förbättra sin ekonomistyrning
Budgeten fyller en viktig funktion i Frigoscandias planering och styrning och fungerar som en handlingsplan över hur resurser skall fördelas. Risken finns dock att Budget leder till att kortsiktiga mål prioriteras på bekostnad av långsiktiga samtidigt som det är en kostsam process. Istället kan ett företag värdera sin verksamhet utifrån icke-finansiella aspekter med hjälp av ett performance measurement system, som exempelvis BSC, för att kunna fånga den komplexitet och mångfald som råder i ett företag. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att beskriva och analysera hur ekonomistyrningen kan förbättras med hjälp av ett BSC i ett företag, inriktat på lagringsverksamhet, vars nuvarande styrverktyg är Budget. För att uppnå vårt syfte valde vi att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod, då den djupare förståelse vi sökte av vårt ämne ej skulle kunna uppnås med en kvantitativ undersökning.