

1631 Uppsatser om Brand origin - Sida 10 av 109

Leder kritisk publicitet till kritisk publicitet?

Academic research indicates that critical publicity can have a detrimental effect on brand attitudes. The negative effects have been showed to be buffered by cognitive bias elicited by strong favourable attitudes, commitment, brand certainty and brand identification. It has been proposed that the influence of such bias in a news reporting context should be studied, something that also is interesting from a brand perspective. The study therefore investigated whether a well-publicised scandal in one period can lead to increased critical publicity in the coming periods. A case study of Swedish grocery chain ICA was conducted.

Varumärkesbyggande och relationsskapande : En studie om ett litet företag på B2B-marknaden

AbstractMaster thesis of one year in Business Administration, Swedish Business School at Örebro university,Marketing, HT 2011.Authors: Grunér, Linus and Malm, Ludwig Tutor:Pia Lindell Title:Brand building and creating relationships ? A study of a small business in the B2B market Keywords:Brand building, business relationships, SME, B2B. Problem:How does a small business in the B2B market work with brand building and creating relationships? What critical factors can be identified regarding the process of relationship-building and brand building within the context of a small business in the B2B market? Research objective:The purpose of this study is to use existing research to create understanding for how a company in the B2B market is working with relationship-building and brand building. The study also aims to identify any critical factors concerning the process of relationship-building and brand building.

Mandom, mod och morske män : Läraryrket ur ett genusperspektiv 1920?1960-tal

AbstractMaster thesis of one year in Business Administration, Swedish Business School at Örebro university,Marketing, HT 2011.Authors: Grunér, Linus and Malm, Ludwig Tutor:Pia Lindell Title:Brand building and creating relationships ? A study of a small business in the B2B market Keywords:Brand building, business relationships, SME, B2B. Problem:How does a small business in the B2B market work with brand building and creating relationships? What critical factors can be identified regarding the process of relationship-building and brand building within the context of a small business in the B2B market? Research objective:The purpose of this study is to use existing research to create understanding for how a company in the B2B market is working with relationship-building and brand building. The study also aims to identify any critical factors concerning the process of relationship-building and brand building.

Brand Culture : Between consumers and brands

The empirical data that lies behind this survey comes from field work between 1992 and 1995. This field work represents work I made myself as a sales-man for the company, Malmberg Original Water. The task was to implement the Malmberg mineral water brand on the restaurant market of the South-Swedish area. Our aim was to reach the upper-scale, premium market of restaurants. The mission was successfully completed, and at 1996 we had completed the position as the most exclusively positioned mineral water brand in Skåne (Southernmost Sweden).

Dimensioner av brand personality i den svenska kontexten : -­En kvantitativ studie

Bakgrund: Brand personality beskrivs i litteraturen som den uppsättning avpersonliga egenskaper som beskriver ett varumärke, genom att försevarumärken med mänskliga drag kan konsumenten lättare relatera ochknyta an till sina egna preferenser utifrån sin egen karaktär (Aaker 1997).Det var år 1997 som forskaren Jennifer Aaker (1997) kom med denförsta definitionen om brand personality, som följde "the set of humancharacteristics associated with a brand" (Aaker 1997, p 347).Syfte: Syftet är att förklara hur Aaker?s (1997) modell brand personality ?thebig five? kan revideras för att passa till den Svenska kontexten.Forskningsfråga: Vilka dimensioner i modellen brand personality ?the big five? (Aaker,1997) behöver revideras för att appliceras i en Svensk kontext?Vilka personlighetsdrag och dimensioner är unika för den svenskakontexten och behöver därmed adderas till brand personality modellen?Metod: Denna studie har antagit en abduktivt angreppssätt, där tidigareforskning om brand personality har varit utgångspunkt. Författarna toggrund i befintlig teori med avsikt att testa modellen ?the big five? skapadav Aaker (1997) empiriskt i en ny kontext. Till studien tillämpadesfokusgrupp (förstudie) och enkät.Resultat och slutsats: Genom studien var det möjligt att fastslå att Aakers (1997) ursprungligamodell brand personality, inte var funktionell i den kontext som studienämnar.

EU:s tjänstedirektiv - ursprungsprincipen eller destinationsprincipen?

The Vaxholm conflict was initiated when the Swedish Trade Union for Construction Workers shut down a construction site in order to prevent a Latvian construction company to build a school after the two parties had failed to agree upon a collective agreement in compliance with Swedish regulations. An emotional public debate followed that resulted in a discussion of the proposal for the Services Directive of the EU, based upon the country-of-origin principle. In this thesis we will analyze whether the country-of-origin principle or the country-of-destination principle is best suited to capture the gains-of-trade that the common market hoards and improve welfare within the EU. We conclude that the country-of-origin principle is the more apt of the two, though it leads to some short-run costs such as structural unemployment. But these will be more than outweighed by the gains in aggregate welfare for the EU in the long run..

Co-­?branding i modevärlden -­? En studie i hur co-­?branding påverkar ett modeföretags brand equity

Syfte - Studien syftar till att undersöka hur ett modeföretags icke-finansiella(konsumentbaserade) brand equity påverkas av co-branding. Studien undersöker hur ettsamarbete mellan två modeföretag, så kallat intrabranschsamarbete, påverkar huvudvarumärketsicke-finansiella brand equity.Metod - Studien utgår från Aakers modell för att mäta brand equity. Metoden för studien harvarit att använda fokusgrupper för att undersöka konsumentattityder till co-branding. I studienanvändes ett verklighetsbaserat modesamarbete som diskussionsunderlag för fokusgrupperna,där ett fallföretag och dess samarbete med en annan modeaktör valdes ut. Totalt 12 styckenstudenter från Textilhögskolan i Borås deltog i studien, fördelat över två fokusgrupper.Fynd - Studien visar att ett modevarumärkes brand equity kan stärkas och påverkas positivt medhjälp av co-branding.Begränsningar - Uppsatsen är begränsad till ett samarbete genomfört av två textilföretag vilketgör resultaten främst applicerbara på samarbeten inom modebranschen.

Den demokratiska lyxen

Abstract: The fashion industry is perhaps the most unpredictable one where change occurs very rapidly. In order to be attractive and interesting in this competitive industry, a brand must constantly be up to date and differentiated from other brands to attract the consumers. This has given rise to an increasing growth of brands that cooperate for marketing reasons and more specifically, clothing retailers that perform designer collaborations with exclusive designers to create limited collections.Studies describing the effects of those collaborations on the retailers brands are rare and especially from a consumer perspective. Since H&M has been a pioneer in designer collaborations and has done it more times and for more years than any other retailer we have conducted our study on their case. Our intention was to investigate how the designer collaborations have affected the brand equity and image of H&M, if the collaborations have increased the willingness to pay for H&M's other ranges and if they have affected H&M's ability to extend its brand to higher price segments, through an experimental study.

Märkta medarbetare - En studie om internt varumärke

Through this study we want to enlighten how different companies work with their internal branding and how well they succeed in this process. We also want to examine if there are any differences in this work depending on the companies market position. Following question is used to investigate this process;- In what way and how well are companies working, depending on market position to implement and maintain their work with the internal brand?For the study a theoretical model was created based on our existing theory. The model contains three main variables; create, communicate and uphold; i.e.

Vikten av att skapa ett starkt varumärke

First time labelling occurred was when animal owners marked their cattle in order to distinguish the differences. The need for labelling was added when the trade had expanded during Roman times in order for the customers to know who manufactured their craft. Trademarks are characterized as a way to distinguish one's own product or service from someone else. The marketing purpose is to create an identity. The brand has an important role as an effective competitive tool for businesses.A brand can have many different functions, which will simplify a customer's decision making process in selecting a service or product.

Den attraktiva arbetsgivaren: En kvantitativ studie om beståndsdelarna av och förklaringsfaktorerna till ett attraktivt arbetsgivarvarumärke -

Talented and committed employees are important resources for a company?s competitiveness. With the escalating competition for competent employees, a strong employer brand has come to play an increasingly important role as a means of attracting employees with a desirable profile. In this study, brand theory is applied to the results of a quantitative study of students? evaluation of an attractive employer, in order to identify the factors which explain why certain employers are perceived as more attractive than others.

Digitala kläder? : En studie om traditionella klädföretags it-strategier 

This paper focuses on traditional clothing enterprise IT strategies. The purpose was to investigate the correlation between traditional clothing companies IT strategies and their brand. In a market where the competition is high it has become more important that the company targets a customer segment. To reach their targeted customers the company builds their brand with different corporate strategies. This segmentation is necessary because of the high exposure to competition, and a well-established brand could be a prerequisite for profitability.  In today?s market, IT has a major impact on the clothing business.

Märken i morgonljuset En kvantitativ studie av varumärkesexponeringen i Tv4:s Nyhetsmorgon

AbstractAuthors: Agnes Källén & Amanda RedinTitle:Level: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of Pages: 39With this study we aimed to answer the following questions: has the amount of brand exposure on the Tv4 show ?Nyhetsmorgon? increased between the years 2008 and 2013? And if so, how can the increase be explained by well-recognized research in the field?The media industry is changing toward an increasingly commercial content. In television, this change is mainly caused by the growth in shows watched on the web and through time shift, which is the act of watching something on a digital video recorder, or DVR. This gives the viewer the possibility to fast forward through the commercial breaks, and therefore forces the networks as well as the advertizer to find new ways to reach consumers. Hence the plausible growth in product placement and brand exposure.

Modeller för studier av ursprungsmärkt el

The EU has decided that it should be possible for consumers to get information about the origin of the electricity they buy. Therefore, there is a need to examine different systems for electricity disclosure. In this thesis two ways of disclosure have been studied:? Certificate system. A certificate system involves two parallel markets, one for trading electrical energy and one for trading certificates of origin.? Separated Markets.

?Varumärkesstyrkas modererande effekt på negativ publicitet?:

Publicity is argued to have relatively great impact on attitudes and behaviours of consumer. Especially great is the influence of negative information. At the same time it is likely for brands to be subject to negative publicity. Since companies are investing gigantic sums into buidling strong and positive associations around their brands it is of great economic interest to have a better understanding how negative publicity influence brand equity and what factors might moderate this effect. This thesis focuses on brand strength as a moderating factor of negative publicity.

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