712 Uppsatser om Broadcast Standards - Sida 19 av 48
Tillförlitlighet vid värdering av goodwill : En fallstudie av tre koncerner
Since year 2005 the accounting has changed for public companies because of the new international standards, IFRS. IFRS 3 provides a single international accounting treatment for acquisitions and has broadened the definition of intangible assets. By IFRS 3 goodwill is defined as the excess of the cost of acquisition and is separated from intangible assets. Now goodwill must be annually tested by an impairment test. There are many valuation issues to considerate when it comes to deciding the value of goodwill.
Art director - Idé, process och struktur
Det finns ett behov av personer som klarar av att generera en mängd fräscha,
slitstarka och
kreativa idéer under press. Denna undersökning omfattar hur mångsidiga Art
directors kan arbeta
för att framställa och producera material som håller hög standard.
Fyra Art directors har intervjuats och givit sin åsikt i ämnet. Utifrån
resultaten av intervjuerna
och en mängd kreativa tekniker har vi utfört en grundläggande idéprocess.
Resultatet av denna
process är en konstutställning där vi har skapat ett koncept med fokus på miljö
och framtid.
There is a need for people who can generate a large amount of fresh, durable
and creative idéas
under pressure. This investigation concerns how versatile Art directors work to
manufacture and
produce material of high standards.
Four Art directors have been interviewed and given us their opinion on the
Går det att förebygga mobbning?
These days, schools are obliged by the law to prepare an annual plan for the prevention of bullying and degrading treatment. The purpose of my work is to investigate the 2 schools efforts to prevent bullying and abuse and how they live up to legal standards. But I have also examined how students in school are experiencing anti-bullying work in their school. I have also examined how much funding schools put on to prevent bullying I school. In this study, I have done interviews with school principals and students to have a clear picture about the school?s anti-bullying work.
Visualisering inom Operativt Inköp
Visualization plays a key role in the concept of Lean. Lean was developed in Japan as a business philosophy in order to lead to an activity, where only steps that contribute to customer value of the final product are being performed. By defining the customer value and establish visualized standards, it is possible to see when situations differ from the standard. Then it?s possible to lead the process back on track.
Studier av insolvensförordningens artikel 5 : -särskilt om sakrättsbegreppets betydelse för borgenärer med företagshypotek
Bullying is today a major problem in schools worldwide. Far too many children are forced to undergo bullying day in and day out without anyone seeing or doing something. My purpose with this study is to find out how four F-6 schools in a municipality south of Stockholm are describes their work to get zero tolerance for bullying at their school.My questions are:How does the four F-6 schools' anti-bullying group in a municipality south of Stockholm describes their work to have zero tolerance for bullying?What do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups consider that bullying is?Why do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups think bullying occurs?Who do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups think are bullies or are being bullied?To get my results I have done four interviews with those in charge of the school's anti-bullying group. My theory is based on standards, what is acceptable behavior and normative theory, hypotheses, what is right and wrong as well as desirable or undesirable behavior.
IAS 24, Upplysningar om närstående : Tillämpas standarden?
Vid ett möte i Lissabon år 2000 bestämdes att det fanns behov av att öka jämförbarheten mellan företags årsredovisningar i olika länder. Detta skulle åstadkommas genom att företag inom EU skulle bli tvungna att följa samma redovisningsstandarder vid upprättande av sina årsredovisningar. Som följd av detta blev IFRS/IAS(International Financial Reporting Standards/International Accounting Standards) år 2005 tvingande för alla börsnoteradeföretag i Sverige. I denna uppsats har vi valt att studera en del i denna standard nämligen IAS 24, Upplysningar om närstående.Med en närstående relation menas en part som, direkt eller indirekt, har betydande eller bestämmande inflytande över ett företag. Med detta menas att parten kan påverka ett företags finansiella och operativa strategier.
Gamla nyheter : en studie av hur pensionärer ramas in och representeras i svensk press
Purpose/Aim: This essay explores the framing and representation of pensioners in Swedish press during the period of 2002-2008. The aim was to investigate what meaning news give elderly people on the manifest level, and also what meaning the media texts construct on the latent level.Material/Method: For this paper I have investigated framing of pensioners using quantitative analysis of 100 news articles, followed by a qualitative hermeneutic analysis applied on the most frequent frames discovered in the quantitative study.Main results: Four frames were identified concerning pensioners: crime victims, heroes in daily dues, economically advantaged and economically disadvantaged. The dualistic result in the economy frame was investigated in the qualitative research. The study revealed that pensioners as a group may have good economic standards, although there are individual differences. Three stereotypes were discovered in the articles: ?kind granny?, ?fragile and miserable? and ?look what I can do?..
Bearbetning av befintligt bostadsprojekt med syfte att uppnå passivhusstandard
I detta examensarbete har energiberäkningar och analyser enligt FEBY12 gjorts på ett radhusområde för att undersöka vad som krävs för att lågenergihusen ska uppnå passivhusstandard. Att uppföra energisnåla byggnader är i dagens samhälle viktigt för alla företag eftersom människor blir allt mer energimedveten och krav från beställare blir allt högre. I arbetet har en modell av radhusområdet modellerats i Revit Architecture för att på ett smidigt sätt få korrekta värden i de olika energiberäkningsprogrammen Vasari, Energihuskalkyl och PHPP. Programmen har helt olika kvalitéer därför har en jämförelse och analys av programmen utförts. Analyser har tydligt visat att det krav som finns för att uppnå passivhusstandard på värmeförlusttalet är betydligt svårare att uppnå än det krav som ställs på den levererade energin. För att uppnå passivhusstandard vidtogs diverse åtgärder såsom U-värde för väggar förbättrades, ventilationsaggregatets verkningsgrad höjdes samt fönsterpartierna reducerades avsevärt. .
Kunskapssamhället och skolan - vilken framtid möter våra lärare, elever och bibliotekarier?
The essay concerns "the knowledge society", IT and the possibilities of school being changedto meet the future. The purpose was to reflect the ideas of researchers and authorities concerningwork and education in "the knowledge society" and to illuminate/shed light on theimportance of information technology in this connection, to map organizational and pedagogicalshortcomings in the current school system and the changes that can be needed, and to investigatehow these changes can affect teachers, pupils and librarians.The investigation, which was a text analysis of normative and futurist sources, was especiallydirected towards how modem information technology can influence education/teaching.The differences between researchers and authorities were most obvious in the view of theimportance of knowledge of facts and central control mechanisms for standards or grading.For the authorities, who were devoid of a thought out/carefully prepared and consequent viewof knowledge and by that also of pedagogics, the information technique was the foremostcause of a change in pedagogy. The researchers also perceived the possibilities of IT, butemphasized the importance of pedagogical innovations irrespective of the technology.
Hur påverkar kvalitetskontroller revisorers arbetsrutiner?
The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how auditors are affected by quality controls and if audit practice changes because of quality controls. To fulfill the purpose of this study there has been interviews made with five auditors. The conclusion by this study is that the interviewed auditors work practices are affected by quality controls and that the extent and effect depends on the auditor and the office that the auditor works in. The auditors who worked as quality reviewers at the agencies where they are employed at, we felt that they were more secured in the response towards quality controls. This may be because they are quality reviewers themselves and they know what the quality control requires and what must be met to be approved.
Energikloka hus i Järinge - energiteknisk uppföljning
Energy-wise houses in Järinge - technical follow-up The company JM built energy-efficient houses in Tensta in Stockholm. They have built a total of 16 houses divided into two parts of A-houses and B-houses. The buildings are an attempt by JM to minimize energy-use of the buildings without affecting the comfort and living standards. The project aims to examine the data for the 16 houses on the basis of data and produce a report showing how the buildings worked through a technical perspective. JM approximates that the purchased energy will not be higher than 95 kWh/m2 per year.
IAS och beskattning : tillämpning av internationella redovisningsstandarder i ett skatteperspektiv
Den 7 juni 2002 antogs EG-förordningen 1606/2002, vilken innebär en förpliktelse för noterade europeiska företag att fr o m räkenskapsåret 2005 upprätta sin koncernredovisning enligt International Accounting Standards (IAS). Förordningen ger även medlemsstaterna möjligheten att tillåta eller kräva en tillämpning av IAS även i juridisk person, d v s i årsredovisningen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att, med utgångspunkt i sambandet mellan redovisning och beskattning, analysera vilka konsekvenser förordningen kan komma att medföra för företagsbeskattningen i Sverige. För det första diskuteras hur beskattningen kan komma att påverkas om tillämpningen av förordningen begränsas till koncernnivå. För det andra diskuteras förordningens effekter i en situation där den även görs tillämplig i juridisk person, och därmed också direkt påverkar beskattningsunderlaget.
"I slutet av varje dag förstår alla elever matematiken" : En kvalitativ studie om matematiklärares syn på barn i behov av särskilt stöd i Kenya
The purpose of the study was to find out how teachers in a school in Kenya conducted the education of mathematics in standard 4-6. The focus was how the teachers worked with children in need of special support in mathematics.To find out the purpose a case study was made with two interviews and seven observations with four teachers on a rural school in Kenya. The following issues were: Which standards were there in the classrooms during lessons in mathematics in Kenya? How did the teachers express the view of children in need of special support? The main conclusion was that different teachers teaching in mathematics looked the same.The teacher was standing in front of the blackboard where the teaching occurred and the pupils were sitting lined up in their benches. The teaching of the pupils was about repetition and imitates the teacher and mostly filling the gap that the teacher made them say.
Manlig omskärelse : Föräldrarnas eller barnets religionsfrihet?
Bullying is today a major problem in schools worldwide. Far too many children are forced to undergo bullying day in and day out without anyone seeing or doing something. My purpose with this study is to find out how four F-6 schools in a municipality south of Stockholm are describes their work to get zero tolerance for bullying at their school.My questions are:How does the four F-6 schools' anti-bullying group in a municipality south of Stockholm describes their work to have zero tolerance for bullying?What do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups consider that bullying is?Why do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups think bullying occurs?Who do the employees in the school anti-bullying groups think are bullies or are being bullied?To get my results I have done four interviews with those in charge of the school's anti-bullying group. My theory is based on standards, what is acceptable behavior and normative theory, hypotheses, what is right and wrong as well as desirable or undesirable behavior.
ADDICTION SEVERITY INDEX I PRAKTIKEN : - Om missbrukshandläggares erfarenheter av att använda ASI-intervjun
The purpose of this study was to understand how social workers experienced working with Addiction Severity Index (ASI) in relation to the goal set by the National Board of Health and Welfare. The method is spread nationwide and therefore it is of great importance to examine how the social workers themselves experience the demands and the resources surrounding ASI. We choose to do a qualitative study interviewing eight social workers at six different occasions. The result was analyzed using Max Weber?s ideal type bureaucracy and Michael Lipsky?s thesis on street-level bureaucrats.