

1889 Uppsatser om Brick structure - Sida 15 av 126

"Det är som att man trippar på någonting" : En studie om användarupplevelser och motivationskrafter inom interaktiv film

The aim of this thesis is to examine user experience and engagements in interactive cinema.A great deal of the research that is conducted today involves creating interactive films, toexplore and examine film structures. In this study, we build on this research by comparingthree different interactive film structures. To carry out our study, we have categorized threedifferent interactive films after three different models to define their narrative structureand interface. To examine the experiences of those structures we have performed anexperiment where we have collected data from the three different sources; interviews,observations and surveys.It is difficult to draw conclusions about how an interactive film should be constructed asdifferent structures apply to different narratives. Based on our research the conclusion canbe made that the combination between the narrative structure, the narrative content, theaesthetics, the implementation of interactivity and how the film?s interface is constructed ismore important than building a specific structure for an interactive film.

Hur står sig Modigliani och Millers teori om kapitalstruktur under hög- kontra lågkonjunkturer? : en studie av 30 börsnoterade bolag på den svenska marknaden

Problem formulation: This paper will examine how the capital structure of firms affects their market valuation by applying the Modigliani-Miller theory on Swedish listed companies in a boom and a recession. The study will examine whether it is possible to draw any conclusions as to whether companies with high debt to equity ratios are valued lower in a recession, in comparison to companies with low debt to equity ratios.Purpose: To empirically test the Modigliani-Miller theory of capital structure in a boom and a recession in order to see if the companies? market value is affected differently depending on whether they have a high or a low debt to equity ratios.Methodology: The essay has a deductive and a quantitative methodological approach. Data analysis was done through a correlation analysis, a regression analysis and a hypothesis testing.Theory: The Modigliani-Miller theory of capital structure with taxes states that companies with a high debt to equity ratios has a higher value. One of the risks with a high level of debt could be that during a financial downturn companies have more difficulty realizing capital and are thus more likely to go bankrupt.Conclusions: The study shows results that are contrary to the Modigliani-Miller's theory; all the correlation analyses between debt to equity ratios and market value are negative.

Innehållsliga och språkliga kvaliteter i relation till betygen : En studie av elevtexter i nationella provet i svenska för årskurs 9

The assessing of student texts is an ordinary and important task for teachers, and the purpose of this study is to investigate, analyze and discuss which aspects of writing that particularly have an effect on the assessment of the student texts. The aspects in focus are: contents, genre, text length, paragraphing, sentence structure and choice of words.The data is drawn from six texts in the national test in Swedish for the 9th grade. Thetexts are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively regarding contents as well as language.The results show that the qualities of language influence the assessment more than the qualities of contents. Both word variation index and the number of long words increase in relation to raising marks. Uncommon words are also more frequent in texts which receive higher marks.

Viktstudie av Analysinstrument : Konceptförslag för minskning av vikt

This thesis report describes the development of concepts regarding how weight can be reduced to the analytical instrument Biacore 4000. This thesis has resulted in five different concept proposals, all of which is solutions to reduce the instrument's weight.The thesis started with a pre-study where the instrument's structure and function were studied using both Solid Works, the opportunity to study the instrument in real life were also possible done. During this phase, a weight study was conducted as well, in which the instrument's weight distribution was studied and mapped.Following the initial phase, the work proceeded by developing concrete concepts to reduce the weight of the instrument where focus mainly was on the two cabinets. In addition, another two concepts were revealed, both with a more general approach.At the final phase of the thesis, the concepts were compiled and evaluated among themselves and the initial instrument.The thesis resulted in a study of the instrument's structure and weight distribution, with suggestions on how weight may be reduced for the instrument.The result factors such as materials, and manufacturing were aspects that were taken into consideration.At the final section of the report, suggestions for further work in which different aspects are discussed can be found..

Barnbibliotek på Internet en granskning av fyra barnbibliotek på Internet i Sverige och USA

Barnens bibliotek, a Swedish Childrens Library on the Internet with a nationwide assignment is compared to three Childrens Library in the USA with local assignments. All four Childrens Libraries on the Internet are compared in terms of content, form, purpose and if they stimulate childrens intelligences according to Howard Gardners theory about multiple intelligences. Three different instruments are used to review the websites. The instruments are created on the basis of literature and the website Barnens bibliotek. To complement these instruments, written interviews are performed with librarians responsible for each reviewed website.

Gud, moder eller mask? : Om konceptuella metaforer i svensk dagspress från Internationella kvinnodagen 2010

This paper is an account of the work around the arrangement and registration of the archive of the Swedish Art-ists? Association?s archive. The Swedish Artists? Association is an association of artists that both makes exhibi-tions for their members? works and handles the Artists? House, called Konstnärshuset in Swedish. During the work with the archive the author faced a number of challenges and problems.

Modernisering av driv- och vändstation för timmersortering

The purpose of the rebuild of Notnäs AB timber sorting line is to renew the existing drive and turning ends of the transport chain, which has become old. This means that Notnäs AB have problems to get new parts if the gearbox and chain are worn out. They also require that the rebuild should have a maintenance schedule for the new spare parts that will be used in the rebuild. Maintenance workers placed great emphasis on that in a rebuild it shall be a service-friendly design. The maintenance schedule used in Notnäs AB in the current situation is from Statoil and the report uses SKF formulas and recommendations in order to obtain a lubricating schedule.

Allt är möjligt hus i Gustavsberg

In a sequence described in the next paragraphs, I remove the poorly insulated roof of Gustavsberg Porcelain Factory and make new use of its  foundation. The monolith cement slab, once supporting heavy industrial machinery, is now the site of lakes and other movements:The top floor area is split, and a new built volume, one story higher, overtakes the southern half resting on the factory?s basement, digging into it at its western and eastern ends. Striking horizontally, the fissure exposes a long central axis, taking advantage of the factory?s horizontality to articulate vastness .

Informell internkommunikation på en statlig myndighet ? En fallstudie vid Swedac

This thesis is a case study of the informal internal communication at a Swedish government agency called Swedac. The purpose of the study was to investigate how the employees perceive and use the informal internal communication, what communication media they utilize for it and how the informal internal communication correlates to certain aspects of the organizational structure. In order to achieve this, six qualitative interviews was carried out with employees in the organization. Since informal internal communication is not a well-defined concept I explained my view of the concept in the thesis. The results show that the informal internal communication is very important and fairly widespread at Swedac.

Tradition eller Förnyelse? En fallstudie av det politiska förändringsarbetet i Bromölla kommun

In 2003 the deciding political council in Bromölla municipality requested that an overhaul on the committee and public administration structure should be conducted. In the report Bromölla was characterized as a traditional organization with a low degree of change. This case study will examine why the organization previously has been reluctant to change its structure and why they are willing to do so now. In the pursuit of this objective I conducted document studies, interviews and observations. I have used theories on, institutional change and organizational culture to enlighten this.My findings shows that the traditionalists within the organization has greatly affected this reluctance towards change, in the deciding council 39 % of the representatives are 60 years or older.

Tradition eller Förnyelse? - En fallstudie av det politiska förändringsarbetet i Bromölla kommun

In 2003 the deciding political council in Bromölla municipality requested that an overhaul on the committee and public administration structure should be conducted. In the report Bromölla was characterized as a traditional organization with a low degree of change. This case study will examine why the organization previously has been reluctant to change its structure and why they are willing to do so now. In the pursuit of this objective I conducted document studies, interviews and observations. I have used theories on, institutional change and organizational culture to enlighten this.My findings shows that the traditionalists within the organization has greatly affected this reluctance towards change, in the deciding council 39 % of the representatives are 60 years or older.

Ungdomar och Riskbeteende - Youth and hazardous behavior

The purpose of our essay is to investigate the social services work for youth with hazardous behavior. To aquire relevant information we decided to us the qualitative method. We made five interviews with social workers from different sections to get a full view of the situation. The main conclutions we came up with is the importance of the family structure, and a safe home environment with good values. Another important part is a daily meaningful occupation, for the main part in this age it is school attendance.

En intressant gemenskap - En analys av begreppet intressegemenskap i ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna

The establishment of loan-based structures within a group of associated enterprises with the purpose of lowering the group's taxes by using deductible interest payments to transfer money has become increasingly popular in Sweden during the past few years. The legislator has therefore implemented new laws which restrict the amount of interest payments that are deductible within a group of associated enterprises. As a consequence the definition of associated enterprises has become of high importance. The definition has been criticized and is perceived by many as vague and difficult to interpret. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the definition of associated enterprises in Swedish tax law with the aim of clarifying its scope and meaning.

Skötsamhetens makt - Den moraliska sensibilitetens struktur och maktgörandets beståndsdelar: Hur kan dygderna fördjupa förståelsen kring empowermentprocesser?

This essay shows how the concept of virtue can deepen our understanding considering processes of empowerment. A virtue is understood as a trait of character, manifested in habitual action, that it is good for person a to have. Virtues are interpreted as socially constructed. Empowerment is presented as a process toward self-confidence and self-determination where recourses and freedom propels the development toward power for the individual, the household and the community. Why does the concept of virtue deepen our understanding? It is argued that our theoretical perceptive of empowerment needs to better encompass values, norms and practise.

Ett badhus i Umeå

Umea? kommun har sedan 1995, med varierande intensitet, planerat fo?r en ny simhall som ska ersa?tta den gamla fra?n 1970. Det nu liggande fo?rslaget har mo?tts med skiftande a?sikter och de ma?nga kritiska handlar om ba?de fo?rslagets placering (mitt i centrala staden pa? en all- deles fo?r tra?ng tomt) och programmets omfattning (fo?r lite). Eftersom jag delar dessa kritiska a?sikter sa? har detta gett mig ett ypperligt tillfa?lle att som mitt examensarbete titta pa? hur jag anser att placeringen, omfattningen och gestaltningen av ett nytt badhus i Umea? ska se ut.Mina huvudsakliga fra?gesta?llningar har varit just placeringen, programmets omfattning samt naturligtvis a?ven gestaltningen av ett badhus fo?r Umea? kommun med sina 110 000 inva?nare.

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