712 Uppsatser om Broadcast Standards - Sida 33 av 48
Frivillig tillämpning av nationella och internationella revisionsstandarder i Ryssland
Som en följd av de ekonomiska och politiska reformerna på 1990-talet i Ryssland utökades möjligheterna för internationell handel och samarbete mellan Ryssland och andra länder. När länder med olika nationella revisionssystem börjar samverka på en internationell marknad förekommer kommunikations- och förtroendeproblem, vilka kan lösas genom tillämpning av ett dubbelt revisionssystem: nationellt och internationellt. De ryska lagarna om revisionsverksamhet ? 307-?3 7§ och ? 208-?? föreskriver vilka företag som är revisionspliktiga enligt båda standarderna. Det finns dock företag som inte är revisionspliktiga, men som frivilligt väljer att ha sin verksamhet reviderad.
Kartläggning och effektivisering av ljuddämparflöde
In 2013 a new emission standard for heavy trucks was introduced and hence a number of new parts was brought in to Scania CV AB. This created a need for modifications in the silencers flow. The flow is highly complex involving several suppliers, call off methods and different models of silencers. The aim for this project was to improve the existing silencers flow. The flow, from supplier to assembling, has therefore been mapped.
Halltider : Eskilstunas handboll- och innebandyföreningars tillgång till 40x20 planer
For youths leisure activity the organized sport is vital. Young people become increasingly sedentaryand the healths of young people are the various municipalities responsibility. In Eskilstuna, thehandball is very popular but there are only three grounds that meet the standards of the dimensions ofa handball pitch, 40x20 meters. The same dimensions are used by floorball. Eskilstuna municipalityowns one of these, the other two is privately built and owned and the municipality rents time in thehalls.IF Guif and HK Eskil are two handballclubs in the central part of Eskilstuna.
Uppgradering av biogas med aska från trädbränslen
The Swedish production of biogas was 1,5 TWh 2011. About half of the production was used as vehicle fuels. The cost for upgrading biogas depends on the size of the biogas plant and its gas production. If the gas flow is low the cost will be high. However, further development of existing upgrading technologies or development of new ones, have good potential to decrease the upgrading cost for small scale biogas plants.
IAS 40 - En kvantitativ studie av företags upplysningsskyldighet.
EU-kommissionen har satt upp som mål att få ett unisont redovisningsspråk för alla företag i Europa. Därför har kommissionen antagit de regler och standarder som den London baserade organisationen International Accounting Standards Board arbetat fram.Studien syftar till att undersöka och utvärdera hur ett antal slumpvis utvalda bolag, som i huvudsak agerar i fastighetsbranschen, efterlever IFRS regelverk IAS 40 gällande förvaltningsfastigheter.Vi har i vårt arbete använt oss av en kvantitativ metod. Underlaget för empirin är hämtat från årsredovisningar från 2009 och är insamlade från företagens egna hemsidor som vi har navigerat oss fram till via Nasdaq OMX Nordic. Dessa har vi granskat och resultatet har redovisats i tabellform.Resultaten visar att det fortfarande finns mycket att arbeta med när det gäller efterlevnad av standarderna. Den största skillnaden fanns hos de Danska företagen när det gäller att lämna vissa upplysningar och kan vara värd att följa upp i en framtida studie.
Upplysning enligt IAS 36 : En kvantitativ fallstudie av två branscher
Background: Goodwill has been a hot and debated topic for a longer period of time. Researchers have debated how goodwill should be accounted for and have not come to a solution. In 2005 IFRS standards came which meant that goodwill no longer will be amortized according to plan, but to be put through a yearly impairment test.Problem: A number of disclosure requirements in the financial reports have been made in an effort to avoid companies to account for goodwill differently. Apparently there still is a problem of how companies account for goodwill and there are several studies in the subject. But no one has studied how it is between two different industries, which make this study interesting to execute.Purpose/questions: This study have the purpose to investigate how the industries day to day wares and health care regards the disclosure requirements for goodwill by the impairment tests.
Svensk Kod för Bolagsstyrning - Hur påverkas revisorn?
The first version of the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance was published year 2004, by the code group, Kollegiet, after a mission from the Swedish government. The Code consists a collection of rules and standards about corporate governance and internal control, and the first version was intended to include incorporated limited companies on Stockholm?s alpha stocks, and also listed companies with a stock market value over three thousand million Swedish kronor. Now a few years have passed, and in July 2008 a new, revised version of the Code was implemented, now simplified and shorted, with the intention to include all joint-stock companies in Sweden. The Code contains rules about for example ownership, management commitments, annual stockholders meetings, and the accountant. This study intends to, with a qualitative research approach and an inductive reasoning, through studies of empirics in the subject, review whether the accountant?s profession has been influenced by the Code.
Strategisk analys av den svenska byggbranschen- En studie av JM, NCC, PEAB OCH SKANSKA
Background: The construction industry is Sweden?s single most important industry branch with a significant influence on Sweden?s wealth. The political restrictions that once controlled the industry are today almost gone. This combined with an unbalanced supply and demand situation on the Swedish constructions market, caused by urbanisation, has led to increased pressure on the Swedish construction companies who now are forced to find new methods in their struggle to contain or increase their competitive advantage. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to survey: which strategic variables are of great importance in today?s Swedish construction industry with focus on the four main actors, JM, NCC, PEAB and Skanska.
Olika branscher, samma reformer? : En studie om trender inom inköp
Background: Røvik claim that both public and private sector, large and small firms, are working with the same administrative standards, recipes, as these are currently considered to be ?right?. He argues that this is partly due to the globalization of the information society, which is making it possible for recipes to spread rapidly. An area affected of this is purchasing, where many new strategic and organizational concepts have been developed. Nowadays, people argue that ?every penny saved in the procurement function, is an extra penny in profit? and that purchasing decisions affect the entire company and its performance.
"Fettpärlan har vi så det räcker till alla!" : En jämförande studie av hur fyra lärare på de studieförberedande och yrkesförberedande programmen tänker och arbetar kring och med litteraturundervisning
On 1 January 2005, IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)was mandatory for all listed companies within the European Union. The introduction is to create a transparent and consistent reporting. Mainly to provide companies, investors and financiers the same access to world capital markets. Since the introduction of IFRS, the goodwill value is determined by annual impairment tests. If an impairment of goodwill is a fact the goodwill decreases in value.
Kampen fortsätter : En studie om kompatibilitetsproblem mellan moderna webbläsare
Under 1990-talet utspelade sig en bitter kamp om marknadsandelar mellan de två ledande webbläsare Internet Explorer och Netscape Navigator, det så kallade webbläsar-kriget. Kriget hade till följd att webbläsarna blev nästan helt inkompatibla. Sedan dess pågår en ständig utveckling av gemensamma standarder för webben. Idag är förutsättningarna för kompatibilitet mycket bättre än för tio år sidan, men problemet är inte fullständigt avhjälpt. De moderna webbläsare Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 1.5, Opera 8.5 och Safari kan återge en och samma webbsida visas på olika sätt trots att det finns gemensamma standarder.
Har IFRS gjort redovisningen mer effektiv för investerare? En studie om goodwillpostens relevans. : En studie om goodwillpostens relevans.
Title: Have IFRS made the accounting more efficient for investors? ? A study of goodwill-relevance Level: Final assignment for Degree of Master (One Year)Author: Patrik Nygard and Andreas Pettersson Supervisor: Markku Penttinen Date: 2010 ? MayAim: The Swedish banks SEB and Swedbank are on the same market but their goodwill is amortized totally differently and its results will be different. We decided to examine the accounts in Sweden and see if they have been more efficient, from a user perspective, after the introduction of IFRS in year 2005Method: This paper is made from a quantitative and a deductive approach. We have collected data from all companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange between the years 2002-2008 using the computer program Financial Datastream and then made the regression and other analyses and comparisons with the program MinitabResult & Conclusions: We have in this paper demonstrated that how the accounting of goodwill designed is relevant to investors and that this relevance has increased in Sweden after the transition to IFRS. We have also concluded that the goodwill has greater relevance in a rising market than in a downward.Suggestions for future research: In future researches can the aim be to compare other accounting standards changes that occurred in the year 2005 and see if the accounting, from that perspective been more efficient.Contribution of the thesis: We have shown how the account influences investor?s decisions during different accounting systems and in particular how they react on the changed account of goodwill.
Ekonomin under omläggningsåren vid övergång till kravgodkänd produktion :
The purpose of these theses is to show the financial economical situation during the change from conventional dairy production to ecological production. The thesis is accomplished by collecting information from literature and interviews where needed.
The target group of these theses is dairy producers who will transform their production from conventional dairy production to certified ecological dairy production. The theses emphasise on the economic situation during the adjustment years. For this I have studied a presently producing dairy farm.
Skillnader mellan Swedish GAAP och US GAAP : väsentlighetsbegreppet och justeringsposter
Background: With an increased global market, where companies seek capital abroad, the demand for a more uniform accounting standard has been raised. This uniform accounting standard is not yet available, differences between accounting standards still exists. Several Swedish companies seek risk capital in the USA and some are part of a concern that is listed on the American stock exchange. This means that the Securities and Exchange Commission requires the companies to do a reconciliation to US GAAP on those items that are considered material. This can be an extensive work for the companies if the knowledge about the differences between Swedish GAAP and US GAAP does not exist.
Beräkningsverktyg för plattformar till seriekompenseringsanläggningar
ABB is one of the world?s leading engineering companies in power and automation technologiesand their solutions improve performance while lowering environmental impacts for energycompanies and industries. ABB FACTS designs equipment and plants for series and phasecompensation.This thesis has been performed at ABB FACTS on the Mechanical Design (DM) department inVästerås, Sweden. The purpose of the thesis was to develop and design calculations andsimulation tools for ABB FACTS?s standard series capacitor platforms.