

168 Uppsatser om Brain tumor - Sida 7 av 12

Afasi-vänlig information : inför funktionell undersökning av språk med magnetresonanstomografi (fMRI)

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI, can be used for analyzing brain activity in subjects performing language tasks. The purpose of this study was to develop aphasia-friendly information adjusted to aphasic subjects participating in fMRI studies. The objectives were to investigate if adjusted information was important for the ability to perform language tasks and if the information could be used for different types of aphasia.Sixteen aphasic subjects participated in the study, six of these underwent fMRI. The participants varied in grade and type of aphasia. They had Swedish as their native language and were aged between 26 and 89, mean 57.

Barn vill "hjärna" lära! En studie om inlärningsstilar.

Under de senare åren har det gjorts stora framsteg inom neurologin vad gäller koppling hjärna ? inlärning. Tidigare ansågs intelligens vara något bestämt och oföränderligt, men nu hävdar neurologerna att människan själv sätter gränsen för sin intelligens. Alla människor har förmågan att förbättra och utveckla sin intelligens. För att lyckas med detta bör främst två väsentliga faktorer beaktas i skolan: dels att alla är unika och har olika sätt att inhämta information, dels att det är avgörande om människan befinner sig i en stimulerande miljö eller inte.

Rytmterapi som behandlingsmetod vid stroke: en pilotstudie

Stroke is caused by a bleeding or infarct in the brain and is one of the most common diseases in Sweden today. The purpose of the study was to evaluate if Ronnie Gardiner?s Rhythm Therapy (RGR-therapy) has any effect, regarding motor control and the subjective experienced health related quality of life, on people who have been affected by stroke. The examination group consisted of eight people. The intervention consisted of RGR-therapy once a week during a period of nine weeks.

Upplevelser av att vara vårdande närstående till en person med Alzheimers sjukdom : en studie av självbiografier 

Background:Alzheimer´s disease is a so-called degenerative dementia in which brain cells gradually degenerate and die. The disease causes memory disorders and the trait of character disappears. Alzheimer´s disease also affects the related parties that may take a great responsibility. Related caregivers are entitled to support from healthcare. Aim:The aim of the study was to describe the experiences of being related when caring for a person suffering from Alzheimer´s disease.

The screening for novel proteasome inhibitors as a treatment of cancer using IncuCyte FLR and fluorometric microculture cytotoxicity assay.

The problem of finding targeted medicine is a central problem in chemotherapy. From this point of view the ubiquitin-proteasome system is a highly promising object in the pharmaceutical approach. Proteasome plays a critical role in cellular protein degradation, cell cycle and apoptosis regulation.Proteasome inhibitors are substances blocking the actions of proteasome. Cancer cells are more sensitive to inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome system than normal cells. Therefore proteasome inhibitors have the potential to be successfully used in the cancer treatment.The study aimed to test various substances to identify possible proteasome inhibitors with the IncuCyteTM FLR image system and fluorometric microculture cytotoxicity assay.

Strålbehandling på hund och katt :

Jönköping Small Animal Hospital is today the only clinic in Sweden to offer radiation therapy as a treatment of tumours. The body contains of billions of cells that all have to obey the regulations that are established. If a cell is exposed to a harmful substance, for example a chemical, it can be transformed into a tumourcell. Normally the body has a good defence but the tumourcell can survive and start to divide unrestrained. A tumour is starting to develop.

Hjärnans utveckling : Inlärning - Inlärningsstilar

Detta examensarbete handlar om hjärnans utveckling, inlärningen och våra inre inlärningsstilar. Det tar också upp kort om hur man kan utnyttja inlärningsstilar i skolan. Syftet har varit att ta reda på hur vi utvecklas och hur de utvecklingsstrukturer ser ut som vi föds med och utvecklar efterhand. De frågeställningar jag haft under skrivandets gång har varit: Vilka är "de sju olika intelligenserna"? Hur utvecklas hjärnan? Var och när börjar vi lära, och vad är det som ligger till grund för vår inlärning? Hur kan man bearbeta olika inlärningsstilar i skolans högre stadier? Den metod jag använt är en litteraturstudie med litteratur som behandlar inlärningen, hjärnans utveckling, hur vi tänker och lär mm.

Behandlingseffekt av rituximab jämfört med infliximab vid reumatoid artrit

The aim of this study was to compare the effect between the drugs rituximab and infliximab in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is an autoimmune disease that affects the peripheral joints and is associated with exacerbations. Various immune reactions in the body cause inflammation of the joints which further results in cartilage and bone damage. The diagnosis is made by the classification system "The 2010 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) / European league against rheumatism (EULAR) classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis", which is an update of the older system called "The 1987 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for RA". Approximately 0.5-1% of the population is developing the disease, but it varies slightly between different parts of the world.

Kan ett tillskott av tryptofan ha en inverkan på  sjukdomstillstånd som depression och/eller smärta?

5-hydroxytryptamin (5-HT) is biochemically derived from Tryptophan. Kynurenic acid and quinolinic acid are also known metabolites of tryptophan. 5-HT is considered to play a role in depression and today selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are used for treatment of depression. 5-HT may also play a role in pain perception. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a supplement of tryptophan may affect conditions such as depression and/or pain.

100 tigrar i djungeln : En studie om Posttraumatisk stressyndrom hos barn

Abstract This essay will present actual research around the concept of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder, how it can reveal itself in school children and how it can influence young people?s learning ability and capacity to retain knowledge.The purpose is, above all, to clearly diagnose PTSD so that children with this complex of problems can receive good possibilities in learning and understanding.The question at hand is responded to by interviewees with an expertise on the subject and one ?story?, collectively with literary studies.The results illustrate that there can be neurological and biological, as well as social explanations for PTSD but it is seldom a permanent diagnosis. It is though something to take very seriously. PTSD can lead to severe psychobiological consequences, mostly by causing damage in one particular part of the brain, known as hippocampus. The hippocampus is essential in terms of memory and concentration.

Evaluation of two fixation methods after mandibulotomy for oropharyngeal tumor removal - A retrospective study

Bakgrund. Vid tumörresektion i de orofaryngeala vävnaderna, utförs mandibulotomi för att skapa åtkomst och möjliggöra kirurgiskt avlägsnande. Allvarliga komplikationer har rapporterats i litteraturen och bidragande orsaker är den kirurgiska tekniken, strålningsterapin samt en inskränkt näringstillförsel till mandibelkroppen. Syfte. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om bevarande av periost vid utförande av mandibulotomi, leder till färre patienter med komplikationer relaterade till mandibulotomin.. Metod. Patienter som genomgick mandibulotomi mellan 2003-2012 vid Skånes Universitetssjukhus granskades retrospektivt.

Vägval: kortast, snabbasteller hälsosammast : En försöksmodell i GIS för ruttoptimering och beräknad inhalation av luftföroreningar för cykelrutter

Cycling is one of the most sustainable transport modes available and it is widely promoted inmany urban areas. The health benefits from cycling has shown to be substantial, includingdecreased risks of diseases related to overweight and enhancing brain capacity. However, inurban areas cyclists can temporaly be exposed to high levels of air pollution, resulting inhealth risks as opposed to health benefits.The objective of this thesis is to develop a rasterbased test model in GIS that estimates theinhaled dose of air pollution for cyclists based on relative particle concentration in differenttransportation micro-environments. The method used is a least-cost path approach,calculating three different routes; shortest, fastest and least dose for four different trips withinSödermalm, Stockholm.The results show that the inhaled particle dose can be greatly reduced, 39% - 58% for three ofthe routes, by choosing the least dose route. One of the most interesting findings is thesubstantial increase of dose when high levels of particles are combined with uphill cycling.The conclusion for the thesis is that a raster-GIS model can be very useful for estimating doseof different air pollution particles and chemicals along cycling routes.

The Chronicles of Shaveman : Serietidningsfilm

Det här projektet beskriver en kortfilm som är uppbyggd som en serietidning. Genom arbetets gång har vi inspirerats av en hel del filmer och serietidningar. Alla i gruppen har agerat i filmen samt varit röstskådespelare. Största delen av filmen är inspelad i greenscreen. Effekter och redigering har sedan skett i Adobe After Effects (videoredigeringsprogram), där även bakgrunder har lagts till.

Eutanasi : en skonsam död

This work is about euthanasia and how to use it on horses, dogs and cats. A description for each animal is done, about when it is time, why, which methods can be used and who is allowed to use them, how and where it shall be done. The methods we have concentrated on are: - Chemical destruction and the most common drugs for euthanatize horses, dogs and cats. - Physical disruption of the brain activity by a captive bolt, only for horses. The captive bolt only makes the horse unconscious and must always be followed by cutting off the vena jugularis. Then the horse dies because of loss of blood. No matter which method used for euthanizing, the animal must be declared to be dead by the operator before other measures. The testing criteria for death: muscle relaxation and cyanosis, cessation of reflex activity and pupillary dilatation, cessation of respiratory activity and cessation of all cardiac activity.

The Chronicles of Shaveman - Serietidningsfilm

Det här projektet beskriver en kortfilm som är uppbyggd som en serietidning. Genom arbetets gång har vi inspirerats av en hel del filmer och serietidningar. Alla i gruppen har agerat i filmen samt varit röstskådespelare. Största delen av filmen är inspelad i greenscreen. Effekter och redigering har sedan skett i Adobe After Effects (videoredigeringsprogram), där även bakgrunder har lagts till.

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