

1631 Uppsatser om Brand origin - Sida 15 av 109

Laga läckan: De verkliga effekterna av kreativa mediaval på kort och lång sikt

The media arena is becoming more and more crowded by various brands and different commercial messages. At the same time, consumers learn how to screen marketing communication and their cognitive ad filters enable them to avoid message elaboration. Thus, new thinking and new communication executions are required in order to surprise the consumers and break through the clutter. In the present study, we have investigated how the choice of media affects attention, memory and several communication effects that the ad can generate in the short as well as in the long term. The study is conducted on a well-known brand within a low-involvement product category.

Sociala representationer av ett attraktivt Employer Brand : En kvantitativ studie kring vilka Image-attribut potentiella medarbetare finner attraktiva i ett Employer Brand

Kommunikation är en grundläggande källa till spridning av kunskap med en påverkan på både individ och samhälle varpå ett intresse föreligger i att undersöka fenomenet närmare. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka sociala representationer potentiella medarbetare har av ett attraktivt Employer Brand. Vidare syftar studien till att kartlägga sociala representationer av Länsförsäkringar Skaraborgs Employer Brand. Empirin samlades in genom enkäter och i studien ingick 207 högskolestudenter. Resultatet visade att Symboliska Image-attribut värderas högre än Funktionella Image-attribut men att båda dimensionerna är betydande gällande ett attraktivt Employer Brand.

Ekonomi i odling av ekologiskt potatisutsäde :

According to the EEG-councils regulation nr 2092/91, all seed used in organic production must have organic origin. All seed which is offered for sale must be controlled by KRAV, and also comply with the rules of the seedlegislation. The seedlegislation contains demands respecting origin, quality, growingconditions and freedom from deseases. In this piece of work I will investigate the profitability of organic potatoseedproduction, and also what it takes to produce potatoseed. The workmethod has been to, with help from counsellors and growers, make some compareable calculations for foodpotatoes and seedpotatoes, and also with help from a literaturestudy investigate which requires an organic seedcultivation must fulfil. In this piece of work I found out that the organic potatoseedproduction still is to insecure to be profitable. The attack of potatoleafmould, which is out of control, cause unequal yields and this will bring that the new EU-rules, concerning organic seed, not seems defendable yet..

Grafisk profilering som en del avvarumärkesarbetet

A strong brand can help a company to be easier to recognize and be remembered by their customers. Part of branding is to create a visual appearance which is called a graphic profile and contains information on for instance a logo, colours or typography.The objective of this thesis was to create a graphic profile for Stjørdal Tannhelsesenter that could serve as a base for a brand work in the future. It was important to analyze how the clinic wants to be perceived and how it is perceived today. The methods used to carry out this study were questionnaires, researches and a focus group.The work resulted in the generation of a graphic profile that included a new logo, colours, decorative elements, fonts, templates for stationery, business card / badge, imagery, and examples of some publications.According to the test which was made to examine the results of the project showed that I was successful and that the new design meets all the requests from the previous questionnaires..

Är jag Kalmar nation? : en jämförande identitetsanalys aven studentnation och dess medlemmar

Purpose/Aim: To describe likenesses and differences between the personal identity of the common Kalmar nation member and the collective identity of the organization Kalmar nation as described by said members.Material/Method: Collecting data through a quantitative survey, where the members answer questions about themselves and Kalmar nation, and subsequent analysis of said data by means of theories about personal, collective, and brand identity.Main results: After analyzing the data from the survey I conclude that there exists both likenesses and differences between the organization and its members. Some likenesses are more pronounced than others, and the same can be said for the differences. However, within the three areas of study (specific identity traits, politics and music) politics and music showed more similarity between the members and the nation than the specific identity traits did. The most interesting aspect of the analysis show that the members have quite a common view of the organization despite their own widely different descriptions of themselves..

Co-branding - och dess påverkan på ett företags brand equity

Bakgrund: Många konkurrerande produkter liknar idag varandra och därför krävs ofta andra egenskaper än bra produkter för att övertala konsumenterna till köp. Ett sätt att förstärka associationskraften i ett varumärke kan vara att samarbeta med ytterligare ett varumärke. Detta kallas för co-branding och handlar om att man genom samarbete drar nytta av ett annat varumärke för att på så vis skapa fördelar som kan stärka det egna varumärket. Det tilläggsvärde som ett varumärke ger den märkta produkten betecknas av begreppet brand equity. Co- branding skulle kunna öka brand equity men det kan även innebära stora problem som skulle kunna minska brand equity.Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att definiera och beskriva begreppet ?co- branding? ur ett svenskt marknadsperspektiv.

Hur låter ditt varumärke? En kvantitativ studie om matchande bakgrundsmusik i sällanköpshandeln.

This paper examines the impact of the congruence between the background music and the brand image on the customer behaviour in retail store. The essay's hypotheses are built after the famous S-O-R-model that unveils if congruence background music affects the customers' emotions, brand image and response. The aim of the study is mainly to answer if the congruent background music stimuli in the retail store environment will affect the customer's emotions and if it will increase spent time and money. The congruent background music has been selected through two pre-studies based on consumers' brand image. A quantitative study has been conducted where triangulation was applied in a real store environment, where in total 201 surveys was collected for the main study.

Ett oväntat samarbete - Effekter av tematisk inkongruenta sponsorsamarbeten mellan bloggare och välkända varumärken

As a great deal of people spend more time with their cell phones and computers than with magazines and TV, markets have begun to explore marketing possibilities in digital media. A common form of marketing in digital media is sponsorship of the cyber stars of the Internet - the bloggers. Sponsorship of bloggers has proven to be a highly efficient method for brands to gain attention and positive attitudes, as bloggers are regarded as fashion icons as well as reliable friends. Another up-to-date marketing strategy that has proved successful in gaining consumer attention is the use of incongruent elements in ads. Incongruence challenges consumer expectations and thereby demands attention.

Innebörden av att vara internationellt adopterad. Två identitetsaspekter: svenskhet och etniskt ursprung.

The aim of this study was to deepen the knowledge about the meaning of being internationally adopted for individuals living in Sweden. Through group discussions with young adults data was retrieved, and then analysed with a qualitative phenomenological approach. The study revealed three main themes: 1) experiences of being Swedish, 2) experiences of ethnic origin, and 3) the interaction between the two aspects of the identity, how the internationally adopted individual integrate's his/her ethnical origin with his/her Swedish identity. With regards to previous studies about adoption and psychological theories the meaning of being internationally adopted in Sweden is discussed..

Demografiskt perspektiv på Employer Branding : En kvantitativ studie om hur Ålö kan attrahera ingenjörsstudenter med Employer Branding

Engineers are a group of individuals who are attractive when companies are in need for competence in technology. Today it is a shortage of these competences in the labor market. Because of this there has grown a competition among companies when they strive to recruit the best engineers. Therefore companies spend more resources on marketing themselves as an attractive employer. This study was set out to find what engineers think is an attractive employer through a demographic perspective.

Varumärkesidentitet och image ? En studie om Lindex och Prada

Competition is keen in the fashion industry of today. Homogenous products and prices aredriving competition and most firms are struggling hard to attract customers. Brands havebecome one of the most important assets for success and are often critical for the choices of theconsumers. A strong brand is often considered as a substantial value in the eyes of the consumerand gives the individual firm a competitive advantage in the marketplace. To build a strongbrand it takes that the brand identity not is in conflict with the brand image of a firm or a product.Sometimes one of these conflicts exit and sometimes the firms are not even aware of it.In this thesis we study how two firms, Lindex and Prada, perceive their own image and then wecompare how the images of the firms are perceived by the customers.

Varumärket som strategisk resurs : Fyra värmländska varumärken och deras koppling till regionen

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how four companies in Värmland, Sweden, are working strategically with their brands. This is a qualitative method in which we have used a combination of interviews and literature review in order to investigate the link between brands and the Karlstad region.Even though there is a huge interest in brands, there are only a few companies who can describe clearly what their own brand represents. This probably due to the fact that the brand is still regarded as a tactical tool, rather than as a strategic one. Because of this we find it very interesting to investigate how organizations in Värmland think about this issue. Are brands regarded as a strategic resource, and how strong is the link between their brands and the region?The result indicate that organizations are working strategically with their brands, but they can still get better.

Krishantering vid brand i fastigheter

Den 6.e februari 2011 skedde en brand i Henry Ståhl Fastigheter AB:s fastighet i kvarteret Gripen på Skolgatan i Norrköping. Agerandet vid denna brand samt teori inom områdena kris och krishantering, kontinuitetsplanering och förebyggande åtgärders vid brand ligger till grund för följande examensarbete. Syftet med rapporten är att kartlägga förvaltarens/ägarens agerande och tillvägagångssätt vid krishantering i samband med brand i fastighet med fokus på service. Material till denna studie har inhämtats genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer. Gällande egenskaper en bra hjälpare i krissituation bör inneha, så som empati, kunskap och engagemang, kan dessa urskiljas hos kundansvariga på Ståhl.

"Does that look like a Ford to you?" : Företagsimage i spelfilm och reklamfilm

Studies show that product placement is becoming a more and more common method for companies to use when communicating with consumers. The results of this study can?t confirm nor deny that claim, but instead we offered the observation that as a communication method, product placement and TV-commercials are more similar than revealed at first glance.Cars of the brand Ford appeared in seven out of the 50 motion pictures that made up the sample material in this study. In several instances the values that were communicated regarding the brand matched, completely or in large parts, the values communicated about the Ford brand in Ford?s own commercials.This doesn?t hold true for all companies.

Starka varumärken, starka finanser?: En studie av skillnaden i lönsamhet mellan starka och svaga varumärken

It is a common view that companies should focus on building brands to increase profitability and stabilize cash flows. However, building and keeping brands alive is costly. Many firms spend large sums on branding only because they are supposed to, without knowing if they will actually gain from it. Up to date, there is limited convincing evidence that branding actually contributes to shareholder value creation. This thesis aims to investigate the relationship between brand strength and profitability and shareholder value.

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