

17474 Uppsatser om Breastfeeding information - Sida 3 av 1165

Stress och återhämtning i arbetet : - En enkätundersökning av anställda i servicebranschen i Finlands huvudstadsregion

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Arbetsrelaterad stress bland hemtjänstpersonal och underlättande faktorer i arbetet : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Ledarskapets betydelse  i samband med medarbetarens arbetsmotivation till sina arbetsåtaganden på arbetsplatsen.

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Mödrars upplevelse av stöd vid amning

Att få barn och bilda familj är en omvälvande händelse i en kvinnas liv. Blivande föräldrar har ofta en bild av att deras nyfödda barn skall ammas. Att amma är något en kvinna kan behöva lära sig och det kan gå olika lätt för olika kvinnor. I vårt arbete som neonatalsjuksköterskor hjälper vi mödrar med amning och det har väckt frågan hos oss om kvinnor upplever att de får det stöd vid amning som de behöver. Syftet med pilotstudien är att beskriva förstagångsmödrars upplevelse av stöd vid amning av sjuksköterskor på BB/egenvårdsavdelning och på BVC under barnets första 3 månader.

Vårdpersonals inställning till att ge amningsstöd

SammanfattningDen blivande mamman möter många olika enheter i vårdkedjan och var och en av dessa enheter spelar stor roll för amningen. All vårdpersonal som på ett eller annat sätt arbetar med amning ska ha kunskap om WHO:s "Tio steg till lyckad amning" och arbeta efter denna amningsstrategi för att skapa gynnsamma förutsättningar för att kunna hjälpa, stödja och uppmuntra mamman vid amningen.Syfte: Att undersöka vårdpersonals inställning till amningsstödet de ger.Design/Metod: För att genomföra studien valdes en kvantitativ, deskriptiv och jämförande design som genomfördes i form av en tvärsnittsstudie. Mätningen utfördes med hjälp av webbenkäter innehållande frågor med fokus på inställningar till det amningsstöd man ger. De faktorer som mättes varfaciliterande, engagerande, följsam och amningsvänlig. Sammanlagt var det 81 personal som svarade på enkäten.Resultat: Resultatet visade att det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan de respondenter som genomgått extra amningsutbildning utöver sin yrkesutbildning och de som inte hade gjort det.

Stödjande insatser till studenter med psykisk ohälsa : -en intervjustudie med yrkesprofessionella inom Studenthälsor

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Samverkan och finansiell samordning -vilka möjligheter och hinder finns? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med tjänstemän i samordningsförbund.

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Vårdpersonals upplevelse av att ge råd till spädbarnsföräldrar angående barnets sömn : Introducering av informationsmaterial

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Användbarhet och begränsning med motiverande samtal i samband med rehablitering till arbete. : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med specialister från Arbetsförmedlingen.

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

De handledande sjuksköterskornas upplevelse av sitt arbete på Utvecklande och Lärande Vårdenheter (ULVE)

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Introduktion av mat till barn som ammas : Vad BVC ger för information och hur föräldrar gör

In 2001 the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a revised global recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding for a child ´s first six months. The aim of this study was to investigate what information parents receiving from the Child Health Care about introduction of solids to breastfed infants and if they follow the recommendation. A further aim is to document reasons for introduction of solids at the selected time and describe what food parents start with.The method has a descriptive and a qualitative design. Users of several Swedish parenting websites were asked to participate in the study. A total of 27 users completed the anonymous open-ended questions posted on the websites.

Plötslig spädbarnsdöd, ett känsligt ämne : En litteraturöversikt om risker, förebyggande åtgärder och sjuksköterskans roll vid SIDS

Background:The sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has always existed. In the early 1990's, researchers discovered that prone position was associated with a significantly higher risk for SIDS. This resulted in a lowered incidence of SIDS in the world. The campaign showed the value of risk knowledge and risk reducing methods, that's why new information campaigns about other risks regarding SIDS must occur.Aim:The aim was to describe the risk factors and preventive actions for SIDS, and the nurse's role regarding the preventive work. Method: A literature review based on 16 articles based on qualitative and quantitative studies.

Amningsstöd : Ur nyblivna mödrars perspektiv

Amning är viktig ur många aspekter. Om amningen inte fungerar kan det få känslomässiga konsekvenser för den nyblivna modern och anknytningen till barnet kan också påverkas negativt. Tiden för nyblivna mödrar att tillgodogöra sig amningskunskaper och -färdigheter på BB har minskat på senare år då vårdtiden har kortats. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka nyblivna mödrars upplevelse av amningsstöd på BB. Elva vetenskapliga artiklar granskades och bedömdes.

Vad påverkar tiden som en mamma ammar? : -en empirisk studie

Syftet med uppsatsen är att försöka förklara vad det är som påverkar tiden som en mamma ammar. För att undersöka vad det är som påverkar tiden som en mamma ammar, har en Zero inflated negative binomial-modell (ZINB-modell) tagits fram. Resultaten visar att det som avgör hur länge en mamma kommer att amma är: Graviditetens längd, mammans ålder, mammans rökvanor under graviditetens sista månader, mammans rökvanor samt mammans nationella ursprung..

Amning och bröstmjölksersättning : Uppfattning och bruk bland somaliska invandrare i Sverige.

Döende patienter som vårdas på sjukhus har ibland minderåriga barn. Dessa barn är i stort behov av stöd vilket sjuksköterskan har som uppgift att tillgodose. I nuläget brister detta då många sjuksköterskor saknar kunskaper inom området. För att stödja barn till en döende förälder på ett optimalt sätt krävs kunskap om barns förståelse av döden, reaktioner på förlust av en förälder samt hur sjuksköterskan kan kommunicera med barn och föräldrar. En litteraturstudie har genomförts i syfte att belysa sjuksköterskans stöd till barn som anhöriga när en förälder är döende.

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