

1256 Uppsatser om Brand valuing - Sida 33 av 84

Volvo Ocean Race : En studie inom sponsring

Problem Intresset för sport är omfattande i världen och med sporten kommer möjligheter för företag att kommunicera med marknaden. Dessa möjligheter innefattar sponsring. Företag väljer olika sponsringsobjekt, sätter upp mål och aktiverar sin sponsring. I dagsläget finns det dock alltför många företag som investerar i sponsring utan eftertanke till objektets karaktär eller potentiella målsättningar. Dessutom brukar företagen enbart utöva varumärkesexponering vid sportevenemang.

Skildringen av islam i svenska läromedel : En undersökning om framställningen av Muhammed, kvinnorna och Gud i svenska läromedel

Att attrahera topptalanger till sin organisation och skapa en trivsam och utmanande arbetsmiljö är något som har blivit allt viktigare. Den nya generationens medarbetare har helt andra prioriteringar när det kommer till att välja arbetsplats. Det handlar inte längre om vad den arbetssökande har att erbjuda organisationen, utan snarare tvärtom ställer sig många frågan, vad har organisationen att erbjuda mig?För att möta dessa behov måste organisationerna se till att ha en strategi för att attrahera och behålla medarbetarna. Strategin om Employer Branding handlar om att skapa ett starkt varumärke som arbetsgivare och se till att organisationen blir attraktiv och drar till sig medarbetare med rätt kompetens.

Krav på KRAV : En attitydundersökning gjord på företagsekonomistudenter vid Uppsala Universitet

Aldrig förr har den svenska konsumenten varit så hälso- och miljömedveten. Ett resultat av detta är att fler mervärdesmärkningar har dykt upp på våra butikshyllor. En av de mest kända mervärdesmärkningarna inom ekologiskt producerade varor är i dagsläget KRAV-märkningen.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om Uppsala Universitets företagsekonomistudenters attityder gentemot KRAV-märkta produkter stämmer överens med den bild som KRAV vill förmedla. Studenterna har fått ange vilka produktattribut de anser vara av störst vikt vid livsmedelsinköp, vilka sedan har jämförts med hur väl de anser att KRAV uppfyller dessa. Genom detta har vi kunnat urskilja en generell attityd hos studenterna gentemot KRAV-märkta produkter.Resultatet visar på att studenterna har en positiv attityd gentemot KRAV-märkta varor.

Brandsäkerhet på tunnelborrmaskiner: en människa, teknik och organisations studie av brandsäkerhet vid Hallandsåsen

Drömmen om en tunnel genom Hallandsåsen har funnits sedan tidigt 1900-tal. Syftet med denna järnvägstunnel är att göra västkustbanan mer effektiv och konkurrenskraftigare än vägen. Genom att ta bort flaskhalsen som den nuvarande järnvägen utgör kan tågkapaciteten samt tåghastigheten öka förbi Hallandsåsen. Detta är en riktning med miljön då tågen rullar med 100 % förnyelsebar energi vilket medför att miljöbelastningen kan minska. I projekt Hallandsås används en tunnelborrmaskin (TBM) som är gjord för att både kunna borr i hårt och mjukt bergmaterial.

Nätverkande, Deltagande och Interaktion : en studie baserad på Turismbranschens brukande av Social Media

This study is based on an inductive approach where the collected empirical data has been categorized in themes on which we have based the discussion in this paper. Using a qualitative method, nine appropriately selected respondents were questioned with an unstructured interview guide. The transition to a society characterized by interaction has caused a greater part for bilateral communication between consumer and consumer but also between consumer and company. The increased usage and integration on Internet has resulted in so called social media channels. User generated material is published on these media channels which leads to discussions about companies, products and services.

That´s the spirit we want in this company! : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av Kommunikativt Ledarskap för Employer Branding på Saab Group.

Att attrahera topptalanger till sin organisation och skapa en trivsam och utmanande arbetsmiljö är något som har blivit allt viktigare. Den nya generationens medarbetare har helt andra prioriteringar när det kommer till att välja arbetsplats. Det handlar inte längre om vad den arbetssökande har att erbjuda organisationen, utan snarare tvärtom ställer sig många frågan, vad har organisationen att erbjuda mig?För att möta dessa behov måste organisationerna se till att ha en strategi för att attrahera och behålla medarbetarna. Strategin om Employer Branding handlar om att skapa ett starkt varumärke som arbetsgivare och se till att organisationen blir attraktiv och drar till sig medarbetare med rätt kompetens.

Fans of Brands - The revival of fan clubs

Our purpose is to display the meaning of fan clubs and further reveal the potential value of fans. This study has an abductive approach with a qualitative data collection, where empirical material has been collected through a micro netnographic study along with qualitative interviews. IKEA and IKEA Family have been applied together with virtual fan clubs to study the fan club phenomenon. The study is based on prior literature concerning loyalty, customer clubs and brand relations. This theoretical framework was chosen to fulfil the purpose of unveiling the meaning of fan clubs and the potential value of fans.

Den särskilda kvinnan: En feministisk analys av Universella decimalklassifikationen

The aim of this thesis is to, from a feminist point of view, analyse the Universal Decimal Classification UDC, which is an international and widely used classification system. A number of the larger classification systems and subject heading lists have during the last decades been placed in the limelight of various gender studies and the systems treatment of women has been criticized. With this examination of the UDC, I dont merely wish to identify shortcomings and advantages with the UDCs way to treat men and women. The UDC is also used as an example of how the gender problem can be identified and interpretated in classification systems generally. My analysis is performed with a theoretical foundation in feminist science theories about knowledge and norms, together with a linguistic perspective on valuing and emotionally tinged language.

Resultatet - när under året justeras det mest? : En studie av earnings management

Title: Artists? identity and image ? a brand perspective The purpose of this study has been to create an understanding of how artists in the music business can be seen as brands and to see what stands out when having this approach. During the study we have focused on the two terms identity and image. We find this issue interesting and relevant since branding has been widely discussed in business economy, but not enough when it comes to artists in the music business. To answer our research question we have targeted three aims for this essay, which is to clarify and analyze:? Identity and image when people are viewed as brands? What specifically characterizes the image of the artists when they are seen as brands and what it might mean that artists are considered as brands? How artists identity and image can be highlighted, shaped, influenced and how it can changeIn this study we have used a qualitative approach to get the topic in depth and gain a greater understanding for the subject.

Androgynitetens betydelse för det kreativa uttrycket i To the Lighthouse

A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.

Kvinnan slår tillbaka : Sexualitet och våld i slashergenren

A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.

Arbetstagarorganisationers inflytande vid inhyrning av personal

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Sinnesmarknadsföring : Ett effektivt verktyg för folkbibliotek?

Sensory marketingAn effective instrument for libraries? We are living in a world of constant communication and information and because of that, marketing in general seem to have no distinctive effect. Consumers become overwhelmed by all the advertising messages. Due to this, it is clear that organizations like libraries must create a deeper and more personal connection to increase user satisfaction and foster the use of services, among both users and potential users. One way to achieve this is to make use of all the emotional elements of a product or a service.

Event Marketing som Marknadsinstrument : En fallstudie om Skanska

As the title insinuate, this essay illustrate Event Marketing as a marketing instrument, and how it can be used as a tool to facilitate brandbuilding and improve relationships. We have come to the understanding that Event Marketing is in the course of constant development. It seems like Event Marketing as a marketing tool is starting to get its well-merited position in the marketing mix throughout the world, since companies and other organisations have realized that Event Marketing is a powerful tool for differentiation. We have also seen that Event Marketing in the business world lately has come to be more important for building and maintaining relationships, as well as carrying marketing messages.In this essay we discuss Event Marketing in three sections; brand, relationships, and customer experience. Among these topics, inter alia Integrated Marketing Communications, Sensory Marketing, and Service-dominant Logic are presented.

Attributen som differentierar varumärken : Ett verktygsskapande

Konkurrensen blir allt hårdare på den globaliserande marknaden. Fler företag inser därav vikten av att ha ett starkt varumärke. Ett sätt att uppnå detta är att skapa starka associationer kopplade till varumärket. Associationerna kan förmedlas och uppfattas via olika attribut som kan länkas med ett varumärke. Attribut kan exempelvis bestå av egenskaper, attityder och fördelar.

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