

1674 Uppsatser om Brand promotion - Sida 29 av 112

Utflyttning från Älvkarleby kommun : En kvantitativ studie av orsakerna åren 2010-2013

The purpose of this study has been to maintain a deeper understanding of how unestablished, professional musicians can get discovered by the music industry by communication, branding and positioning of their brand at social media.We found that fans have a greater impact on unestablished musicians than we previously thought. They have to create an identity for their brand, keep active on social media and engage their fans. Musical artists must maintain an ongoing dialogue to keep their fanbase, preferably with emotions involved. No fans equals minimum attention from the industry. Uniformity and professionalism is also important, because it evokes seriousness.

Landskapsmåleriets geografier : Representationer av det jämtländska landskapet

The purpose of this study has been to maintain a deeper understanding of how unestablished, professional musicians can get discovered by the music industry by communication, branding and positioning of their brand at social media.We found that fans have a greater impact on unestablished musicians than we previously thought. They have to create an identity for their brand, keep active on social media and engage their fans. Musical artists must maintain an ongoing dialogue to keep their fanbase, preferably with emotions involved. No fans equals minimum attention from the industry. Uniformity and professionalism is also important, because it evokes seriousness.

Starka varumärken : strategiska konkurrensmedel och utvidgning?

The purpose with this essay was to examine and bring a deeper comprehension about brands as a phenomenon. We also wanted to study if strong brands could develop in to strategic competition means and by that expand their market range. To do this we used a qualitative method. We started by gathering a theoretical basis. This gave us a platform, which helped us learn more about the subject, brands.

EU som demokratifrämjare? : En jämförande studie av Europeiska Unionens demokratifrämjande politik gentemot Makedonien, Kroatien och Turkiet

 In this essay the aim was to investigate how the EU is trying to function as a democracy promoter in three particular countries, the so called candidate-countries Croatia, Macedonia and Turkey. The aim was also to analyze if there exist any differences in how the EU functions in these countries as a democracy promoter with a focus on how acts of democracy promotion is taken place. In order to fulfil the purpose of the essay two questions were addressed, how does the EU perform in promoting democracy in the three candidate-countries Croatia, Macedonia and Turkey? And also, is it possible to identify any differences in how the EU functions as a democracy promoter in those three countries?The method used to fulfil purpose and answering research-questions was qualitative text-analysis.  The results of the study were that the EU does perform in a number of ways to promote democracy in the three countries. The main differences are that the EU is using primarily political tools in Croatia and Macedonia which are channelized top-down and economic tools in Turkey channelized mainly top-down to promote democracy.

Artistvarumärkens nya spelplan : Konkurrensklimatet i den moderna musikindustrin

Purpose and aimThe purpose of this thesis has been to create a deeper understanding about the impact that the digitalization of the music business in the early 2000s and also the latter change, that in this paper is referred to as the sociodigital change, has had on artist brands. We will also analyze the positive and negative effects that this development may have had on the already existing brand environment and lastly also review the true importance of the professional industry?s competence. We have chosen the following research question in relation to the purpose; In what way has the basic conditions for artist brands within the music industry changed since the digitalization of the music industry in the early 2000s? MethodFor this study we initially took an inductive approach as we formed hypotheses based on experiences and previous knowledge which we then corroborated with theories.

Varumärken - Varför har företag problem med dem? : En studie i vilka problem varumärkesbyråer identifierar som vanliga hos kundföretag och varför.

Varumärken är viktiga för företags vara eller icke vara. Ett företag vars varumärke är dåligt eller döende kan gå samma öde till mötes som varumärket. Därför är det förvånande att, enligt en undersökning gjord av en varumärkesbyrå publicerad i en branschtidning, marknads- och informationschefer i Stockholm har dålig koll på sitt varumärke. I vår studie undersöks vilka problem som kundföretag oftast har när de söker hjälp av en varumärkesbyrå. Vi försöker sedan att identifiera varför, och möjliga lösningar för att lösa eller förminska dessa problem.

Litteraturförmedling på folkbibliotek: Bibliotekariers tankar om kompetens och betydelsefulla egenskaper

This thesis deals with questions about competences and qualities that librarians inpublic libraries find that they need to be qualified suppliers of literature (books andmagazines).Our aim is to problematize the competence of the profession in relation to promotingliterature, knowledge in literature and reading habits. We want to know what librariansthemselves think about their own competences when it comes to supplying andpromoting literature. Does it have to be a leisure interest or do they get the possibility toread during working hours?What do librarians think it means to be a qualified promotor of literature and how dothey acquire the right competence? Do they believe that their competence correspondswith the occupational requirements? How much of their knowledge about literature andpromoting literature comes from personal interest and commitment?We primarily used the theories about competence by Per-Erik Ellström. One of thetheories is the one of implicit and explicit knowledge.

Fysisk förbättring utan svettning

The last decades the increased computerisation at the places of work has led to new physical loads in the working life and new demands on the working environment. The widespread usage of computers in the working life has led to more sedentary work and less daily movement.The purpose of the thesis is to develop a new product to a concept that in a low intensive and healthy promotional way will activate the body. The product will make a combination of healthy promotion activity and work during office hours possible and primary aims to those with a sedentary office work, which leads to that the body don´t get to be activated in the extent needed.Information has been gathered from studies already made in this area, interviews plus a study and an experiment. From the gathered information concepts and functional solutions has been generated and evaluated to result in a product concept.The thesis has resulted in a concept that consists of a work place unit where the user walks on a treadmill and works at the same time.A general conclusion which can be drawn is that the majority of persons that tested to walk and simultaneously work with a computor on the treadmill found this way of working attractive. Many were positively surprised and said that they would use such an physically activating work place implement if it was available at their place of work..

I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse! : Hur används personalekonomiska kalkyler som beslutsunderlag?

Purpose:Our purpose with this essay was to see how a health promotion initiative could be profitability and how human resource cost accounting could be used for decision making. Does it cost more than it taste? Method:We have been using qualitative interviews with politicians, human health developerand accountants in a municipality. We have also collected data from a university lecturer which shows numbers from the health promotion initiative and how it is been affecting the involved staff. Result:The result show us that the politicians, human health developer and accountants all want to introduce physical exercising at work.

Strategier vid varumärkesutvidgningar : En fallstudie av två produktlanseringar från företaget O.Kavli AB

Förändringar i konsumenters smak, tekniska utvecklingar och tryck från konkurrenter leder till att företag inte kan förlita sig på gamla lyckade produkter. En förutsättning för att företag ska lyckas idag är att de ständigt utvecklar nya produkter för marknaden och många företag väljer att göra det genom varumärkesutvidgning. Innan en varumärkesutvidgning genomförs är det viktigt att fastställa klara och tydliga strategier. Inom livsmedelsbranschen sker cirka fyrtio procent av nya produktlanseringar via varumärkesutvidgning.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om valet av strategier, vid två av O.Kavli AB:s produktlanseringar, har haft avgörande betydelse för produkternas framgång.Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie med en beskrivande karaktär. Designen för insamlingen av primärdata var intervjuer som sedan analyserades med hjälp av de teoretiska resonemangen.Uppsatsens studie indikerar att de strategier kring marknadsmixen som fastställs innan en varumärkesutvidgning i form av produktlanseringar har avgörande betydelse för lanseringens framgång.

Employer branding: positionering av varumärket gentemot nuvarande och framtida anställda - en fallstudie av Öhrlings PriceWaterhouseCoopers -

Vi ämnar kartlägga arbetet kring varumärkesstrategier hos Öhrlings PriceWaterhouseCoopers, avsedda för att attrahera, behålla och utnyttja kompetent personal. Vårt syfte blir således att undersöka företagets ?employer brand?, samt hur det påverkar organisationens interna arbetsprocesser och positionering på kompetensmarknaden. Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ och kartläggande fallstudiekaraktär och vi har använt oss av en induktiv undersöknings ansats. Primärdata utgörs av intervjuer med representanter från fallföretaget samt en expertintervju.

Lokalt klimatarbete på lokal nivå : Från mål till praktisk handling i "Vänerskärgården med Kinnekulle"

The purpose of this study has been to maintain a deeper understanding of how unestablished, professional musicians can get discovered by the music industry by communication, branding and positioning of their brand at social media.We found that fans have a greater impact on unestablished musicians than we previously thought. They have to create an identity for their brand, keep active on social media and engage their fans. Musical artists must maintain an ongoing dialogue to keep their fanbase, preferably with emotions involved. No fans equals minimum attention from the industry. Uniformity and professionalism is also important, because it evokes seriousness.

Oh, look - It's coffee o'clock! : En studie om konsumentens beslutsprocess vid köp av homogena produkter, samt studiet av ett företags arbete med varumärkesstärkande aktiviteter på en homogen produktmarknad

It is important, for companies operating on a homogeneous product market, to understand and adapt to customer needs. Since coffee is a homogeneous product in food retail it is vital for coffee companies to work extensively with differentiation and the fierce competition. The prevailing homogenity makes it difficult for companies to develop the product itself and must therefore work to create added value to the product.The purpose of this thesis is to carry out a study on consumer decision-making when purchasing homogeneous products, and to examine how companies work to strengthen their brand and gain market share in a homogeneous product market. The market that this thesis highlights is the coffee market.To answer the purpose of this thesis the writers have conducted a questionnaire survey regarding consumers? decision-making process and interviewed two marketing managers for two major actors on the coffee market.

eWOM: Kundrecensioners påverkan på konsumenter utifrån Regulatory Focus-teorin

This study examines the eWOM effect, more specifically: how customer reviews effects consumers. The study is based on a modified version of the Regulatory Focus Theory which describes consumer behavior using consumer consumption goals. The purpose of this study was to examine how positive and negative customer review's influence consumers when analyzing products that are equally characterized by two consumption goals: promotion and prevention goals. The authors combined quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (focus groups) research methods with the sample selection for both research methods being based on students of Södertörns University. Results indicate that negative customer reviews have a stronger influence on consumers than positive customer reviews when analyzing products that are equally characterized by the promotion goals and prevention goals.

Och då kommer jag osökt in på det här med alkohol En pilotstudie om hur distriktssköterskor använder AUDIT

Background: The district nurses profession has traditionally been health promotion. In order to find patients with excessive alcohol intake, district nurses use AUDIT. Research shows that health professionals find it difficult to face alcohol abusers in primary care. AIM: The aim is to describe how district nurses work with AUDIT. Method: Semi-structured interviews with six informants were carried out.

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