712 Uppsatser om Broadcast Standards - Sida 16 av 48
Based on an analysis of the Swedish laws in the field of healthcare, the purpose of this essay in jurisprudence is to examine whether Sweden has a need to implement the new EU-resolution on abortion. The study is based upon legal sources such as official government reports (SOU) as well as words of an Act. The subject also deals with ethical standards and more community-oriented material, and texts from both these areas are also included. The Swedish laws in health care are extensive, but still put the patient first. Care givers are able to delegate their responsibility if it means good health care which is also a key word in the Swedish health care.
Informationsdelgivningsreglerna i MiFID II : Uppnår informationsdelgivningsreglerna behovet om ökat inesterarskydd?
The securities market was to undergo a major change with the entry of MiFID I in November 2007. EU´s establishment if the directive sets high standards for investment firms to establish internal guidelines in accordance with MiFID I. As right now, the securities market is facing further change with the proposal for MiFID II.MiFID II seeks to overcome MiFID I´s shown deficiencies. The greatest need for change are the rules that secure investor protection, with specific focus on regulation on information service from investment firms to customers. This essay deals with the rules on information service enacted in MiFID I compared to the changes presented in MiFID II to investigate whether the changes could strengthen investor protection as desired.MiFID II is a more detailed framework than its precursor.
Undersökning av modulationsscheman för existerande bredbandsteknologier
In this thesis some different modulation schemes for xDSL-techniques are compared. The investigated techniques are ADSL, G.lite, ADSL2, HDSL, SHDSL and VDSL. The modulation methods used are DMT, CAP and different versions of PAM. Several broadband techniques also use Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) to increase the coding gain of the transmission. For each one of the different modulation methods the signal-to-noise ratio is calculated for generating a bit error rate probability of 10-7.
Ekonomiska konsekvenser av förändrad röttolerans vid Bravikens Pappersbruk :
The competition for Norway spruce pulp wood in Central Sweden increases, forcing the supply-structure of Holmen to face two important challenges. Firstly, it is of the outmost strategically importance to secure the long-term supply of Norway spruce pulp wood to the industries. Secondly, Holmen desires to increase the obtainable volume of Norway spruce pulp wood. This would enable the company to choose volumes in the lower price-segments and thereby decrease the dependency of costly marginal volumes.
As this work shows, one part in managing these challenges could be to lower the quality standards concerning root rot (Heterobasidium annosum).
Facts presented in the work shows that:
1. Technically, the TMP-industry of Braviken can handle a much more rotted pulp wood than that used today, although the cost of refinement increases.
Lärarna och de nationella kursplanerna : Hur förhåller sig lärarna till dem?
My purpose with this study was partly to examine how some Swedish science teachers teach and their knowledge of the science curriculum, and how this affects their teaching. I also aimed to compare the Swedish and Irish science curriculum. The method I undertook to achieve this study was to carry out six interviews with science teachers in Sweden. I also completed a text analyse of both the Swedish & Irish science curriculum. The results of the interviews showed that the teachers think the curriculum is important but they do not always keep to it.
De svenska fastighetsbolagens redovisningsval för förvaltningsfastigheter och dess effekter på redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper : En studie av noterade respektive onoterade svenska fastighetsbolag efter implementeringen av internationellt regelverk
AbstractTitle: The Swedish real estate companies choices of valuation within investment properties and its further effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting.-A study of the Swedish real estate companies listed and non - listed on the stock market, after the application of the international rule board.Background and Problem: From January 2005, all companies, listed on a stock market within the European Union, are required to prepare their consolidated accounts using common set of International Accounting Standards, IAS/IFRS. In Sweden, this opportunity has also been given to non-listed companies, to voluntary implement these rules in their consolidated accounts. One difference between Swedish accounting rules and contemporary International rules, deals with the accounting treatment of investment properties, which foremost affects the real estate market?s accounts. In contrast to the Swedish Financial Accounting Standards Council?s recommendation RR 24, the new standard, IAS 40, permits a choice between different accounting alternatives.
En frivillig standards kvalitetsma?ssiga pa?verkan pa? redovisning av varuma?rken : ISO 10668
Title: Co-operative, prevent or complement? - An essay on the relationships between control systems. Authors: Kim Eriksson and Victoria KarlssonPurpose: The essay aims to describe the relations between control systems and how they related to each other, based on an operationalization of the control systems. Research question: What are the control systems relations to each other? With regards whether control systems co-operative, prevents and/or complement each other.Theoretical framework: The essays theoretical framework is based on Malmi and Browns (2008) description of five different control systems and control mechanisms associated with each control system. Research methodology: The method was based on three different data collection methods. These methods were observations, documentation, and semi-structured interviews.Conclusions: It is concluded that the control systems has comprehensive relations. Control systems have more, than one, relation to each other..
Utvidgade kvalitetskriterier för badrum i lägenhet
Problemet med dagens standard för hygienrum och dess komponenter är att de baseras helt på tillgänglighet. Vilket i och för sig är en bra sak, sett utifrån att fler personer kan ha möjligheten att utnyttja bostadsfunktionerna även om de har vissa rörelsehinder. Men vi vill ta steget längre, inte endast se till tillgänglighet utan även se till vad som kan uppskattas, för att höja levnadsstandarden och uppskattningen av våra hem. Den svenska standarden är som tidigare nämnt baserad på tillgänglighet och är inte alltid anpassningsbar till nya lösningar och komponenter som kan förekomma i badrum, vissa saker ändras, får nya funktioner, kanske utökade användningsområden. Syftet är att försöka utöka möjligheten att nå högre kvalité för badrummet och samtidigt försöka se till de alternativa lösningarna som kan åstadkommas idag.
Fildelare-en social bandit i vår tid
We examined why file sharing is such a widespread phenomenon and what drives the persons that using file sharing, and what consequences it has on their consuming and ownership. We reached our goal by interviewing ten people who download files, using a qualitative method. We present the internet community where sharing files, copyright and the IPRED law are important ingredients for how the new generation consumer?s patterns look like. Today you can travel all over the world with a push on a button in just a few seconds.
Nürnbergsprocessen i svensk press : en studie över tre tidningars ledarsidors rapportering av rättegången i Nürnberg
One of the most well-known trials in history is the one in Nürnberg, Germany, soon after the end of World War II. It is understandable that this caused a lot of discussions and that it was a world known trial which set the standards for a lot of similar occasions later on. The aim of this research is to focus on the opinions about this trial from a perspective of well-known Swedish newspapers. The method is to analyse three big papers with different political views and to see what separated them and what maybe united them. By studying the master-pages of the newspapers a picture is given of how the contemporary time had an understanding for the trial reports, which we in our time have established as facts.
Gränsöverskridande Ljuddesign
Transcending sound design is possible. There are unseen possibilities and a
great potential for
improvement and development in sound and music design ? but
there is a great difficulty
penetrating the obstacles that lies in the way for such development to take
place and to exist. The
difficulties in being negotiable and productive lies more within the limits of
the audience it has to
gain, than in itself. It is as though music and sound design has to evolve very
slowly, in an almost
evolutionary style; one step at a time, to be accepted.
redovisning av finansiella tillgångar - En studie om tilläggen i IAS 39 och IFRS 7 med inriktning på noterade banker inom EU
Bakgrund och problem: Under 2008 uppdaterade International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)regelverket för finansiella tillgångar med tillägg i IAS 39 och IFRS 7 vad gäller klassificering, värderingoch upplysning. Uppdateringen var en effekt av den finansiella krisen som drog in över Europa medfull kraft under den senare delen av 2008, vilken medförde inaktiva kapitalmarknader. I och medförändringarna gavs företagen möjlighet att omklassificera finansiella tillgångar värderade till verkligtvärde till upplupet anskaffningsvärde. Eftersom bankers tillgångar generellt består av en stor delfinansiella tillgångar ämnade författarna undersöka uppdateringarnas tillämpning inom banksektorn.Studiens problemformulering löd: Vilka samband kan identifieras mellan noterade banker inom EUvad gäller tillämpningen av tilläggen i IAS 39 och IFRS 7?Syfte: Att kartlägga vilka samband som fanns mellan de banker som valt att omklassificera och desom inte valt att omklassificera med inriktning på effekterna ur ett investerarperspektiv.Avgränsningar: Det är endast tillgångsvärdering inom IAS 39 som studerats, ty uppdateringarnabehandlade det området.
Kvalitetssäkring i tjänsteföretag : En jämförande studie mellan Ving och SIQ:s riktlinjer för kvalitetssäkring
When managing the quality of a service producing industry?s products, the industry faces greater challenges than the manufacturing industries do. Today?s globalization puts further pressure on service producing companies around the world to work at their absolute maximum. So, how do service producing companies work to manage quality? In this essay the writers take a deeper look at the travel agency Ving, part of My Travel Northern Europe.
Kvalitetssäkring i tjänsteföretag : En jämförande studie mellan Ving och SIQ:s riktlinjer för kvalitetssäkring
When managing the quality of a service producing industry?s products, the industry faces greater challenges than the manufacturing industries do. Today?s globalization puts further pressure on service producing companies around the world to work at their absolute maximum. So, how do service producing companies work to manage quality? In this essay the writers take a deeper look at the travel agency Ving, part of My Travel Northern Europe.
Identified opportunities and challenges inCSR certification : the case of CSC9000T in China?s textile industry
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) issues have been received much attention in businessand management practises globally. Jensen & Yeh (2009, 3) state that ?The agenda ofCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a factor in the process of globalization,and Chinese companies may sometimes feel pushed into this agenda without a clearunderstanding of the rationale behind it?. China?s textile and apparel industry, amanufacturing-based economy with its products bounding up with the consumers worldwide,has been facing enormous pressure to take CSR initiatives, particularly in relation toenvironmental issues and labor standards.