

1889 Uppsatser om Brick structure - Sida 64 av 126

Framkomlighet i cirkulationsplatser - En metodstudie om utformningens påverkan på kapaciteten

The major aim of the thesis is to describe the networks, relations and marketing of some university libraries and their customers in the year 2000. I illustrate how these issues interact and whether they have changed due to the recent development of technology and if so, how. The thesis is based on interviews with two directors of libraries and two librarians at two different libraries. A small survey with 16 questionnaires has also been performed in order to get a more general view on librarians' opinions in these questions. The thesis mainly shows that the networks in which the respondents take part primarily exist in the library sphere and towards the universities.

Ett förtöjt fartygs rörelser vid kaj - En metod för dimensionering av vågskydd

The major aim of the thesis is to describe the networks, relations and marketing of some university libraries and their customers in the year 2000. I illustrate how these issues interact and whether they have changed due to the recent development of technology and if so, how. The thesis is based on interviews with two directors of libraries and two librarians at two different libraries. A small survey with 16 questionnaires has also been performed in order to get a more general view on librarians' opinions in these questions. The thesis mainly shows that the networks in which the respondents take part primarily exist in the library sphere and towards the universities.

?? det är mycket lättare att tala om vad som är svårare.? ? Gallring av tryckta böcker och dess konsekvenser för bokbestånd vid folkbibliotek

The aim of this study is to illustrate conceptions held by librarians and library and information scientists about weeding practices of printed books in public libraries. The study has been carried out by performing a series of qualitative interviews with librarians and by study of earlier research relating to the subject of weeding. The results have been analysed by utilizing a textual analysis method called idea and ideology analysis using so called dimensions to analyse and structure the results. The results indicate that weeding at Swedish public libraries is carried out by a mixture of objective and subjective methods, with certain statistical elements. Weeding procedures mainly appears to be legitimized according to what one refers to as knowledge of the local community, although lack of lending are cited from time to time.

Hur läsinlärning kan utvecklas för elever med Cerebral pares

To find useful methods of reading instructions for pupils with Cerebral palsy is a complex but at the same time very challenging work. The main focus of this research lies in studying the pupils work focusing on special adaptation of educational materials and means of assistance for pupils with Cerebral palsy. In trying to get a complete picture of the work with the reading instruction I don?t think that it can be described only by studying the work, it also demands an inside look at the job the working group performs. My overarching purpose of this research is to try out measures to further develop the work with reading instruction for pupils with Cerebral palsy.

Grönskande balkongkonstruktioner : Jämförande arkivstudie av balkongkonstruktioner anpassade för urban odling

Urban agriculture is a current topic and this study examines the possibility of cultivating on balconies in the city. The study was performed at Uppsala University and examines, from a structural engineering perspective, how different existing balcony/terrace structures are affected by cultivation. A cultivation balcony defined in the study as a balcony/terrace which is specifically designed for cultivation. Three units of study have been selected according to this criterion. Four factors were examined, these were loads, moisture/water, economy and cultivation.

Socialsekreteraren och organisationen : ett samspel på gott och ont

Different forms of organization in the field of social work, creates different conditions of the individual social workers occupation. This affects not only the people who carry out this work, but also the clients who come in contact with social services.   This survey was based on six interviews executed during spring in the year 2010. The respondents were social workers within economic aid and their nearest executive manager at two municipalities in Kalmar County. The overall aim for this survey was to examine how these social workers were influenced by various ways to organize the municipal work activity. This through following questions:How was respective social service in the municipalities organized?How were the social worker effected in their daily work by the organization?Where there any specific up- or downsides in the way that economic aid was organized in the aspect of the social workers daily work?  The result of this survey was synonymous with a lot of the previously executed research in the area in the sense that the larger municipalities were more specialized in its organization than the smaller.

Motivation i stora organisationer, En fallstudie över hur Microsoft motiverar sina anställda

Theoretically, when an organization grows large it has to formalize its structure and exercise control by more regulations. The negative side effect might in turn be demotivated employees (machine bureaucracy). However, practice seems to contradict theory. Therefore, we decided to investigate how a large company, in this case Microsoft, succeeds in creating motivation despite some machine bureaucratic tendencies. The essential findings are that the employees feel motivated by the fact that they are allowed freedom with responsibility.

Kvinnor i Rapport : Kvinnorepresentationen i Sveriges mest seddatv-nyhetsprogram

This study is based on the feminist belief in the importance of a reorganization of the existing gender hierarchy, where women have less power than men. Since news media reflect as well as contribute to create the reality we live in has the purpose with this study been to shed some light on how the gender structure is expressed in Sweden?s most popular television news program. I chose to examine one broadcast per day from the Public Service SVT news program Rapport during January 2010 using quantitative content analysis and the result was as follows:65 % of the news programs was presented by a woman news anchor 36 % of the news reports was carried through by a women journalist 31 % of the interviews contained a female participant The representation of female participants in interviews did not depend onif the journalist was a woman or a manThe representation of female participants in interviews did not depend on if the report was from Sweden or abroadWomen were more often than men interviewed in the role as nursing staff, development aid worker, teacher or principal, parent of a son, retired and sick or sick leaveOnly men were interviewed in the role as rescue worker, custom staff, member of the armed forces, house owner and tourist..

Populärkultur - ett redskap för samspel och lärande

How do we perceive literature? In our times computer games and Internet have made us grow more comfortable to the usage of non linear storylines. But how does this apply to printed literature?In this essay, called ?From a to b through d h and o. Non linear storytelling in our time? I have focused on nonlinear literature from different time periods and I have studied novels such as James Joyce?s Ulysses as well as works by William S.

Skönlitterära urvalsprocesser: En studie om relationen mellan kunskapsförmedling, styrdokument och kanonbegrepp i gymnasial engelskundervisning

This study explores the selection processes regarding fictional literature in English as asecond language education. The aim is to illustrate the relationship between the knowledgeteachers seek to pass on to their students and how the governing documents and the Westernliterary canon affect which literature that is chosen. The study uses qualitative interviews withsix teachers from different gymnasial schools in Northern Sweden. The results show thatteachers use literature as a tool for teaching grammar, lexicon, language structure and storytellingskills. In the more advanced English courses, the teachers prefer to exert more controlover which literature is read, mainly due to the fact that the governing documents specificallyrequire a presence of older, culturally established works.

Kapitalstruktur och immateriella tillgångar: en studie av
svenska börsnoterade IT-företag

Med företagets kapitalstruktur avses den mix av eget kapital och skulder som används för att finansiera företagets tillgångar. En faktor som anses påverka valet av kapitalstruktur är den typ av tillgångar som företaget har. En hög andel immateriella tillgångar är förknippade med en lägre skuldsättningsgrad. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan andelen bokförda immateriella tillgångar och skuldsättningsgraden hos svenska börsnoterade företag i IT-branschen. Ett delsyfte är undersöka om det finns något samband mellan affärsrisken samt företagens storlek och skuldsättningsgraden.

IDAG OCH IMORGON - En studie av internkommunikationen i en organisation : / TODAY AND TOMORROW - A study of the internal communication in an organization.

A central question is what view of communication is dominating in a municipality in the southern part of Sweden. The study deals with communication theory from two different perspectives; the view of transmission and the view of creation of meaning. Falkheimer and Heide (2003) claim that the view of transmission is one-way communication where the receivers apprehend passivly. In the view of creation of meaning the goal is to develop and strengthen the common notion that exists in a group. Empirical studies were done, that consisted of qualitative interviews with politicians, directors of the municipality, and principals from three childcare and school areas, and also from one upper secondary school.

Dynamisk investeringsstrategi på den svenska aktiemarknaden

The purpose of this paper is to investigate if a dynamic investment strategy on the Swedish asset market can accomplish better returns then a static investment strategy. The dynamic investment strategy is created by incorporating business cycle predictors and firm-level variables to predict future stock returns. The predictive regression is calculated wih 60 months of observation (1999 01-2005 12) and is then used to estimate future returns for 23 months in the period 2004 01 -2005 11. The structure of the regression, with linear functions of ? and ?, goes back to Shanken (1990) and Avramov and Chordia (2005) has had success with the variables chosen.

Kalmars turismprofilering ur ett tidsperspektiv : En komparativ studie mellan två historiska platser

The world has become a globalized place in constant development and much of which is now taken for granted did not even exist 30-40 years ago, such as smartphones or Internet in common households. As new tourist destinations is continuously being created, it becomes increasingly important with effective place marketing to compete in the global market. Developing a good and interesting profile is thus a way for places to become more attractive for tourists. The main theory in the paper is "post-industrialization and the entrepreneurial city" which describes how cities in the global north have moved away from industry towards becoming post-industrial cities ? very often with a strong focus on tourism.

Datorstödd konstruktion och analys av skyddsbur : Hållfasthet och konstruktion

In motorsports competition, safety reasons require that the vehicle is equipped with some form of protective roll cage. The roll cage should withstand the forces involved in a collision to protect the driver and the co-driver from the vehicle body deformation. The roll cage also works to protect the vehicle from excessive deformations to more easily make any repairs afterwards. For the roll cage to be certified and approved for motorsports competition, it requires that the cage is built after one of the recommended options. One of those options is to design the roll cage like a cross-construction at the driver and co-driver doors.

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