

1256 Uppsatser om Brand valuing - Sida 10 av 84

A Brand New Manner : En studie om Design Thinking och dess existens i sta?rkandet av Sverige som varuma?rke

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the existence of the discipline Design Thinking in a project that aims to strengthen Sweden as a brand. The study will generate knowledge about Design Thinking, with the purpose to increase the understanding of how the discipline can be used as a strategic tool in the processes of strengthening Nation Branding. The authors have used a descriptive and qualitative approach where the Shanghai World Expo in 2010 was examined. The theoretical framework contains previous research in the field, data has been analysed in relation to Lockwood's ten principles of how an organization can become more design-minded and Anholt?s hexagon, which features the parameters that creates a country's Nation Branding.

Trying to Teach Teachers to Teach : En studie om kompetenser och förutsättningar för nyexaminerade lärare i Sverige och Australien

First time labelling occurred was when animal owners marked their cattle in order to distinguish the differences. The need for labelling was added when the trade had expanded during Roman times in order for the customers to know who manufactured their craft. Trademarks are characterized as a way to distinguish one's own product or service from someone else. The marketing purpose is to create an identity. The brand has an important role as an effective competitive tool for businesses.A brand can have many different functions, which will simplify a customer's decision making process in selecting a service or product.

Konsten att positionera sig : En studie om festivalers identitet, positionering och om kunders relation till festivalers märkesidentitet.

The purpose of this study is to examine what characterizes brand identity and positioning regarding festivals on the current Swedish festival market. In relation to our purpose we are also going to analyze how festival attendees relate to a festivals brand identity. Our research question is as follows:What characterizes festivals brand identity and positioning on the current Swedish festival market?This study has been written with a qualitative research method and an inductive approach. Our empirical foundation is built on a rich content based on personal interviews.

Materialpåverkan vid brand, Limträ, Stål och Betong

Detta examensarbete omfattar brandskydd och dimensionering för de olikakonstruktionsmaterialen limträ, stål och betong. Där målet är att utveckla ett underlagför nyutbildade ingenjörer och konsulter. Layouten på arbetet ger en enkel överblicköver informationen kring de olika materialen och tar upp de viktigaste stegen manska ta hänsyn till vid dimensionering.Arbetet inleds med en allmän översikt på hur brandskyddet behövs i byggnader föratt uppfylla de lagar och regler som ställs. För att få en större förståelse för hur deolika konstruktionsmaterialen beter sig under påverkan av brand, presenteras de olikamaterialegenskaperna och hur påverkningen för samtliga ser ut.Huvuddelen av rapporten beskriver de grova skillnaderna mellan materialen och hurman går till väga för att nå samma brandklass på konstruktionen för de olikamaterialen.För att utvärdera litteraturstudier, har erfarna ingenjörer och konsulter intervjuats.Detta har resulterat i bredare inblick kring det informationsbehov som krävs för att tafram dimensionering vid brandskydd i konstruktioner..

Den oväntade kändisen: - Effekterna av överraskande kombinationer mellan varumärke och kändis i reklam

The effect of moderate incongruency between a celebrity endorser and an advertised brand is considered in an experiment with celebrities, both congruent and moderately incongruent with the investigated brands. In addition, the influence of possible moderator variables was examined, as well as the potential impact of the celebrities? gender. It was found that an ad exposing a moderately incongruent combination of celebrity and brand generated a more positive result on attitude towards the ad, brand attitude and word of mouth. Furthermore, under some conditions certain moderator variables influenced the relationship between moderate incongruency and responses evoked by the ad..

Brand equity in the industrial purchase decision : a case study of the Swedish market for agricultural machinery

High brand equity is a great asset for companies that operate their business in a free and competitive market. Brand equity can arise from both product-related and non-product related attributes and may be viewed from many different perspectives. This study examines which different attributes that contribute to enhance brand equity from customers point of view at the Swedish market for agricultural machinery. The study have been developed using a comprehensive literature search in order to investigate the field regarding brand equity and brand image. The literature review results in one product specific and one non-product specific approach in order to examine factors that contribute to enhanced brand equity. This takes the form as one survey-based approach regarding the non-product related attributes which is examined by interpreting the extra value added by different attributes.

Känd från radio: En studie om medial förvirring

Many media buyers annually spend money on advertising which will not be of benefit to their own brand; the fact that consumers confuse from which brand they have heard or seen commercials, comes as news to nobody. The phenomenon of media confusion has however earned much less attention. As a greater part of the total marketing budget is being spent on the media investments, on behalf of the actual advertising production, the more interesting it turns out to maximize the effects of the media expenses. The search for optimization is somewhat practised today by brand managers who are daringly adding a few more media channels to support their TV-campaigns. Buying ad space in TV is nevertheless much more expensive than the radio equivalent.

VArumärkeslojalitet och växlingsbeteende inom dagligvarumarknaden

Title: Brand loyalty and switching behavior ? A case study of the Swedish ketchup market Authors: Marcus Andersson Mattias Hedblad Tutors: Björn Bergenståhl, (Professor) Department of Food Technology, Engineering and nutrition, Division of Food Technology, Lund University Frans Melin (MBA PhD) Department of Business and administration, Lund University Ragnar Sjögren Johansen, (Marketing Manager Sauces) Procordia Food AB Problem: The market for daily groceries is mature and the competition has become tough. For the manufacturers to be able to grow they have to compete for the existing consumers. The problem is for the manufacturer to protect its consumers and still be able to gain consumers from its competitors. Purpose: Our ambition is to study consumers brand loyalty for daily groceries, with the purpose to understand how loyalty starts, how it can be strengthened, and how it can be broken.

Att leva grönt är skönt ? men tänker vi likadant? : En retorisk analys av Coop som grönt företag

The purpose of this study is to examine a brand?s green marketing and its consumers? perception of it in order to compare these views. The idea is to find a potential gap and what effect it may have on the brand. A case study has therefore been made with the grocery market brand Coop with focus on organic food. The material used consists of texts from Coop?s website to represent their brand.


This report aims to examine how Brunneby Musteri is to update the brand attention for Brunneby Musteri at retail stores. Brunneby wish to assure their brand will catch the customers? eye in the store and therefore get assistance to discover what to improve. The family business Brunneby Musteri (Brunneby) was founded in 1941 and is located nearby Göta Kanal in the county of Östergötland. Brunneby produce products such as lemonade, jam, jelly, marmelade, cider and vinegar.


This report aims to examine how Brunneby Musteri is to update the brand attention for Brunneby Musteri at retail stores. Brunneby wish to assure their brand will catch the customers? eye in the store and therefore get assistance to discover what to improve. The family business Brunneby Musteri (Brunneby) was founded in 1941 and is located nearby Göta Kanal in the county of Östergötland. Brunneby produce products such as lemonade, jam, jelly, marmelade, cider and vinegar.


This report aims to examine how Brunneby Musteri is to update the brand attention for Brunneby Musteri at retail stores. Brunneby wish to assure their brand will catch the customers? eye in the store and therefore get assistance to discover what to improve. The family business Brunneby Musteri (Brunneby) was founded in 1941 and is located nearby Göta Kanal in the county of Östergötland. Brunneby produce products such as lemonade, jam, jelly, marmelade, cider and vinegar.

This is the era of the personal brand : En studie om betydelsen av det personliga varumärket i professionella sammanhang i dagens samhälle

Authors: Phia Bergdahl & Karin TydénTitle: This is the era of the personal brand ? a study about the role of a personal brand in a professional context in modern societyLevel: BA Thesis in Media and Communication StudiesLocation: Linnaeus UniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 54Background In pursuit of being unique and stand out, it has become fashionable to market yourself as a personal brand. According to some experts on the subject, this has become a necessity for survival in the tough competition about the jobs and the customers. With Internet and social media as a natural element in our society, we also have to relate to these channels when it comes to communicating ourselves.Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the role of the personal brand in a professional context in modern society and to explore Internet involvement in communicating the brand.TheoriesWe have used Bauman?s theory of ?consumer society?, how we live in a society where we are both the consumers and the goods consumed. We have also used Castells?s theory of "network society" and how its growth is changing our culture.

Den rebelliske aktivisten : En fallstudie av WeAretheSuperlativeConspiracys användning av Weactivists i varumärkesbyggande syfte

This study has a focus on brand building and brand identity. The overall idea of the study is to examine the Swedish clothing company WeAretheSuperlativeConspiracys brand building tactics and activities. WeAretheSuperlativeConspiracys, or WeSC, is a company that produces and sells streetfashion in over 20 countries and has over 1600 distributors. The company has in the recent years grown to become one of the largest in its segment. The interesting factor in WeSC´s brand building activities is the use of Weactivists.

När ett varumärke äntrar något nytt : - En utforskande studie kring betydelsen H&Ms utvidgning i en sportkontext får för varumärkets värde ur ett konsumentperspektiv

Sammandrag: Företag strävar kontinuerligt efter att bygga ett välkänt och framgångsrikt varumärke. De strävar efter att tillfredsställa konsumenters behov för att öka varumärkets värde, brand equity. Genom att försöka avgöra konsumenters inställning till ett visst varumärke och deras förhållning till ett utökat sortiment i en ny produktkategori syftar denna uppsats till att diskutera och utforska förändringen av varumärkets brand equity. Vid denna undersökning har H&Ms varumärke och deras nya sportkollektion använts som exempel. Teorin behandlar varumärkets värde, brand equity, utifrån ett konsumentperspektiv samt utvidgning av produktutbud hos varumärken.

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