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Genusforskares informationssökningssituation

This Masters thesis concerns difficulties experienced by Gender Studies researchers in an information seeking context. The aim is to identify, and study the cause of, these potential difficulties by asking the following questions: How do researchers in Gender Studies seek information? What difficulties may arise when information seeking is carried out in Gender Studies? What may be the cause of these difficulties? What does Gender Studies consist of? In order to find feasible answers to these questions, particular attention is paid to the context in which the researchers exist and work. The database KVINNSAM serves as an example of how libraries have tried to overcome barriers in information seeking in Gender Studies. The method used is a qualitative one based on interviews and literature studies.

Den Moderna Webben: Kan HTML5 konkurrera med traditionell programvara?

Vi ser en förändring i hur vi använder applikationer. Från att tidigare varit associerat till en dator och begränsat till ett par operativsystem finns de numera överallt. Fler plattformar innebär att man måste utveckla en applikation till var och en av dessa. Detta gör att utvecklingstiden och kostnaderna ökar och efterfrågan av crossplattformlösningar i form av webbapplikationer har därför ökat. Vi tittar närmare på hur det går att använda sig av HTML5, och övriga tekniker som en modern webbläsare har integrerat stöd för, för att utveckla webbaserade applikationer. Vi tar reda på om det finns några hinder eller begränsningar i detta och om det finns några fördelar i att använda webben som plattform. Resultatet indikerar att med de nya tekniker som är på ingång kan man utveckla webbbaserade applikationer med prestanda motsvarande Java eller C#.

Bibliotekarieutbildningen vid BHS 1977 t.o.m 1999 En diskursteoretisk studie

The aim of this master thesis is to investigate changes within four discourses identified in the curriculum material of the Swedish library education in Borås Bibliotekarielinjen dating from 1977 and 1985 and its successor Library and Information Science Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap dating from 1995, 1999. My method used is a text analytic method primarily derived from the discourse theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, yet with addition of tools from the critical discourse analysis of Fairclough. By identifying three floating signifiers within the material, i.e information, library, and librarian, and thereafter identifying their fixation, a pattern of resemblance and diversity in the fixating signs appeared between different courses of the curriculum dating from 1999. Hence I could establish an order of discourse consisting of four library discourses, a knowledge organisation discourse, a user discourse, a society discourse and a management discourse. Using this discursive order as a pattern, I could trace these four discourses back in time within the material dating from 1995, 1985 and 1977.

Förlorad i övergången från aritmetik till algebra : Hur gymnasieelever översätter aritmetik till algebra

The aim of this thesis is to look for signs of students? understanding of algebra by studying how they make the transition from arithmetic to algebra. Students in an Upper Secondary class on the Natural Science program and Science and Technology program were given a questionnaire with a number of algebraic problems of different levels of difficulty. Especially important for the study was that students leave comments and explanations of how they solved the problems. According to earlier research, transitions are the most critical steps in problem solving.

Barnarbete och dess arbetsrättsliga regleringar i Pakistan

Financial exploitation of children worldwide is a global problem, causing consequences for both the national economy and labor market, as well as the working child who is deprived of its rights of education and normal development. Pakistan has several national laws in order to work against and to regulate the existence of child labour. Another important mechanism to fight the financial exploitation of the children is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This Convention was ratified by Pakistan in 1990. As a result, new national laws have been admitted, already existing laws have been amended, educational projects have been established and the common knowledge on the problems regarding the subject have attracted a lot of attention.

Kungliga bibliotekets klassifikationssystem över den svenska samlingen år 1887

We have carried out a study of a classification system for the Swedish collection at The Royal Library in Stockholm from 1887. It was printed in 50 copies. The constructor, Bernhard Lundstedt, and his colleagues used it as guidance in lack of a catalogue. We regard it a local classification system. Little research has been done on old classification systems, but Francis Miksa points out the importance of examining them.

Syringomyeli hos hund

The canine population has during it?s time with humans gone through at least 2 major genetic bottlenecks, the first when it was separated from the wolf, and the second when it was divided into different breeds. Among other things, this has lead to the accumulation of unwanted genes, such as genes causing disease in dogs. One such inherited disease is syringomyelia, which has proven to be more common than expected, especially in certain smaller breeds such as the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Syringomyelia in dogs is often a secondary condition caused by the malformation called occipital hypoplasia.

Citeringsanalys och citeringsteorier: En kritisk granskning

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to make an outline of different methods and theories within the field of bibliometrics and critically review their strengths and weaknesses. The author studied literature that discussed bibliometric methods and theories. The number of empirical studies that are based on bibliometric methods and theories are numerous and where principally excluded, but some empirical studies were included as part of the argumentation for and against different methods and theories. The author first gives an outline of which methods and theories there are and describes their different strengths and weaknesses. Citation analysis has many different fields of application such as information retrieval, mapping science, evaluative studies and monitoring literature.

En rasistisk integrationspolitik? En studie av utredningen om strukturell diskriminering och den mediala debatten kring denna

In august 2006 the Swedish government official report (SOU) about the structural discrimination was published and caused a lot of debate in the media. This paper is about the report as such, as much as the academic quarrel it caused in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter. My aim is to explore why the report is so provocative and what the debate actually is about. I use discourse analysis both as a method and theoretical framework, inspired by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. Using this methodology I explore which discourses that are articulated.

Hur behandlas ungdomsbrottslingen i rättssalen?

När en ungdom misstänks för att ha begått ett brott kommer han eller hon i kontakt med rättssystemet på olika vis. Rättsystemets uppgift i detta sammanhang är givetvis att skipa rätt. Vidare är dess uppgift även att hjälpa den unge tillrätta i samhället igen.Min avsikt med arbetet är därför att ge en bild av hur ungdomsbrottslingar behandlas i rättssalen av de olika aktörerna för att se huruvida behandlingen kan sägas överensstämma med den allmänna, common sense, uppfattningen om hur ungdomsbrottslingar ska behandlas och om denna behandling överensstämmer med lagstiftarens intentioner. Jag ämnar också beröra hur aktörerna kan sägas känneteckna och klassificera ungdomsbrottslingen och lägga upp sitt arbete i behandlingen. I detta sammanhang blir det speciellt intressant att se om de följer några givna mönster inom rättsväsendet som kan ses som meningsfulla för samtliga aktörer.

Att sälja fluorescerande dextraner - var, hur och varför?

Syftet med detta projekt var att ge företaget TdB Consultancy AB en djupare förståelse för hur och inom vilka forskningsområden fluorescerande dextraner används och även ge dem information som hjälper dem marknadsföra sig och sina produkter.För detta gjordes en litteraturundersökning där 87 artiklar lästes om fluorescerande dextraner och deras biotekniska applikationer. Fortsättningsvis gjordes en marknadsföringsstudie och en enkätstudie. Enkäter skickades ut till 160 av TdB Consultancy AB?s kunder och 17 av deras konkurrenter. De personer som svarade på enkäterna var spridda över hela världen och arbetade inom olika områden.

"ESS avgörs i Bryssel": Nätverk söker förankring i institutionell beslutsstruktur

This paper aims at describing and explaining the bi-and multilateral negotiations that are, and have been, taking place between Sweden's chief negotiator Allan Larsson and European countries, and within the EU institutions in Brussels, in order to seek support for the Swedish offer to host the European Spallation Source, ESS. It applies a case study method using political science theories ? governance and government ? and to a large extent information from the involved actors in the policy process. The paper also presents a constructive position, in showing how the negotiations on ESS can turn into a process leading to a decision on the construction of this research facility. ESS is negotiated in networks on bi- and multilateral levels consisting of European research representatives and financiers.

Hur förankras en policy? : En studie av Stockholms stads informationssäkerhet

Culture Management Cultural management administration producent KKE management.


Changes in the climate and the environment are largely consequences of human influences. Resources are given to teach adults about the environment. However, there are problems in focusing on adults because it is difficult to influence people when they already have created a lifestyle. We have instead chosen to focus on teaching children about changes in the climate and the consequences of this.Many of the toys available on the market today encourage children to consume. Luxury cars and dolls with hundreds of accessories are often made of materials that has have a negative effect on the environment.Another problem we often encountered during the year is the declining interest in technology and science.

Genus på lärarutbildningen : En komparativ analys mellan åren 2010-2013

It could be argued that theories about gender are something that should be a part of every upper secondary school teachers agenda (knowledge base), because the Swedish curriculum specifically says that schools must encourage and work for equal rights between men and women.The students are supposed tobe encouraged to develop their interest, without judgment, about what femininity and masculinity is.This essay is aiming to find out how gender is used in the teacher program at Södertörns Högskola. The main focus of the essay is to see the possible differences between the curriculum of 2010 and 2013. Using quantitative and qualitative content analysis this essay is aiming to examine how gender words are used in the syllabus, study manuals and literature lists for Educational science A (2010) and Educational science I (2013). In what way are gendered terms, like boy, girl heterosexuality and man, part of the text material? Who is represented in the material? And are there any differences between 2010 and 2013?The results show that there is a difference.

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