

4600 Uppsatser om Brain science - Sida 20 av 307

Kontrollerad vokabulär eller naturligt språk? En empirisk studie.

The question whether controlled vocabulary or natural language free-text terms is the most effective search strategy has occupied researchers in LIS for many decades. This Masters thesis is an empirical study which aims to compare these two search strategies in LISA Library and Information Science Abstracts, an online bibliographic database. 22 topics from the discipline of Library and Information Science were constructed and out of each topic one query for each search strategy was formed. Queries in natural language were formed with terms from different sources, for example dictionaries, while queries in controlled vocabulary were built with terms from LISAs electronic thesaurus. The measures used in this study were precision, relative recall pooling method and overlap.

Indexering av skönlitteratur: Bella och AIS

könlitteratur: Bella och AIS.

Klickers ur ett studentperspektiv : Studenters uppfattning av klickers vid Uppsala universitet

Audience responese technology (ART) often called clickers are becoming more common, not only internationally but also at Swedish universities. No direct Swedish research has been identified, this is however a major area of research internationally. There is both research on clickers positive effect on study results and how students feel about using clickers. This study has taken a Swedish translated version of Cheesman, Winograd, and Wehrman?s (2010) survey to investigate how perception of clickers differ between students in Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy and Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology.

Processoperatörens mobilitet -teknikstöd för mobil larmhantering

Processindustrin har möjligheten att ta steget in i en ny utvecklingsfas där teknik kommer att spela stor roll. I och med att teknik allt mer stödjer mobilitet öppnas möjligheten för processoperatörer att på valfri plats kunna övervaka och styra tillverkningsprocessen. Med denna rapport presenterar författaren sin empiriska studie på en högteknologisk fabrik. Studiens fokus ligger i betydelsen av processoperatörernas mobilitet och hur den framträder i deras arbete. Studien visar att mobilitet för operatörerna på fabriken är en del av deras yrkesutövande och väsentlig för att kunna styra tillverkningsprocessen.

Google Kalender ur ett hjälpmedelsperspektiv

Studien undersökte om, och hur, Google Kalender kan användas som hjälpmedel för vuxna individer med ADHD. Syftet var att öppna upp för en diskussion om medieteknik som hjälpmedel vid neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder. En sammanfattning av tillgänglig litteratur och forskning presenterade bakgrundsfakta kring ADHD, operativsystemet Android och Google Kalender. Via programvarutestning, i form av fri testning, testades och analyserades tjänsten Google Kalender utifrån de svårigheter individer med ADHD upplever. Resultaten visar att Google Kalender kan underlätta planering, tidsuppfattning, ihågkommande och framförhållning.

Väljaren i centrum? En jämförande studie om valkretsrepresentation

In this essay I discuss and analyse if we can witness any signs on regional dimension due to regional representation from our elected representatives in the five constituencies Malmö, Blekinge, Norrbotten, Uppsala and Stockholm. Two seperate terms of office between 1991-94 and 1998-2002 has been compared. In political science there has been much debate about the relationship between voters and their elected. By measuring each and everyone elected representatives in the work of produce introduced bills towards their own constitiency during both terms I have tried to see if there is an occurence of a regional dimension.The theory that´s been applied is based on geographical representation where one might aspect that central metropolitan areas and peripheral regions is somewhat over-represented in legislatures. By using a method of comparison between the five chosen constituencies and theirs elected representatives I have come the the conclusion that there is a weak tendency that this might be the case seen to a regional dimension perspective..

Möjligheter och begränsningar i molnet

Idag väljer många företag och kommuner att placera data i molnet istället för på en lokal server, detta medför nya problem som tidigare inte varit aktuella. Datainspektionen har påpekat brister i hur två kommuner använder molntjänster för att lagra personlig data då de ställer sig tveksamma till molnleverantörernas hantering av data samt insynen till molnleverantörerena. I detta arbete kommer det undersökas hur den svenska personuppgiftslagen fungerar när data läggs ut i en molntjänst. Resultatet av uppsatsen kommer även visa på de olika säkerhetshoten som finns i molnet och se vad säkerhetsexperter säger för att ta reda på om kommuner och företag är medvetna om och uppmärksammar samma hot. För att ta reda på detta har intervjuer genomförts med en svensk molnleverantör, företag som utvecklar tjänster mot molnet, privatpersoner som nyttjar molnet och experter inom säkerhet från Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, BTH. Resultatet av studien visar att det är svårt att se om en amerikansk leverantör uppfyller de svenska lagarna för personuppgifter, det visar också att det är teoretiskt möjligt att anlita en svensk leverantör och uppfylla lagen. Det har även visat sig att den största oron gällande molnet är bristen på kontroll av data..

24-timmarsmyndighetens användbarhet

The communication with government and municipality through Internet has in-creased during the last couple of years. Therefore we have chosen to focus our bachelor thesis in this particularly area and the needs for usable web services for the citizens. In this bachelor thesis we are studying a increasing group users, namely elderly citizens. During the study we have analysed E-governments ser-vices usability through usability tests. The combination of conversations and meetings with individuals, observations of interactions and literature studies give us the opportunity to explore the users needs.

Omvårdnadsåtgärder för patienter med malign hjärntumör : Ett kunskapsunderlag

Malign hjärntumör är en vanlig sjukdom som ger olika former av symtom beroende på var tumören är lokaliserad och behandlingsformerna kan ge olika komplikationer. Det finns inga tydliga riktlinjer för hur omvårdnaden kring patienten med malign hjärntumör ska bedrivas. Syftet med denna studie var därför att sammanställa ett kunskapsunderlag angående omvårdnadsåtgärder för patienter med malign hjärntumör. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie i form av en granskning av vetenskapliga artiklar, vårdprogram, kandidat- och magisteruppsatser och böcker. Resultatet visade vem, hur, var, vad och när information ska ges till patienten.

Aktiebolag utan revisor : ett bolag utan extern finansiering?

This work is a study of subject teachers in social studies and science understand the concept of sustainable development. The work uses a qualitative and a quantitative approach. Teachers in various schools and stages have been answering questions about how they perceive sustainability, how they implement it in teaching and if they feel that school is important for the future of sustainable development at large.The theoretical background is based on environmental ethics as well as the different meanings and definitions of the concept of sustainable development. These theories and definitions are coupled with the empirical results.The study concludes that all teachers throughout the study perceive the concept of sustainable development as something ecological, something that has to do with nature. A few teachers also state economic and social dimensions.Questions about how the teachers in the study implement the concept in their teaching can be seen as three different approaches.

Fett osynlig? : En undersökning om representation av överviktiga och feta kroppar i två läromedel för gymnasieskolan

This exam paper has examined visual portrayals of overweight and fatness in two swedish upper secondary school textbooks, one in physical education and one in social science. The textbooks were analyzed in regard to numeral representation, interacting social categories such as gender and age, depiction in forms of activities and stereotypes and relation to context close to or far away from a swedish context. The analysis showed an underrepresentation of overweight and fat bodies in both textbooks, but the represention of overweight bodies in the textbook on physical education were nearly nil whereas in the textbook on social science there where representations of both overweight and fat bodies. Combined the both textbooks gave a representation of health and youth as not represented by overweight or fat bodies..

100 tigrar i djungeln : En studie om Posttraumatisk stressyndrom hos barn

Abstract This essay will present actual research around the concept of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder, how it can reveal itself in school children and how it can influence young people?s learning ability and capacity to retain knowledge.The purpose is, above all, to clearly diagnose PTSD so that children with this complex of problems can receive good possibilities in learning and understanding.The question at hand is responded to by interviewees with an expertise on the subject and one ?story?, collectively with literary studies.The results illustrate that there can be neurological and biological, as well as social explanations for PTSD but it is seldom a permanent diagnosis. It is though something to take very seriously. PTSD can lead to severe psychobiological consequences, mostly by causing damage in one particular part of the brain, known as hippocampus. The hippocampus is essential in terms of memory and concentration.

Systemutveckling i praktiken - konsten att tillmötesgå den okända användarens krav

ABSTRACT System development has become more and more concentrated on development for the Web and this has resulted in larger target groups. It will most surely continue to be so considering that the Web will be the infrastructure of business and services in the future. A big target group involves that the owner of a system can earn a lot of money from the paying users, but that assumes that the system can meet user needs. If a system on the Web does not satisfy the user?s demands then they will use the competitor?s system instead because it is only a mouse-click away.

Vägval: kortast, snabbasteller hälsosammast : En försöksmodell i GIS för ruttoptimering och beräknad inhalation av luftföroreningar för cykelrutter

Cycling is one of the most sustainable transport modes available and it is widely promoted inmany urban areas. The health benefits from cycling has shown to be substantial, includingdecreased risks of diseases related to overweight and enhancing brain capacity. However, inurban areas cyclists can temporaly be exposed to high levels of air pollution, resulting inhealth risks as opposed to health benefits.The objective of this thesis is to develop a rasterbased test model in GIS that estimates theinhaled dose of air pollution for cyclists based on relative particle concentration in differenttransportation micro-environments. The method used is a least-cost path approach,calculating three different routes; shortest, fastest and least dose for four different trips withinSödermalm, Stockholm.The results show that the inhaled particle dose can be greatly reduced, 39% - 58% for three ofthe routes, by choosing the least dose route. One of the most interesting findings is thesubstantial increase of dose when high levels of particles are combined with uphill cycling.The conclusion for the thesis is that a raster-GIS model can be very useful for estimating doseof different air pollution particles and chemicals along cycling routes.

Medskyldig till folkmord? En studie om internationella samfundets inblandning i folkmordet i Rwanda 1994.

The Rwandan genocide 1994 was a well-planned and ethnic based act that killedapproximately 900 000 people. The UN and the colonial powers are getting much attentionand are worldly discussed about the failure of interference before and during the genocide. Inthis study the history of colonial Rwanda will be analyzed and the UN relation will bediscussed. This will be done by examining how the colonial powers have affected Rwandathrough history and how the UN have responded upon the challenges towards Human Rights.Questions about accountability and failure will also be discussed and analyzed. This has beendone by analyzing highly reliable documents and books by NGOs and scholars.

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